1001 quotes by and about jews

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Aryan Crusader
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[---][center][large]1001 quotes by and about jews[/large][/center][---]


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[justify]Welcome to 1001 Quotes By and About Jews, a very special feature of Our Legacy of Truth. This collection of documented quotes is very extensive, and so we have divided it into a number of sections. The links below will direct you to each section. We hope you will be pleased with this wealth of information, available only here. Since this is an ongoing project continually in search of the most accurate and up to date information, please
feel free to email us with new quotes or information relating to the authenticity of the ones we already have posted.

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[justify]VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher, writer:

"Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race..."

I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.
(Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166)

They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.
(Lettres de Memmjus a Ciceron, 1771)

H.L. MENCKEN 20th C. American writer.

The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man:
courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display. (Treatise on the Gods) The fact that what are commonly spoken of as rights are often really privileges is demonstrated in the case of the Jews. They resent bitterly their exclusion from certain hotels, resorts and other places of gathering, and make determined efforts to horn in. But the moment any considerable number of them horns in, the attractions of the place diminish, and the more pushful Jews turn to one where they are still nicht gewunscht... (not wanted.)
I am one ot the few Goyim who have ever actually tackled the Talmud. I suppose you now expect me to add that it is a profound and noble work, worthy of hard study by all other Goyim. Unhappily, my report must differ from this expectation. It seems to me, save for a few bright spots, to be quite indistinguishable from rubbish... The Jewish theory that the Goyim envy the superior ability of Jews is not borne out by the facts. Most Goyim, in fact, deny that the Jew is superior, and point in evidence to his failure to take the first prizes: he has to be content with the seconds. No Jewish composer has ever come within miles of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms; no Jew has ever challenged the top-flight painters of the world, and no Jewish scientist has ever equalled Newton, Darwin, Pasteur or Mendel. In the latter bracket such apparent exceptions as Ehrlich, Freud and Einstein are only apparent. Ehrlich, in fact, contributed less to biochemical fact than to biochemical theory, and most of his theory was dubious. Freud was nine-tenths quack, and there is sound reason for believing that even Einstein will not hold up: in the long run his curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic bumps of Gall and Spurzheim. But whether this inferiority of the Jew is real or only a delusion, it must be manifest that it is generally accepted. The Goy does not, in fact, believe that the Jew is better than the non-Jew; the most he will admit is that the Jew is smarter at achieving worldly success. But this he ascribes to sharp practices, not to superior ability.

(Minority Report: H. L. Mencken 's Notebooks)

ImageRICHARD WAGNER 19th c. German composer.

The Jew has never had an art of his own, hence never a life of art-enabling import... So long as the separate art of music had a real organic life-need in it, down to the epochs of Mozart and Beethoven, there was nowhere to be found a Jew composer: it was utterly impossible for an element quite foreign to that living organism to take a part in the formative stages of that life. Only when a body's inner death is manifest, do outside elements win the power of judgment in it--yet merely to destroy it.
On one thing am I clear: that is the influence which the Jews have gained upon our mental life, as displayed in the deflection and falsification of our highest culture-tendencies. Whether the downfall of our culture can be arrested by a violent rejection of the destructive alien element, I am unable to decide, since that would require forées with whose existence I am unacquainted.

( From his book Judaism in Music )

GEORGE WASHINGTON, in Maxims of George Washington by A. A.

Appleton & Co.: They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in ... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.

WILHELM II. German Kaiser.

A Jew cannot be a true patriot. He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief-even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed to prominent Jewish bankers.

(Chicago Tribune, July 2, 1922)

HENRY FORD (The Dearborn Independent, 12-19 February 1921):

Jews have always controlled the business. . . The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada . . . is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind.

GEN. WILLIAM SHERMAN 19th c. American soldier. In a letter from Union-occupied Memphis, July 30, 1862, he wrote:

I found so many Jews and speculators here trading in cotton, and secessionists had become so open in refusing anything but gold, that I have felt myself bound to stop it. The gold can have but one use-the purchase of arms and ammunition... Of course, I have respected all permits by yourself or the Secretary of the Treasury, but in these new cases (swarms of Jews), I have stopped it. (The Sherman Letters)

MARK TWAIN (S. L. Clemens). 19th c. American writer.

In the U.S. Cotton states, after the war ... the Jew came down in force, set up shop on the plantation, supplied all the negroes' wants on credit, and at the end of the season was the proprietor of the negro's share of the present crop and part of the next one. Before long, the whites detested the Jew. The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant stood no chance against his commercial abilities. The Jew was always ready to lend on a crop.
When settlement day came, he owned the crop; the next year he owned the farm--like Joseph. In the England of John's time everybody got into debt to the Jew. He gathered all lucrative enterprises into his hands. He was the King of Commerce. He had to be banished from the realm. For like reasons, Spain had to banish him 400 years ago, and Austria a couple of centuries later.
In all ages Christian Europe has been obliged to curtail his activities. If he entered upon a trade, the Christian had to retire from it. If he set up as a doctor, he took the business. If he exploited agriculture, the other farmers had to get at something else. The law had to step in to save the Christian from the poor-house. Still, almost bereft of employments, he found ways to make money. Even to get rich. This history has a most sordid and practical commercial look. Religious prejudices may account for one part of it, but not for the other nine.
Protestants have persecuted Catholics--but they did not take their livelihoods away from them. Catholics have persecuted Protestants--but they never closed agriculture and the handicrafts against them. I feel convinced that the Crucifixion has not much to do with the world's attitude toward the Jew; that the reasons for it are much older than that event... I am convinced that the persecution of the Jew is not in any large degree due to religious prejudice. No, the Jew is a money-getter. He made it the end and aim of his life. He was at it in Rome. He has been at it ever since.
His success has made the whole human race his enemy. You will say that the Jew is everywhere numerically feeble. When I read in the Cyclopedia Britannica that the Jewish population in the United States was 250,000 I wrote the editor and explained to him that I was personally acquainted with more Jews than that, and that his figures were without doubt a misprint for 25,000,000. People told me that they had reasons to suspect that for business reasons, many Jews did not report themselves as Jews. It looks plausible. I am strongly of the opinion that we have an immense Jewish population in America. I am assured by men competent to speak that the Jews are exceedingly active in politics... ("Concerning the Jews," Harper's Monthly Magazine, September 1899) Twain's opinion on the Jews is probably the best-kept secret in American literary history. Immediately after his death, his eccentric daughter Clara married-or was married by-the Jewish piano player, Ossip Gabrilowitsch.
Twain's publishers were given speedy instructions to delete "Concerning the Jews" from the collected works, where it had appeared in the book The Man That Corrupted Hadleybutg & Other Stories. Since Jews provided most of the agitators and orators who pushed forward the Abolition campaign that culminated in the Civil War (which Jewish bankers largely financed, on both sides), it seems a legitimate question whether there was any pre-planning for the wholesale--and retail--economic looting done by mainly Jewish carpetbaggers after the war.[/justify]
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
Homme Libre
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Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm

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[justify]SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS, 13th c. scholastic philosopher.

In his On the Governance 0f the Jews, he wrote: The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have obtained from others by usury; it were best that they were compelled to work so that they could earn their living

MARTIN LUTHER 16th c. German religious reformer.

They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpreta tions. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther... On how they love that book Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope! The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.
And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts... Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: 'When Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews.'(2) Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so.
Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weiszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and govern ment sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!
If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Do not their Talmud and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their moneylend ing) from a heathen, is a divine service. And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants-yea, their cattle! I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews...
Should someone think I am saying too much-I am saying much too little! For I see in writings how they curse us Goyim and wish us all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks... No heathen has done such things and none would do so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses-as he possesses the Jews.
Burgensis, who was a very learned rabbi among them and by the grace of God became a Christian (which seldom occurs), is much moved that in their schools they so horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes) and from that draws the conclusion that they must not be the people of God. Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago and during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jersualem! ... Yes, we have and, hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism, and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish they were in Jersualem with the other Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them. Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned Jewish people? ... Let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had stolen through usury, and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country. For as heard before, God's wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy they only become more wicked, through hard treatment, however, only a little better. Therefore, away with them! How much more unbearable it is that we should permit the entire Christendom and all of us to be bought with our own money, be slandered and cursed by the Jews, who on top of all that be made rich and our lords, who laugh us to scorn and are tickled by their audacity!
What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels, and cause them to laugh through their snouts like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving real wrath before God. (Von die Juden und ihren Lugen) Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe that I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with such sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a satanic brood. I would fain do so, but they are far greater adepts at mockery than I and possess a god who is master in this art. It is the Evil One himself.
Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain, and no person on earth could alter my opinion, that the Jews as they are today are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of the whole world over, who have then been dispersed in all countries, similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies and such folk. From Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated by William Hazlet, page 43: But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine, If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they exhort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them. (In a sermon at Eisleben, a few days before his death, February, 1546): Besides, you also have many Jews living in the country, who do much harm... You should know the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Savior day for day... for that reason you, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them.
They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changeling: and abortions. Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honor and belongings.

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW 20th c. British dramatist.

This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the riffian, the oriental parasite; in a word the Jew.
(London Morning Post, December 3, 1925)

This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings.
(Literary Digest, October 12, 1932)

RALPH WALDO EMERSON 19th c. American philosopher, poet.

The sufference which is the badge of the Jew has made him, in these days, the ruler of the rulers of the earth.
(Fate an essay)

H.G. WELLS 20th c. British writer.

The Jews looked for a special savior, a messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under the firm but benevolent Jewish heel.
(The Outline of History)

Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is because they have regarded themselves as a chosen people.
(The Anatomy of Frustration)

A careful study of anti-Semitic prejudice and accusations might be of great value to many Jews, who do not adequately realize the irritations they inflict.
(Letter of November 11, 1933)

Wells was in the habit of referring to Karl Marx as a "shallow, third-rate jew," and a "lousy jew" in private correspondance.
(Norman MacKenzieH. G. Wells)

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, French statesman, general.

Nothing more contemptible could be done than the reception of the Jews by you. I decided to improve the Jews. But I do not want more of them in my kingdom. Indeed, I have done all to prove my scorn of the most vile nation in the world.
(Letter to his brother Jerome, king of Westphalia, March 6, 1808.)Image

H. H. BEAMISH In a New York address, October 30 - November 1, 1937:

In 1848 the word "anti-Semitic" was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word 'Jew'. That's right word for them is 'Jew' ... I implore all of you to be accurate-- call them Jews. There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish question. You must face them in this country. The Jew should be satisfied here. I was here forty-seven years ago; your doors were thrown open to the Jews and they were free. Now he has got you absolutely by the throat -- that is your reward.

HENRY WALLACE, Secretary of Commerce, under President Harry Truman, wrote in his diary that in 1946

Truman was "exasperated" over Jewish pressure that he support Zionist rule over Palestine. Wallace added, "Pres. Truman expressed himself as being very much 'put out' with the Jews. He said that 'Jesus Christ couldn't please them when he was here on earth, so how coud anyone expect that I would have any luck?' Pros. Truman said he had no use for them and didn't care what happened to them."[/justify]
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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