Stanley Monteith

Moderator: Le Tocard

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Post by LouSomPau »

[center][large]Stanley Monteith[/large]

Bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News. Hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and illusion is usually king, but in the battle for the survival of Western civilization it will be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring.
Radio Liberty is hosted by Dr. Stanley Monteith.


[justify]For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association. For 10 years he led the battle within organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic as a medical issue rather than a civil rights issue. As a result of his experiences trying to implement an effective medical approach to the HIV epidemic, he wrote the book, "AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic", the widely circulated pamphlet, "To Deceive a Nation", and more recently, "A Nation Deceived and Betrayed." Supported by physicians across our nation, his public health approach to the HIV epidemic was eventually accepted by the California Medical Association. Unfortunately, powerful forces continue to oppose the dictates of doctors. Dr Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio in California. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He has spent 30 years researching the causes for America's spiritual and moral decline.[/justify]


Post by LouSomPau »


The Fluoride Deception - The Hidden Agenda
Stanley Monteith


Post by LouSomPau »

[center]The Prophecy Club - Stanley Monteith - Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed


Post by LouSomPau »


Brotherhood of Darkness - Stanley Monteith 1997

Post by DiMarcello »

Brotherhood of Darkness (Dr. Stanley Monteith).wmv (73.12 MB)

Finance.and.Monetary.History.(Stanley.Monteith).(2002).wmv (37.7 MB)

Rape of the Soul - Subliminal sexual, occult symbols within Catholicism, Catholic church - Michael Calace Stanley Monteith.avi (412.88 MB)

Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed - Stanley Monteith.avi (709.31 MB)

Stanley Monteith - Agenda 21 (Jean.Soderman).wmv (39.72 MB)

Stanley Monteith - None.Dare.Call.It.Genocide.-.Population.Control.Methods.wmv (79.38 MB)

Stanley Monteith - Planned Population Reduction.avi (1.5 GB)

Stanley Monteith - The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (1980 Antony Sutton Interview).avi (281.43 MB)

The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - Antony Sutton interview by Stanley Monteith.wmv (51.76 MB)

Stanley Monteith interviews US General Walt about US sabotage of own troops and Capitalist's Communism Conspiracy 1980.wmv (38.71 MB)

The Forth Floor - Stanley Monteith interviews US Ambassador Earl Smith 1980.wmv (58.31 MB)
Last edited by DiMarcello on Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Volksfuhrer »

[center]Iraq - The UNtold Story (Stanley Monteith).wmv

The Prophecy Club - 911 Contrived - (Dr. Stanley Monteith) (2005-06-07).mp3

The Brotherhood of Darkness (Stanley Monteith, 1997).mp4

Coast to Coast AM - 2004-05-17 - Dr Stanley Monteith & Steven B Krivit.mp3

IRAQ - Road to World Government - By Stanley Monteith.flv (135.13 MB)



[center]Forbidden Secret - Origins of secret societies - Stanley Monteith 2007

NWO - Stanley Monteith - Brotherhood of Darkness 2.mpg (481.22 MB)
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