Alfred Paul Schultz - Race or mongrel


Alfred Paul Schultz - Race or mongrel

A brief history of the rise and fall of the ancient races of earth : a theory that the fall of nations is due to intermarriage with alien stocks : a demonstration that a nation's strength is due to racial purity : a prophecy that America will sink to early decay unless immigration is rigorously restricted.

The statement has been made that a nation that has no immigration will soon deteriorate through inbreeding. This danger does not exist for any race consisting of more than ten million individuals. It is probably a very remote danger for races having less than ten million members. Promiscuous crossing destroyed many of the noblest races. The better the race, the greater the danger of degeneration through crossing. Promiscuous crossing destroyed the Hamitic and most of the Semitic races. Promiscuous crossing destroyed the Hindoos, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Lombards.
No historic race was ever destroyed by inbreeding. More than that, no historic race that practised inbreeding was ever destroyed by any cause. The Jews suffered persecution, torture, martyrdom, and persisted. The Gipsies, a race that has nothing in its favour, were saved by inbreeding alone. The English are to-day the strongest of European races. They crossed with Danes, Scandinavians, and Normans; but the immigration of these people never amounted to an inundation; and, moreover, these immigrants were of pure race and closely related to the English race. The absorption of Celts was slow. Since the Norman invasion, Germans from Germany, Holland, and Flanders, and Huguenots came to England. The number of these immigrants was never large. They were absorbed, not mongrelized. The centuries of inbreeding following the crossing made the English the strongest of the European races.
In Germany the gospel of race purity is preached and taught, and the Germans act according to its sacred laws. There are more than eighty million Germans in the German lands of Europe, — eighty million Germans, not eighty million inhabitants. This is probably the most powerful single community in existence. If they continue to remain sane, if they do not allow themselves to commence suffering from paranoia, if they do not commence emulating the nation that is anxious to assimilate Porto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, and others, to control two continents, the moon, and several of the fixed stars, they will soon be the greatest of races. There is no reason why a race that remains true to itself should not exist to the end of time.
Let us create a race in America that is not very much inferior to these two races. It can still be done, but not without the employment of rigorous means. Immigration must cease, for we cannot stand another drop of melanoid blood. There must be no further expansion; the blood injected by West Indian, Mexican, and South American mongrels is more vitiated and vicious than that of the Southern Europeans. The corollary follows that the Monroe Doctrine must be discarded. A race inhabiting a small territory is incomparably more worthy than a vast mongrel herd infesting several continents. " For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul ? "
That environment is of little importance to the development of a race is clearly demonstrated by the fact that when Hellenes lived in Greece, Greece was great. Since their mongrelization, Greece has produced nothing. As long as Romans existed, Rome was great; when they were mongrelized, Rome was dead. The Lombards came to Italy, and they produced the Renaissance. Their mongrelization left only an Italy. The Phoenicians produced a great civilization; it perished with them.
The same phenomenon can be observed the world over. Where a great race is, civilization flourishes; where the great race is not, the best possible environment cannot produce it.
A world language is not desirable. It is an active factor in bastardizing the people who speak it. There was a time when Greek was the world language; there was a time when Latin was the world language. Greek was a great tongue as long as it was spoken by Greeks only; but, when it was spoken the world over, it had ceased to be a great language. The same is true of the Latin tongue. An everybody's tongue is a no man's tongue. It is a language spoken by mongrels. And the mongrel is everywhere worthless.
If uniformity of the world is desirable, if eternal peace is as great a blessing as the peace fiends will have it, if bastardization of all races is a consummation devoutly to be wished, then let us continue to expand, and spread the English language all over the planet. Let us encourage immigration, and in a hundred years, another Horace, in another "cloaca gentium," will have reason to repeat:

"Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit
Nos nequiores mox daturos
Progeniem vitiosiorem."

"Our parents, worse than our grandparents, have borne us more degraded, who will bring forth a still more vicious progeny."


I. The Mongrel in Nature
II. The Mongrel in History
III. The Hamites in India
IV. The Chaldeans
V. The Phoenicians
VI. The Carthaginians
VII. The Egyptians
VIII. The Jews
IX. The Gipsies
X. The Hindoos
XI. Hellas
XII. The Greeks
XIII. The Pan - European Mongrel in Rome
XIV. Sicily
XV. The Lombards in Italy
XVI. Heredity and Language
XVII. Race Problems in German Lands
XVIII. The South American Mongrel
XIX. The Monroe Doctrine
XX. The Yellow Races
XXI. The Anglo-Saxons
XXII. The Anglo - Saxons in America
XXIII. Immigration: Who in America ?
XXIV. Immigration: Men or the Balance-sheet ?
XXV. Immigration: Anglo - Saxons and Germans
XXVI. Immigration: The German - Americans
XXVII. Immigration: The Pan - European in America
XXVIII. The American Negro
XXIX. Conclusion


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