Mechanical Movements

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Dejuificator II
Posts: 552
Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Post by Dejuificator II »

Image[---][center][large]Mechanical Movements[/large][/center][---]

[center][large]507 Mechanical Movements[/large]

[large]Mechanical Movements 507.pdf (3.84 MB) ... -movements[/large][/center]

[center][large]1800 Mechanical Movements[/large]

[large]Mechanical Movements 1800.pdf (17.39 MB) ... -movements[/large][/center]

[justify]The need for an illustrated and condensed work of reference for the inventor, the mechanical student, the artisan, and the workingman with the ambition of an inquiring mind, has become not only apparent to teachers of mechanics, but a real want among all who are interested in mechanical thought and work.
It is an interest the growth of which has been greatly encouraged by the rapid development of the inventive and mechanical arts during the past half century.

The increasing inquiries from inventors and mechanics, in regard to the principles and facts in constructive and operative mechanics have induced the author to gather such illustrations as have been found available on the subject of mechanical motions, devices, and appliances, and to place them in a form for ready reference with only sufficient text to explain the general principles of construction and operation, and as a partial exhibit of the mechanical forms in general use; with a view to place the largest amount of illustrated information within the limited means of the humblest seeker after mechanical knowledge.
The field of illustrated mechanics seems almost unlimited, and with the present effort the author has endeavored partially to fill a void and thus to help the inquirer in ideal and practical mechanics, in the true line of research. Mechanical details can best be presented to the mind by diagrams Qr illustrated forms, and this has been generally acknowledged to be the quickest and most satisfactory method of conveying the exact conditions of mechanical action and construction.
Pictures convey to the inquiring mind by instantaneous comparison what detailed description by its successive presentation of ideas and relational facts fail to do; hence a work that appealsdirectly to the eye with illustrations and short attached descrip-tions, it is hoped, will become the means of an acceptable form of mechanical education that appeals to modem wants for the en couragement of inventive thought, through the study of illustrations and descriptions of the leading known principles and facts in eonstructive art.
The designing of the details of mechanical motion, devices, and appliances for specific purposes is an endless theme in the constructive mind, and if we may be allowed to judge from the vast number of applications for patents, of which there have been over a million in the United States alone, and of which over six hundred thousand have been granted in consideration of their novelty and utility, the run of mechanical thought seems to have become a vast river in the progress of modem civilization.

To bring into illustrated detail all the known forms and elements of construction is not within the limit of a human life; but to explore the borders of inventive design through the works that have passed into record has been the principal aim of the author of this book.[/justify]

[right][small]GARDNER D. HISCOX.[/small][/right]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Tue May 31, 2011 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nous serons toujours là.
Dejuificator II
Posts: 552
Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Post by Dejuificator II »

Nous serons toujours là.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components[/large]
Robert O. Parmley


[justify]User-friendly compendium of mechanical devices. A treasure chest of ideas and data, Robert O. Parmley's Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components is testimony to centuries of engineering genius that produced the components that make modern mechanical wonders possible. Designed to stimulate new ideas, this unique, lavishly illustrated and conveniently indexed reference shows you many designs and unique contributions hidden from technical literature for decades. This kaleidoscopic display of thousands of applications helps you find the perfect device quickly, including: *Power transmission ù gears and gearing...chains, sprockets and ratchets...belts and belting...shafts and couplings...clutches *Connections - seals and and pipe connections...bushings and bearings...locking and clamping...wire and cable *Single components - washers...retaining rings... o-rings...grommets, spacers and inserts...balls..springs...pins...cams...threaded components *Assemblies: fastening and hints...mechansims...linkage...fabrication tips...innovative valving...pumps...creative assemblies You'll also find design formulas, structural data, nomograms, charts and unusual tables rarely found in conventional technical sources.[/justify]

[center]Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components - Robert O Parmley.pdf (135.84 MB)
[large] ... components[/large]

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Ingenious Mechanisms[/large]
Franklin D. Jones


[justify]This set of 4 volumes are chock-full of information on various mechanical devices, and how they work. The text explains how each device works, along with illustrations that point out what each part does in the mechanism. Since the all of the mechanisms are from real-world applications, the designs are proven. The organization of the 4 volumes are similar, for example: Cams & Special Cam Designs/Intermittent Motions.../Tripping or Stopping Mechanisms/Feeding Mechanisms/Etc. Also, the fact that the text is broken into 4 volumes, Its very convenient to browse through. I recommend this set to the beginner, up to the advanced application engineer, because most people don't have the time to re-invent the wheel.[/justify]

[center]Ingenious Mechanisms - Franklin D Jones.pdf (84.79 MB)
[large] ... mechanisms[/large]

[justify]The descriptions and illustrations are confined to the important and fundamental elements, so that time is not wasted reading a lot of useless or irrelevant detail.
Readers are told plainly and briefly what each mechanism consists of, how it operates, and the features which make it of special interest.
The particular mechanisms have been selected because they have stood the test of actual practice.
Among the mechanisms described and illustrated by working diagrams are: cam applications and special cam designs; intermittent motions from gears and cams; interlocking devices; valve diagrams; reversing mechanisms of special design; tripping or stop mechanisms; drives of crank type for reciprocating driven members; feeding mechanisms and auxiliary devices; feeding and ejecting mechanisms; and many, many more.[/justify]
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