Irish Tales and Poems

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Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Irish Tales for Young and Old[/large]


1. The King With Horse's Ears
2. The Man Without a Story
3. The Changeling
4. The Stolen Child
5. The Black Thief
6. Cahal's Good Fortune
7. The Twelve Swans

Irish Tales for Young and (16.23 MB) ... archive%29


Last edited by Commodore on Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Stories and Poems of Ireland[/large]


Lake Isle of Innisfree - W. B. Yeats
I Am Kerry - Sigerson Clifford
A Quare Wake - Batt Burns
The Ballad of the Tinker's Wife - Sigerson Clifford
Katie the Bucket - Batt Burns
Jimeen's Death - Batt Burns
Mick of the Cross - Batt Burns
The Fiddler of Dooney - W. B. Yeats
The Wild Swans at Coole - W. B. Yeats
The Barber's Answer - Batt Burns
Jack's Wedding - Batt Burns
June - Francis Ledwidge
A Tough Penance - Batt Burns
Big Tade - Batt Burns
The Stolen child - W. B. Yeats
When You Are Old - W. B. Yeats
He wishes For the Cloths of Heaven - W. B. Yeats
The Red Haired Tinker's Son - Sigerson Clifford
St. Patrick - Batt Burns

Stories and Poems of (16.25 MB) ... archive%29

[justify]I Am Kerry, The Ballad of The Tinker's wife, The Red Haired Tinker's Son, are recited by kind permission of The Merrier Press, Cork, Ireland.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree, The Stolen Child, The Fiddler of Dooney, He Wishes For The Cloths of Heaven, When You Are Old and The Wild Swans at Coole are recited by kind permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. On behalf of Michael Yeats.

Batt Burns, a seanachie (storyteller) in the old Irish tradition, was a former school principal and author in Ireland before becoming a full time storyteller in the U.S. A. in 1994. As a youth in the Hills of Kerry, he was surrounded by storytellers, and he spent invaluable years with his storytelling grandfather, Michael Clifford. Steeped in Irish wit and humour he has appeared at the major festivals in the USA including The National Storytelling Festival in 1994, and has featured at many campuses including, Harvard, Notre Dame, Northwestern and Kent State where he was storyteller-in-residence in 1995. He has performed at The Kennedy Centre in Washington DC on a number of occasions including St. Patrick's Night, 2002. He directs teacher workshops and does school assemblies. His storytelling and poetry recordings are very popular as are his conference presentations. He also hosts unique tours of Ireland, during which travelers are immersed in the music, song, dance, folklore, literature, archaeology and storytelling of The Emerald Isle.[/justify]


Last edited by Commodore on Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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