An Islamic History of Europe

Moderator: Le Tocard

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Post by Commodore »

[center][large]An Islamic History of Europe[/large][/center]


[justify]In this 90-minute documentary, Rageh Omaar uncovers the hidden story of Europe?s Islamic past and looks back to a golden age when European civilisation was enriched by Islamic learning. Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West. This evocative film brings to life a time when emirs and caliphs dominated Spain and Sicily and Islamic scholarship swept into the major cities of Europe. His journey reveals the debt owed to Islam for its vital contribution to the European Renaissance.[/justify]

[center]An Islamic History of Europe.mp4 (357.89 MB)

Post by Commodore »

Empire of Faith


[justify]hat is Islam? Who is Muhammad? This is the first of 3 part documentary narrated by Ben Kingsley about Islam and attempts to answer these questions. This part deals with the life of the Prophet Muhammad, his early life, his encounter with God Almighty and the birth of the Islam.

Islam would become the revitalizing force of a barbaric Arabia, returning people to God and bringing back the monotheistic message of Christianity and Judaism in its most powerful way. Islam Women were given rights over there husbands, racism was annihilated and the rich were made equal to the poor.[/justify]

[center]Islam Empire of Faith - Part 1.flv (126.81 MB)


This part relates the golden age of Islam. A time of great learning when Europe was steeped in the Dark Ages. The building of great works of architecture, reading, writing, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. Even before the printing press Muslims would have hundreds of scribes writing all at once so they would learn and reproduce the writings.

[center]Islam Empire of Faith - Part 2.flv (140.38 MB)


This portion deals with the growing Ottoman Empire, which would control the bridge between 3 continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. This empire would begin at the close of the Crusades until World War I, from the 1300s to 1923. They would rule the entire Middle East and make there way into Europe. Before there was the state of Israel, there was great peace in the Holy Land regulated by the Ottomans.

[center]Islam Empire of Faith - Part 3 The Ottomans.mp4 (207.96 MB)

Last edited by Commodore on Tue May 17, 2011 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]When the Moors Ruled in Europe[/large][/center]


[justify]Join British historian Bettany Hughes as she examines a long-buried chapter of European history?the rise and fall of Islamic culture in what is now Spain and Portugal.

Although generations of Spanish rulers have tried to expunge this era from the historical record, recent archeology and scholarship now shed fresh light on the Moors who flourished in Al-Andalus for more than 700 years.

This fascinating documentary explodes old stereotypes and offers shocking new insights. You?ll discover the ingenious mathematics behind Granada?s dazzling Alhambra Palace, trace El Cid?s lineage to his Moorish roots, and learn how the Iberian population willingly converted to Islam in droves.

Through interviews with noted scholars, you?ll see how Moorish advances in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture helped propel the West out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance. What emerges is a richly detailed portrait of a sensuous, inquisitive, and remarkably progressive Islamic culture in Christian Europe.[/justify]

[center]When the Moors Ruled in Europe.avi (700.95 MB)

When the Moors Ruled Europe.mp4 (426.04 MB)
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