Carlos Whitlock Porter - Satires


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Carlos Whitlock Porter - Satires

That repression causes neurosis is a truism of the modern world. This applies chiefly to sexual matters. It does not apply to racial matters (at least not when expressed by whites).
It is the hypothesis of this authority (i.e., myself) that millions of white Americans are suffering from serious neurotic symptoms caused by the repression of their racial feelings.
Freud believed that neurosis would cure itself through the "catharsis" (κάθαρσις) of analysis, i.e., the "expression" (Äußerung) of "repressed feelings" (verdrängten Empfindungen).
It is the hope of this practitioner that the present modest volume may make some small contribution to the therapy of racially repressed white persons in situations of difficulty.

Carlos Whitlock Porter
19 September 2013


Two dozen outrageous satires by the author of Made in Russia : The Holocaust, Not Guilty at Nuremberg and War Crimes Trials and Other Essays.
Warning : Contains racially explicit material. For adults only.
With cartoons by A. Wyatt Mann.


Dedicated to A. Wyatt Mann, one of the greatest comic artists since John Tenniel : a man of infinite wit, inexhaustible ideas, unflinching courage, and a muse of fire.


Table of Contents

A Manifesto
A Dilemma
An Apology
Is Race Really Just Skin Deep ?
Jud Süss - Coming Soon to an Economy Near You
On the Banking System
On Christianity
On Debt
On Democracy
On Globalization
On Immigration
On Multiculturalism
On Slavery
On Stalin
On the Gulf War
Pseudozoological Satire #1
Pseudozoological Satire #2
Reply to an English Anti-Anti-Semite
Standard "Hate" Accusation Reply Form
The Aristotelian Connection
The Free Market
The Master Plan
Upon Being Convicted of "Incitement to Racial Hatred"
In Memoriam - A Dedication



This is the funniest book I have ever read in my life (then again I probably have a different sense of humor than most). But as Carlos likes to jokingly warn: Contains racial material. Adults only. - Benjamin Garland,

This is no low brow book that can simply be dismissed as "racist"or nutty though. Carlos' skill with language and real in-depth historical research make this a very intelligently written series of essays. He seems to be trying to get white people to loosen up and get in touch with their true emotions. We are walked all over by all of the non-white races and constantly made to feel guilty by the Jewish controlled liberal mass media and Marxist Universities. Isn't it about time we stiffen up and start biting back ? - Benjamin Garland,

From the Author

Many years ago, someone I know very well worked as a trained children's nurse in a world-famous hospital for disturbed children, in London, with 4 years of training (RN, RSCN) and about 8 years of experience. All the other staff members were similarly qualified. The head of the unit was, obviously, a qualified physician, with 20 years of experience working with disturbed children.

One day two Jews showed up, both of them 22 years old, one from South Africa, the other from Canada, neither one of them with any medical training or experience, but with 4-year "psychology degrees".

They created total chaos throughout the entire hospital, from the day they arrived, until the day they left.

They said that the children should be allowed to "express themselves" by refusing to do what they were told, by hitting and kicking members of staff, by spitting on members of staff, etc. etc.

If you didn't agree with what they said, you were accused of "not wanting to be progressive", etc. etc.

They would argue the hind leg off a mule, and were adept at "proving" that 2 + 2 = 6.

The English being what they are - wishy-washy - in short order these two Jews had everybody fighting and quarrelling with everybody else.

The doctor in charge of the unit simply opted out.

In the end, after several months, they both left, presumably to wreak havoc elsewhere, and things returned more or less to normal.

This is how the Jews always operate, at all times and in all places: they get everybody fighting with each other, over crazy theories invented by them, and it only stops when they leave or are expelled.

This has been the history of the Jews for 3,000 years, wherever they have ever lived, from the distant past to the present.

That repression causes neurosis is a truism of the modern world, a notion invented and peddled chiefly by Jews and originally, but not exclusively, by the Freudians. Good manners, discretion, a decent sense of shame, a consideration for the feelings and sensitivity of others are a thing of the past. This applies chiefly to sexual matters.

This does not apply, of course, to the "repression" of our natural resentment of buttinsky yidniks and other by-products of the primeval ooze. What about our self-expression? What about our mental health? We should bust a gut or something? We might become neurotic, already ?

It is the hypothesis of this practitioner (i.e., myself) that millions of white Americans are suffering from neurotic symptoms caused by the repression of their racial feelings. Freud believed that neurosis would cure itself through the "catharsis" (κάθαρσις) of analysis, i.e., the "expression" (Äußerung) of "repressed feelings" (verdrängten Empfindungen).

Hence the present volume.

Carlos Whitlock Porter,
16 September 2013.

Carlos Whitlock Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia
Carlos Whitlock Porter - No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg
Carlos Whitlock Porter - Made in Russia - The Holocaust
Carlos Whitlock Porter - Not Guilty at Nuremberg

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Made in Russia : The Holocaust Livret d’accompagnement de la vidéo

Carlos Whitlock Porter - PDF

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