[right]Voir [small]New Age : La société fabienne s?investit en France...[/small][/right]
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... orld-Order[/large]
[justify]IN THIS SMALL BOOK I want to set down as compactly, clearly and usefully as possible the gist of what I have learnt about war and peace in the course of my life. I am not going to write peace propaganda here. I am going to strip down certain general ideas and realities of primary importance to their framework, and so prepare a nucleus of useful knowledge for those who have to go on with this business of making a world peace. I am not going to persuade people to say "Yes, yes" for a world peace; already we have had far too much abolition of war by making declarations and signing resolutions; everybody wants peace or pretends to want peace, and there is no need to add even a sentence more to the vast volume of such ineffective stuff. I am simply attempting to state the things we must do and the price we must pay for world peace if we really intend to achieve it.
Until the Great War,...[/justify]
H. G. Wells
Moderator: Le Tocard
[large]The Open Conspiracy[/large]
[justify]Summary :
'The Open Conspiracy' was Wells' 'Blue print for a world revolution'; he regarded this book as his finished statement on the way the world ought to be ordered. Possibly he underestimated, or ignored, the fact that it is often in the interest of subsets of the human race to act against other subsets. Moreover the emphasis on religion seems odd, from a rationalist.[/justify]
[large]The Open Conspiracy[/large]
[justify]Summary :
'The Open Conspiracy' was Wells' 'Blue print for a world revolution'; he regarded this book as his finished statement on the way the world ought to be ordered. Possibly he underestimated, or ignored, the fact that it is often in the interest of subsets of the human race to act against other subsets. Moreover the emphasis on religion seems odd, from a rationalist.[/justify]
Last edited by KingdomOfTruth on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[justify]Herbert George Wells, plus connu sous la signature H. G. Wells (né le 21 septembre 1866 à Bromley dans le Kent, Royaume-Uni et mort le 13 août 1946 à Londres) est un écrivain britannique surtout connu aujourd'hui pour ses romans de science-fiction. Il fut cependant également l'auteur de nombreux romans de satire sociale, d'?uvres de prospective, de réflexions politiques et sociales ainsi que d'ouvrages de vulgarisation touchant aussi bien à la biologie, à l'histoire qu'aux questions sociales.[/justify]
[center]Wells George Herbert - Sélection d'ouvrages
http://www.histoireebook.com/index.php? ... d-ouvrages
Guyot Edouard - Georges Herbert Wells, 1920 (biographie)
http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... php?id=965[/center]
Last edited by ProfesseurZ on Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.