Brian Glick
[center][large]WAR AT HOME[/large][/center]
Brian Glick - War At Home.pdf ... ar-at-home
[center][large]Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It[/large][/center]
[justify]This is a must handbook for private study and group discussion by all progressive and radical activists. Today's defense depends on our knowledge of yesterday's repression. The message: the political police haven't forgotten us?we can't afford to forget them and their methods.
?Philip Agee, former C.I.A. agent
Brian Glick has produced a useful tool, a book which not only details COINTELPRO and its illegal actions in the '60s?that is, gives us back a piece of our history?but, more importantly, fells us what we can do about domestic covert action directed against us right now. In these times, Glick's book becomes a necessity.
?Margaret Randall, author of Sandino's Daughters
This book deals with one of the most important issues in our Constitutional democracy and is one of the most important contributions to the subject yet written.
?John Conyers, U.S. House of Representatives
War at Home describes activities that can only be accurately described as government-sponsored terrorism against those of its own citizens who are so brash as to engage in a serious struggle for justice, democracy, and peace. It shows that every disgraceful tactic that our government uses in its "covert" activities abroad it also uses in its little understood covert "war at home."
?David Dellinger, peace activist
Brian Glick has given us not only a brilliant and chilling account of the government's dirty war against its own people, but has provided a complete battle plan to combat it.
?Haywood Burns, National Lawyers Guild and National Conference of Black Lawyers
The breadth and scope of the massive FBI investigation of CISPES indicates that the Bureau was engaged in an illegal campaign to stifle dissent, that its violation of Constitutional rights of citizens who oppose unpopular U.S. wars continues. War at Home is a timely and important book which every activist working for peace and justice at home and abroad must read.
?Angela Sanbrano, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)[/justify]
Brian Glick - War At Home
Moderator: Le Tocard