Pagan Revival

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Post by Dejuificator »




Pagan Revival #41 by Wyatt Kaldenberg ... evival-041


* ADL Uses Dirty Tricks Against Jews for Jesus

* Pagan Music Review

* C.I.A. Handbook on Revolution

* Viking Hero May Have Had Bone Disease

* Zoroastrian Influence on Judiasm

* Mithra & Christ Cults Fight for Control of Ancient Roman Empire

* Ancient Pagan Religions of Persian and India are Experiencing a Revival

* A Short History of Odinism in the English-Speaking World

* Letters

Post by Dejuificator »

Issue #42 of Pagan Revival. ... evival-042

Articles include:

* The Aztlan Reconquista

* Spotlight on those Kooky Right-Wing Christians

* 200 Muslims Attack 12 Pagans at Lompoc Prison: Christian Guard Blames the Pagans!

* The Kinky Sex Life of Jesus Christ

* Zine Reviews

* The Icelandic Sagas

* Baal, Red-Haired Lord of Canaan

* Christian Ritual Child Abuse Created S&M Master The Marquis de Sade

* Letters

Post by Dejuificator »

Pagan Revival #43 by Wyatt Kaldenberg ... evival-043

Articles include:

* The Barbarian Conversion from Paganism to Christianity: Book Review

* Music Reviews

* The Pagan Day Book

* The Financial Markets

* The Ravenbok

* The Gospels Exposed

* The True Synagogue of Satan

* The 24 Runic Half-Months

Post by Dejuificator »

Pagan Revival #44 ... evival-044

Article include:

* Book Reviews

* The Traps and Pitfalls of the Financial Market

* Music Reviews

* Ohio Deathfest 99 and Interviews with Death Metal bands: Vomit Remnants and Intestinal Infection

* Can "God" Unify Our Western Destinies?

* The Blot and the Folk's Relationship with the Gods

* Christians: Citizens or Terrorists?

* Computer Muzik: Industrial to Techno-Core

* Defining Magik... and the Magician

* The Satanic Bible: Revelation or Fraud?

* An Introduction to Odinism

* Parameters Magazine

* Will of Power as a Political Weapon

* In Short

* Separating the Thralls from the Jarls

* The Prophet Julian and the First Pagan Revival

* Christian Knavery Re-Captures Rome

* There is no Freedom Without Government of Our Own

Post by Dejuificator »

Pagan Revival #46 by Wyatt Kaldenberg ... evival-046


* Supreme Court Rule Against Government Institutions Taking Sides in Religious Matters

* Some Thoughts And Quotes on Euro-Paganism

* All Hallow's Eve

* Crom, Chief of the Mounds

* Hinduism

* Cerdic and Arthur

* Asatru and Culture

* Odinism by David Lane

* Armanism and the Listian Ideals

* Letters

* The Maypole of Merry Mount

* Ancient Empires:

a) The Invention of Empire

b) The Empires of Mesopotamia

c) Persia, the First Great Empire

d) Persia and the West

e) The Technology and Culture of Mesopotamia and Persia

f) The Earliest Celts

g) The Celts in the Mediterranean

h) The Roman Conquest of Gaul and Britain

i) Celtic Culture & Technology

* More Letters

* Video Reviews

* Book Reviews

* Zine Reviews

* In Short

* Legal Corner: The Rights of Pagan Prisoners

* Zine Review
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