Leo Frank and the Birth of the Anti-Defamation League of B'n
Moderator: Le Tocard
- Erudit
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm
[justify][large]The ADL and Tolerance[/large]
Source: Jewish World Review | June 4, 2001[/justify]
[justify]Foxman never tires in his search
for ?hate? ? real or imagined
The ADL Pushes ?Tolerance??
Why I?m Leaving After 25 Years
By Carl Pearlston
MY love affair with the ADL began almost 25 years ago. It has just ended with a curt note from the Board President advising me that I haven?t shown a sufficient ?demonstration of commitment to the ADL? to warrant retention on the Executive Committee or the Regional Board.? How did it come to this?
I had been nominated to the Board by a judge with whom I had worked during the heady civil rights years, and then to the Executive Committee by the head of the Speakers Bureau, for which I was very active. Not that the romance had not been rocky. I had always known that my conservative Republican political views were barely tolerated by my overwhelmingly liberal colleagues, and I was tempted to keep them to myself. We were nominally a non-partisan organization, but our meetings frequently felt uncomfortably like those of a Democratic Party club in which it was assumed that all shared a common liberal or ?progressive? political worldview and none could, or wanted to, hear a differing viewpoint.
Just after the recent presidential election, our Director accosted me at a meeting with a vehement ?You stole the election!? Our positions were usually those of the liberal wing of the Democratic party on issues like abortion, school choice, teacher pay, bilingual education, affirmative action, the homosexual agenda, gun control.
I once cited the comprehensive study by Yale University Law School?s Dr. John Lott on gun laws to the effect that in those states where people could legally carry concealed weapons, crimes against people actually declined, since criminals do not want to take a chance that their victim may be armed. I was met with the sarcastic and dismissive response that ?Only John Lott, [talk show host and JWR columnist] Larry Elder and you believe in that study.?
There was not a great tolerance for diversity of viewpoint nor introduction of new information. I was barred from distributing written material which was germane and relevant to issues under discussion; only material from staff could be disseminated. To be fair, a member did once tell me that at least I kept them honest ? i.e. they were forced to at least be exposed to ? even if not to consider, a different view.
But, it was an uphill struggle.
When I once confessed to our National Director, Abe Foxman, my feelings of just spinning my wheels, he candidly told me that I would have to realize that over 95% of those involved in the ADL were liberal and would be unsympathetic to my conservative views.
Lack of sympathy frequently translated into lack of civility. For example, at several meetings, there were objections that Dr. Laura Schlesinger?s radio program and planned TV program was offensive and insensitive to homosexuals. I pointed out that her views enunciate traditional Jewish values which deserve the support of a Jewish defense organization, and was greeted with derision and intemperate, hostile responses. When it came to the issue of homosexuals versus the Boy Scouts, ADL chose the homosexuals, all the way to the Supreme Court.
Then, in its otherwise commendable nationwide partnership with Barnes and Noble in the program Hate Hurts, which sponsors books and educates teachers and young children to fight hate, the ADL endorsed the books Heather Has Two Mommies and Steve Has Two Daddies as suitable tools for teaching tolerance to young children. Teachers? workshops and children?s reading groups were organized, using these and other books in conjunction with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which had earlier achieved a certain notoriety for its own school workshops wherein teenagers were taught the fine points of ?fisting? and other homosexual practices.
In this manner, fighting ?hate? became a euphemism for an attack on sexual morality, the traditional family, and the Jewish view that children deserve a loving father and mother, not two fathers or two mothers. It is only through a perverse notion of ?tolerance? that support for traditional teaching about the family is intimidated, and condemned.
When Dennis Prager participated by invitation in a panel discussion on church-state issues, some members actually hissed and booed his remarks in a hostile display of intolerance. A respected board member persistently repeated to all who would hear that Prager was insane.
When the organization published its harsh attack on the Religious Right in 1994, I was distressed as were many politically conservative Jews who do not share the ADL view that politically-active conservative Christians are our enemy. As (Jewish) syndicated columnist and JWR contributor Mona Charen wrote, ?The ADL has committed defamation. There is no other conclusion to be reached after reading its new report, The Religious Right: the Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America. It is sad that an organization with a proud history of fairness should have descended to this kind of character assassination and name calling.?
A Board member of another affiliate was forced to resign because he publicly expressed disagreement with that report. It seems that the term ?religious right? is a talisman used to invoke a reflexive response of hostility without thought. So deep was the antagonism that when Ralph Reed, then head of the Christian Coalition, appeared at an ADL leadership conference and gave a heartfelt apology for past insensitivity, prejudice, and discrimination by Christians toward Jews, the private response by most members to his apology was hostility and distrust.
There was a particular intolerance on the issue of church-state. The theory that freedom of religion require ?strict separation of church and state? was transformed into hostility to any public display of religion in general, to Christianity in particular, and even to Judaism. I do not understand the logic of a Jewish organization expending its time and resources to forbid the public display of the chief gift of the Jews to civilization? The Ten Commandments. Nor does it seem appropriate for us to engage in litigation to forbid another Jewish organization (Chabad) from displaying a Menorah on public property. I was told that such a display would encourage other religious groups, including Moslems, to exercise their right to similar displays.
Well, why shouldn?t they? It is implicit in the meaning of freedom of religious expression and religious diversity, a freedom we have so long struggled to attain for ourselves. It is not in our country?s interest for us to demand a naked public square, devoid of any reference to G-d. Our cramped view of religious expression led us to oppose even the observance of a moment of silence in schools as being likely to encourage prayer.
The issue of parental choice in education, either by tax credits or vouchers, met with unwavering opposition based on what I believe is an erroneously perceived constitutional doctrine of ?separation of church and state,? along with a strong commitment to the teacher?s unions. At one meeting, I questioned Abe Foxman as to what the ADL would do in the likely event that the US Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of school vouchers. He said the ADL would never agree and would continue to press the court until the decision was reversed and the ADL viewpoint was adopted.
Then, as he passed the table where my wife and I were sitting, he said to me, ?You shouldn?t have asked that question.? I then realized that the bloom was really off the romance.
I had always strongly believed in the ADL?s mission, as defined on a banner frequently displayed at the front of our meetings: ?? to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike?.? Our efforts against anti-Semitism were without peer. We were a Jewish organization primarily concerned with issues affecting the Jewish community, and secondarily with equality and fair enforcement of laws for everyone. I recall that many times in days past we deferred action on an item on the grounds that it was not related to Jewish community, and was thus beyond our purview.
As years passed, the purview kept increasing along with the budget. While overt, and even latent, anti-Semitism was decreasing, our traditional mission as defender of the Jewish community was expanded to defender of all. We have become just another of many leftist ?rights? organizations. This realization was confirmed when I saw a new banner, displaying an unfamiliar mission statement: ??dedicated to translating democratic ideals into a way of life for all Americans in our time.?
This grandiose expansion of mission has had other consequences. The curbing of defamation?an action that has expanded to curbing of hate?a feeling, or emotion, or state of mind. If we can change people?s minds and the way they think, we will not have to control their actions. The program for changing hearts and minds, A World of Difference, was created in 1985 to change prejudiced feelings through ?sensitivity training?. It is reportedly very successful, highly commended, and widely used by governmental agencies and many companies.
Unfortunately, my exposure to the program at a leadership conference indicated that teaching the values of diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural relativism resulted in denigrating the values and achievements of Western civilization and the desirability of a common American identity. There is now a nationwide industry of multicultural activists teaching various ?sensitivity? programs which increase awareness of racial identity, and result in racial separation and racial hostility.
This focus on eliminating ?hate? logically led to the creation of ?hate crimes,? in which, a two-tier system of criminality was created: 1) those who commit crimes of violence for any reason other than hate, and 2) those who do injury solely because they hate the status or class of the victim (race, sex, nationality, religion, disability, occupation, sexual orientation, etc), Criminals of the latter class are punished more severely than those of the former, even though both may commit the same violent crime.
The punishment is levied on the thought, or feeling, or state of mind of the criminal and not the action, in keeping with the emphasis on eliminating and punishing hateful thoughts and feelings. Creating preferred classes of crime victims is not a proper function of the American criminal justice system. Nor does it seem desirable to federalize and supplant state criminal law enforcement, which is what results from enacting ?hate crime? legislation at the federal level.
The concept of ?hate crimes? inevitably leads to that of ?hate speech?, in which offensive, insensitive, or hurtful speech is legally banned, as it is in Canada where the criminal law punishes offensive speech as a form of group defamation. A minister was arrested there for publicly preaching, in accordance with the tenets of his faith, that the practice of homosexuality was immoral.
The ADL has properly rejected repeated demands by some of its leaders for adoption of similar group defamation laws as violating our free speech guarantees. At the same time, the ADL has led the effort to abate hateful speech not only in the public, but even the private forum in the interest of ?tolerance?. There have been repeated condemnations of various incidents of speech deemed hateful, hurtful, insensitive, or embarrassing to particular groups. All too frequently, however, free speech and the expression of religious belief have been the targets of these condemnations, such as religious references by political candidates, Christian prayers at the inauguration, religious symbolism in comics, expressions of religious beliefs by sports figures, or even expressions of the politically incorrect, as was the case when conservative activist David Horowitz was condemned as racially insensitive for placing ads in college papers denying the wisdom, fairness, and practicality of the growing movement for Slavery Reparations.
The ADL has illogically compared those ads to ones denying the Holocaust, while ignoring the issue of free speech curtailment in the violent reactions by students and compliant acts by college administrators to censor the ads and prevent intelligent discussion of the significant issue involved.
The ADL has always been a firm and loyal supporter of Israel, but it was also an early and naive advocate of the now-defunct Oslo peace process, to the ultimate detriment of actual peace. I frequently complained that we concentrated more on the process than the substance of peace, and that true peace was unlikely to occur since the root problem was not how much land Israel would give up, but Arab refusal to accept a viable Jewish state. All of our ?insider? briefings on the Mideast downplayed the risk to Israel posed by an armed Palestinian Authority or Palestinian state, and held out rosy and unrealistic prognostications of peace.
For example, at a leadership conference, we were treated to a talk by an Arab Ambassador urging us to take steps for peace, which translated into urging support for the election of Labor (Peres) over Likud (Netanyahu) in the coming election. It was portrayed, and accepted by many attendees, as a last chance for peace that was almost within our grasp. Most of us now see, in light of the past year?s warfare, that the ?peace? being urged was illusory and chimerical. So blinding was this hope for peace that, as reported, ADL had complimented the PA on their new school textbooks without even having read them, completely overlooking the virulent anti-Semitism contained therein. When I questioned our National Director about this, I became the target of attack and public humiliation for bringing up the matter. Nor did I endear myself by dwelling on our National Director?s central role on behalf of the ADL in devising and wangling a pardon for criminal fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich.
When I expressed my views on some of these matters in various letters and articles, in which I was not identified as an ADL Board member, I was rebuked in a stern letter from our President advising that I had publicly taken positions contrary to ADL policy, which was not permitted. I had not realized that, as the price of Board membership, I had given up my freedom of speech on issues on which the ADL had taken a position.
This was much like the old Leninist doctrine of ?democratic centralism?, in which debate is allowed only before a policy is adopted, and no dissent is tolerated thereafter. It seems odd that an organization which boastfully espouses and teaches ?tolerance? and ?diversity?, will not tolerate a bit of dissent and diverse viewpoint in its own lay leadership.
Carl Pearlston, a national board member of Toward Tradition, writes from California.[/justify]
Source: Jewish World Review | June 4, 2001[/justify]
[justify]Foxman never tires in his search
for ?hate? ? real or imagined
The ADL Pushes ?Tolerance??
Why I?m Leaving After 25 Years
By Carl Pearlston
MY love affair with the ADL began almost 25 years ago. It has just ended with a curt note from the Board President advising me that I haven?t shown a sufficient ?demonstration of commitment to the ADL? to warrant retention on the Executive Committee or the Regional Board.? How did it come to this?
I had been nominated to the Board by a judge with whom I had worked during the heady civil rights years, and then to the Executive Committee by the head of the Speakers Bureau, for which I was very active. Not that the romance had not been rocky. I had always known that my conservative Republican political views were barely tolerated by my overwhelmingly liberal colleagues, and I was tempted to keep them to myself. We were nominally a non-partisan organization, but our meetings frequently felt uncomfortably like those of a Democratic Party club in which it was assumed that all shared a common liberal or ?progressive? political worldview and none could, or wanted to, hear a differing viewpoint.
Just after the recent presidential election, our Director accosted me at a meeting with a vehement ?You stole the election!? Our positions were usually those of the liberal wing of the Democratic party on issues like abortion, school choice, teacher pay, bilingual education, affirmative action, the homosexual agenda, gun control.
I once cited the comprehensive study by Yale University Law School?s Dr. John Lott on gun laws to the effect that in those states where people could legally carry concealed weapons, crimes against people actually declined, since criminals do not want to take a chance that their victim may be armed. I was met with the sarcastic and dismissive response that ?Only John Lott, [talk show host and JWR columnist] Larry Elder and you believe in that study.?
There was not a great tolerance for diversity of viewpoint nor introduction of new information. I was barred from distributing written material which was germane and relevant to issues under discussion; only material from staff could be disseminated. To be fair, a member did once tell me that at least I kept them honest ? i.e. they were forced to at least be exposed to ? even if not to consider, a different view.
But, it was an uphill struggle.
When I once confessed to our National Director, Abe Foxman, my feelings of just spinning my wheels, he candidly told me that I would have to realize that over 95% of those involved in the ADL were liberal and would be unsympathetic to my conservative views.
Lack of sympathy frequently translated into lack of civility. For example, at several meetings, there were objections that Dr. Laura Schlesinger?s radio program and planned TV program was offensive and insensitive to homosexuals. I pointed out that her views enunciate traditional Jewish values which deserve the support of a Jewish defense organization, and was greeted with derision and intemperate, hostile responses. When it came to the issue of homosexuals versus the Boy Scouts, ADL chose the homosexuals, all the way to the Supreme Court.
Then, in its otherwise commendable nationwide partnership with Barnes and Noble in the program Hate Hurts, which sponsors books and educates teachers and young children to fight hate, the ADL endorsed the books Heather Has Two Mommies and Steve Has Two Daddies as suitable tools for teaching tolerance to young children. Teachers? workshops and children?s reading groups were organized, using these and other books in conjunction with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which had earlier achieved a certain notoriety for its own school workshops wherein teenagers were taught the fine points of ?fisting? and other homosexual practices.
In this manner, fighting ?hate? became a euphemism for an attack on sexual morality, the traditional family, and the Jewish view that children deserve a loving father and mother, not two fathers or two mothers. It is only through a perverse notion of ?tolerance? that support for traditional teaching about the family is intimidated, and condemned.
When Dennis Prager participated by invitation in a panel discussion on church-state issues, some members actually hissed and booed his remarks in a hostile display of intolerance. A respected board member persistently repeated to all who would hear that Prager was insane.
When the organization published its harsh attack on the Religious Right in 1994, I was distressed as were many politically conservative Jews who do not share the ADL view that politically-active conservative Christians are our enemy. As (Jewish) syndicated columnist and JWR contributor Mona Charen wrote, ?The ADL has committed defamation. There is no other conclusion to be reached after reading its new report, The Religious Right: the Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America. It is sad that an organization with a proud history of fairness should have descended to this kind of character assassination and name calling.?
A Board member of another affiliate was forced to resign because he publicly expressed disagreement with that report. It seems that the term ?religious right? is a talisman used to invoke a reflexive response of hostility without thought. So deep was the antagonism that when Ralph Reed, then head of the Christian Coalition, appeared at an ADL leadership conference and gave a heartfelt apology for past insensitivity, prejudice, and discrimination by Christians toward Jews, the private response by most members to his apology was hostility and distrust.
There was a particular intolerance on the issue of church-state. The theory that freedom of religion require ?strict separation of church and state? was transformed into hostility to any public display of religion in general, to Christianity in particular, and even to Judaism. I do not understand the logic of a Jewish organization expending its time and resources to forbid the public display of the chief gift of the Jews to civilization? The Ten Commandments. Nor does it seem appropriate for us to engage in litigation to forbid another Jewish organization (Chabad) from displaying a Menorah on public property. I was told that such a display would encourage other religious groups, including Moslems, to exercise their right to similar displays.
Well, why shouldn?t they? It is implicit in the meaning of freedom of religious expression and religious diversity, a freedom we have so long struggled to attain for ourselves. It is not in our country?s interest for us to demand a naked public square, devoid of any reference to G-d. Our cramped view of religious expression led us to oppose even the observance of a moment of silence in schools as being likely to encourage prayer.
The issue of parental choice in education, either by tax credits or vouchers, met with unwavering opposition based on what I believe is an erroneously perceived constitutional doctrine of ?separation of church and state,? along with a strong commitment to the teacher?s unions. At one meeting, I questioned Abe Foxman as to what the ADL would do in the likely event that the US Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of school vouchers. He said the ADL would never agree and would continue to press the court until the decision was reversed and the ADL viewpoint was adopted.
Then, as he passed the table where my wife and I were sitting, he said to me, ?You shouldn?t have asked that question.? I then realized that the bloom was really off the romance.
I had always strongly believed in the ADL?s mission, as defined on a banner frequently displayed at the front of our meetings: ?? to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike?.? Our efforts against anti-Semitism were without peer. We were a Jewish organization primarily concerned with issues affecting the Jewish community, and secondarily with equality and fair enforcement of laws for everyone. I recall that many times in days past we deferred action on an item on the grounds that it was not related to Jewish community, and was thus beyond our purview.
As years passed, the purview kept increasing along with the budget. While overt, and even latent, anti-Semitism was decreasing, our traditional mission as defender of the Jewish community was expanded to defender of all. We have become just another of many leftist ?rights? organizations. This realization was confirmed when I saw a new banner, displaying an unfamiliar mission statement: ??dedicated to translating democratic ideals into a way of life for all Americans in our time.?
This grandiose expansion of mission has had other consequences. The curbing of defamation?an action that has expanded to curbing of hate?a feeling, or emotion, or state of mind. If we can change people?s minds and the way they think, we will not have to control their actions. The program for changing hearts and minds, A World of Difference, was created in 1985 to change prejudiced feelings through ?sensitivity training?. It is reportedly very successful, highly commended, and widely used by governmental agencies and many companies.
Unfortunately, my exposure to the program at a leadership conference indicated that teaching the values of diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural relativism resulted in denigrating the values and achievements of Western civilization and the desirability of a common American identity. There is now a nationwide industry of multicultural activists teaching various ?sensitivity? programs which increase awareness of racial identity, and result in racial separation and racial hostility.
This focus on eliminating ?hate? logically led to the creation of ?hate crimes,? in which, a two-tier system of criminality was created: 1) those who commit crimes of violence for any reason other than hate, and 2) those who do injury solely because they hate the status or class of the victim (race, sex, nationality, religion, disability, occupation, sexual orientation, etc), Criminals of the latter class are punished more severely than those of the former, even though both may commit the same violent crime.
The punishment is levied on the thought, or feeling, or state of mind of the criminal and not the action, in keeping with the emphasis on eliminating and punishing hateful thoughts and feelings. Creating preferred classes of crime victims is not a proper function of the American criminal justice system. Nor does it seem desirable to federalize and supplant state criminal law enforcement, which is what results from enacting ?hate crime? legislation at the federal level.
The concept of ?hate crimes? inevitably leads to that of ?hate speech?, in which offensive, insensitive, or hurtful speech is legally banned, as it is in Canada where the criminal law punishes offensive speech as a form of group defamation. A minister was arrested there for publicly preaching, in accordance with the tenets of his faith, that the practice of homosexuality was immoral.
The ADL has properly rejected repeated demands by some of its leaders for adoption of similar group defamation laws as violating our free speech guarantees. At the same time, the ADL has led the effort to abate hateful speech not only in the public, but even the private forum in the interest of ?tolerance?. There have been repeated condemnations of various incidents of speech deemed hateful, hurtful, insensitive, or embarrassing to particular groups. All too frequently, however, free speech and the expression of religious belief have been the targets of these condemnations, such as religious references by political candidates, Christian prayers at the inauguration, religious symbolism in comics, expressions of religious beliefs by sports figures, or even expressions of the politically incorrect, as was the case when conservative activist David Horowitz was condemned as racially insensitive for placing ads in college papers denying the wisdom, fairness, and practicality of the growing movement for Slavery Reparations.
The ADL has illogically compared those ads to ones denying the Holocaust, while ignoring the issue of free speech curtailment in the violent reactions by students and compliant acts by college administrators to censor the ads and prevent intelligent discussion of the significant issue involved.
The ADL has always been a firm and loyal supporter of Israel, but it was also an early and naive advocate of the now-defunct Oslo peace process, to the ultimate detriment of actual peace. I frequently complained that we concentrated more on the process than the substance of peace, and that true peace was unlikely to occur since the root problem was not how much land Israel would give up, but Arab refusal to accept a viable Jewish state. All of our ?insider? briefings on the Mideast downplayed the risk to Israel posed by an armed Palestinian Authority or Palestinian state, and held out rosy and unrealistic prognostications of peace.
For example, at a leadership conference, we were treated to a talk by an Arab Ambassador urging us to take steps for peace, which translated into urging support for the election of Labor (Peres) over Likud (Netanyahu) in the coming election. It was portrayed, and accepted by many attendees, as a last chance for peace that was almost within our grasp. Most of us now see, in light of the past year?s warfare, that the ?peace? being urged was illusory and chimerical. So blinding was this hope for peace that, as reported, ADL had complimented the PA on their new school textbooks without even having read them, completely overlooking the virulent anti-Semitism contained therein. When I questioned our National Director about this, I became the target of attack and public humiliation for bringing up the matter. Nor did I endear myself by dwelling on our National Director?s central role on behalf of the ADL in devising and wangling a pardon for criminal fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich.
When I expressed my views on some of these matters in various letters and articles, in which I was not identified as an ADL Board member, I was rebuked in a stern letter from our President advising that I had publicly taken positions contrary to ADL policy, which was not permitted. I had not realized that, as the price of Board membership, I had given up my freedom of speech on issues on which the ADL had taken a position.
This was much like the old Leninist doctrine of ?democratic centralism?, in which debate is allowed only before a policy is adopted, and no dissent is tolerated thereafter. It seems odd that an organization which boastfully espouses and teaches ?tolerance? and ?diversity?, will not tolerate a bit of dissent and diverse viewpoint in its own lay leadership.
Carl Pearlston, a national board member of Toward Tradition, writes from California.[/justify]
Nous serons toujours là.
- Erudit
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm
[justify][large]The ADL Changed My Job Description[/large]
Source: Washington Report On Middle East Affairs ? October 1996, pg. 20
Earning My Living as a Writer:
The Year the ADL Changed My Job Description
by Grace Halsell
When I made my first journey to Jerusalem in 1979, I had earned my living as a writer for 37 years. I always thought I was lucky, being able to sell articles and pay my way around ? and around ? the world. I lived as a writer in Europe, the Far East and South America. I also went as a writer to cover the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam and Bosnia. For most of my life, I?ve reported what I saw with my own eyes and what others on the scene told me.
Since I have earned my living as a writer since my high school days, it came as a surprise to learn that a Jewish organization chose, unilaterally and arbitrarily, to classify me not as a reporter, journalist or writer but rather as a propagandist.ä What prompted one organization to assume the authority of changing my job description?
I was one of 34 persons identified as propagandists in A Handbook, 1983 ? First Edition, put out by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith (ADL). While the others on the list undoubtedly would think of themselves as professional persons ? doctors, lawyers, heads of organizations ? in the ADL listing they, like me, become propagandists. We were singled out for one purpose: we?ve said that as regards the Arab-Israeli conflict, there are two sides of the story ? and that most Americans know only one.
Our sin, in the eyes of the Jewish ADL, is having disseminated Pro-Arab Propaganda in America. Although the ADL champions the cause of justice for all Jews, it apparently does not condone others speaking of justice for Palestinians.
Looking at the ADL Handbook, I am left wondering: how widely has it been circulated? If any of those listed in the Handbook apply for a job, will a boss clear their names with the ADL? Is the Handbook used as a guide for pro-Israeli editors not to print articles written by anyone the ADL terms a propagandist? Is it a guide for pro-Israeli lecture agents to refrain from sponsoring any speaker who mentions the plight of Palestinians? Is the action taken by the ADL intended to set us aside, to mark us for life with a brand of their choosing?
As a child, I often heard my father relate how, in the frontier days before fenced-in property, he heated over open flames an iron rod and put a brand on cattle. Later, living through the Second World War, I learned that the Nazis branded individuals by forcing them to wear yellow arm bands. The arm bands were used to brand Jews, gypsies and other so-called enemies of the state as different, suspect, not reliable, unsuitable. In its Handbook, the ADL also chooses to set individuals apart.
The intent is to suggest that we are suspect, unreliable.
Unlike branded cattle, I do not suffer the pain of burning flesh. Nor am I forced to wear a yellow arm band. Since I suffer no physical abuse, is it fair at all to make an analogy with those who endured torture worse than death and of the multitude of others who indeed were killed? Compared with those tragedies, the ADL listing of individuals in a handbook may seem innocent and non-invasive. Yet, while the dissemination of such a handbook is done professionally, with skill, sophistication and subtle use of pejoratives, the intent seems clear: it is to suggest that we differ from the norm, that we are suspect, unreliable, not given to write or relate what we see with veracity.
The ADL Handbook targeted a medical doctor, a former U.S. senator, 10 university professors and 3 attorneys. It listed a half-dozen men of Jewish heritage: Rabbi Elmer Berger, Edmund R. Hanauer, Mark Lane, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Haviv Schieber and Israel Shahak. And it named 23 Arab Americans presumably guilty of being pro-Arab.
In addition to individuals, the ADL Handbook also targeted 31 organizations. In this listing, 17 were committed to giving the Palestinian side of the story. These organizations, in their financial resources, membership and over-all influence and impact on American society, may be likened to a grain of sand in the vast sea of huge, wealthy pro-Israel groups that operate throughout the United States.
Since the pro-Israel organizations are so vast and successful in their endeavors and the pro-Arab groups so small and largely ineffectual, why did an influential Jewish organization, one of the wealthiest and most powerful in America, go on the attack? In the ADL Handbook preface, it explained that after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Israel began to get bad publicity:
The nightly television news which brought pictures of death and destruction directly from Lebanese battlefields, and the print media with its exaggerated casualty figures created fertile ground for the latest propaganda campaign characterizing Israel as a militaristic, brutal and oppressive nation.
Blaming the Messenger
The ADL gave no rebuttal to charges that Israel in its invasion of Lebanon was acting as a militaristic, brutal and oppressive nation. Rather than investigate the charges, the ADL investigated those who called attention to the wrong. It blamed the print media with its exaggerated casualty figures. Generally, the press reported that the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon killed and wounded some 200,000 people, most of them civilians. The ADL in its Handbook, found no fault with the invasion itself, only what it termed exaggerated casualty figures.
The Handbook?s purpose, ADL reported in its preface, is to identify the leading individuals and organizations who have mounted this and previous propaganda campaigns targeted against Israel.ä If the massacre simply were not reported, the Handbook seems to imply, Israel and its supporters would have had no problems with the massacre itself.
One result of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon was Israel slicing off a portion of Lebanon which became known as Israel?s security zone. The Handbook pointed out, however, that criticism of Israel started much earlier on than the invasion of Lebanon, and in fact, the criticism started at the very beginning of the Jewish state:
Shortly after the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, the preface said, there were those questioning the basic legality of the infant state. Indeed, most American Jews at that time did not support Zionism nor its goal to take land from Palestinians. In 1967, after Israel initiated a new war, seizing military control of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, critics of Israel, the Handbook said,promoted the myth of an oppressive, imperialistic Israel seeking to expand her borders from the Jordan to the Euphrates.
Again, the Handbook, while claiming that the descriptive terms are myth, gave no evidence that refuted an aggressive, imperialistic Israel ? one that was dramatically and successfully executing a plan to expand her borders. Rather than being a myth, it was, especially for the victims, a tragic reality.
In the wake of the Camp David accords, the preface continued, champions of Palestinian rights began calling attention to issues they claimed had been overlooked by the 1979 peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel. Charging the Jewish state with gross human rights violations ? including torture, educational and economic repression of the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza, the propagandists stepped up their campaign aimed at discrediting Israel in the eyes of the American public.
Here again, rather than deal with the accusations ? that Israel engages in gross human rights violations ? including torture, and educational and economic repression of the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza the Handbook attacked not what might be at fault, worthy of ADL?s own investigation, but rather those who expose the wrongs.
By branding those who say Israel engages in gross human rights violations as suspect characters, the ADL hopes that others will see the charges as a myth, coming from persons not so pure as the rest of society.[/justify]
Source: Washington Report On Middle East Affairs ? October 1996, pg. 20
Earning My Living as a Writer:
The Year the ADL Changed My Job Description
by Grace Halsell
When I made my first journey to Jerusalem in 1979, I had earned my living as a writer for 37 years. I always thought I was lucky, being able to sell articles and pay my way around ? and around ? the world. I lived as a writer in Europe, the Far East and South America. I also went as a writer to cover the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam and Bosnia. For most of my life, I?ve reported what I saw with my own eyes and what others on the scene told me.
Since I have earned my living as a writer since my high school days, it came as a surprise to learn that a Jewish organization chose, unilaterally and arbitrarily, to classify me not as a reporter, journalist or writer but rather as a propagandist.ä What prompted one organization to assume the authority of changing my job description?
I was one of 34 persons identified as propagandists in A Handbook, 1983 ? First Edition, put out by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith (ADL). While the others on the list undoubtedly would think of themselves as professional persons ? doctors, lawyers, heads of organizations ? in the ADL listing they, like me, become propagandists. We were singled out for one purpose: we?ve said that as regards the Arab-Israeli conflict, there are two sides of the story ? and that most Americans know only one.
Our sin, in the eyes of the Jewish ADL, is having disseminated Pro-Arab Propaganda in America. Although the ADL champions the cause of justice for all Jews, it apparently does not condone others speaking of justice for Palestinians.
Looking at the ADL Handbook, I am left wondering: how widely has it been circulated? If any of those listed in the Handbook apply for a job, will a boss clear their names with the ADL? Is the Handbook used as a guide for pro-Israeli editors not to print articles written by anyone the ADL terms a propagandist? Is it a guide for pro-Israeli lecture agents to refrain from sponsoring any speaker who mentions the plight of Palestinians? Is the action taken by the ADL intended to set us aside, to mark us for life with a brand of their choosing?
As a child, I often heard my father relate how, in the frontier days before fenced-in property, he heated over open flames an iron rod and put a brand on cattle. Later, living through the Second World War, I learned that the Nazis branded individuals by forcing them to wear yellow arm bands. The arm bands were used to brand Jews, gypsies and other so-called enemies of the state as different, suspect, not reliable, unsuitable. In its Handbook, the ADL also chooses to set individuals apart.
The intent is to suggest that we are suspect, unreliable.
Unlike branded cattle, I do not suffer the pain of burning flesh. Nor am I forced to wear a yellow arm band. Since I suffer no physical abuse, is it fair at all to make an analogy with those who endured torture worse than death and of the multitude of others who indeed were killed? Compared with those tragedies, the ADL listing of individuals in a handbook may seem innocent and non-invasive. Yet, while the dissemination of such a handbook is done professionally, with skill, sophistication and subtle use of pejoratives, the intent seems clear: it is to suggest that we differ from the norm, that we are suspect, unreliable, not given to write or relate what we see with veracity.
The ADL Handbook targeted a medical doctor, a former U.S. senator, 10 university professors and 3 attorneys. It listed a half-dozen men of Jewish heritage: Rabbi Elmer Berger, Edmund R. Hanauer, Mark Lane, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Haviv Schieber and Israel Shahak. And it named 23 Arab Americans presumably guilty of being pro-Arab.
In addition to individuals, the ADL Handbook also targeted 31 organizations. In this listing, 17 were committed to giving the Palestinian side of the story. These organizations, in their financial resources, membership and over-all influence and impact on American society, may be likened to a grain of sand in the vast sea of huge, wealthy pro-Israel groups that operate throughout the United States.
Since the pro-Israel organizations are so vast and successful in their endeavors and the pro-Arab groups so small and largely ineffectual, why did an influential Jewish organization, one of the wealthiest and most powerful in America, go on the attack? In the ADL Handbook preface, it explained that after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Israel began to get bad publicity:
The nightly television news which brought pictures of death and destruction directly from Lebanese battlefields, and the print media with its exaggerated casualty figures created fertile ground for the latest propaganda campaign characterizing Israel as a militaristic, brutal and oppressive nation.
Blaming the Messenger
The ADL gave no rebuttal to charges that Israel in its invasion of Lebanon was acting as a militaristic, brutal and oppressive nation. Rather than investigate the charges, the ADL investigated those who called attention to the wrong. It blamed the print media with its exaggerated casualty figures. Generally, the press reported that the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon killed and wounded some 200,000 people, most of them civilians. The ADL in its Handbook, found no fault with the invasion itself, only what it termed exaggerated casualty figures.
The Handbook?s purpose, ADL reported in its preface, is to identify the leading individuals and organizations who have mounted this and previous propaganda campaigns targeted against Israel.ä If the massacre simply were not reported, the Handbook seems to imply, Israel and its supporters would have had no problems with the massacre itself.
One result of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon was Israel slicing off a portion of Lebanon which became known as Israel?s security zone. The Handbook pointed out, however, that criticism of Israel started much earlier on than the invasion of Lebanon, and in fact, the criticism started at the very beginning of the Jewish state:
Shortly after the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, the preface said, there were those questioning the basic legality of the infant state. Indeed, most American Jews at that time did not support Zionism nor its goal to take land from Palestinians. In 1967, after Israel initiated a new war, seizing military control of the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, critics of Israel, the Handbook said,promoted the myth of an oppressive, imperialistic Israel seeking to expand her borders from the Jordan to the Euphrates.
Again, the Handbook, while claiming that the descriptive terms are myth, gave no evidence that refuted an aggressive, imperialistic Israel ? one that was dramatically and successfully executing a plan to expand her borders. Rather than being a myth, it was, especially for the victims, a tragic reality.
In the wake of the Camp David accords, the preface continued, champions of Palestinian rights began calling attention to issues they claimed had been overlooked by the 1979 peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel. Charging the Jewish state with gross human rights violations ? including torture, educational and economic repression of the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza, the propagandists stepped up their campaign aimed at discrediting Israel in the eyes of the American public.
Here again, rather than deal with the accusations ? that Israel engages in gross human rights violations ? including torture, and educational and economic repression of the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza the Handbook attacked not what might be at fault, worthy of ADL?s own investigation, but rather those who expose the wrongs.
By branding those who say Israel engages in gross human rights violations as suspect characters, the ADL hopes that others will see the charges as a myth, coming from persons not so pure as the rest of society.[/justify]
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[justify][large]The ADL's 1995 Audit of Anti Semitic Incidents[/large]
Source: The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July 1996, pgs. 24, 93
?Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics?
The ADL?s 1995 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents
by Lenni Brenner
If politically oriented Americans had to describe the Anti-Defamation League, most would call it the leading Jewish civil rights organization. They know it best for its annual survey of anti-Semitism, which is widely cited in our major dailies. Even many critics presume that at least the Audit can be relied upon. But the 1995 Audit reminds us, there are ?lies, damn lies and statistics.?
Let?s start with the statistics. ?The total number of?acts against both property and persons was 1,843. This?represents a decrease of?11 percent, from the 1994 total.? As there are 263 million Americans, and circa 5.5 million Jews, anti-Semitism is insignificant. However even the 1,843 figure distorts reality. It breaks down to 1,116 incidents of harassment, threat and assault, and 727 acts of vandalism, with the events in each category being so disparate that the two overall numbers tell us next to nothing.
Harassment, threats, and assaults includes ?a large variety? of acts, from mailing Nazi literature to ?Holocaust-denial advertisements in campus newspapers.? Thus there were 118 anti-Semitic campus incidents including six ads in school papers submitted by a rich crank. The editors printed them on free-press grounds. We may disagree with their decision, but there were no anti-Semitic incidents at those schools.
Because there were few campus incidents, they are described, even if minimally. Eight took place at Kennesaw College in Georgia over a three-month period. Three were ?flyers distributed,94? three were flyers or messages taped to mailboxes or doors, two were ?graffiti found in the library.? We speculate that all were done by one person, who then got a job delivering pizza or whatever. But by listing them separately it looks like Kennesaw is a hot-bed of anti-Semitism with almost 7 percent of all campus incidents taking place there. Similarly, there were six swastikas found on six days at Pennsylvania State University, and eight incidents at Kean College in New Jersey, with seven being things like ?swastika drawn on an anti-bias poster.?
Mad Itemization
This mad itemization has not escaped criticism. Edgar Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress, ridicules ?too much counting of swastikas in bathrooms.? Sure enough, the Audit does this: ?Swastikas and racist remarks found in a bathroom? (Kean College); ?Sticker denying the Holocaust found in a bathroom? (Northwestern University); ?Anti-Semitic graffiti on a bathroom wall targeting a Jewish professor? (University of Pittsburgh).
The eighth Kean College listing is ?Leonard Jeffries gave a speech which included a diatribe against Jews.? However, we aren?t given an example. An illustration of the ADL?s success in demonizing some of its targets is the fact that well-intended people have been led into seeing Jeffries as a crackpot black racist. Yet this is what he actually said, in dealing with the Jewish role in black slavery, in a July 20, 1991 speech which the ADL claims is one of the most infamous orations of our age: ?Now, we?re not talking about most Jews. Most Jews were being beatup and down Europepersecuted for being Jewish. We?re talking about rich Jews, and we specifically make that distinction.?
Five incidents were speeches by Stokely Carmichael, the 1960s civil rights leader, aka Kwame Ture. At the University of Maryland he declared that ?Zionism is the enemy of humanity?; at Washington University in Missouri he ?distributed literature from the World Wide African Anti-Zionist Front?; and at the University of Pennsylvania he ?referred to ADL as the ?African Death League.??
What kind of a monster are we dealing with here, Holmes? Given the ADL?s ranting against the African National Congress while it was fighting apartheid, not a few blacks (and whites) would see ?African Death League? as a carefully measured description. In any case Ture is no anti-Semite. His position was spelled out during the Iraq war, in a May 1991 article in The Anti-War Activist: ?We must properly distinguish between Judaism and Zionism. But our slogan must be King?s slogan: ?Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.??
There were ?108 individuals arrested in connection with anti-Semitic bias crimes.? The FBI charged four named suspects, involved with the ?Tri-State Militia,? in a failed effort to bomb several organizations, including the ADL. A 22-year-old was sentenced to jail for mounting a pig?s head on a synagogue. Two youths who desecrated a Jewish cemetery on Halloween were arrested on state charges in New Jersey and indicted under a civil rights statute by a federal grand jury. ?A racially mixed group of five young men, ages 15 to 18, was?convicted? for two assaults. But the other shoes never fall. We are told nothing about the other individuals.
Every poll shows anti-Semitism declining.
There is a reason. Irwin Suall, the ADL?s chief fact-finder, i.e., head spy, once told me that the majority of those arrested for anti-Semitic crimes were white teenagers with no connection to hate organizations. Such incidents, painting swastikas on tombstones and the like, don?t rise above malicious mischief. They do it because it makes adults furious. Indeed only 17 incidents, down from 24, involved organized neo-Nazi skinheads.
The most serious incident occurred on Dec. 8, 1995, when Roland Smith, an African-American ex-mental patient, stormed into Freddy?s Fashion Mart on 125th Street in Harlem. Eight people, none Jewish, died in the blaze he set, including Smith, who had demonstrated against the Jewish owner over a dispute with a black tenant. But the Feb. 27 New York Times reported that ?law enforcement officials said they had been unable to tie Mr. Smith?s actions to any other protesters.?
Smith and the white would-be bombers saw ?the Jews? as the enemy of their people, but their actions are abhorred by the vast majority of those they claim to champion. Every poll shows anti-Semitism declining. But although the 1992 Highlights from an Anti-Defamation League Survey on Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in America admitted that ?a 1964 ADL survey showed that three-of-ten Americans (29 percent) held a significant number of anti-Semitic beliefs. Today, the number is down to 20 percent.? The Survey called an almost one-third decline in anti-Semitic beliefs a ?modest decrease? and a ?jarring testimony to the intractableness of certain strains of prejudice.? Yet the poll shows such views to be most likely found among ?older, less-educated? people, which means that anti-Semitism will continue declining. Archie Bunker isn?t about to become the American Adolf Hitler.
The Survey found that the percentage accepting traditional canards about sharp Jewish business practices is down, but that the percentages believing Jews stick together, are more loyal to Israel than to the U.S., and have too much power have gone up. However, Philip Weiss discussed this in the Jan. 29 issue of New York magazine: ?(W)hen the Anti-Defamation League surveys the goyim, one of the questions it asks is whether they think Jews stick together. If they say yes, that?s evidence of anti-Semitic attitudes. Urging Jews to stick together on the one hand while at the same time blasting the world for believing that we stick together: I don?t think you can really have it both ways.?
Jerome Chanes, editor of Antisemitism in America Today, also responded to the Survey: ?Jews in America are a power group; is it unreasonable for some people to ask whether Jews have too much power?? Weiss pointed out that ?When the NRA exercises political power, it?s a hot-button issue. When Jewish money plays a part, discussing it is anti-Semitic.?
Weiss correctly remarked that ?The redistribution of wealth and privilege helps explain the friction between blacks and Jews. For all the historic talk about commonality in persecution, our statuses are today sharply different.? Yet though the ADL never stops denouncing black anti-Semitism, the poll showed that ?the overall level of anti-Semitism among blacks has declined.? In the last New York senatorial race, the black percentage for Robert Abrams, a Jew, was higher than the percentage of Jews voting for him.
The main black ADL target is Louis Farrakhan, who has definitely expressed anti-Jewish sentiments. His paper, The Final Call, reported on March 15, 1995 that he claims the ADL ?has been used to fight anybody?who would expose those Jews who have been at the root of the control of the banking system of the Federal Reserve.? However, the ADL doesn?t claim the Nation of Islam is involved in violence against Jews.
The ADL vehemently opposed the Million Man March, calling it ?The Largest Event Led by an Anti-Semite in American History.? But Farrakhan made no anti-Semitic remarks at the rally. He called for reconciliation with the Jewish establishment, and urged the crowd to join the mosque, church or synagogue of their choice.
Jew-hatred will never be a basis for a black mass movement. In fact such a movement is the practical answer to it. This was proved by Cornel West, Ron Daniels and other progressives who ignored the ADL and united with Farrakhan. He knew that if he injected anti-Semitism into the March, those progressives, whose participation in planning it was crucial, would have raced for the exit.
Another Freddy?s can happen. But an anti-Semitic mass movement, black or white, can?t happen, not even in the wake of a 1929-style Depression. Anti-Semitic traditions permeated Germany?s upper and middle classes. Our capitalists are not anti-Semitesthe CIA and the Federal Reserve are headed by Jewsand our middle class worships the ground under Jewish entertainers.
Weiss wrote that ?We were oppressed. Today we aren?t, but we still seem to be competing with the blacks for victim points.? Surely the ADL is guilty of this when it gives endless publicity to Holocaust deniers who most Americans would have never heard of but for it. And Bronfman is correct. The ADL wildly inflates the significance of contemporary anti-Semitism when it patrols the men?s rooms of America, from Key West to the Aleutian Islands, counting swastikas.
Brandeis sociologist Earl Raab says only one in 10 Jews experienced anti-Semitism in recent years. Given the propensity of Zionists to see anti-Semitism in even mild criticisms of Israel, the percentage who had to confront real Jew-hatred is surely smaller. Yet, according to J. J. Goldberg, in the May 17, 1993 New Republic, ?ever growing numbers of Jews believe anti-Semitism in America is rising to crisis proportions.? He says that, ?In private, some Jewish agency staffers insist the alarmist tone set by?.the ADL? is responsible for the hysteria. ?People give generously to the?ADL.?
Certainly it is trying to justify its $32 million per year budget. In addition it uses these audits to push its purblind political agenda, notably the notion that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism. And since the 1960s the ADL has been the venomous enemy of all black movements that empathize with the Palestinians as fellow oppressed.
However, on one point Goldberg is incorrect. The ?ever-growing numbers? of Jews that he sees believing the ADL line only represent the minority of Jews who still are affiliated to the rump organized community. The bulk of better-educated Jewish youth who are intermarrying are not usually polled by the surveys he relies upon. And the truly significant statistic is that the number of informed Jews who see through the ADL?s confidence game, as with Bronfman, Weiss, Chanes, Raab and Goldberg, is rising.
He was hopeful this would come to pass.
In an interview earlier this year, Yehudi Menuhin told a Reuters reporter he was saddened by renewed fighting in the Middle East, ?because Israel needs friends and the reaction to the present unleashing of indiscriminate killing is not going to win Israel any friends.?
In a beautifully written autobiography, Unfinished Journey, Yehudi Menuhin tells of how he began playing the violin when he was four. The reader can picture a little boy in knee-pants having the confidence to present himself before distinguished musicians and announce that they should give him an audience. He made his debut at the age of seven. By the time he was 13, he had performed in Paris, London, New York and Berlin. In Berlin, his performance was hailed by physicist Albert Einstein.
Reuters? reporter Roger Jeal in London wrote that Yehudi Menuhin was probably the world?s highest paid musician ?before he extended his range to conducting and teaching.? One might wonder if the change in what he was paid?and how many concerts he played?did not come about because he increasingly played his violin and spoke on behalf of greater understanding and justice?not just for Jews?but for all of humankind as well.
Earlier this year Yehudi Menuhin turned 80. I salute him as one of my great heroes. And it seems to me that father Moshe Menuhim would be most proud of this son.[/justify]
Source: The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July 1996, pgs. 24, 93
?Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics?
The ADL?s 1995 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents
by Lenni Brenner
If politically oriented Americans had to describe the Anti-Defamation League, most would call it the leading Jewish civil rights organization. They know it best for its annual survey of anti-Semitism, which is widely cited in our major dailies. Even many critics presume that at least the Audit can be relied upon. But the 1995 Audit reminds us, there are ?lies, damn lies and statistics.?
Let?s start with the statistics. ?The total number of?acts against both property and persons was 1,843. This?represents a decrease of?11 percent, from the 1994 total.? As there are 263 million Americans, and circa 5.5 million Jews, anti-Semitism is insignificant. However even the 1,843 figure distorts reality. It breaks down to 1,116 incidents of harassment, threat and assault, and 727 acts of vandalism, with the events in each category being so disparate that the two overall numbers tell us next to nothing.
Harassment, threats, and assaults includes ?a large variety? of acts, from mailing Nazi literature to ?Holocaust-denial advertisements in campus newspapers.? Thus there were 118 anti-Semitic campus incidents including six ads in school papers submitted by a rich crank. The editors printed them on free-press grounds. We may disagree with their decision, but there were no anti-Semitic incidents at those schools.
Because there were few campus incidents, they are described, even if minimally. Eight took place at Kennesaw College in Georgia over a three-month period. Three were ?flyers distributed,94? three were flyers or messages taped to mailboxes or doors, two were ?graffiti found in the library.? We speculate that all were done by one person, who then got a job delivering pizza or whatever. But by listing them separately it looks like Kennesaw is a hot-bed of anti-Semitism with almost 7 percent of all campus incidents taking place there. Similarly, there were six swastikas found on six days at Pennsylvania State University, and eight incidents at Kean College in New Jersey, with seven being things like ?swastika drawn on an anti-bias poster.?
Mad Itemization
This mad itemization has not escaped criticism. Edgar Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress, ridicules ?too much counting of swastikas in bathrooms.? Sure enough, the Audit does this: ?Swastikas and racist remarks found in a bathroom? (Kean College); ?Sticker denying the Holocaust found in a bathroom? (Northwestern University); ?Anti-Semitic graffiti on a bathroom wall targeting a Jewish professor? (University of Pittsburgh).
The eighth Kean College listing is ?Leonard Jeffries gave a speech which included a diatribe against Jews.? However, we aren?t given an example. An illustration of the ADL?s success in demonizing some of its targets is the fact that well-intended people have been led into seeing Jeffries as a crackpot black racist. Yet this is what he actually said, in dealing with the Jewish role in black slavery, in a July 20, 1991 speech which the ADL claims is one of the most infamous orations of our age: ?Now, we?re not talking about most Jews. Most Jews were being beatup and down Europepersecuted for being Jewish. We?re talking about rich Jews, and we specifically make that distinction.?
Five incidents were speeches by Stokely Carmichael, the 1960s civil rights leader, aka Kwame Ture. At the University of Maryland he declared that ?Zionism is the enemy of humanity?; at Washington University in Missouri he ?distributed literature from the World Wide African Anti-Zionist Front?; and at the University of Pennsylvania he ?referred to ADL as the ?African Death League.??
What kind of a monster are we dealing with here, Holmes? Given the ADL?s ranting against the African National Congress while it was fighting apartheid, not a few blacks (and whites) would see ?African Death League? as a carefully measured description. In any case Ture is no anti-Semite. His position was spelled out during the Iraq war, in a May 1991 article in The Anti-War Activist: ?We must properly distinguish between Judaism and Zionism. But our slogan must be King?s slogan: ?Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.??
There were ?108 individuals arrested in connection with anti-Semitic bias crimes.? The FBI charged four named suspects, involved with the ?Tri-State Militia,? in a failed effort to bomb several organizations, including the ADL. A 22-year-old was sentenced to jail for mounting a pig?s head on a synagogue. Two youths who desecrated a Jewish cemetery on Halloween were arrested on state charges in New Jersey and indicted under a civil rights statute by a federal grand jury. ?A racially mixed group of five young men, ages 15 to 18, was?convicted? for two assaults. But the other shoes never fall. We are told nothing about the other individuals.
Every poll shows anti-Semitism declining.
There is a reason. Irwin Suall, the ADL?s chief fact-finder, i.e., head spy, once told me that the majority of those arrested for anti-Semitic crimes were white teenagers with no connection to hate organizations. Such incidents, painting swastikas on tombstones and the like, don?t rise above malicious mischief. They do it because it makes adults furious. Indeed only 17 incidents, down from 24, involved organized neo-Nazi skinheads.
The most serious incident occurred on Dec. 8, 1995, when Roland Smith, an African-American ex-mental patient, stormed into Freddy?s Fashion Mart on 125th Street in Harlem. Eight people, none Jewish, died in the blaze he set, including Smith, who had demonstrated against the Jewish owner over a dispute with a black tenant. But the Feb. 27 New York Times reported that ?law enforcement officials said they had been unable to tie Mr. Smith?s actions to any other protesters.?
Smith and the white would-be bombers saw ?the Jews? as the enemy of their people, but their actions are abhorred by the vast majority of those they claim to champion. Every poll shows anti-Semitism declining. But although the 1992 Highlights from an Anti-Defamation League Survey on Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in America admitted that ?a 1964 ADL survey showed that three-of-ten Americans (29 percent) held a significant number of anti-Semitic beliefs. Today, the number is down to 20 percent.? The Survey called an almost one-third decline in anti-Semitic beliefs a ?modest decrease? and a ?jarring testimony to the intractableness of certain strains of prejudice.? Yet the poll shows such views to be most likely found among ?older, less-educated? people, which means that anti-Semitism will continue declining. Archie Bunker isn?t about to become the American Adolf Hitler.
The Survey found that the percentage accepting traditional canards about sharp Jewish business practices is down, but that the percentages believing Jews stick together, are more loyal to Israel than to the U.S., and have too much power have gone up. However, Philip Weiss discussed this in the Jan. 29 issue of New York magazine: ?(W)hen the Anti-Defamation League surveys the goyim, one of the questions it asks is whether they think Jews stick together. If they say yes, that?s evidence of anti-Semitic attitudes. Urging Jews to stick together on the one hand while at the same time blasting the world for believing that we stick together: I don?t think you can really have it both ways.?
Jerome Chanes, editor of Antisemitism in America Today, also responded to the Survey: ?Jews in America are a power group; is it unreasonable for some people to ask whether Jews have too much power?? Weiss pointed out that ?When the NRA exercises political power, it?s a hot-button issue. When Jewish money plays a part, discussing it is anti-Semitic.?
Weiss correctly remarked that ?The redistribution of wealth and privilege helps explain the friction between blacks and Jews. For all the historic talk about commonality in persecution, our statuses are today sharply different.? Yet though the ADL never stops denouncing black anti-Semitism, the poll showed that ?the overall level of anti-Semitism among blacks has declined.? In the last New York senatorial race, the black percentage for Robert Abrams, a Jew, was higher than the percentage of Jews voting for him.
The main black ADL target is Louis Farrakhan, who has definitely expressed anti-Jewish sentiments. His paper, The Final Call, reported on March 15, 1995 that he claims the ADL ?has been used to fight anybody?who would expose those Jews who have been at the root of the control of the banking system of the Federal Reserve.? However, the ADL doesn?t claim the Nation of Islam is involved in violence against Jews.
The ADL vehemently opposed the Million Man March, calling it ?The Largest Event Led by an Anti-Semite in American History.? But Farrakhan made no anti-Semitic remarks at the rally. He called for reconciliation with the Jewish establishment, and urged the crowd to join the mosque, church or synagogue of their choice.
Jew-hatred will never be a basis for a black mass movement. In fact such a movement is the practical answer to it. This was proved by Cornel West, Ron Daniels and other progressives who ignored the ADL and united with Farrakhan. He knew that if he injected anti-Semitism into the March, those progressives, whose participation in planning it was crucial, would have raced for the exit.
Another Freddy?s can happen. But an anti-Semitic mass movement, black or white, can?t happen, not even in the wake of a 1929-style Depression. Anti-Semitic traditions permeated Germany?s upper and middle classes. Our capitalists are not anti-Semitesthe CIA and the Federal Reserve are headed by Jewsand our middle class worships the ground under Jewish entertainers.
Weiss wrote that ?We were oppressed. Today we aren?t, but we still seem to be competing with the blacks for victim points.? Surely the ADL is guilty of this when it gives endless publicity to Holocaust deniers who most Americans would have never heard of but for it. And Bronfman is correct. The ADL wildly inflates the significance of contemporary anti-Semitism when it patrols the men?s rooms of America, from Key West to the Aleutian Islands, counting swastikas.
Brandeis sociologist Earl Raab says only one in 10 Jews experienced anti-Semitism in recent years. Given the propensity of Zionists to see anti-Semitism in even mild criticisms of Israel, the percentage who had to confront real Jew-hatred is surely smaller. Yet, according to J. J. Goldberg, in the May 17, 1993 New Republic, ?ever growing numbers of Jews believe anti-Semitism in America is rising to crisis proportions.? He says that, ?In private, some Jewish agency staffers insist the alarmist tone set by?.the ADL? is responsible for the hysteria. ?People give generously to the?ADL.?
Certainly it is trying to justify its $32 million per year budget. In addition it uses these audits to push its purblind political agenda, notably the notion that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism. And since the 1960s the ADL has been the venomous enemy of all black movements that empathize with the Palestinians as fellow oppressed.
However, on one point Goldberg is incorrect. The ?ever-growing numbers? of Jews that he sees believing the ADL line only represent the minority of Jews who still are affiliated to the rump organized community. The bulk of better-educated Jewish youth who are intermarrying are not usually polled by the surveys he relies upon. And the truly significant statistic is that the number of informed Jews who see through the ADL?s confidence game, as with Bronfman, Weiss, Chanes, Raab and Goldberg, is rising.
He was hopeful this would come to pass.
In an interview earlier this year, Yehudi Menuhin told a Reuters reporter he was saddened by renewed fighting in the Middle East, ?because Israel needs friends and the reaction to the present unleashing of indiscriminate killing is not going to win Israel any friends.?
In a beautifully written autobiography, Unfinished Journey, Yehudi Menuhin tells of how he began playing the violin when he was four. The reader can picture a little boy in knee-pants having the confidence to present himself before distinguished musicians and announce that they should give him an audience. He made his debut at the age of seven. By the time he was 13, he had performed in Paris, London, New York and Berlin. In Berlin, his performance was hailed by physicist Albert Einstein.
Reuters? reporter Roger Jeal in London wrote that Yehudi Menuhin was probably the world?s highest paid musician ?before he extended his range to conducting and teaching.? One might wonder if the change in what he was paid?and how many concerts he played?did not come about because he increasingly played his violin and spoke on behalf of greater understanding and justice?not just for Jews?but for all of humankind as well.
Earlier this year Yehudi Menuhin turned 80. I salute him as one of my great heroes. And it seems to me that father Moshe Menuhim would be most proud of this son.[/justify]
Nous serons toujours là.
- Erudit
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm
[justify][large]The ADL Snoops Were the Spies Journalists[/large]
Source: CounterPunch, 3220 N Street, NW, Suite 346, Washington, DC 20007
1-800-840-3683, counterpunch@counterpunch.org, Edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
[large]The ADL Snoops[/large]
Were the Spies ?Journalists??
The organization?s main ?fact-finder? was doubling as a spy for the white South African government while his buddy, a San Francisco cop who had tutored El Salvadoran death squads on the finer aspects of torture, was providing its officials with personal information on the organization?s putative enemies when the story broke in San Francisco in December, 1992. The organization was the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL claims to be the nation?s leading defender against prejudice and bigotry but in this instance its targets were members of the African National Congress and its supporters, and apparently everyone, Arab and non-Arab, who had the temerity to criticize Israel. This included some who drove to Arab community events where the ADL?s ?fact-finder,? Roy Bullock, and the cop, Tom Gerard, took turns writing down their license plate numbers, which Gerard turned into addresses thanks to his access to California motor vehicle records.
Their spying efforts proved to be part of a much larger intelligence gathering operation that targeted some 12,000 individuals and more than 600 left-of-center organizations in northern California.
After the first flurry of publicity, the ADL?s spin doctors successfully kept the story from receiving the national coverage that the situation warranted. But the story hasn?t gone away.
Last November the California Court of Appeals handed down a decision that paves the way for a major test later this year of the ADL?s penchant for spying on its enemies. It was the most significant episode in a slow-moving class-action case filed in 1993 by 19 pro-Palestinian and anti-apartheid activists who claim to be victims of the ADL?s snooping operations.
The plaintiffs say they were illegally spied on by Bullock, then considered the ADL?s top ?fact-finder? by his now deceased chief, Irwin Suall, and that such spying constituted an invasion of privacy under the provisions of the California Constitution.
The ADL?s defense, accepted by the court in 1994, is that the Jewish defense organization is, collectively, a ?journalist? and, therefore, can legally engage in information-gathering activities regardless of the source. At question was access by the plaintiffs to information contained in 10 boxes of files seized by the San Francisco police from the ADL?s San Francisco office in April, 1993, and placed under court seal where the ADL has fought fiercely to keep them. In the years since then, efforts by the court to settle the case have foundered on the ADL?s refusal to allow potentially embarrassing depositions taken by plaintiffs? lawyer ex-Congressman Paul (Pete) McCloskey of Bullock, ADL officials and police officers to be be made public and its files opened. The plaintiffs have been unwilling to compromise on either of these issues.
Then, in September, 1997, Judge Alex Saldamondo ruled that McCloskey?s clients were entitled to see what the ADL had on them in its files. Two plaintiffs, Jeffrey Blankfort and Steve Zeltzer, co-founders of the Labor Committee on the Middle East, who had ?outed? Bullock as an ADL spy after he infiltrated their group in 1987, received an extract of their files from the DA?s office the day before they were ordered sealed. Both contain illegally obtained information, much of which, say Blankfort and Zeltzer, is erroneous.
When ADL?s appeal of that decision was rejected by Court of Appeals Judge Anthony Kline, the ADL persuaded the State Supreme Court to return the case to the full court for a hearing. On November 15, 1998, the court reaffirmed ADL?s status as a journalist and acknowledged its right to maintain files and obtain information on all but two of the remaining plaintiffs on the basis that they are ?limited-purpose public figures?, which it defined as having been publicly engaged and identified in activities around a particular issue, in this instance opposition to Israeli occupation and/or South African apartheid. There is no protection, said the court, for obtaining information illegally on non-public figures.
The court made an important qualification, however, ruling that for ?limited purpose? figures, the journalist?s shield only applies if the information obtained is to be used for journalistic purposes. It does not protect the ADL from charges that it passed information about the plaintiffs to ?foreign governments (in this instance, Israel or South Africa) or to others?, which is what the plaintiffs claim the ADL has done.
Although the Court of Appeals vacated Judge Saldamando?s decision, it did state that representatives of the plaintiffs had the right to request a review of ADL?s files to discover possible constitutional violations, each of which would be worth $2500. While this may seem a small sum, there are hundreds of Arab-Americans and anti-apartheid activists whose names appear in the ADL?s files who potentially could collect if the ADL loses in court or is forced to settle the case.
The origins of the story are murky. What the press reported was that the SFPD acted on a tip from the FBI, which was supposedly concerned about files on the Nation of Islam that were stolen from its local office, and arrested Gerard, who allegedly had done the pilfering. In Gerard?s computer they found files on more than 7,000 individuals, many of them Arab-Americans, as well as information on hundreds of left-to-liberal organizations filed by Gerard as ?pinko?. In his locker, they found a black executioner?s hood, a number of photos of dark-skinned men bound and blindfolded, CIA manuals, a secret document on interrogation techniques, stamped ?secret? and referring to El Salvador, and numerous passports and IDs in a variety of names, all with his picture.
This splendid fellow began meeting with Richard Hirschhaut, chief of the ADL?s San Francisco office in 1986, during which, according to a ?confidential? Hirschhaut memo to the aforementioned ADL chief ?fact-finder? Suall, he provided ?a significant amount of information? on ?the activities of specific Arab organizations and individuals in the Bay Area?. That memo hasn?t been made public but what was reported created a nightmare for the ADL when it turned out that Gerard had been exchanging non-public, personal information from government files with Bullock, a paid informant for the ADL since 1954 and whose own computerized ?pinko? files on leftish and liberal folks, when seized by the police, proved to be a third again as large as Gerard?s. According to police, his computer contained the names of nearly 12,000 individuals, 77 Arab-American organizations, 29 anti-apartheid organizations, and more than 600 ?pinko? groups which included such revolutionary outfits as the NAACP, Asian Law Caucus and SANE/FREEZE, as well as 20 Bay area labor unions including the SF Labor Council. There were in addition, files on 612 right-wing organizations and 27 skinhead groups.
According to SF police inspector Ron Roth, 75 percent of their contents was non-public information illegally obtained from government agencies.
After indicating that the ADL would be charged with violating the California?s Business and Profession?s code, SF District Attorney Arlo Smith did an extraordinary thing. He made available to the public, merely for the copying costs, some 700 pages of documents incriminating the ADL in a nation-wide intelligence gathering operation run out of New York by Suall. One of the significant parts of that report was Bullock?s admission that he was paid by a South African intelligence agent to spy on anti-apartheid activists (which he was already doing for the ADL.) He had reported on a visit to California by the ANC?s Chris Hani, ten days before the man expected by many to succeed Nelson Mandela, returned home to be brutally murdered.
The ADL attempted to portray Bullock as a free-lance investigator, but no one was convinced, because since 1954 Bullock had been paid through a cutout, an ADL lawyer in Beverly Hills. After his exposure, Bullock was put directly on the ADL?s payroll. ADL?s position on the ANC was identical to that of the South African government ? they considered it to be a ?terrorist?, ?communist? organization. At the time, Israel was furnishing arms to maintain the apartheid regime in power.
In1994, Smith announced that he would not prosecute either the ADL or Bullock since it would be ?expensive and time-consuming both to the SFDA and the defendants,? a curious judgement considering the overwhelming evidence in his possession.
In its settlement with the city, the ADL, admitted no wrongdoing, agreed to restrain their operatives from seeking non-public data on ADL?s enemies from government agencies and, putting a happy face on the story, promised to create a $25,000 Hate Crimes Fund and another $25,000 for a public school course.
Another class-action case filed by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and other spied-upon groups such as CISPES, the Bay Area Anti-Apartheid Network and the National Lawyers Guild, was settled in 1996, also under conditions favorable to the ADL, but without the approval of some of the suing groups.
In that instance, again without admitting wrongdoing or opening its files, the ADL agreed: to remove questionably obtained information from its files; that it would not seek non-public information on individuals from government employees and would pay $25,000 to a fund to improve relations among Jews, blacks and other minorities. A similar deal was offered to McCloskey?s plaintiffs but they turned it down since it would let the ADL off the hook and allow its secrets to be kept intact.
Both sides will be back in Judge Saldamando?s court in March to hear a new discovery motion from McCloskey and probably to set a trial date, something the ADL has been trying to avoid, given the embarrassment that would inevitably ensue, whatever the outcome. Its latest ploy has been to ask the judge for a summary judgement, in other words, dismissal of the case, something he is unlikely to do.
The deaths of veteran journalists Colin Edwards and George Green reduced the number of plaintiffs by two and subsequently four others, whose political activities were relatively limited, were dropped from the case. McCloskey, himself a victim of ADL attacks and whose wife Helen is one of the plaintiffs, is pursuing the case pro bono. Typically he is faced in court by four or five lawyers for the ADL. Contributions for the plaintiffs may be sent to Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. Atty., 333 Bradford St., Redwood City, CA 94063 (For more information see: [small]http://www.adlwatch.org[/small] or e-mail at melblcome@igc.com.) CP
© Copyright: 1998-1999. All rights reserved,
CounterPunch is a project of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity[/justify]
Source: CounterPunch, 3220 N Street, NW, Suite 346, Washington, DC 20007
1-800-840-3683, counterpunch@counterpunch.org, Edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
[large]The ADL Snoops[/large]
Were the Spies ?Journalists??
The organization?s main ?fact-finder? was doubling as a spy for the white South African government while his buddy, a San Francisco cop who had tutored El Salvadoran death squads on the finer aspects of torture, was providing its officials with personal information on the organization?s putative enemies when the story broke in San Francisco in December, 1992. The organization was the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL claims to be the nation?s leading defender against prejudice and bigotry but in this instance its targets were members of the African National Congress and its supporters, and apparently everyone, Arab and non-Arab, who had the temerity to criticize Israel. This included some who drove to Arab community events where the ADL?s ?fact-finder,? Roy Bullock, and the cop, Tom Gerard, took turns writing down their license plate numbers, which Gerard turned into addresses thanks to his access to California motor vehicle records.
Their spying efforts proved to be part of a much larger intelligence gathering operation that targeted some 12,000 individuals and more than 600 left-of-center organizations in northern California.
After the first flurry of publicity, the ADL?s spin doctors successfully kept the story from receiving the national coverage that the situation warranted. But the story hasn?t gone away.
Last November the California Court of Appeals handed down a decision that paves the way for a major test later this year of the ADL?s penchant for spying on its enemies. It was the most significant episode in a slow-moving class-action case filed in 1993 by 19 pro-Palestinian and anti-apartheid activists who claim to be victims of the ADL?s snooping operations.
The plaintiffs say they were illegally spied on by Bullock, then considered the ADL?s top ?fact-finder? by his now deceased chief, Irwin Suall, and that such spying constituted an invasion of privacy under the provisions of the California Constitution.
The ADL?s defense, accepted by the court in 1994, is that the Jewish defense organization is, collectively, a ?journalist? and, therefore, can legally engage in information-gathering activities regardless of the source. At question was access by the plaintiffs to information contained in 10 boxes of files seized by the San Francisco police from the ADL?s San Francisco office in April, 1993, and placed under court seal where the ADL has fought fiercely to keep them. In the years since then, efforts by the court to settle the case have foundered on the ADL?s refusal to allow potentially embarrassing depositions taken by plaintiffs? lawyer ex-Congressman Paul (Pete) McCloskey of Bullock, ADL officials and police officers to be be made public and its files opened. The plaintiffs have been unwilling to compromise on either of these issues.
Then, in September, 1997, Judge Alex Saldamondo ruled that McCloskey?s clients were entitled to see what the ADL had on them in its files. Two plaintiffs, Jeffrey Blankfort and Steve Zeltzer, co-founders of the Labor Committee on the Middle East, who had ?outed? Bullock as an ADL spy after he infiltrated their group in 1987, received an extract of their files from the DA?s office the day before they were ordered sealed. Both contain illegally obtained information, much of which, say Blankfort and Zeltzer, is erroneous.
When ADL?s appeal of that decision was rejected by Court of Appeals Judge Anthony Kline, the ADL persuaded the State Supreme Court to return the case to the full court for a hearing. On November 15, 1998, the court reaffirmed ADL?s status as a journalist and acknowledged its right to maintain files and obtain information on all but two of the remaining plaintiffs on the basis that they are ?limited-purpose public figures?, which it defined as having been publicly engaged and identified in activities around a particular issue, in this instance opposition to Israeli occupation and/or South African apartheid. There is no protection, said the court, for obtaining information illegally on non-public figures.
The court made an important qualification, however, ruling that for ?limited purpose? figures, the journalist?s shield only applies if the information obtained is to be used for journalistic purposes. It does not protect the ADL from charges that it passed information about the plaintiffs to ?foreign governments (in this instance, Israel or South Africa) or to others?, which is what the plaintiffs claim the ADL has done.
Although the Court of Appeals vacated Judge Saldamando?s decision, it did state that representatives of the plaintiffs had the right to request a review of ADL?s files to discover possible constitutional violations, each of which would be worth $2500. While this may seem a small sum, there are hundreds of Arab-Americans and anti-apartheid activists whose names appear in the ADL?s files who potentially could collect if the ADL loses in court or is forced to settle the case.
The origins of the story are murky. What the press reported was that the SFPD acted on a tip from the FBI, which was supposedly concerned about files on the Nation of Islam that were stolen from its local office, and arrested Gerard, who allegedly had done the pilfering. In Gerard?s computer they found files on more than 7,000 individuals, many of them Arab-Americans, as well as information on hundreds of left-to-liberal organizations filed by Gerard as ?pinko?. In his locker, they found a black executioner?s hood, a number of photos of dark-skinned men bound and blindfolded, CIA manuals, a secret document on interrogation techniques, stamped ?secret? and referring to El Salvador, and numerous passports and IDs in a variety of names, all with his picture.
This splendid fellow began meeting with Richard Hirschhaut, chief of the ADL?s San Francisco office in 1986, during which, according to a ?confidential? Hirschhaut memo to the aforementioned ADL chief ?fact-finder? Suall, he provided ?a significant amount of information? on ?the activities of specific Arab organizations and individuals in the Bay Area?. That memo hasn?t been made public but what was reported created a nightmare for the ADL when it turned out that Gerard had been exchanging non-public, personal information from government files with Bullock, a paid informant for the ADL since 1954 and whose own computerized ?pinko? files on leftish and liberal folks, when seized by the police, proved to be a third again as large as Gerard?s. According to police, his computer contained the names of nearly 12,000 individuals, 77 Arab-American organizations, 29 anti-apartheid organizations, and more than 600 ?pinko? groups which included such revolutionary outfits as the NAACP, Asian Law Caucus and SANE/FREEZE, as well as 20 Bay area labor unions including the SF Labor Council. There were in addition, files on 612 right-wing organizations and 27 skinhead groups.
According to SF police inspector Ron Roth, 75 percent of their contents was non-public information illegally obtained from government agencies.
After indicating that the ADL would be charged with violating the California?s Business and Profession?s code, SF District Attorney Arlo Smith did an extraordinary thing. He made available to the public, merely for the copying costs, some 700 pages of documents incriminating the ADL in a nation-wide intelligence gathering operation run out of New York by Suall. One of the significant parts of that report was Bullock?s admission that he was paid by a South African intelligence agent to spy on anti-apartheid activists (which he was already doing for the ADL.) He had reported on a visit to California by the ANC?s Chris Hani, ten days before the man expected by many to succeed Nelson Mandela, returned home to be brutally murdered.
The ADL attempted to portray Bullock as a free-lance investigator, but no one was convinced, because since 1954 Bullock had been paid through a cutout, an ADL lawyer in Beverly Hills. After his exposure, Bullock was put directly on the ADL?s payroll. ADL?s position on the ANC was identical to that of the South African government ? they considered it to be a ?terrorist?, ?communist? organization. At the time, Israel was furnishing arms to maintain the apartheid regime in power.
In1994, Smith announced that he would not prosecute either the ADL or Bullock since it would be ?expensive and time-consuming both to the SFDA and the defendants,? a curious judgement considering the overwhelming evidence in his possession.
In its settlement with the city, the ADL, admitted no wrongdoing, agreed to restrain their operatives from seeking non-public data on ADL?s enemies from government agencies and, putting a happy face on the story, promised to create a $25,000 Hate Crimes Fund and another $25,000 for a public school course.
Another class-action case filed by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and other spied-upon groups such as CISPES, the Bay Area Anti-Apartheid Network and the National Lawyers Guild, was settled in 1996, also under conditions favorable to the ADL, but without the approval of some of the suing groups.
In that instance, again without admitting wrongdoing or opening its files, the ADL agreed: to remove questionably obtained information from its files; that it would not seek non-public information on individuals from government employees and would pay $25,000 to a fund to improve relations among Jews, blacks and other minorities. A similar deal was offered to McCloskey?s plaintiffs but they turned it down since it would let the ADL off the hook and allow its secrets to be kept intact.
Both sides will be back in Judge Saldamando?s court in March to hear a new discovery motion from McCloskey and probably to set a trial date, something the ADL has been trying to avoid, given the embarrassment that would inevitably ensue, whatever the outcome. Its latest ploy has been to ask the judge for a summary judgement, in other words, dismissal of the case, something he is unlikely to do.
The deaths of veteran journalists Colin Edwards and George Green reduced the number of plaintiffs by two and subsequently four others, whose political activities were relatively limited, were dropped from the case. McCloskey, himself a victim of ADL attacks and whose wife Helen is one of the plaintiffs, is pursuing the case pro bono. Typically he is faced in court by four or five lawyers for the ADL. Contributions for the plaintiffs may be sent to Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. Atty., 333 Bradford St., Redwood City, CA 94063 (For more information see: [small]http://www.adlwatch.org[/small] or e-mail at melblcome@igc.com.) CP
© Copyright: 1998-1999. All rights reserved,
CounterPunch is a project of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity[/justify]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[justify]Source: Counter Punch | February 25, 2002
[large]The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues[/large]
By Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier and Steve Zeltzer
Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case
In 1993, the District of Attorney of San Francisco released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel?s policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.
Under great political pressure, Smith later dropped the charges. One wonders what would have happened had an Arab-American or Muslim organization been caught spying with the names of 10,000 people and 600 organizations in their files.
Not only were critics of Israel under ADL?s surveillance,including thousands of Arab-Americans, but labor organizations such as the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 10, and the Oakland Educational Association, and civil rights groups such as the NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council and the Asian Law Caucus were also found in the ?pinko? files of ADL?s undercover operative, Roy Bullock.
Moreover, Bullock, who had worked, off the books, for the ADL for more than 25 years, admitted that he had been reporting on the activities of black South African exiles and American anti- apartheid activists for South African intelligence.
Bullock, pretending to be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, came to the founding meeting of the Labor Committee of the Middle in 1987 at the home of plaintiff Steve Zeltzer, having met Zeltzer at meetings of the Free Moses Mayekiso Defense
Committee, a South African labor solidarity committee in which he also infiltrated under false pretenses.
Having been responsible for exposing Bullock as an ADL agent to the media, we joined together with other Bay Area activists in filing a suit against the ADL for violation of our privacy rights as provided in California law.
Almost a decade later the suit has been settled with a significant cash payment by the ADL and, we wish to emphasize, without our signing any agreement for confidentiality which the ADL had previously demanded. Our efforts to expose the organization?s work in defending the policies of the Israeli government and stifling its opponents will continue, using new information gained in the pursuance of the suit.
The ADL spent millions of dollars preventing this case from coming to trial through costly appeals and exploiting the judicial process but, at the end, it had to give up..
During the course of the suit we learned that:
Bullock, the ADL?s top ?fact finder? had sold confidential information to a South African intelligence agent in San Francisco for $15,000.
Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country?s president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government.
ADL agent Roy Bullock was discovered to have a floor plan of murdered Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh and a key to his office.
The ADL supplied confidential information to foreign governments that it obtained from police and federal agencies in the US,
Having infiltrated the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the ADL?s ?fact finder? performed a COINTEL-type operation at the convention of the Holocaust-denying Journal of Historical Review when he put ADC?s literature on convention tables as a way of smearing the committee for ?working with anti- Semites.?
The ADL has organized to silence and eliminate all critical voices of Israel from academia and the media and has targeted professors , particularly those who are African American, and who are critical of Israel.
That at least 51% of the activities of its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel.
The ADL provided secret files to police agencies when these police agencies were prevented by law from collecting the files themselves,
Many questions must still be answered about the activities of the ADL and it?s non-profit status as an ?education organization?. The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed.
We call on all people to make sure that these practices on the part of the ADL are not allowed to continue and that the double standard that presently dominates this country on issues dealing with Israel be eliminated.
Finally, we wish to thank our attorney, former congressman Pete McCloskey, himself a victim of the ADL and the Israel Lobby, for his years of work on our behalf and his steadfast commitment to the pursuit of justice.
Jeffrey Blankfort can be reached at: jab@tucradio.org[/justify]
[large]The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues[/large]
By Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier and Steve Zeltzer
Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case
In 1993, the District of Attorney of San Francisco released 700 pages of documents implicating the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that claims to be a defender of civil rights, in a vast spying operation directed against American citizens who were opposed to Israel?s policies in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza and to the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa and passing on information to both governments.
Under great political pressure, Smith later dropped the charges. One wonders what would have happened had an Arab-American or Muslim organization been caught spying with the names of 10,000 people and 600 organizations in their files.
Not only were critics of Israel under ADL?s surveillance,including thousands of Arab-Americans, but labor organizations such as the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 10, and the Oakland Educational Association, and civil rights groups such as the NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council and the Asian Law Caucus were also found in the ?pinko? files of ADL?s undercover operative, Roy Bullock.
Moreover, Bullock, who had worked, off the books, for the ADL for more than 25 years, admitted that he had been reporting on the activities of black South African exiles and American anti- apartheid activists for South African intelligence.
Bullock, pretending to be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, came to the founding meeting of the Labor Committee of the Middle in 1987 at the home of plaintiff Steve Zeltzer, having met Zeltzer at meetings of the Free Moses Mayekiso Defense
Committee, a South African labor solidarity committee in which he also infiltrated under false pretenses.
Having been responsible for exposing Bullock as an ADL agent to the media, we joined together with other Bay Area activists in filing a suit against the ADL for violation of our privacy rights as provided in California law.
Almost a decade later the suit has been settled with a significant cash payment by the ADL and, we wish to emphasize, without our signing any agreement for confidentiality which the ADL had previously demanded. Our efforts to expose the organization?s work in defending the policies of the Israeli government and stifling its opponents will continue, using new information gained in the pursuance of the suit.
The ADL spent millions of dollars preventing this case from coming to trial through costly appeals and exploiting the judicial process but, at the end, it had to give up..
During the course of the suit we learned that:
Bullock, the ADL?s top ?fact finder? had sold confidential information to a South African intelligence agent in San Francisco for $15,000.
Ten days before he was assassinated in South Africa, Chris Hani, the man who would have succeeded Nelson Mandela as the country?s president, was trailed by Bullock on a trip through California who reported on it to the South African government.
ADL agent Roy Bullock was discovered to have a floor plan of murdered Los Angeles Arab American leader Alex Odeh and a key to his office.
The ADL supplied confidential information to foreign governments that it obtained from police and federal agencies in the US,
Having infiltrated the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the ADL?s ?fact finder? performed a COINTEL-type operation at the convention of the Holocaust-denying Journal of Historical Review when he put ADC?s literature on convention tables as a way of smearing the committee for ?working with anti- Semites.?
The ADL has organized to silence and eliminate all critical voices of Israel from academia and the media and has targeted professors , particularly those who are African American, and who are critical of Israel.
That at least 51% of the activities of its San Francisco office were devoted to defending Israel.
The ADL provided secret files to police agencies when these police agencies were prevented by law from collecting the files themselves,
Many questions must still be answered about the activities of the ADL and it?s non-profit status as an ?education organization?. The settlement offered by the ADL is recognition on its part that it could not afford to go to a trial in front of a jury and face the likelihood that more of its dirty secrets would be revealed.
We call on all people to make sure that these practices on the part of the ADL are not allowed to continue and that the double standard that presently dominates this country on issues dealing with Israel be eliminated.
Finally, we wish to thank our attorney, former congressman Pete McCloskey, himself a victim of the ADL and the Israel Lobby, for his years of work on our behalf and his steadfast commitment to the pursuit of justice.
Jeffrey Blankfort can be reached at: jab@tucradio.org[/justify]
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[justify]Source: Reprinted from Free Speech - February 1996 - Volume II, Number 2
[large]The ADL Targets Shortwave Stations[/large]
By Nelson Rosit
In an article in the September 1995 issue of Free Speech, ?The FCC?s Selective Persecution of Dissident Radio,? Kevin Strom reported on the harassment of our shortwave carrier, station WRNO, by the Federal Communications Commission. The vehicle for this harassment was an FCC regulation prohibiting shortwave stations from carrying programs aimed solely at a domestic audience. Of course, the assertion that American Dissident Voices is not intended for an international audience and is directed solely at American listeners is completely groundless, but the FCC demanded that WRNO prove that this was the case.
In their letter to WRNO, the FCC claimed that they were responding to complaints made about four programs aired on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Mr. Strom asked rhetorically, ?Isn?t it strange that out of hundreds of programs about which such questions might be raised, all four programs complained about are ones which criticize the role of organized Jewry in contemporary society? Must be a coincidence, don?t you think??
If anyone had any doubts about the coincidence they should be dispelled by Poisoning The Airwaves: The Extremist Message of Hate on Shortwave Radio, an Anti-Defamation League report put out recently. In this report, which characterizes shortwave as the ?CNN for right-wing groups,? the ADL laments that this medium ?is cheap, reaches a large audience, and, perhaps most importantly, almost no government regulations are imposed on it.?
Despite this last claim, the ADL goes on to charge that perhaps Federal regulations are being violated since, ?there are several shortwave stations that broadcast extremist programs clearly meant for domestic US audiences.? This is the same issue raised by the FCC regarding American Dissident Voices. Thus, it seems likely that the ?complaints? that the FCC says it was responding to originated with the ADL or similar groups intent upon intimidating shortwave stations which carry Politically Incorrect programs.
Anyone who has listened to ADV for any length of time knows that we often deal with international issues, issues that concern White people worldwide. We have a stack of correspondence from foreign listeners to prove that we do reach people worldwide, and the ADL, with its vast intelligence network, certainly is aware of this. The truth is, our international reach is what concerns them the most. Narrow racial-nationalist movements are easier to control. However, the prospects of White solidarity worldwide is truly our enemies? worst nightmare.
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
[large]The ADL Targets Shortwave Stations[/large]
By Nelson Rosit
In an article in the September 1995 issue of Free Speech, ?The FCC?s Selective Persecution of Dissident Radio,? Kevin Strom reported on the harassment of our shortwave carrier, station WRNO, by the Federal Communications Commission. The vehicle for this harassment was an FCC regulation prohibiting shortwave stations from carrying programs aimed solely at a domestic audience. Of course, the assertion that American Dissident Voices is not intended for an international audience and is directed solely at American listeners is completely groundless, but the FCC demanded that WRNO prove that this was the case.
In their letter to WRNO, the FCC claimed that they were responding to complaints made about four programs aired on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Mr. Strom asked rhetorically, ?Isn?t it strange that out of hundreds of programs about which such questions might be raised, all four programs complained about are ones which criticize the role of organized Jewry in contemporary society? Must be a coincidence, don?t you think??
If anyone had any doubts about the coincidence they should be dispelled by Poisoning The Airwaves: The Extremist Message of Hate on Shortwave Radio, an Anti-Defamation League report put out recently. In this report, which characterizes shortwave as the ?CNN for right-wing groups,? the ADL laments that this medium ?is cheap, reaches a large audience, and, perhaps most importantly, almost no government regulations are imposed on it.?
Despite this last claim, the ADL goes on to charge that perhaps Federal regulations are being violated since, ?there are several shortwave stations that broadcast extremist programs clearly meant for domestic US audiences.? This is the same issue raised by the FCC regarding American Dissident Voices. Thus, it seems likely that the ?complaints? that the FCC says it was responding to originated with the ADL or similar groups intent upon intimidating shortwave stations which carry Politically Incorrect programs.
Anyone who has listened to ADV for any length of time knows that we often deal with international issues, issues that concern White people worldwide. We have a stack of correspondence from foreign listeners to prove that we do reach people worldwide, and the ADL, with its vast intelligence network, certainly is aware of this. The truth is, our international reach is what concerns them the most. Narrow racial-nationalist movements are easier to control. However, the prospects of White solidarity worldwide is truly our enemies? worst nightmare.
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
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[justify]Source: This article was originally published in National Vanguard Magazine,
PO Box 330,Hillsboro WV 24946 USA.
[large]The ADL: The drive to outlaw free speech and thought[/large]
Question: What does the current media campaign to outlaw the private ownership of semiautomatic weapons by U.S. citizens have to do with the rapidly growing corpus of legislation dealing with ?hate crimes??
Answer: Success of the first is necessary to insure compliance with the second, and both are the creatures of a quasi-governmental secret-police agency of whose existence most Americans are unaware.
There is underway in America a vast, well-oiled, heavily financed campaign to limit sharply the rights of Americans under the First Amendment to their Constitution and to eliminate altogether their rights under the Second Amendment. It already has scored notable successes in rolling back the most basic American freedoms. It is gearing up now for a drive to achieve total victory in this decade.
The principal instrument in this campaign is a secret-police agency more sinister, more cunning, and infinitely more malevolent than the Soviet Committee for State Security ? the KGB ? ever was. Its initials are ADL.Those initials stand for Anti-Defamation League, an innocuous-sounding name wholly out of keeping with the character of the organization.
To understand its significance we must look into its origins. The ADL is the action arm of B?nai B?rith, the international Jewish secret society, whose Hebrew name means in English ?Sons of the Covenant.? The ?covenant? referred to is the one supposedly entered into between the ancient Hebrews and their tribal deity Yahweh more than 3,000 years ago.
Its terms are spelled out in Deuteronomy, the fifth book of Moses. The Jews pledged their allegiance to Yahweh in return for his promise to take them as his ?chosen people? and to give them dominion over all the lands and the other peoples of the earth: ?Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours.? (Deut. 11: 24) B?nai B?rith sees as its task the taking of all necessary measures for this promise to be fulfilled.
The ADL itself was organized in the United States as a subdivision of B?nai B?rith in 1913, and its ostensible purpose was to counter the ?defamation? of Jews, whose public image was even worse then than now. The ADL went about its work in characteristically heavy-handed fashion, bullying and intimidating those who said or published anything the organization considered incompatible with Jewish interests, and lobbying legislators and other public officials to obtain legislation or rulings which would advance Jewish aims. If a prominent businessman, educator, or politician made a public statement the Jews did not like, the ADL would attempt to persuade him to retract it, hinting at economic or political reprisals if he refused. If intimidation failed, the ADL often would turn to defamation, feeding derogatory statements about the target to newspapers under Jewish control or friendly to Jewish interests until he was thoroughly discredited in the eyes of the public.
Typical of ADL efforts in the period prior to the Second World War was its attempt to ban a book, Conquest of a Continent, by Madison Grant, the noted naturalist and president of the New York Zoological Society. The book was published in 1933 by Charles Scribner?s Sons and bore an enthusiastic introduction by Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, the most prominent American paleontologist of his day. In the book Grant outlined the racial history of North America and argued for the reform of immigration laws in order to keep America primarily Northern European in its racial composition.
Jews are hardly mentioned in the book, and in no way can it be considered a ?defamation? of them. Jewish policy then as now, however, was to change the European racial character of the United States by cutting off the flow of immigrants (other than Jews) from Europe and increasing the flow from the non-White world.
Consequently the ADL mounted a campaign with publishers, asking them not to review the book or mention it in any way in their own publications, and with booksellers, asking them not to handle the book. A form letter dated December 13, 1933, mailed from the national headquarters of the ADL (then in Chicago), and signed by the then-director of the organization, Richard E. Gutstadt, notified publishers that Grant?s book ?is extremely antagonistic to Jewish interests? and added: ?We are interested in stifling the sale of this book.?
Grant?s book is only one of many which received the same attention from the ADL. As time passed the organization?s censorship activity became more sophisticated and more effective. Defamation of offending authors, speakers, or public officials became a more often used weapon. In line with this defamation activity the ADL?s undercover investigative capabilities were greatly expanded. A network of unpaid Jewish agents all across the country reported to ADL headquarters, where dossiers were built up on tens of thousands of American citizens. Information from these dossiers, which might contain everything from basic biographical and employment data to rumors about marital difficulties or drinking problems, was used to fabricate defamatory news releases on anyone the ADL wanted to discredit.
By the early 1940s the ADL had strengthened its position as an information source for the news media ? the result in part of the increased number of Jews in controlling positions in the media. It also had established informal relationships with a number of local, state, and Federal police departments. It often was the case that when the Federal Bureau of Investigation was interested in the affairs of a person involved in patriotic or ?right wing? activity, the ADL already would have a dossier on him as someone actually or potentially hostile to Jewish interests and would happily share the dossier with the FBI. Sometimes the ADL would initiate the contact: if its informants had provided information to headquarters suggesting that an alleged ?anti-Semite? might not have paid enough income tax or might have an unregistered firearm hidden in his attic, a tip would be given to the appropriate police agency.
In the past half-century the ADL?s links with the media and with law-enforcement agencies have grown enormously. Today virtually all the controlled news media routinely print anything given to them by the ADL, as if it had come over the Associated Press wire, and they routinely go to the ADL for commentary whenever any news story is being prepared on a person known to oppose Jewish policies.
Likewise, the ADL has become the standard source to which government investigative agencies turn whenever their target is such a person. In the latter case the flow of information goes in both directions: not only does the ADL have the opportunity to peek into the government?s confidential investigative files, but its agents are even invited to accompany the FBI when raids or arrests are being made on a target of interest to it.
The biggest development for the ADL in the postwar period came as a result of the Jews? land-grab in the Middle East and the formation of the state of Israel. The coordinating center for B?nai B?rith?s activities moved from New York to Jerusalem. Investigating, defaming, and intimidating Americans who did not agree with the Israel-first foreign policy of the U.S. government became one of the ADL?s chief concerns. Patriots who protested Washington?s failure to take reprisals in 1967 when the Israelis deliberately rocketed, strafed, and torpedoed the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171 others, were denounced as ?anti-Semites? by the ADL. In 1974, when NATIONAL VANGUARD editor William Pierce sued U.S. Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger in an effort to halt the flow of U.S. weapons and military supplies to Israel, the ADL jumped into the suit on the side of the government as an amicus curiae.
As early as 1971, in sworn testimony in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, a top B?nai B?rith official, Saul Joftes, formerly director general of the B?nai B?rith?s Office of International Affairs, admitted that B?nai B?rith ?engages in international politics and more often than not does the bidding of the government of Israel. Its leaders make frequent trips to Israel for indoctrination and instructions.? The issue at stake in the court case was whether or not B?nai B?rith?s U.S. affiliate ? and the ADL ? should be prosecuted for failing to register as agents of a foreign power under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.
The fix was in, however; by the 1970s the ADL and B?nai B?rith had become ?untouchables.? Not only did they escape prosecution, they continued to operate as tax-exempt ?religious and charitable? organizations.
Silencing and discrediting Americans who disapproved of U.S. taxpayers? money being used to support Israel?s wars of expansion in the Middle East was not the only ADL activity in the postwar period. The organization worked hard and effectively to advance other Jewish goals: the opponents of increased non-White immigration were attacked, aid was given to the pulling down of the barriers against racial mixing, new restrictions on the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms were supported. The ADL played a significant role in every facet of B?nai B?rith?s program to demoralize, dilute, disorganize, and disarm White Americans ? all in the name of the fight against ?bigotry.?
When, during the madness of the 1960s, the Jews finally succeeded in pushing through a new immigration law designed to bring more non-Whites into the United States, the ADL crowed about its success. The November 1965 issue of the ADL Bulletin, the group?s internal publication, carried an article by the director of the ADL?s law department, Sol Rabkin, who was present at the signing of the new law by President Lyndon Johnson. (Also present at the signing was Benjamin R. Epstein, then the national director of the ADL.) Under the heading ?The restrictive national origins quota system is finally abolished ? after a forty year fight,? Rabkin boasted: ?The Anti-Defamation League is proud of the educational role it played in helping to bring this about.?
The same issue of the ADL Bulletin had a notice of the appointment of the director of the ADL?s Washington office, Herman Edelsberg, to the government post of executive director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where he could work more effectively to force the racial mixing of employees in shops and offices all across America. In this regard it is interesting to note that the ADL actually has two ?equal opportunity? programs. One ? that headed by Mr. Edelsberg in 1965 and by others since then ? is to give Blacks and other minorities precedence over Whites in hiring and promotion for blue-collar and clerical employment. The other is to oppose Black demands for precedence in admissions to law schools and medical schools, and for hiring and promotion in certain professional occupations where Jews are heavily over-represented.
By the mid-1970s B?nai B?rith had had very substantial success in virtually every phase of its campaign to undermine White society in America. It still was moving aggressively on a dozen fronts: introducing resolutions to require ?Holocaust? indoctrination for Gentile children in the public schools; demanding the rewriting of school textbooks and the reworking of school curricula to make them appropriately ?multi-cultural? and eliminate what the ADL complained was the ?principally white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon view of America? presented by older texts and curricula; pushing Christian churches, both Protestant and Catholic, to make even further changes in their doctrines, so that their teachings about Jews would consist of nothing but the most fulsome praise; lobbying the government to punish American companies refusing to trade with Israel; asking for more restrictive anti-gun laws; etc.
These ongoing programs were only a part of the ADL?s activity, however. The late 1970s saw a slowing of the frantic social change which had kept America in turmoil for nearly two decades. Much of that turmoil had been planned and instigated by B?nai B?rith. Even before the beginning of the 1980s and the relative stasis of the Reagan era, B?nai B?rith was planning new programs to head off any White backlash which might undo the changes it had wrought in American society. A new emphasis on secret-police activity characterized these programs.
At an ADL banquet in Palm Beach, Florida, early in 1975, as reported in the March 1975 issue of the ADL Bulletin, ADL Chairman Seymour Graubard boasted that the ?ADL, to the limits of its financial ability, is expanding its intelligence operation . . .?
The building of dossiers on the opponents and potential opponents of the Jews? plan for America was no longer enough, however. During times of economic prosperity the old tactics of defamation and intimidation might be sufficient to keep the goyim in line, but a severe and prolonged economic decline could stiffen the spines of White Americans to the point where they no longer would be frightened into silence by the ADL?s power of the smear. It became prudent, in the view of the leaders of B?nai B?rith, to enlist the police powers of government in order to silence and disarm their critics before any substantial backlash developed. To this end the ADL launched a new legislative lobbying campaign of ominous import.
The ADL?s lawyers drew up a series of ?model statutes? to be introduced by the organization?s agents into the Congress and state legislatures. Some of these ADL-designed statutes are aimed at a more rapid phasing-out of citizens? rights to keep and bear arms. The ADL always has been a leading advocate of gun control ? much more so than the public has realized, because often while other gun-control organizations are out front holding press conferences and making headlines, it is the ADL pulling the strings for them behind the scenes. Beginning in the 1980s, however, there was a new urgency to the organization?s efforts. The rationale used by the ADL now is that new, sweeping anti-gun laws are needed to protect law-abiding citizens from ?right-wing terrorism.? The ADL Bulletin has warned that ?arms and stores of ammunition are being collected in uncounted numbers, and extremists have made clear that they are ready to use them.? To back up this claim that armed White ?extremists? are a growing menace the ADL has fed a steady stream of alarmist reports to the controlled news media. An excellent illustration of the way in which the ADL has carried on its anti-gun campaign is provided by its ?model anti-paramilitary training statute,? designed to prevent White patriots from acquiring or providing instruction in the martial arts.
The organization unveiled this model statute in 1980. By November 1981 the ADL Bulletin was able to boast that ADL agents had succeeded in having bills based on the statute enacted into law by the legislatures of California, Connecticut, and North Carolina. By early 1987 the number of states which had knuckled under to ADL pressure had grown to 14. The ADL Bulletin for March 1987 reported on its success in having one major newspaper serve as an ADL mouthpiece in this regard: ?In the Atlanta Constitution, ADL?s model anti-paramilitary training statute won editorial words of praise while the newspaper suggested that Georgia should pass such a law.
The article reported that ADL has spotted secret camps from Alabama to California and from Connecticut to Texas which have ?a mix of vitriol and violence (that) poses a danger to all peace-loving Americans but particularly to minorities. There ought to be a law against paramilitary camps of this kind ? and in 14 states there is,? said the editorial.<
The piece went on to praise the fact that while holding pathological hatemongers at bay, the ADL model aims to satisfy such constitutional considerations as the rights of free speech and free association. ?The ADL?s steamroller had picked up considerable speed by 1987, and just three months later the June 1987 issue of the ADL Bulletin bragged: ?Now there are 18. The number of states adopting anti-paramilitary training statutes based on ADL?s model legislation has reached 18 with Georgia, West Virginia, Virginia, and Idaho enacting such laws in recent months.?
In a letter to Howard Ross, director of ADL?s Western Pennsylvania-West Virginia Regional Office, West Virginia?s Governor Arch A. Moore, Jr., expressed his appreciation for the League?s cooperation in moving the legislation to passage.
?The ADL also worked diligently to subvert the law-enforcement establishment and to put as many individual law-enforcement officers into its pockets as possible. For the chiefs of big-city police departments, expense-paid ?fact finding? trips to Israel could be arranged. For others there were ADL-sponsored ?training seminars,? where politically ambitious police officials could be told of the advantages to be had by directing more of their energies and resources to the repression of ?White extremists.?
For example, the October 1987 issue of the ADL Bulletin reported: ?Some 200 law-enforcement officers ranging from FBI agents to chiefs of police, sheriffs, and attorneys general in the 13 Western states from California to Wyoming attended a special seminar on combatting terrorism, arranged by Betsy Rosenthal, ADL?s Western Civil Rights area director, and Harvey B. Schechter, Western States area director.
The Los Angeles Police Academy was the scene of the all-day session. The keynote speakers were Arieh Ivtsan, Israel?s Ambassador to Liberia and immediate past commissioner of the Israeli National Police Force, and Irwin Suall, director of ADL?s Civil Rights Division Fact Finding Department.
Packets distributed to the attendees included ADL?s reports on ?Extremism Targets the Prisons? and ?Propaganda of the Deed,? the League?s Security Handbook and a list of recent publications on extremism and extremist groups with an ADL-prepared synopsis. ?By sponsoring such seminars the ADL has reinforced its image as a quasi-governmental agency, to which genuine law-enforcement agencies are justified in turning for advice and information. Perhaps most important, policemen and police agencies accustomed to thinking of their responsibility as combatting drug dealers, robbers, rapists, burglars, automobile thieves, murderers, and the like are informed that there is a new type of criminal about which they should be even more concerned: the ?extremist.?
The ADL, of course, defines the term for them and tells them who fits the definition.
Despite the ADL?s pretense of concern for ?Constitutional considerations,? its model anti-paramilitary training law, in fact, totally disregards the rights of free speech and free association. It prohibits certain types of speech, if that speech is involved in training or instruction in the martial arts, and it prohibits association for the purpose of hearing such speech. And the ADL campaign to push its model law through all of the state legislatures is based on fraud, deceit, and political corruption.
The way it worked in West Virginia provides a good illustration. There has not been any paramilitary training in that state ? at least, not within the memory of any news reporters or law-enforcement people there spoken to by this writer: no reason, in other words, for even the most timid of West Virginia?s minority citizens (barely two percent of the state?s population) to feel threatened by paramilitary activity ? and so not a very good prospect for the ADL?s anti-paramilitary training law. Then, in mid-1985, William Pierce, editor of this magazine and author (using his nom de plume Andrew Macdonald) of The Turner Diaries, a novel about urban guerrilla warfare and White revolution, left his home of 18 years in the Washington, D.C., area and resettled himself on a mountainside in a remote, wilderness area of West Virginia, the better to commune with his God and write the words which need to be written about this troubled era.
That was all the ADL needed to launch its campaign in the state. The only newspaper printed in West Virginia which is circulated statewide is the Charleston Gazette, and it is entirely at the disposal of the ADL. Early in 1986 it carried the first of a series of ADL-sponsored scare stories about Dr. Pierce?s move to the state. He had not come to West Virginia to meditate and to write, the stories claimed, but to build a terrorist training camp. The 360 acres of forested mountain land he had bought were regularly referred to as ?a compound.? It was surrounded by an electrified fence patrolled by armed men. One of the buildings on the land was located directly over a ?large complex of limestone caverns reported to be heavily stocked with weapons.? It was believed that missile silos were being dug into the mountainside. Supporting these alarmist stories was the local sheriff, who happily provided newsmen with confirmation about the electrified fence, the weapons-filled caves, and the armed men. The ?compound,? he asserted, was adjacent to one of the largest wilderness areas in the eastern United States, and he was quite worried about any run-in with Dr. Pierce or his associates which might involve ?gunplay.?
The ADL then trotted the sheriff over to the state legislature in Charleston to tell the same story to the state?s lawmakers. West Virginia politics is probably not much more corrupt than that of other states, such as Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. But that?s bad enough, and the ADL was able to enlist the state?s attorney general, Charlie Brown, and its governor, Arch Moore, as well as the aforementioned sheriff, in its campaign to protect the citizens of West Virginia from Dr. Pierce and his terrorist training camp. The attorney general spoke at meetings and seminars organized by the ADL to alert the public to the danger. And as usual the Jewish group rounded up a number of non-Jewish groups to front for it: the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the West Virginia Education Association, a board of Presbyterian preachers, the Rainbow Coalition, and several others. The ADL named its collection of front groups ?Citizens for Passage of an Unlawful Paramilitary Training Act? and, operating it like a ventriloquist?s dummy, called for the enactment of its model statute in the name of ?the citizens of West Virginia.?
There was, of course, not a shred of truth in the stories about electrified fences, weapons-filled caves, missile silos, or training camps of any sort, terrorist or otherwise. But the news media being what they are, and politics being what it is, there were no news stories to contradict those of the Charleston Gazette, and no member of the state legislature saw fit to investigate the matter himself, even to the extent of taking a personal look at the alleged terrorist training camp or giving Dr. Pierce a telephone call to ask a few questions. The ADL?s word on the matter was accepted, and the ADL?s bill was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor.
Sneaking laws against paramilitary training through state legislatures is only one facet of the ADL?s effort to disarm America?s citizens, but it is an important facet because it reveals the political motive behind the ADL?s anti-gun drive. The ADL is not concerned about drug addicts with ?Saturday night specials,? but it is very much concerned about armed patriots who might not approve of the Jewish plan for America. The organization has been active recently in fanning the hysteria over ?assault? rifles and in instigating the passage of laws at the state and local levels to prohibit their ownership.
Even more dangerous than the ADL?s anti-gun and anti-paramilitary activities, however, is its campaign to establish a new category of crime: so-called ?hate crime.? Defined roughly, it is any act or speech motivated by hostile feelings based on race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Thus, if you are a White man, and you punch a Black man in the nose because you do not like Blacks as a general rule, it is not simply an assault; it is a ?hate crime,? and if you are convicted of it in a jurisdiction where the ADL has succeeded in having its model ?ethnic intimidation? bill enacted into law, you will be sent to prison for three times as long as if you?d punched your mother-in-law instead (assuming she?s White).
A ?hate crime? also occurs if you are a White person who is generally well disposed toward Blacks, but you become engaged in a shouting match with one of them ? perhaps a dispute over a parking space ? and in the heat of the fray call him a ?Black bastard.? That, you see, is ?ethnic intimidation,? even if no blows are exchanged, and the ADL would like to send you to the state penitentiary for five years for it. You also commit a ?hate crime? if you shout ?nigger!? at a Black driver who cuts you off on the highway.
The ADL has been promoting ?hate crime? laws for more than a decade. The January 1981 issue of the ADL Bulletin reported: ?A joint New York State/ADL Committee on Public Policy has endorsed legislation. . . which would make graffitti and harassment based on religion, ethnicity, and race an offense under Civil Rights statutes [emphasis added]. The New Jersey regional office [of the ADL] is working with both the State Police and the County Prosecutor?s Association. At ADL?s initiative an Ethnic Terrorism Bill, which would change the act of anti-Semitic or racial vandalism from a misdemeanor to a third-degree crime has been introduced in the New Jersey Legislature.?Less than a year later, in November 1981, the ADL Bulletin was able to boast: ?Gov. Brendan Byrne of New Jersey signed into law an ethnic terrorism bill that makes racial or religious vandalism a crime punishable by three to five years in prison and a fine of up to $7,500.
ADL?s regional board called for such legislation in 1979. . . and ADL was in the forefront of the two-year effort to win passage of the bill. ?Much of the early ADL propaganda in favor of ?hate crime? legislation attempted to cloak the ADL?s true aim behind a pretended concern for protecting places of worship from ?religious vandalism.? Thus the February 1982 issue of the ADL Bulletin reported: ?ADL has developed a model religious vandalism law to provide those states that do not have such legislation with a single, comprehensive, constitutionally sound approach to this problem.
The model statute?s first and second sections create penalties for vandalism against houses of worship, cemeteries, schools and community centers, and also for committing certain crimes ?by reason of the race, color, religion or national origin of another person? [emphasis added].?
A year later, in February 1983, the ADL Bulletin was able to claim substantial progress at the state level: ?Mr. Perlmutter [then the ADL's national director] expressed the hope that other states would follow the lead of the 12 thus far ? Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington ? which have enacted laws imposing stiffer penalties for persons convicted of religious or racial vandalism or other acts motivated by bigotry [emphasis added].?
At that time the ADL, however, was still far short of its ultimate legislative goal: a Federal law prohibiting any expression of hostility toward, or any criticism of, Jews or other non-Whites by Whites. In the mid-1980s it shifted the emphasis of its campaign from the state to the national level. Its strategy was two-pronged: first, to condition legislators and publicists and then the general public to accept the concept of ?hate crime? as a distinct, new category of crime; and second, to persuade the American people that a new body of legislation is needed to protect them from such crime ? needed so urgently, in fact, that they should be willing to sacrifice the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution in order to be safe from a dangerous new breed of ?hate criminals.?
To implement the first prong of that strategy the ADL formulated another of its ?model statutes?: a hate-crimes statistics reporting statute. Lobbying intensely, the ADL used its media outlets to publicize its own statistics, which not surprisingly showed a sharp rise in ?hate crimes? throughout the latter half of the decade. A Federal law was needed, the ADL claimed, to track such crime. In January 1990 the organization reported that ?hate crimes? had reached an all-time high during 1989. Leading the list were 1,432 ?anti-Semitic incidents? reported by its agents around the country, ranging from swastikas daubed on driveways to arson. In April 1990 the Congress passed, and President Bush signed, the desired law. The new Hate Crimes Statistics Act requires the Justice Department to gather the statistics that the ADL formerly had gathered. All incidents in which hatred or prejudice based on race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation is alleged to be a motive will henceforth be subject to special Federal scrutiny and record keeping. If a homosexual in Norfolk, Virginia, makes a pass at a sailor and has his teeth knocked out for his trouble, the Justice Department in Washington wants to know all about it. If a Vietnamese ?refugee? in Los Angeles finds a ?gooks go home? message chalked on the windshield of his car, the FBI will investigate. It?s the law now.
One might wonder why the ADL went to so much trouble to persuade the Federal government to duplicate one of the Jewish group?s functions. The reason, of course, is not that more crime statistics are needed by anyone, least of all by the ADL; it is that now the Federal government has officially recognized the ADL?s definition of a new category of crime. Now it will be the government, not just some Jewish group with a strange name, investigating and publicizing every hostile word or act based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. That is the first step toward persuading the Congress to enact, and the public to accept, new laws.
There will continue to be a screen of words ? ?terrorism,? ?religious vandalism,? and ?hate, hate, hate? ? thrown up to disguise the true goals of those pushing for Federal ?hate crime? legislation. As a result of this obfuscation the impression in many minds will be that the purpose of such legislation is merely to penalize those who paint swastikas on Jewish tombstones or set fire to synagogues. Who could object to a law against that? What the ADL really has in mind is revealed by an incident which occurred at the beginning of this year in West Milford, New Jersey. A young White man, 22-year-old Richard E. Lindstrom, stuck a three-inch by five-inch, orange-and-black sticker on a traffic sign and was arrested by a policeman who saw him do it. The message on the sticker was: ?Earth?s most endangered species: the White race. Help preserve it. Write or call National Alliance, ?? Ordinarily one would expect someone in Mr. Lindstrom?s position to receive a citation for littering. In 1981, however, the ADL had succeeded in persuading the legislators of New Jersey to enact a so-called ?Ethnic Terrorism Law,? and he was charged under that law. He was facing as much as five years in prison and a fine of $7,500 for posting a sticker asking the public to help preserve the White race.
Anyone who understands the B?nai B?rith mentality can see the logic in that. To suggest that the White race (and, of course, one understands that ?White? means European, or Aryan, excluding Semites) ought to be preserved is to challenge the Yahweh-given right of the Sons of the Covenant to rule the earth and its peoples as they see fit. That?s clearly anti-Semitic. That stabs terror into the heart of every righteous Holocaust survivor. Therefore, Mr. Lindstrom committed an act of ?ethnic terrorism? and ought to be put away for good.
Under the circumstances, however, to have tried him on an ?ethnic terrorism? charge at this time would have been premature and might even have jeopardized the ADL?s campaign for a comprehensive Federal ?hate crime? law. There were vague mutterings from the American Civil Liberties Union, and it was even conceivable that some of the more loosely controlled elements in the news media might publicize the case and cause a White backlash around the country. Cooler heads in the local ADL office eventually prevailed, and the charge against Mr. Lindstrom was reduced to one of littering. Five years from now they might be able to make the ?ethnic terrorism? charge stick, but not in 1990.
To ensure that they not only will have the Federal laws in place they are seeking by the end of this decade, but also will be able to make them stick, the ADL and other Jewish groups are coordinating their efforts. For the past few years they have been using the controlled entertainment media in an especially insidious way to condition the American people to accept passively the yoke planned for them. They have created a new film genre ? the ?White terrorist? film ? to persuade the public that there is a growing danger from armed White ?haters.?
In 1987 we were hit with Into the Homeland, a film which attempts to convince East Coast city dwellers that the rural heartland of the Midwest is on the point of being taken over by heavily armed Christian Fundamentalists who not only don?t like non-Whites, but who deal murderously with anyone of any hue who gets in their way. Only viewers with sharp eyes will catch the acknowledgement to the ADL among the credits at the end of the film. The film uses the scenario developed in a special report issued by the ADL in 1986, ?The American Farmer and the Extremists.?
In 1988 we were treated to a number of other films of the same ilk, the three most notable of them being Betrayed, Skinheads ? the Second Coming of Hate, and Talk Radio. The first of this trio, which was the most widely seen, portrays the White ?haters? of the rural Midwest as not only heavily armed but also well organized and well financed, with top-level political connections in Washington. Their favorite Saturday-night pastime is to kidnap a Black from a nearby town, turn him loose in the woods, and then hunt him down and kill him.
Skinheads ? the Second Coming of Hate is the first in a series of Jewish films portraying working-class urban White youths who affect the skinhead dress and tonsure as viciously depraved, murderous thugs who hate not only Blacks and Jews but the whole world. The guidelines for these films are set in several ADL publications, most notably ?`Shaved for Battle?: Skinheads Target America?s Youth? (1987) and ?Young and Violent: The Growing Menace of America?s Neo-Nazi Skinheads? (1988).
Talk Radio, loosely based on the 1984 assassination of Jewish radio host Alan Berg in Denver, allegedly by White revolutionaries, advances the thesis that people who haven?t wholeheartedly embraced the brave, new pluralistic world of racial mixing, homosexuality, and feminism promoted by the ADL ? i.e., White racists ? are hair-trigger psychotics who may explode with murderous fury at the least provocation. It is the only one of the 1988 films which is even remotely credible to a sophisticated viewer. Most American television and cinema viewers are anything but sophisticated, unfortunately. The Jews already have succeeded in convincing many of them that certain completely legal acts or patterns of behavior are illegal. After seeing so many television episodes in which a hateful Ku Klux Klansman sneaks around like a criminal and is treated like a criminal by the other actors, the viewer can hardly be blamed for having the confused notion that there?s something inherently illegal about being a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
In 1989, among many others, we had Dead Bang and So Proudly We Hail, two anti-skinhead films which distort the skinhead life-style into something far beyond the bounds of reality. Skinheads are depicted as the violence-prone storm troopers of a huge, sophisticated, highly organized neo-Nazi network. The latter of these films was a made-for-TV film written and directed by Lionel Chetwynd of the American Jewish Committee. In a booklet published by the Jewish group in conjunction with the broadcast of the film over CBS-affiliated stations, Skinheads: Who They Are & What to Do When They Come to Town, Chetwynd writes:
??So Proudly We Hail? is my way of speaking out. Through a fictionalized account based on real events, the film demonstrates how hate can be cultivated and grown into ideology. ?
One can only wonder what ?real events? Chetwynd had in mind. The film shows a neo-Nazi organization developed to a level that real neo-Nazis can only dream about. And it drags out old, long-discredited Jewish canards about lampshades made from the skin of flayed Jewish concentration-camp victims and the like. The bulk of the American Jewish Committee?s booklet shows as little regard for the truth as the film itself, consisting mainly of absurdly exaggerated claims of the menace to ordinary citizens from skinheads and exhortations to support various Jewish ?model statutes? on ?hate crimes? and outlawing semiautomatic weapons.
In 1990, the ?White terrorist? genre is expanding to include segments of several popular cops-and-robbers television series, as well as full-length films. And the dual purpose remains: to both repulse and frighten the average American. Racially conscious White men and women must be perceived by the conforming television viewer as both hateful and dangerous.
Within the next few years the ADL hopes to have enforceable Federal ?hate crime? legislation in place which, in the name of preventing ?religious vandalism? or ?ethnic intimidation,? will make it illegal to print, possess, sell, or post a sticker of the sort Richard Lindstrom put on a traffic sign in West Milford, New Jersey, earlier this year. Not just stickers, but also books, pamphlets, leaflets ? or any public utterance ? offensive to a racial or religious minority or to homosexuals will be outlawed. Whether or not a person was motivated by a dislike for Blacks, Jews, homosexuals, or some other officially protected minority when he took some action against one of them will determine his punishment, and anything that he has said or written in the past may be used to infer what his motivation was. ?Hate crime? will have become ?thought crime.?
Lest there be any doubt that this is what the Jews actually are aiming for, consider the following comments by Jewish lawyer Bruce Fein, who writes on legal topics for a number of publications. The comments come from a feature article by him published in the May 1, 1990, edition of the Washington Times, and the article in turn is based on his remarks at an Oxford-Northwestern Debate in Washington the preceding month:
?Should speech intended to ignite religious or racial animosity be prohibited? Let the answer speak from the weeping cemeteries around the world overflowing with the victims of racial and religious prejudice. ?What is the paramount purpose of speech in a civilized society? It is to trigger contemplation, reason and tolerance for competing ideas as the moving force for private and political action. ?What is the purpose of racially or religiously bigoted speech? It is to arouse unthinking hatred, violence and intolerance in the audience? In sum, the invectives of the racial or religious bigot are no more free speech than is [sic] the vulgar pornographic ululations of Annie Sprinkle a cousin of the Bolshoi Ballet. If the law supposes otherwise, as Mr. Bumble observed, ?the law is a ass, a idiot.? If racially or religiously bigoted speech were innocuous, then it might be ignored by governments. But it is not.
The ugliest marks in the history of the United States have stemmed from the incitements to racial prejudice practiced by Theodore Bilbo, Orville Faubus, the Ku Klux Klan, and the producers of ?The Birth of a Nation.? Diatribes of these types create an explosive social nitroglycerine waiting for an epithet or racial incident to spark violence. ?It is said that if racially or religiously bigoted speech is squelched, there will be no stopping point to prevention of genuine free speech. Nonsense! The progress of civilization has been the progress of making refinements and differentiations in the law. Prohibitions on racially or religiously derogatory speech have existed in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, West Germany, and elsewhere without undermining democracy, political dissent or debate. ?Prohibiting racially and religiously bigoted speech is praiseworthy because it seeks to elevate, not to degrade, because it draws from human experience, not from woolly dogmas or academic slogans, because it salutes reason as the backbone of freedom and tolerance. Is that clear enough??
Those ?woolly dogmas? and ?academic slogans? this smart-mouth Jew boy dismisses with a sneer are the things that the founders of this nation were prepared to defend with their lives, things that men of our race have given their lives for often in the past. He and his fellow Jews evidently believe, however, that the present generation of Americans have had their minds and their spines sufficiently softened by 40 years of Jewish propaganda so that they won?t even look up from their television screens when our freedom to speak our minds is taken away from us and Jewish ?reason? becomes the law of the land.
He is correct, of course, in indicating that speech is restricted in many other countries ? although hardly without undermining dissent or debate. In Canada, Great Britain, West Germany, France, and Sweden, to mention just a few places, the Jews have succeeded in making it a criminal offense to question their perennially profitable ?Holocaust? claims, for example. The German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel, whose case has been discussed several times in these pages, has been convicted and sentenced in Canada for that very ?hate crime.? In Sweden last December a radio broadcaster was sentenced to prison and the license of his station was revoked because he criticized Israeli actions against Palestinians in a way that Jews considered derogatory.
George Orwell missed the date by a few years ? at least, for the United States ? but it is clear that if B?nai B?rith has its way the Thought Police will be a fact of life here in the near future, and racism will be a crime ? not Jewish racism (also known as Zionism), of course, or Black racism, just racism of the White variety. Mr. Fein and his compatriots in the ADL are counting on having patriotic Americans disarmed by that time, so that they will be powerless to resist those designated by the government to enforce the laws against ?thought crime.? Be that as it may, Fein and Company should be aware that there still will be a few White Americans, with or without assault rifles, willing to die for their freedom ? but they don?t intend to be the only ones to die. Got that, Jew boy?[/justify]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[justify][large]The Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith:
Censors of the Universe[/large]
by INAYET NAHVI (a Muslim) | Compiled 1997-2000
THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL) has spearheaded efforts at censorship against all people who wish to express themselves in a way that by ADL is seen as anti-Zionist or ?anti-Semitic?. The Director of the ADL Richard Gutstadt wrote to all periodicals he could find to censor the book, ?The Conquest of A Continent?. Mr Gutstadt brazenly writes, ?We are interested in stifling the sale of this book?.
The ADL was also instrumental in terrorizing St. Martin?s Press into canceling their contract last year [1996] with David Irving. The ADL recently ?hailed? the arrest and imprisonment of a German man who questioned the Holocaust.
The ADL tries to cover its anti-free speech activities by giving out a Free Speech ?Torch of Liberty? award occasionally. The most prominent recipient is flesh peddler and woman denigrator Hugh Hefner. Obscene pornographer Larry Flynt is another supporter who has contributed 100,000?s of dollars to the ADL.
ADL?s Criminal and Spying Operations
In 1993 the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the ADL were raided for evidence of criminal wrongdoing in many spheres. The raids turned up evidence of the ADL?s compliance in the theft of confidential police files stolen from California police departments. The ADL had been paying Roy Bullock a salary for decades to spy on people and steal police files. He stole files from SFPD through corrupt cop Tom Gerard. His illicit contact in San Diego was white racist sheriff Tim Carroll.
The ADL has been linked closely to organized crime, especially Las Vegas Mafia boss Meyer Lansky. Theodore Silbert worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a Mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate). As a matter of fact the granddaughter of the Mafia boss Lansky, Mira Lansky Boland herself is the ADL?s liaison to law enforcement. (What a convenient arrangement! She used ADL money to treat Tim Carroll and Tom Gerard to an all- expense paid luxury vacation in Israel.)
Another Las Vegas gangster, Moe Dalitz was honored by the ADL in 1985. Another among the shady contributors to the ADL?s supremacist activities is the Milken Family Fund, of ?junk bond? fame. The ADL uses its well-oiled propaganda machine to protect their ?friends? in the Mafia and pornography industry by shrieking ?Anti-Semitism!? at the slightest movement of the law against these perverse interests.
ADL?s Ethnic Intimidation
The ADL has mastered the art of intimidation and blackmailing unlike any of the powerful Mafiosi they are associated with. The ADL has influential contacts in media and politics that can ruin a person or business if they don?t follow ADL?s agenda.
Already mentioned are instances of bad cops falling under the allure of the ADL, ones such as Tom Gerard and Tim Carroll. Yet now good cops and even freshmen cops are being ?conditioned? for the type of anti-free speech, anti-cultural diversity, police state that the ADL would like for our country. Throughout the nation the ADL is threatening police departments with all kinds of retribution if they don?t initiate state-funded lectures and seminars for law enforcement given by ADL spokesmen. The ADL rakes in large sums of money for these sessions, boosting their already overflowing coffers. Already ADL men have been seen at the scene of crimes ordering cops on how investigations are to be conducted.
Perhaps at no time in history has any other criminal organization, such as the ADL, been able to infiltrate and influence law enforcement to such an extent, and its tentacles are growing.
Freshmen sheriffs in San Diego are now being personally ?trained? to respond to ?crimes? by the Southwestern Director of the ADL, Morris Casuto.
The most alarming part -
The ADL is a very powerful, secretive racial/religious supremacist organization, with substantial ties to the underworld of crime and pornography. To burrow their way into the minds of children the ADL has created the ?World of Difference? program designed to influence them at an early stage.
In a report to its few, but wealthy supporters in 1995, ADL boasts that it has reached more than ten million students and more are ready to be indoctrinated. The ADL hopes to make children susceptible to the world of crime and vice they and their criminal associates have in store for the USA.
Gallery of The Criminal ADL:
Abe Foxman. National Chairman of the hate group Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. His main job is to write to celebrities and powerful people who say something unkosher and temporarily forget that Jews are a special criticism-proof people. Claims whole family was ?holocausted? in the last war.
Roy Bullock. The ADL?s paid informant who rummaged through trash for decades for the ADL, until he was given the sensitive position of being the conduit for stolen police files coming from the San Francisco Police Department by way of Tom Gerard. He was paid $550 per week for his services. Also an associate of racist sheriff Tim Carroll. His existence was discovered after the FBI raids on ADL offices in 1993 and resulted in the publicizing of 750 pages of information on the spying operations of the ADL.
Tom Gerard. San Francisco Police Officer who stole sensitive, confidential files from his agency and gave them to Roy Bullock to assist ADL?s spying operations on Americans. Among files stolen were ones on the Black Muslims, Arabs and right-wing organizations that were in any way critical of ADL. Received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL.
Tim Carroll. Racist ex-detective in San Diego?s Sheriff Department. Remarked in 1993 that he would like to see ?all illegal aliens shot? and ?all the niggers sent back to Africa on a banana boat?. An associate of both Roy Bullock and Tom Gerard. He mysteriously retired from the Sheriff?s Department after the raids on the ADL offices at the early age of 54. Also received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL. Despite his overtly racist nature, he was put in charge of security at the ADL?s National Convention in September, 1997 using strong-arm tactics against participants and visitors. This is interesting considering it was his bumbling confessions to an investigator that led to the raids on the ADL.
Mira Lansky Boland. The ?law-enforcement liaison? for the ADL. She arranged luxurious trips to Israel for certain key police officers who could have something to offer the ADL in return. Among these were file thief Tom Gerard and racist Tim Carroll. She is uniquely positioned in that she is the granddaughter of Meyer Lansky, one of the most powerful Mafia figures in US history.
Hugh Hefner. Famous pornographer who was honored by the ADL with its ridiculous ?Torch of Freedom? award. From him proceeds protection for all pornography in the US, which is and has always been associated with vice elements like the mob and ADL.
Larry Flynt. This pornographer is a major contributor to the ADL of 100,000?s of dollars. He has been jailed often for ?obscene pornography? and the general hideous defiling of women in his Hustler magazine (whose description is beyond the limits allowed on a decent web page).
Theodore Silbert. Mob associate of Meyer Lansky, employee of the ADL and Mafia front ?Sterling Bank.? Was simultaneously the CEO of ?Sterling Bank? and National Commissioner of the ADL.
Moe Dalitz. Las Vegas mob figure and close associate of Meyer Lansky who was honored by the ADL in 1985.
Michael Milken. Family Fund Billion dollar fund that has given extensively to the ADL, the money of which was made in the ?junk bond? scandals.
Morris Casuto. Jewish Southwestern Director of the ADL who personally trains freshmen law enforcement to do the bidding of him and his criminally indicted organization. Morris Casuto is also close friends with white racist Tim Carroll. Boasted in March 1999 that Alex Curtis? ?luck will run out. And he will be sent to prison for a very long time.? Is this a threat from a man whose group has already been criminally indicted for nefarious connections to rogue police agents?
Rick Barton. National Commissioner of ADL . Another racial integrationist who lives on an expensive cul-de-sac in pure white Olivenhain.
Teresa Santana. Deputy DA of San Diego who works with the criminal ADL and prosecutes non-Jews for imaginary ?hate crimes? against Jews.
Bill Kolender Jewish Head of San Diego Sheriff?s Office who is a member of B?nai B?rith, the racist secret society that oversees the criminal ADL. The anti-Zionist organisation The Nationalist Observer was raided by the SDSO in April 1999 for political reasons.
Jessica Lerner. Jewish Assistant Director of the San Diego hate office. Morris? back- up spokeswoman when he is out of town or on his annual pleasure trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands ? sin capital of the world.
Dan Willis. La Mesa Police Department detective who is in close contact with Morris Casuto and has personally raided the home of Alex Curtis and the offices of The Nationalist Observer three times in the last year and a half.[/justify]
Censors of the Universe[/large]
by INAYET NAHVI (a Muslim) | Compiled 1997-2000
THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL) has spearheaded efforts at censorship against all people who wish to express themselves in a way that by ADL is seen as anti-Zionist or ?anti-Semitic?. The Director of the ADL Richard Gutstadt wrote to all periodicals he could find to censor the book, ?The Conquest of A Continent?. Mr Gutstadt brazenly writes, ?We are interested in stifling the sale of this book?.
The ADL was also instrumental in terrorizing St. Martin?s Press into canceling their contract last year [1996] with David Irving. The ADL recently ?hailed? the arrest and imprisonment of a German man who questioned the Holocaust.
The ADL tries to cover its anti-free speech activities by giving out a Free Speech ?Torch of Liberty? award occasionally. The most prominent recipient is flesh peddler and woman denigrator Hugh Hefner. Obscene pornographer Larry Flynt is another supporter who has contributed 100,000?s of dollars to the ADL.
ADL?s Criminal and Spying Operations
In 1993 the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the ADL were raided for evidence of criminal wrongdoing in many spheres. The raids turned up evidence of the ADL?s compliance in the theft of confidential police files stolen from California police departments. The ADL had been paying Roy Bullock a salary for decades to spy on people and steal police files. He stole files from SFPD through corrupt cop Tom Gerard. His illicit contact in San Diego was white racist sheriff Tim Carroll.
The ADL has been linked closely to organized crime, especially Las Vegas Mafia boss Meyer Lansky. Theodore Silbert worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a Mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate). As a matter of fact the granddaughter of the Mafia boss Lansky, Mira Lansky Boland herself is the ADL?s liaison to law enforcement. (What a convenient arrangement! She used ADL money to treat Tim Carroll and Tom Gerard to an all- expense paid luxury vacation in Israel.)
Another Las Vegas gangster, Moe Dalitz was honored by the ADL in 1985. Another among the shady contributors to the ADL?s supremacist activities is the Milken Family Fund, of ?junk bond? fame. The ADL uses its well-oiled propaganda machine to protect their ?friends? in the Mafia and pornography industry by shrieking ?Anti-Semitism!? at the slightest movement of the law against these perverse interests.
ADL?s Ethnic Intimidation
The ADL has mastered the art of intimidation and blackmailing unlike any of the powerful Mafiosi they are associated with. The ADL has influential contacts in media and politics that can ruin a person or business if they don?t follow ADL?s agenda.
Already mentioned are instances of bad cops falling under the allure of the ADL, ones such as Tom Gerard and Tim Carroll. Yet now good cops and even freshmen cops are being ?conditioned? for the type of anti-free speech, anti-cultural diversity, police state that the ADL would like for our country. Throughout the nation the ADL is threatening police departments with all kinds of retribution if they don?t initiate state-funded lectures and seminars for law enforcement given by ADL spokesmen. The ADL rakes in large sums of money for these sessions, boosting their already overflowing coffers. Already ADL men have been seen at the scene of crimes ordering cops on how investigations are to be conducted.
Perhaps at no time in history has any other criminal organization, such as the ADL, been able to infiltrate and influence law enforcement to such an extent, and its tentacles are growing.
Freshmen sheriffs in San Diego are now being personally ?trained? to respond to ?crimes? by the Southwestern Director of the ADL, Morris Casuto.
The most alarming part -
The ADL is a very powerful, secretive racial/religious supremacist organization, with substantial ties to the underworld of crime and pornography. To burrow their way into the minds of children the ADL has created the ?World of Difference? program designed to influence them at an early stage.
In a report to its few, but wealthy supporters in 1995, ADL boasts that it has reached more than ten million students and more are ready to be indoctrinated. The ADL hopes to make children susceptible to the world of crime and vice they and their criminal associates have in store for the USA.
Gallery of The Criminal ADL:
Abe Foxman. National Chairman of the hate group Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. His main job is to write to celebrities and powerful people who say something unkosher and temporarily forget that Jews are a special criticism-proof people. Claims whole family was ?holocausted? in the last war.
Roy Bullock. The ADL?s paid informant who rummaged through trash for decades for the ADL, until he was given the sensitive position of being the conduit for stolen police files coming from the San Francisco Police Department by way of Tom Gerard. He was paid $550 per week for his services. Also an associate of racist sheriff Tim Carroll. His existence was discovered after the FBI raids on ADL offices in 1993 and resulted in the publicizing of 750 pages of information on the spying operations of the ADL.
Tom Gerard. San Francisco Police Officer who stole sensitive, confidential files from his agency and gave them to Roy Bullock to assist ADL?s spying operations on Americans. Among files stolen were ones on the Black Muslims, Arabs and right-wing organizations that were in any way critical of ADL. Received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL.
Tim Carroll. Racist ex-detective in San Diego?s Sheriff Department. Remarked in 1993 that he would like to see ?all illegal aliens shot? and ?all the niggers sent back to Africa on a banana boat?. An associate of both Roy Bullock and Tom Gerard. He mysteriously retired from the Sheriff?s Department after the raids on the ADL offices at the early age of 54. Also received an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel, courtesy of the ADL. Despite his overtly racist nature, he was put in charge of security at the ADL?s National Convention in September, 1997 using strong-arm tactics against participants and visitors. This is interesting considering it was his bumbling confessions to an investigator that led to the raids on the ADL.
Mira Lansky Boland. The ?law-enforcement liaison? for the ADL. She arranged luxurious trips to Israel for certain key police officers who could have something to offer the ADL in return. Among these were file thief Tom Gerard and racist Tim Carroll. She is uniquely positioned in that she is the granddaughter of Meyer Lansky, one of the most powerful Mafia figures in US history.
Hugh Hefner. Famous pornographer who was honored by the ADL with its ridiculous ?Torch of Freedom? award. From him proceeds protection for all pornography in the US, which is and has always been associated with vice elements like the mob and ADL.
Larry Flynt. This pornographer is a major contributor to the ADL of 100,000?s of dollars. He has been jailed often for ?obscene pornography? and the general hideous defiling of women in his Hustler magazine (whose description is beyond the limits allowed on a decent web page).
Theodore Silbert. Mob associate of Meyer Lansky, employee of the ADL and Mafia front ?Sterling Bank.? Was simultaneously the CEO of ?Sterling Bank? and National Commissioner of the ADL.
Moe Dalitz. Las Vegas mob figure and close associate of Meyer Lansky who was honored by the ADL in 1985.
Michael Milken. Family Fund Billion dollar fund that has given extensively to the ADL, the money of which was made in the ?junk bond? scandals.
Morris Casuto. Jewish Southwestern Director of the ADL who personally trains freshmen law enforcement to do the bidding of him and his criminally indicted organization. Morris Casuto is also close friends with white racist Tim Carroll. Boasted in March 1999 that Alex Curtis? ?luck will run out. And he will be sent to prison for a very long time.? Is this a threat from a man whose group has already been criminally indicted for nefarious connections to rogue police agents?
Rick Barton. National Commissioner of ADL . Another racial integrationist who lives on an expensive cul-de-sac in pure white Olivenhain.
Teresa Santana. Deputy DA of San Diego who works with the criminal ADL and prosecutes non-Jews for imaginary ?hate crimes? against Jews.
Bill Kolender Jewish Head of San Diego Sheriff?s Office who is a member of B?nai B?rith, the racist secret society that oversees the criminal ADL. The anti-Zionist organisation The Nationalist Observer was raided by the SDSO in April 1999 for political reasons.
Jessica Lerner. Jewish Assistant Director of the San Diego hate office. Morris? back- up spokeswoman when he is out of town or on his annual pleasure trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands ? sin capital of the world.
Dan Willis. La Mesa Police Department detective who is in close contact with Morris Casuto and has personally raided the home of Alex Curtis and the offices of The Nationalist Observer three times in the last year and a half.[/justify]
Nous serons toujours là.
- Erudit
- Posts: 552
- Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm
[justify]Source: Reprinted from Free Speech - October 1998 - Volume IV, Number 10
[large]The Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith[/large]
by Dr. William Pierce
Last week I mentioned a recent attack on me by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. I gave this as an example of the way the Jews are able to use the mass media in America to serve their purposes. The specific point I made was that it is not necessary for all of the newspaper owners and editors and all of the local television station owners to be Jews in order for all of them to slavishly follow the Anti-Defamation League?s party line. This is a very important point, a point essential for us to understand if we want to have a free society, and I?ll elaborate on it now.
I mentioned last week that when the Anti-Defamation League ? or ADL for short ? handed out press releases on September 24 to newspapers and other media in which they said that the organization I head, the National Alliance, is ?the single most dangerous organized hate group in America,? and that we are ?linked? to bank robberies, bombings, and murders all over the country, virtually all of the media simply printed these wild charges without checking them for accuracy. Of all the hundreds of newspapers which printed the ADL?s charges, only one ? West Virginia?s Charleston Gazette ? even bothered to call me first and ask for my comments. Some of the newspapers, in paraphrasing the ADL?s press release, even managed to exaggerate the ADL?s lies. For example, the Tampa Tribune began its news story on September 25 with the line: ?A domestic terrorist group with a following in Tampa poses an ongoing threat of violence, the Anti-Defamation League said in a report issued Thursday.? The ADL?s words ?most dangerous organized hate group? have been transformed by the Tampa Tribune into ?domestic terrorist group.? That?s a significant change. ?Hate group? is an ill-defined term which you can apply to any organization with whose policies or doctrines you disagree. Groups opposed to abortion, for example, have been called ?hate groups? by feminists and their supporters. ?Terrorist group,? on the other hand, really suggests a group which actually engages in terrorist activity, such as bombings, assassinations, and the like.
Then there?s the Los Angeles Times, which in its September 25 story based on the ADL?s press release stated: ?The group?s activities [that is the National Alliance's activities] ? including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings ? have been uncovered in at least 26 states.? I?ll repeat that: ?the group?s activities ? including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.? The Los Angeles Times certainly makes it sound as if I?m the head of an organization which actually commits violent crimes such as robberies and bombings as a matter of course, doesn?t it? That was the Los Angeles Times? interpretation of the ADL?s list of ?criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance and its propaganda.? What the ADL?s list actually suggests is that the perpetrators of various bombings and murders may be ?linked? to the National Alliance by having read a book or a pamphlet published by the National Alliance or perhaps by having listened to one of my broadcasts. For example, one of the ?incidents? in the ADL?s list of ?criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance? reads: ?December 1995, Fayetteville, North Carolina: Two soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, who were avowed neo-Nazis and reportedly read National Alliance propaganda, murdered an African-American couple.? As I pointed out last week, neither I nor anyone else in the National Alliance had ever heard of James Burmeister before he shot a convicted Black drug dealer and the dealer?s girlfriend to death in Fayetteville in December 1995. But it certainly is possible that Burmeister listened to an American Dissident Voices broadcast or read some publication of the National Alliance. There are a lot of our publications in circulation. Burmeister also may have read Reader?s Digest or the Bible or Newsweek magazine, for all I know; there?s certainly a lot of criminal activity described in those publications. Anyway, the Los Angeles Times? interpretation of the ADL?s claim that the National Alliance is linked through its publications to various criminal acts is that we did it: we committed the criminal acts ourselves. The paper said flatly that our activities include ?violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.? And nobody from the Los Angeles Times even bothered to check with me first!
So what am I supposed to do: hire a bunch of lawyers and sue all of these newspapers and perhaps the ADL too? Perhaps I will ? but I doubt that anyone who has actually been involved in a libel suit would suggest such a course. The civil litigation system in the United States has been designed for the sole purpose of enriching lawyers, and because of that the system gives an overwhelming advantage to the litigant who has the most money to spend on lawyers. Perhaps some experienced civil-litigation lawyer who believes this is a worthy cause will contact me and offer his services.
But while I?m waiting for that, let me draw a few conclusions from this nasty business. First, I?ll mention that I?m not especially peeved at the ADL about this new report labeling me as the most dangerous man in America. That doesn?t mean I won?t sue them, but at least I know where they?re coming from. The ADL is a professional hate organization. They are hate merchants. That?s the way they earn their living: selling hate. Along with a handful of other Jewish organizations ? the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Morris Dees?s Southern Poverty Law Center, for example ? the ADL makes its money by persuading Jews and wannabee Jews around the country that they are in great danger from people like me ? but if everyone will just send them a nice, fat check today, the ADL will protect these Jews and wannabees from me. And so the ADL ? and these other hate merchants ? put out deliberately scary press releases to drum up donations. If the newspapers exaggerate things a bit, why so much the better. That?s why the press releases tend to be a little deceptive, why they are written in a way calculated to lead to misinterpretation.
The ADL is the oldest and most powerful of these Jewish hate groups in the United States. It was founded in 1913, after a Jewish factory owner in Atlanta, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old White girl, Mary Phagan, who worked in his factory. The killer was sentenced to death by the court, and there was a great deal of publicity about the case at the time. Powerful Jewish organizations came to Frank?s defense, and in behind-the-scenes maneuvering they were able to persuade Georgia?s governor to commute Frank?s death sentence. This blatantly corrupt act by the governor working in cahoots with his rich Jewish supporters so enraged the populace that a vigilante group of citizens took Frank out of jail and hanged him themselves. The Jews, realizing that they had bungled the Frank affair, organized the ADL for the purpose of handling such matters more skillfully in the future. In the past 85 years the ADL has grown to become the most powerful Jewish pressure group and lobbying organization in America.
Recent ADL lobbying projects have been the promotion of gun control laws and of state laws banning military-style training by patriotic groups. The ADL?s biggest project for this decade, however, has been so-called ?hate crime? legislation. Hate crime laws attempt to punish a person for what he was thinking before or during the commission of an offense against a member or a group of members of an officially favored minority. For example, if you set fire to a synagogue because you don?t like Jews, you?re liable for a much more severe punishment than you would be if you were hired by the rabbi to set fire to a synagogue so the congregation could collect the insurance. Arson is no longer simply arson. Now there?s arson, and there?s ?hate arson.? And to decide which it is, the government may look into your personal taste in reading material, check into the type of music you listen to, investigate your political and religious affiliations, ask your friends about any expressions of Politically Incorrect opinions you may have made ? and then present all of this information in court as evidence against you. The whole concept of ?hate crime? is Orwellian. It turns traditional American concepts of law and individual freedom on their heads. But because the noisiest group of people pushing for ?hate crime? legislation are Jews, no politician dares speak against it. Bill Clinton is the Jews? current point man on Federal ?hate crime? legislation.
One category of ?hate crime? is ?hate speech.? In fact, the outlawing of what the ADL people call ?hate speech? is their ultimate aim. ?Hate speech,? of course, is whatever they find offensive or dangerous to their interests. I find a lot of the films coming out of Hollywood these days offensive, and a lot of television programming, but you can be sure that?s not what the ADL has in mind when it campaigns for laws against ?hate speech.? The ADL is especially concerned about the propagation of what they consider dangerous ideas over the Internet and has been working with software developers to develop censorship programs which can be installed on any computer, so that computer users cannot find any Politically Incorrect material on the Internet.
Lobbying to stamp out the Bill of Rights isn?t the ADL?s only activity. They?re also the largest and most effective private espionage organization in America. They have their spies in every community in America where there are Jews or wannabees. Reports go from their regional offices around the country to massive data banks in New York and in Israel, where the ADL maintains dossiers on hundreds of thousands of Americans. For example, if a state legislator somewhere in America makes a speech which a Jewish listener considers unfriendly to Israel, a report goes into the ADL data bank. If a businessman at a Chamber of Commerce meeting makes a joke which might indicate a less-than-worshipful attitude toward Jews, and a wannabee informs the ADL of the joke, that businessman will henceforth have a dossier in the ADL?s files. Then if that state legislator or that businessman ever runs for Congress, say, the ADL will search its files for his name, find his record, and launch a campaign against him as an ?enemy of Israel? or as an ?anti-Semite.?
And the ADL has not hesitated to break the law in its spying activity. In April 1993 police obtained search warrants and raided the offices of the ADL in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where they found hundreds of stolen confidential police files. Some of these police files were on anti-apartheid activists in the United States, and the ADL had passed copies on to the South African government in return for South African police files on pro-Palestinian groups in South Africa. This caused a stink even in liberal circles, which ordinarily are pro-ADL. And this business of the ADL?s stolen police files is still in the courts in California.
So as I said, I understand where the ADL is coming from. I?m not surprised that they consider my broadcasts dangerous. I?m not surprised that they want to shut me up and are trying to do that with their current smear campaign, claiming that I am ?linked? to bombings and murders. I expect that sort of behavior ? I expect lies of that sort ? from the ADL. What?s really disappointing is the enthusiastic collaboration the ADL receives from the politicians and the media. The two newspapers I cited a minute ago, the Tampa Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, for example, are essentially Gentile newspapers, as far as I have been able to determine. I may be mistaken, but I believe that the editors and publishers of these two newspapers are not Jews. So why do they go out of their way to exaggerate the ADL?s lies about me? Why does the Tampa Tribune call the National Alliance a ?domestic terrorist group?? Why does the Los Angeles Times say that the activities of the National Alliance include ?violent crimes such as robberies and bombings?? Why did neither of these newspapers contact someone in my office and ask about the ADL?s claims before printing them? Why didn?t any of the newspapers which carried the ADL?s attack on me mention the ADL?s history of illegal activity?
Let me tell you what I think about that. I believe that in general there are two factors at work here. I?ll call them the corruption factor and the lemming factor. Let?s look at the corruption factor first. It?s the factor which motivates virtually all of the non-Jewish politicians, but also many non-Jews in the media. It?s the factor which has led Bill Clinton to pack his cabinet with Jews and to promote every Jewish policy they have presented him with. It?s the factor which has led New York?s Senator Alphonse D?Amato to serve as front man for the Jews? huge extortion effort against the Swiss. These politicians don?t work for the Jews because they love Jews. Nobody loves Jews. They do it because they?re corrupt, because they?re willing to sacrifice the interests of their own people in order to serve the Jews if they believe that they can advance their careers by doing that. And many businessmen are just as corrupt as the politicians. They will do whatever they think is good for their business, whatever will give them the biggest profit. And some businessmen are in the media business. They understand that Jews buy more advertising than any other group. They understand that Jews own a bigger chunk of the media than any other group. They understand which side their bread is buttered on.
And so when the ADL attacks me these media businessmen are ready to fall on me like a pack of starved Dobermans in order to curry favor with the Jews. But you know, the interesting thing about these corrupt people, whether they?re in politics or in the media business, as soon as they believe that the balance of power is shifting, they?ll jump. They?d as soon tear apart the Jews as they would the enemies of the Jews. That?s something to keep in mind as our struggle proceeds.
Now, the lemmings in the media are more interesting than the corrupt businessmen. I?ve dealt with a lot of media people over the years, and one of the observations I?ve made is that they are the trendiest single occupational group in our society ? even trendier than people in police work. I don?t think I?ve ever met a journalist who had an original idea or who didn?t follow the Jewish party line with a truly religious devotion. They all march in ideological lockstep.
I think it wasn?t always this way. Back before the Second World War there were a few journalists in America who could think for themselves. H.L. Mencken is one who comes to mind. Nowadays, of course, the party-line journalists shrink in horror and embarrassment from the mention of Mencken?s name. Mencken ? gasp! ? didn?t like Jews and occasionally said so.
I can?t say that I really understand why journalists today are such lemmings, but I am sure that it?s more than the fact that Jews are so powerful in the media: I?m sure that it?s more than corruption, as in the case of the politicians and businessmen. I suspect that today?s journalists are people who have been more intensely socialized than most of the rest of the population. They are people who have been subjected to stronger group pressures to conform and have been selected according to how well they adapted to these pressures. Perhaps the journalism departments at our universities don?t accept students who don?t fit the lemming mold. Anyway, journalists certainly do have a very strong tendency to stick close to the herd and to regard with suspicion and hostility anyone who has strayed very far from the herd.
Now, this is an oversimplification, but I believe that the reason so many media people fell in love with Bill Clinton as soon as he appeared on the political scene back in 1991 or so is that they saw him as one of their crowd, their herd. ?Bill marched with us for the Viet Cong,? they thought. ?Bill partied and smoked dope with us. He?s one of us.?
And they look at me and they think: ?This guy Pierce is from the other side of the tracks. Instead of helping us trash the dean?s office, he joined the John Birch Society. He doesn?t belong to our crowd, so let?s trash him too.? Anyway, I believe that there?s an element of that sort of thinking in the average journalist?s mentality.
Now, the bright side of this picture is that people who think like lemmings and have been conditioned by group pressure to have certain views can very easily be conditioned to have quite different views by the simple application of group pressure in a new direction. You won?t be able to change an independent thinker?s opinions this way, but if you put 100,000 typical journalists in a labor re-education camp and then select out 1,000 of them with leadership potential, straighten out the thinking of this 1,000 with two-by-fours, then put them in charge of the others, and put all except the 1,000 reoriented commissars on a diet of 300 calories a day, in a year every journalist in the camp will be reoriented: skinny, but sincerely reoriented. You can turn them loose with complete confidence that they?ll follow the new party line just as slavishly as they followed the old party line, even after they?ve regained their former weight. That?s the way lemmings are.
There?s one other aspect of the ADL?s operation which merits scrutiny, and that is its program of corrupting police departments around the country. At the press conferences they held in their regional offices last month when they promoted me to ?most dangerous man? they had a number of local police officials with them. The appearance of these police officials on the platform along with the ADL?s Jews tended to give the press conferences a sort of quasi-official or quasi-governmental atmosphere, and that undoubtedly encouraged the reporters present to accept the ADL?s lies without question.
Some of the police officials were there because they have political ambitions. They?re planning on running for the state legislature some day, and they want the Jews? backing. Others were there because the ADL has assiduously been cultivating its relationships with police agencies for many years. The ADL offers ?anti-terrorist? seminars to police departments and indoctrinates policemen with its hate propaganda under the guise of teaching them how to recognize and combat ?domestic terrorists? ? such as William Pierce. The ADL gets away with this despite its own record of criminal activity. The ADL has been able to persuade the cops to overlook its having been caught with stolen police files. That?s a little frightening. If we had a government with integrity, the ADL would be dangerous enough. But with a government like we have in the United States today, every decent citizen must regard with horror the subversion of our police agencies by the ADL.
© 1998 National Vanguard Books · Box 330 · Hillsboro ·WV 24946 · USA
A cassette recording of this broadcast is available for $12.95 including postage from:
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
[large]The Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith[/large]
by Dr. William Pierce
Last week I mentioned a recent attack on me by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. I gave this as an example of the way the Jews are able to use the mass media in America to serve their purposes. The specific point I made was that it is not necessary for all of the newspaper owners and editors and all of the local television station owners to be Jews in order for all of them to slavishly follow the Anti-Defamation League?s party line. This is a very important point, a point essential for us to understand if we want to have a free society, and I?ll elaborate on it now.
I mentioned last week that when the Anti-Defamation League ? or ADL for short ? handed out press releases on September 24 to newspapers and other media in which they said that the organization I head, the National Alliance, is ?the single most dangerous organized hate group in America,? and that we are ?linked? to bank robberies, bombings, and murders all over the country, virtually all of the media simply printed these wild charges without checking them for accuracy. Of all the hundreds of newspapers which printed the ADL?s charges, only one ? West Virginia?s Charleston Gazette ? even bothered to call me first and ask for my comments. Some of the newspapers, in paraphrasing the ADL?s press release, even managed to exaggerate the ADL?s lies. For example, the Tampa Tribune began its news story on September 25 with the line: ?A domestic terrorist group with a following in Tampa poses an ongoing threat of violence, the Anti-Defamation League said in a report issued Thursday.? The ADL?s words ?most dangerous organized hate group? have been transformed by the Tampa Tribune into ?domestic terrorist group.? That?s a significant change. ?Hate group? is an ill-defined term which you can apply to any organization with whose policies or doctrines you disagree. Groups opposed to abortion, for example, have been called ?hate groups? by feminists and their supporters. ?Terrorist group,? on the other hand, really suggests a group which actually engages in terrorist activity, such as bombings, assassinations, and the like.
Then there?s the Los Angeles Times, which in its September 25 story based on the ADL?s press release stated: ?The group?s activities [that is the National Alliance's activities] ? including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings ? have been uncovered in at least 26 states.? I?ll repeat that: ?the group?s activities ? including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.? The Los Angeles Times certainly makes it sound as if I?m the head of an organization which actually commits violent crimes such as robberies and bombings as a matter of course, doesn?t it? That was the Los Angeles Times? interpretation of the ADL?s list of ?criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance and its propaganda.? What the ADL?s list actually suggests is that the perpetrators of various bombings and murders may be ?linked? to the National Alliance by having read a book or a pamphlet published by the National Alliance or perhaps by having listened to one of my broadcasts. For example, one of the ?incidents? in the ADL?s list of ?criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance? reads: ?December 1995, Fayetteville, North Carolina: Two soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, who were avowed neo-Nazis and reportedly read National Alliance propaganda, murdered an African-American couple.? As I pointed out last week, neither I nor anyone else in the National Alliance had ever heard of James Burmeister before he shot a convicted Black drug dealer and the dealer?s girlfriend to death in Fayetteville in December 1995. But it certainly is possible that Burmeister listened to an American Dissident Voices broadcast or read some publication of the National Alliance. There are a lot of our publications in circulation. Burmeister also may have read Reader?s Digest or the Bible or Newsweek magazine, for all I know; there?s certainly a lot of criminal activity described in those publications. Anyway, the Los Angeles Times? interpretation of the ADL?s claim that the National Alliance is linked through its publications to various criminal acts is that we did it: we committed the criminal acts ourselves. The paper said flatly that our activities include ?violent crimes such as robberies and bombings.? And nobody from the Los Angeles Times even bothered to check with me first!
So what am I supposed to do: hire a bunch of lawyers and sue all of these newspapers and perhaps the ADL too? Perhaps I will ? but I doubt that anyone who has actually been involved in a libel suit would suggest such a course. The civil litigation system in the United States has been designed for the sole purpose of enriching lawyers, and because of that the system gives an overwhelming advantage to the litigant who has the most money to spend on lawyers. Perhaps some experienced civil-litigation lawyer who believes this is a worthy cause will contact me and offer his services.
But while I?m waiting for that, let me draw a few conclusions from this nasty business. First, I?ll mention that I?m not especially peeved at the ADL about this new report labeling me as the most dangerous man in America. That doesn?t mean I won?t sue them, but at least I know where they?re coming from. The ADL is a professional hate organization. They are hate merchants. That?s the way they earn their living: selling hate. Along with a handful of other Jewish organizations ? the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Morris Dees?s Southern Poverty Law Center, for example ? the ADL makes its money by persuading Jews and wannabee Jews around the country that they are in great danger from people like me ? but if everyone will just send them a nice, fat check today, the ADL will protect these Jews and wannabees from me. And so the ADL ? and these other hate merchants ? put out deliberately scary press releases to drum up donations. If the newspapers exaggerate things a bit, why so much the better. That?s why the press releases tend to be a little deceptive, why they are written in a way calculated to lead to misinterpretation.
The ADL is the oldest and most powerful of these Jewish hate groups in the United States. It was founded in 1913, after a Jewish factory owner in Atlanta, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old White girl, Mary Phagan, who worked in his factory. The killer was sentenced to death by the court, and there was a great deal of publicity about the case at the time. Powerful Jewish organizations came to Frank?s defense, and in behind-the-scenes maneuvering they were able to persuade Georgia?s governor to commute Frank?s death sentence. This blatantly corrupt act by the governor working in cahoots with his rich Jewish supporters so enraged the populace that a vigilante group of citizens took Frank out of jail and hanged him themselves. The Jews, realizing that they had bungled the Frank affair, organized the ADL for the purpose of handling such matters more skillfully in the future. In the past 85 years the ADL has grown to become the most powerful Jewish pressure group and lobbying organization in America.
Recent ADL lobbying projects have been the promotion of gun control laws and of state laws banning military-style training by patriotic groups. The ADL?s biggest project for this decade, however, has been so-called ?hate crime? legislation. Hate crime laws attempt to punish a person for what he was thinking before or during the commission of an offense against a member or a group of members of an officially favored minority. For example, if you set fire to a synagogue because you don?t like Jews, you?re liable for a much more severe punishment than you would be if you were hired by the rabbi to set fire to a synagogue so the congregation could collect the insurance. Arson is no longer simply arson. Now there?s arson, and there?s ?hate arson.? And to decide which it is, the government may look into your personal taste in reading material, check into the type of music you listen to, investigate your political and religious affiliations, ask your friends about any expressions of Politically Incorrect opinions you may have made ? and then present all of this information in court as evidence against you. The whole concept of ?hate crime? is Orwellian. It turns traditional American concepts of law and individual freedom on their heads. But because the noisiest group of people pushing for ?hate crime? legislation are Jews, no politician dares speak against it. Bill Clinton is the Jews? current point man on Federal ?hate crime? legislation.
One category of ?hate crime? is ?hate speech.? In fact, the outlawing of what the ADL people call ?hate speech? is their ultimate aim. ?Hate speech,? of course, is whatever they find offensive or dangerous to their interests. I find a lot of the films coming out of Hollywood these days offensive, and a lot of television programming, but you can be sure that?s not what the ADL has in mind when it campaigns for laws against ?hate speech.? The ADL is especially concerned about the propagation of what they consider dangerous ideas over the Internet and has been working with software developers to develop censorship programs which can be installed on any computer, so that computer users cannot find any Politically Incorrect material on the Internet.
Lobbying to stamp out the Bill of Rights isn?t the ADL?s only activity. They?re also the largest and most effective private espionage organization in America. They have their spies in every community in America where there are Jews or wannabees. Reports go from their regional offices around the country to massive data banks in New York and in Israel, where the ADL maintains dossiers on hundreds of thousands of Americans. For example, if a state legislator somewhere in America makes a speech which a Jewish listener considers unfriendly to Israel, a report goes into the ADL data bank. If a businessman at a Chamber of Commerce meeting makes a joke which might indicate a less-than-worshipful attitude toward Jews, and a wannabee informs the ADL of the joke, that businessman will henceforth have a dossier in the ADL?s files. Then if that state legislator or that businessman ever runs for Congress, say, the ADL will search its files for his name, find his record, and launch a campaign against him as an ?enemy of Israel? or as an ?anti-Semite.?
And the ADL has not hesitated to break the law in its spying activity. In April 1993 police obtained search warrants and raided the offices of the ADL in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where they found hundreds of stolen confidential police files. Some of these police files were on anti-apartheid activists in the United States, and the ADL had passed copies on to the South African government in return for South African police files on pro-Palestinian groups in South Africa. This caused a stink even in liberal circles, which ordinarily are pro-ADL. And this business of the ADL?s stolen police files is still in the courts in California.
So as I said, I understand where the ADL is coming from. I?m not surprised that they consider my broadcasts dangerous. I?m not surprised that they want to shut me up and are trying to do that with their current smear campaign, claiming that I am ?linked? to bombings and murders. I expect that sort of behavior ? I expect lies of that sort ? from the ADL. What?s really disappointing is the enthusiastic collaboration the ADL receives from the politicians and the media. The two newspapers I cited a minute ago, the Tampa Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, for example, are essentially Gentile newspapers, as far as I have been able to determine. I may be mistaken, but I believe that the editors and publishers of these two newspapers are not Jews. So why do they go out of their way to exaggerate the ADL?s lies about me? Why does the Tampa Tribune call the National Alliance a ?domestic terrorist group?? Why does the Los Angeles Times say that the activities of the National Alliance include ?violent crimes such as robberies and bombings?? Why did neither of these newspapers contact someone in my office and ask about the ADL?s claims before printing them? Why didn?t any of the newspapers which carried the ADL?s attack on me mention the ADL?s history of illegal activity?
Let me tell you what I think about that. I believe that in general there are two factors at work here. I?ll call them the corruption factor and the lemming factor. Let?s look at the corruption factor first. It?s the factor which motivates virtually all of the non-Jewish politicians, but also many non-Jews in the media. It?s the factor which has led Bill Clinton to pack his cabinet with Jews and to promote every Jewish policy they have presented him with. It?s the factor which has led New York?s Senator Alphonse D?Amato to serve as front man for the Jews? huge extortion effort against the Swiss. These politicians don?t work for the Jews because they love Jews. Nobody loves Jews. They do it because they?re corrupt, because they?re willing to sacrifice the interests of their own people in order to serve the Jews if they believe that they can advance their careers by doing that. And many businessmen are just as corrupt as the politicians. They will do whatever they think is good for their business, whatever will give them the biggest profit. And some businessmen are in the media business. They understand that Jews buy more advertising than any other group. They understand that Jews own a bigger chunk of the media than any other group. They understand which side their bread is buttered on.
And so when the ADL attacks me these media businessmen are ready to fall on me like a pack of starved Dobermans in order to curry favor with the Jews. But you know, the interesting thing about these corrupt people, whether they?re in politics or in the media business, as soon as they believe that the balance of power is shifting, they?ll jump. They?d as soon tear apart the Jews as they would the enemies of the Jews. That?s something to keep in mind as our struggle proceeds.
Now, the lemmings in the media are more interesting than the corrupt businessmen. I?ve dealt with a lot of media people over the years, and one of the observations I?ve made is that they are the trendiest single occupational group in our society ? even trendier than people in police work. I don?t think I?ve ever met a journalist who had an original idea or who didn?t follow the Jewish party line with a truly religious devotion. They all march in ideological lockstep.
I think it wasn?t always this way. Back before the Second World War there were a few journalists in America who could think for themselves. H.L. Mencken is one who comes to mind. Nowadays, of course, the party-line journalists shrink in horror and embarrassment from the mention of Mencken?s name. Mencken ? gasp! ? didn?t like Jews and occasionally said so.
I can?t say that I really understand why journalists today are such lemmings, but I am sure that it?s more than the fact that Jews are so powerful in the media: I?m sure that it?s more than corruption, as in the case of the politicians and businessmen. I suspect that today?s journalists are people who have been more intensely socialized than most of the rest of the population. They are people who have been subjected to stronger group pressures to conform and have been selected according to how well they adapted to these pressures. Perhaps the journalism departments at our universities don?t accept students who don?t fit the lemming mold. Anyway, journalists certainly do have a very strong tendency to stick close to the herd and to regard with suspicion and hostility anyone who has strayed very far from the herd.
Now, this is an oversimplification, but I believe that the reason so many media people fell in love with Bill Clinton as soon as he appeared on the political scene back in 1991 or so is that they saw him as one of their crowd, their herd. ?Bill marched with us for the Viet Cong,? they thought. ?Bill partied and smoked dope with us. He?s one of us.?
And they look at me and they think: ?This guy Pierce is from the other side of the tracks. Instead of helping us trash the dean?s office, he joined the John Birch Society. He doesn?t belong to our crowd, so let?s trash him too.? Anyway, I believe that there?s an element of that sort of thinking in the average journalist?s mentality.
Now, the bright side of this picture is that people who think like lemmings and have been conditioned by group pressure to have certain views can very easily be conditioned to have quite different views by the simple application of group pressure in a new direction. You won?t be able to change an independent thinker?s opinions this way, but if you put 100,000 typical journalists in a labor re-education camp and then select out 1,000 of them with leadership potential, straighten out the thinking of this 1,000 with two-by-fours, then put them in charge of the others, and put all except the 1,000 reoriented commissars on a diet of 300 calories a day, in a year every journalist in the camp will be reoriented: skinny, but sincerely reoriented. You can turn them loose with complete confidence that they?ll follow the new party line just as slavishly as they followed the old party line, even after they?ve regained their former weight. That?s the way lemmings are.
There?s one other aspect of the ADL?s operation which merits scrutiny, and that is its program of corrupting police departments around the country. At the press conferences they held in their regional offices last month when they promoted me to ?most dangerous man? they had a number of local police officials with them. The appearance of these police officials on the platform along with the ADL?s Jews tended to give the press conferences a sort of quasi-official or quasi-governmental atmosphere, and that undoubtedly encouraged the reporters present to accept the ADL?s lies without question.
Some of the police officials were there because they have political ambitions. They?re planning on running for the state legislature some day, and they want the Jews? backing. Others were there because the ADL has assiduously been cultivating its relationships with police agencies for many years. The ADL offers ?anti-terrorist? seminars to police departments and indoctrinates policemen with its hate propaganda under the guise of teaching them how to recognize and combat ?domestic terrorists? ? such as William Pierce. The ADL gets away with this despite its own record of criminal activity. The ADL has been able to persuade the cops to overlook its having been caught with stolen police files. That?s a little frightening. If we had a government with integrity, the ADL would be dangerous enough. But with a government like we have in the United States today, every decent citizen must regard with horror the subversion of our police agencies by the ADL.
© 1998 National Vanguard Books · Box 330 · Hillsboro ·WV 24946 · USA
A cassette recording of this broadcast is available for $12.95 including postage from:
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
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[justify]Source: The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1993, Page 18
[large]The Changing Role of B?nai B?rith?s Anti-Defamation
By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal
Following an April raid on the offices of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) by the San Francisco police, the San Francisco Chronicle broke the story of a nationwide political spy operation. ADL had illegally obtained information from a corrupt police officer, Tom Gerard (who fled initially to the Philippines, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S., but later concluded his life was in danger if he stayed overseas), and Roy Bullock, a political informant and infiltrator on the ADL payroll since 1960. In the ADL offices were files on Arab Americans and members of Greenpeace, NAACP, the Mills College faculty and various other institutions, groups and individuals.
B?nai B?rith, ADL?s parent organization, was founded in 1843 as a Jewish counterpart of fraternal orders then flourishing in America. The new group?s purpose, as described in its constitution, called for the traditional functions performed by Jewish societies in Europe: ?Visiting and attending the sick? and ?protecting and assisting the widow and the orphan. ? Its founders had hoped that it soon would encompass all Jews in the United States. This did not happen, however, since other Jewish organizations also were forming around the same time.
In 1913 Leo Frank, a northern Jewish executive of a factory in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested and charged with the murder of a young girl working in the factory. In an atmosphere of mob fury, he was declared guilty, even though the evidence was inconclusive. He was kidnapped from state prison and lynched. This obvious miscarriage of justice and manifestation of prejudice led to the formation by B?nai B?rith of the ADL as the first group organized explicitly to fight anti-Semitism. What exactly constituted anti-Semitism was to receive continually different interpretations. With the creation of Israel in 1948, the meaning of that word was broadened and, eventually, totally distorted.
Because it dealt with a subject of increasing importance to Jews everywhere, and one about which emotions could be aroused easily, the ADL soon emerged as the most powerful Jewish organization in the U.S., even outshining its B?nai B?rith parent organization and the aristocratic, well-financed American Jewish Committee.
Benjamin Epstein and Arnold Forster, ADL?s two most important executives over a 35-year period, wrote a number of widely distributed books, which often received front-page notice even before they were published. These included The Trouble Makers (Doubleday, 1952); Cross Currents (Doubleday, 1956); Some of My Best Friends (Farrar Strauss, 1962); A Danger on the Right (Random House, 1964); Report on the John Birch Society (Random House, 1966); and The Radical Right (Random House, 1967).
ADL can exert enormous influence and intimidation.
The direction which the organization was to take was made clear in the initial book, which described a ?secret meeting? between Azzam Pasha, then secretarygeneral of the Arab League, and members of a new organization, the Holy Land Emergency Program (HELP), organized to assist the newly created Palestinian refugees. The book charged that a conspiracy was hatched at the meeting to spread anti-Jewish propaganda. In fact, no such meeting ever took place. At the time of the alleged meeting, HELP already had ceased to exist.
At the very outset of the Palestine question, the Anti-Defamation League?s publication, The Facts, sought to place an antiSemitic label on the activities of such friends of justice for the dispossessed in Palestine as Barnard College Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, U.S. presidential emissary Kermit Roosevelt, and former American University of Beirut President Bayard Dodge.1 The publication?s May 1948 issue charged: ?Their espousal of the Arab League cause and opposition to Zionism has been marked by the increasingly hostile attitude toward the Jewish people themselves. While anti-Zionism and sympathy for the Arab cause are not necessarily indications of anti-Semitic prejudice, there are many whose pro-Arab utterances and activities have contained sufficiently expressed or implied anti-Semitism to give cause for genuine alarm. ?
This same strategy to discredit critics of Israel or defenders of Palestinian human rights has been employed by the ADL ever since. ?Guilt by association? and ?guilt by juxtaposition? -intermingling the names of those who might more accurately be deemed sincere critics of specific policies of Israel or its U.S. lobbyists with those of notorious bigots like Father Coughlin or Gerald L. K. Smith-have become hallmarks of ADL publications and public pronouncements. By using smear tactics to intimidate or discredit opponents, ADL has largely succeeded in impressing its will and interpretation of Middle East events on American public opinion.
The ADL has some 31 regional offices around the country and three in Canada, with an annual budget of more than $32 million. It employs a professional staff of 400, including specialists in human relations, communications, education, urban affairs, social sciences, religion and law. In addition, it has unpaid representatives in hundreds of communities from coast to coast and has compiled thousands of secret dossiers on private citizens in Canada and the United States.
?Notorious? Activities
In 1983, the ADL released a handbook, Pro-Arab Propaganda in America: Vehicles and Voices, projected to be the first in a regularly updated series. Individuals or organizations who voiced the slightest criticism of Israel or Zionism found themselves listed in this volume with a list of their ?notorious? activities. All were portrayed as extremists seeking to abolish the state of Israel and/or incite prejudice against Jewish Americans.
Each regional ADL office has its own board of directors drawn from local leaders and prominent citizens, some of them non Jews. In hundreds of communities throughout the nation, according to its own pamphlet, ?The ADL is able to cooperate as a neighbor to solve important local problems. ? Through its multiple private and public reports and publications, allegedly directed against prejudice and bigotry, the ADL can exert enormous influence and intimidation, often bordering on blackmail, in organizations and individuals, particularly people in public life. It provides an indispensable backup for AIPAC?s effective lobbying of the Congress and White House on behalf of an ever-increasing economic and military aid to Israel.
As I pointed out in one of my books, The Zionist Connection I (and H), several ADL leaders, including directors Forster and Epstein, Seymour Graubard and the late Dore Schary (playwright, producer and influential figure in Hollywood), have boasted of ADL?s use of undercover agents. Trying to be as inoffensive as possible, Newsweek magazine called the ADL?s methodology ?highly selective? and ?never a total portrait.? Anyone reviewing the ADL?s reports would have to agree with author and famed Unitarian minister Dr. John Nicholls Booth that the ADL continually ?strains to fit the products of its own espionage into the procrustean bed of its own personal predilections.
Many ADL charges against critics of Israel and Zionism are totally inaccurate, questionable, or based upon half-truths. Its secret and confidential reports, widely distributed in liberal circles, often attribute the stock quotation, ?but some of my best friends are Jews,? to its subjects, implying anti-Semitism. Odious impressions are created by twisting or distorting a few words, or the contest in which they were uttered.
With the help of the ADL and the plethora of Zionist and pro-Israel groups with which it cooperates, Israeli intelligence has continued to penetrate into every part of the U.S. The Pollard case represented only the apex of this activity. Even synagogues and rabbis have become unpaid vigilantes in the effort to compile files and lists of alleged anti-Semites, and to obtain any information of possible use to Israel or its U.S. operatives. A cynical Pentagon joke was that confidential military memos had to be typed in triplicate: ?One for the White House, one for the State Department, and one for Tel Aviv.?
A New Definition of Anti-Semitism
In The New Anti-Semitism, Forster and Epstein?s seventh and final book, a new and stunningly broad definition of antiSemitism was set forth:
?The hostility of the Radical Left, the Radical Right, pro-Arab groups, black extremists, and malingering anti-Jewish hatemongering that has plagued the United States since the early ?20s has allegedly now been augmented by others within the government, the media, the clergy and the arts who are insensitive to Jews and Jewish concerns, particularly to the needs and wants of the state of Israel. The heart of the new anti-Semitism abroad in our land lies in the widespread incapacity or unwillingness to comprehend the necessity of the existence of Israel to Jewish safety and survival throughout the world. ?
In his foreword to the tract, national ADL Chairman Seymour Graubard laid the groundwork for the kind of tactics recognizable in the current revelations from San Francisco:
?While the memory of the Nazi Holocaust was fresh in mind, anti-Semitism was silenced. As that memory fades, however, as Jews are more and more being considered a part of the Establishment, there are new growths of anti-Semitism. They are being nurtured in a climate of general insensitivity and deterioration of morality and ethics, the kind of climate, history reminds us, in which anti-Semitism grows best. ?
The ADL was ever ready to apply the smear and vilification so as to censure and silence, thus building an iron curtain over America that would bar any criticism, however constructive, of Israel, Zionists, or Jews (Judaism is rarely, if ever, involved). The book from which the quotations above were taken led New York Post columnist James Wechsler, a long-time, avid friend of Israel, to write that the latest ADL work ?is grievously flavored by an intolerance of their own in equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. ? Calling the presentation ?illegitimate and uncivil,? the columnist decried a work which ?proceeds from a well-documented dissection of the frenzies of an obvious antiSemite, Gerald L. K. Smith, to a loose indictment of Senator J. William Fulbright and columnists Evans and Novak. They do not explicitly apply the label ?anti-Semitic? to the latter three. But the context in which the attack appears-indeed their inclusion in the volume-carries, to borrow their words, ?an unmistakable message? and an inescapable ?innuendo. ??
It can be said without exaggeration that the ADL is the single most influential organization in the United States. It works closely with the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, and sometimes with the FBI or CIA. Through its multifold activities and ability to crush dissent, it is probably more responsible for American attitudes and American foreign policy toward the Middle East than any other single force.
The annual Washington conferences of the parent organization, B?nai B?rith, draw the presence of presidents and presidential aspirants. No politician with national ambitions will forego the opportunity of doing public battle with the specter of Adolf Hitler. At these conferences, however, ADL itself maintains the lowest possible profile. Few of these same politicians are prepared to associate themselves with its violations of the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, and the letter of America?s Bill of Rights.
1Its January-February 1957 issue devoted its four pages to detailing the ?noxious? and varied activities of this writer following the publication of What Price Israel? three years earlier.
Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal is the author of There Goes the Middle East, The Other Side of the Coin, and the monumental The Zionist Connection. He edits the Middle East Perspective Reader.
© Copyright 1995-1999, American Educational Trust. All Rights Reserved.[/justify]
[large]The Changing Role of B?nai B?rith?s Anti-Defamation
By Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal
Following an April raid on the offices of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) by the San Francisco police, the San Francisco Chronicle broke the story of a nationwide political spy operation. ADL had illegally obtained information from a corrupt police officer, Tom Gerard (who fled initially to the Philippines, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S., but later concluded his life was in danger if he stayed overseas), and Roy Bullock, a political informant and infiltrator on the ADL payroll since 1960. In the ADL offices were files on Arab Americans and members of Greenpeace, NAACP, the Mills College faculty and various other institutions, groups and individuals.
B?nai B?rith, ADL?s parent organization, was founded in 1843 as a Jewish counterpart of fraternal orders then flourishing in America. The new group?s purpose, as described in its constitution, called for the traditional functions performed by Jewish societies in Europe: ?Visiting and attending the sick? and ?protecting and assisting the widow and the orphan. ? Its founders had hoped that it soon would encompass all Jews in the United States. This did not happen, however, since other Jewish organizations also were forming around the same time.
In 1913 Leo Frank, a northern Jewish executive of a factory in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested and charged with the murder of a young girl working in the factory. In an atmosphere of mob fury, he was declared guilty, even though the evidence was inconclusive. He was kidnapped from state prison and lynched. This obvious miscarriage of justice and manifestation of prejudice led to the formation by B?nai B?rith of the ADL as the first group organized explicitly to fight anti-Semitism. What exactly constituted anti-Semitism was to receive continually different interpretations. With the creation of Israel in 1948, the meaning of that word was broadened and, eventually, totally distorted.
Because it dealt with a subject of increasing importance to Jews everywhere, and one about which emotions could be aroused easily, the ADL soon emerged as the most powerful Jewish organization in the U.S., even outshining its B?nai B?rith parent organization and the aristocratic, well-financed American Jewish Committee.
Benjamin Epstein and Arnold Forster, ADL?s two most important executives over a 35-year period, wrote a number of widely distributed books, which often received front-page notice even before they were published. These included The Trouble Makers (Doubleday, 1952); Cross Currents (Doubleday, 1956); Some of My Best Friends (Farrar Strauss, 1962); A Danger on the Right (Random House, 1964); Report on the John Birch Society (Random House, 1966); and The Radical Right (Random House, 1967).
ADL can exert enormous influence and intimidation.
The direction which the organization was to take was made clear in the initial book, which described a ?secret meeting? between Azzam Pasha, then secretarygeneral of the Arab League, and members of a new organization, the Holy Land Emergency Program (HELP), organized to assist the newly created Palestinian refugees. The book charged that a conspiracy was hatched at the meeting to spread anti-Jewish propaganda. In fact, no such meeting ever took place. At the time of the alleged meeting, HELP already had ceased to exist.
At the very outset of the Palestine question, the Anti-Defamation League?s publication, The Facts, sought to place an antiSemitic label on the activities of such friends of justice for the dispossessed in Palestine as Barnard College Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, U.S. presidential emissary Kermit Roosevelt, and former American University of Beirut President Bayard Dodge.1 The publication?s May 1948 issue charged: ?Their espousal of the Arab League cause and opposition to Zionism has been marked by the increasingly hostile attitude toward the Jewish people themselves. While anti-Zionism and sympathy for the Arab cause are not necessarily indications of anti-Semitic prejudice, there are many whose pro-Arab utterances and activities have contained sufficiently expressed or implied anti-Semitism to give cause for genuine alarm. ?
This same strategy to discredit critics of Israel or defenders of Palestinian human rights has been employed by the ADL ever since. ?Guilt by association? and ?guilt by juxtaposition? -intermingling the names of those who might more accurately be deemed sincere critics of specific policies of Israel or its U.S. lobbyists with those of notorious bigots like Father Coughlin or Gerald L. K. Smith-have become hallmarks of ADL publications and public pronouncements. By using smear tactics to intimidate or discredit opponents, ADL has largely succeeded in impressing its will and interpretation of Middle East events on American public opinion.
The ADL has some 31 regional offices around the country and three in Canada, with an annual budget of more than $32 million. It employs a professional staff of 400, including specialists in human relations, communications, education, urban affairs, social sciences, religion and law. In addition, it has unpaid representatives in hundreds of communities from coast to coast and has compiled thousands of secret dossiers on private citizens in Canada and the United States.
?Notorious? Activities
In 1983, the ADL released a handbook, Pro-Arab Propaganda in America: Vehicles and Voices, projected to be the first in a regularly updated series. Individuals or organizations who voiced the slightest criticism of Israel or Zionism found themselves listed in this volume with a list of their ?notorious? activities. All were portrayed as extremists seeking to abolish the state of Israel and/or incite prejudice against Jewish Americans.
Each regional ADL office has its own board of directors drawn from local leaders and prominent citizens, some of them non Jews. In hundreds of communities throughout the nation, according to its own pamphlet, ?The ADL is able to cooperate as a neighbor to solve important local problems. ? Through its multiple private and public reports and publications, allegedly directed against prejudice and bigotry, the ADL can exert enormous influence and intimidation, often bordering on blackmail, in organizations and individuals, particularly people in public life. It provides an indispensable backup for AIPAC?s effective lobbying of the Congress and White House on behalf of an ever-increasing economic and military aid to Israel.
As I pointed out in one of my books, The Zionist Connection I (and H), several ADL leaders, including directors Forster and Epstein, Seymour Graubard and the late Dore Schary (playwright, producer and influential figure in Hollywood), have boasted of ADL?s use of undercover agents. Trying to be as inoffensive as possible, Newsweek magazine called the ADL?s methodology ?highly selective? and ?never a total portrait.? Anyone reviewing the ADL?s reports would have to agree with author and famed Unitarian minister Dr. John Nicholls Booth that the ADL continually ?strains to fit the products of its own espionage into the procrustean bed of its own personal predilections.
Many ADL charges against critics of Israel and Zionism are totally inaccurate, questionable, or based upon half-truths. Its secret and confidential reports, widely distributed in liberal circles, often attribute the stock quotation, ?but some of my best friends are Jews,? to its subjects, implying anti-Semitism. Odious impressions are created by twisting or distorting a few words, or the contest in which they were uttered.
With the help of the ADL and the plethora of Zionist and pro-Israel groups with which it cooperates, Israeli intelligence has continued to penetrate into every part of the U.S. The Pollard case represented only the apex of this activity. Even synagogues and rabbis have become unpaid vigilantes in the effort to compile files and lists of alleged anti-Semites, and to obtain any information of possible use to Israel or its U.S. operatives. A cynical Pentagon joke was that confidential military memos had to be typed in triplicate: ?One for the White House, one for the State Department, and one for Tel Aviv.?
A New Definition of Anti-Semitism
In The New Anti-Semitism, Forster and Epstein?s seventh and final book, a new and stunningly broad definition of antiSemitism was set forth:
?The hostility of the Radical Left, the Radical Right, pro-Arab groups, black extremists, and malingering anti-Jewish hatemongering that has plagued the United States since the early ?20s has allegedly now been augmented by others within the government, the media, the clergy and the arts who are insensitive to Jews and Jewish concerns, particularly to the needs and wants of the state of Israel. The heart of the new anti-Semitism abroad in our land lies in the widespread incapacity or unwillingness to comprehend the necessity of the existence of Israel to Jewish safety and survival throughout the world. ?
In his foreword to the tract, national ADL Chairman Seymour Graubard laid the groundwork for the kind of tactics recognizable in the current revelations from San Francisco:
?While the memory of the Nazi Holocaust was fresh in mind, anti-Semitism was silenced. As that memory fades, however, as Jews are more and more being considered a part of the Establishment, there are new growths of anti-Semitism. They are being nurtured in a climate of general insensitivity and deterioration of morality and ethics, the kind of climate, history reminds us, in which anti-Semitism grows best. ?
The ADL was ever ready to apply the smear and vilification so as to censure and silence, thus building an iron curtain over America that would bar any criticism, however constructive, of Israel, Zionists, or Jews (Judaism is rarely, if ever, involved). The book from which the quotations above were taken led New York Post columnist James Wechsler, a long-time, avid friend of Israel, to write that the latest ADL work ?is grievously flavored by an intolerance of their own in equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. ? Calling the presentation ?illegitimate and uncivil,? the columnist decried a work which ?proceeds from a well-documented dissection of the frenzies of an obvious antiSemite, Gerald L. K. Smith, to a loose indictment of Senator J. William Fulbright and columnists Evans and Novak. They do not explicitly apply the label ?anti-Semitic? to the latter three. But the context in which the attack appears-indeed their inclusion in the volume-carries, to borrow their words, ?an unmistakable message? and an inescapable ?innuendo. ??
It can be said without exaggeration that the ADL is the single most influential organization in the United States. It works closely with the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, and sometimes with the FBI or CIA. Through its multifold activities and ability to crush dissent, it is probably more responsible for American attitudes and American foreign policy toward the Middle East than any other single force.
The annual Washington conferences of the parent organization, B?nai B?rith, draw the presence of presidents and presidential aspirants. No politician with national ambitions will forego the opportunity of doing public battle with the specter of Adolf Hitler. At these conferences, however, ADL itself maintains the lowest possible profile. Few of these same politicians are prepared to associate themselves with its violations of the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, and the letter of America?s Bill of Rights.
1Its January-February 1957 issue devoted its four pages to detailing the ?noxious? and varied activities of this writer following the publication of What Price Israel? three years earlier.
Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal is the author of There Goes the Middle East, The Other Side of the Coin, and the monumental The Zionist Connection. He edits the Middle East Perspective Reader.
© Copyright 1995-1999, American Educational Trust. All Rights Reserved.[/justify]
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[justify]Source: U.S. Newswire | October 22, 2001
[large]The Corruption of America?s Children by the ADL[/large]
NEW YORK ? At this time of national tragedy, children want answers as much as adults do. With that in mind, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Sesame Workshop, creators of the acclaimed series Sesame Street, announce a new and unique anti-bias education project for parents and educators of preschool-age children, The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute.
?While there is no vaccine against hate, we know the only antidote is education, and this project is a great way to begin the fight,? said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. ?We cannot think of a better way to relate to children than through the characters of Sesame Street, one of the most beloved and documented resources for teaching children how to accept others.?
?A child responds far better to lessons about tolerance and diversity from someone speaking in their voice who is recognizable to them from the start,? said Gary E. Knell, President & CEO, Sesame Workshop. ?Today?s generation of parents, who grew up on Sesame Street themselves, are now watching the show with their own children, who are learning the same lessons.?
Two kickoffs launched the program, one on October 18th at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning in Chicago, and one on October 22nd at the Bright Horizons Family Solutions Center in Manhattan.
Seeing a need for a comprehensive anti-bias training program for early childhood educators, ADL and Sesame Workshop teamed up to collaborate on The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute. The goal of the Initiative is to assist educators, families and caregivers in creating and sustaining bias-free early childhood programs and homes that encourage children to appreciate diversity at an age when the seeds of prejudice can begin to take root. To achieve this, ADL?s trained facilitators will deliver workshops to early childhood educators, families and caregivers while supporting them with three print resources to use in their programs and homes. Research and experience have shown that by preschool age, many children have begun to acquire negative feelings about themselves as well as others. This program will help to address these feelings so children can develop a healthy appreciation of themselves, along with an appreciation of people who are physically and culturally different.
Materials and Resources
All of the resources of The Miller Early Childhood Initiative feature characters created by Sesame Workshop, including Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie and Big Bird. In addition to a poster that supports the discussions and goals that the program highlights, three bias-free foundations workbooks provide further resources to challenge stereotypes and show how diverse people solve a conflict together.
The Early Childhood Activities for Families offers guidance for parents on how to talk to your child, expose your child to diversity, choose toys and books that reflect the world around your child and how to be aware of your own biases when choosing the language you use in front of your children.
The Early Childhood Guidebook for Educators is designed with four goals of anti-bias education in mind. They are:
? Nurturing a child?s construction of knowledge, positive self-identity and group identity
? Promoting a child?s comfortable, empathetic interaction with people from a diverse background
? Foster a child?s critical thinking about bias
? Cultivate a child?s ability to stand up for themselves and for others in the face of bias
Additionally, the guidebook explains to the educator how to review his or her surroundings to ensure the environment in which the program is to take place is prepared to be inclusive to all children and sensitive to cultural differences. Educators and parents will also receive a copy of the Early Childhood Resources manual which contains reading lists, suggested music for children, Internet resources and the references from the two guidebooks for families and educators.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in 1913 to ?stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.? ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all. A leader in the development of materials, programs and services, ADL builds bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups through a network of 30 regional offices in the United States and abroad.
ADL?s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute, created in 1985, is an international anti-bias and diversity education program used by schools, universities, corporations and community and law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and abroad. A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute programs provide practical, experiential, hands-on training with skills to challenge prejudice and discrimination, to foster intergroup understanding and to equip participants to live and work successfully and civilly in a diverse world.
Sesame Workshop is a not-for-profit educational organization that stands alone in its ability to creatively help solve major educational and developmental needs that affect children around the world. For over 30 years, the Workshop has created innovative and engaging media to help all children reach their highest potential. The organization grounds its work in research to understand how multi-media platforms help children learn, develop and grow. Best known as the creators of Sesame Street, Dragon Tales and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat airing on PBS, the Workshop continues to break new ground with Noggin, the only 24-hour kids? thinking channel. Find the Workshop online at [small]www.sesameworkshop.org[/small]
The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Institute was made possibly through generous sponsorship of the Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation, based in Chicago.
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world?s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.[/justify]
[large]The Corruption of America?s Children by the ADL[/large]
NEW YORK ? At this time of national tragedy, children want answers as much as adults do. With that in mind, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Sesame Workshop, creators of the acclaimed series Sesame Street, announce a new and unique anti-bias education project for parents and educators of preschool-age children, The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute.
?While there is no vaccine against hate, we know the only antidote is education, and this project is a great way to begin the fight,? said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. ?We cannot think of a better way to relate to children than through the characters of Sesame Street, one of the most beloved and documented resources for teaching children how to accept others.?
?A child responds far better to lessons about tolerance and diversity from someone speaking in their voice who is recognizable to them from the start,? said Gary E. Knell, President & CEO, Sesame Workshop. ?Today?s generation of parents, who grew up on Sesame Street themselves, are now watching the show with their own children, who are learning the same lessons.?
Two kickoffs launched the program, one on October 18th at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning in Chicago, and one on October 22nd at the Bright Horizons Family Solutions Center in Manhattan.
Seeing a need for a comprehensive anti-bias training program for early childhood educators, ADL and Sesame Workshop teamed up to collaborate on The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute. The goal of the Initiative is to assist educators, families and caregivers in creating and sustaining bias-free early childhood programs and homes that encourage children to appreciate diversity at an age when the seeds of prejudice can begin to take root. To achieve this, ADL?s trained facilitators will deliver workshops to early childhood educators, families and caregivers while supporting them with three print resources to use in their programs and homes. Research and experience have shown that by preschool age, many children have begun to acquire negative feelings about themselves as well as others. This program will help to address these feelings so children can develop a healthy appreciation of themselves, along with an appreciation of people who are physically and culturally different.
Materials and Resources
All of the resources of The Miller Early Childhood Initiative feature characters created by Sesame Workshop, including Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie and Big Bird. In addition to a poster that supports the discussions and goals that the program highlights, three bias-free foundations workbooks provide further resources to challenge stereotypes and show how diverse people solve a conflict together.
The Early Childhood Activities for Families offers guidance for parents on how to talk to your child, expose your child to diversity, choose toys and books that reflect the world around your child and how to be aware of your own biases when choosing the language you use in front of your children.
The Early Childhood Guidebook for Educators is designed with four goals of anti-bias education in mind. They are:
? Nurturing a child?s construction of knowledge, positive self-identity and group identity
? Promoting a child?s comfortable, empathetic interaction with people from a diverse background
? Foster a child?s critical thinking about bias
? Cultivate a child?s ability to stand up for themselves and for others in the face of bias
Additionally, the guidebook explains to the educator how to review his or her surroundings to ensure the environment in which the program is to take place is prepared to be inclusive to all children and sensitive to cultural differences. Educators and parents will also receive a copy of the Early Childhood Resources manual which contains reading lists, suggested music for children, Internet resources and the references from the two guidebooks for families and educators.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in 1913 to ?stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.? ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all. A leader in the development of materials, programs and services, ADL builds bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups through a network of 30 regional offices in the United States and abroad.
ADL?s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute, created in 1985, is an international anti-bias and diversity education program used by schools, universities, corporations and community and law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and abroad. A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE(r) Institute programs provide practical, experiential, hands-on training with skills to challenge prejudice and discrimination, to foster intergroup understanding and to equip participants to live and work successfully and civilly in a diverse world.
Sesame Workshop is a not-for-profit educational organization that stands alone in its ability to creatively help solve major educational and developmental needs that affect children around the world. For over 30 years, the Workshop has created innovative and engaging media to help all children reach their highest potential. The organization grounds its work in research to understand how multi-media platforms help children learn, develop and grow. Best known as the creators of Sesame Street, Dragon Tales and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat airing on PBS, the Workshop continues to break new ground with Noggin, the only 24-hour kids? thinking channel. Find the Workshop online at [small]www.sesameworkshop.org[/small]
The Miller Early Childhood Initiative of A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Institute was made possibly through generous sponsorship of the Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation, based in Chicago.
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world?s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.[/justify]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[justify]Source: Reprinted from Free Speech - November 1998 - Volume IV, Number 11 (Images added)
[large]The Corruption of America?s Police by the ADL[/large]
by Dr. William Pierce
Two weeks ago I began telling you about the corruption of American police officials by the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith: the ADL. Because this is such an important matter, such an urgent matter, I promised I?d tell you more about it. It is a shocking thing, and I needed time to present the details to you ? details which you can check for yourselves, so that you will have no doubt that I am telling you the truth. It?s easy to doubt this truth. It?s easy to believe that the ADL is the so-called ?human rights? organization that the mass media say it is. It?s especially easy to believe this when you see ADL officials palling around with prominent politicians and policemen, when you see police chiefs and U.S. senators receiving awards at ADL banquets.
I?m telling you that the ADL is an anti-American gang of racketeers who break our laws with impunity because they have succeeded in corrupting our politicians and many of our law-enforcement people as well. And now I will prove that charge.
First, however, just as an aside, let?s note that the parent organization of which the ADL is a branch is named B?nai B?rith. That name may sound strange to your ears because it is a Hebrew name. B?nai means ?sons,? and b?rith ? which is often pronounced ?briss? by American Jews ? means ?circumcision.? B?rith ? or briss ? refers to the ritual circumcision of Jewish males which according to Jewish tradition is a sign of their ?chosenness? or their special covenant with the Hebrew tribal deity Yahweh. You probably won?t find ?b?rith? in your dictionary with the apostrophe the way it?s spelled by the ADL, but you should be able to find ?briss.? So in English B?nai B?rith means the Circumcised Brotherhood. But really, it?s a criminal brotherhood, whose members are marked by circumcision much in the way many Japanese criminals who belong to the yakuza are marked by a missing fingertip, or members of many drug gangs are marked by a distinctive tattoo.
As I told you two weeks ago the ADL was founded in 1913 after a wealthy Jewish factory owner, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and murdering a 14-year-old girl who worked in his Atlanta pencil factory. The trial of Frank was accompanied by a great deal of very embarrassing publicity for the Jews, and the ADL was organized primarily as a propaganda organization to neutralize such bad publicity: thus its name, Anti-Defamation League. But since 1913 the ADL has been involved in much more than pro-Jewish propaganda. As an arm of B?nai B?rith, which is an international organization with its tentacles in nearly every country on earth, the ADL has expanded its scope of interests and activities to include virtually everything concerning Jews anywhere.
For example, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, which resulted in the Jews riding high in Russia, the ADL concerned itself with countering the charge that the Jews had anything to do with communism, which never was popular in mainstream America. After the Second World War, when hundreds of communist spies ? virtually all of whom turned out to be Jews ? were being rooted out of the U.S. government during the so-called McCarthy era, the ADL worked overtime to discredit anti-communists. To the ADL, anyone who was anti-communist was ?anti-Semitic.? Arnold Forster, who changed his name from Fastenberg and who was the ADL?s general counsel for 46 years, wrote in his 1988 memoirs, Square One, about the case of the atomic spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: ?Like so many others, Jew and non-Jew alike, I suffered deep pain when the Rosenbergs were executed.?
The ADL had a significant role in the Jewish propaganda effort to portray the flushing out of Soviet agents from U.S. institutions as a ?witch hunt.? Today most educated Americans who were born too late to experience the late 1940s and early 1950s as adults actually believe the Jewish propaganda myth that it was a dark period in American history, when everyone was looking over his shoulder, afraid of being denounced as a spy by a government informant. The Jews, of course, who had been almost to a man partisans of the Soviet Union, were looking over their shoulders. But ordinary Americans certainly didn?t feel intimidated by the government?s efforts to rid itself of the Soviet influences which had gained a strong foothold during the war.
In 1948, when the Jews made their first big land-grab in the Middle East after the war, forming the state of Israel with land stolen from the Palestinians, the ADL saw its principal new role as a defender of Israel. The label ?anti-Semite? henceforth was applied by the ADL to anyone who was pro-Arab or who did not approve of American support for Israel. Being seen as a champion of Israel rather than as a champion of communism helped enormously with the ADL?s fund-raising efforts. Among others giving large sums of money to the ADL after 1948 were a number of Jewish organized crime figures, who felt a strong sympathy for Israel. These gangsters, including Jews such as Meyer Lansky, Longy Zwillman, and Moe Dalitz, were engaged in the White slave trade, in illegal drug trafficking, and in nearly every other kind of criminal activity imaginable. The ADL?s relationship with Moe Dalitz, one of the most notorious gangsters in America, may suffice to indicate the pattern.
Morris ? or ?Moe? ? Dalitz, like many other organized crime figures before the Second World War, got his start in the illegal booze business during Prohibition. Dalitz was the boss of a criminal organization in Detroit known as the ?Purple Gang,? whose principal activity was smuggling whisky across the Detroit River from Canada into the United States.
The controlled media, through popular fiction and films like The Godfather, have given most Americans the erroneous idea that organized crime in America has been almost entirely an Italian affair. Although Sicilians and Italians made up most of the lower ranks of the Mafia and other gangster organizations in the 1920s and 1930s, at the top there were at least as many Jews as Italians. And some of the most notorious and bloodthirsty criminal organizations were entirely Jewish, or nearly so. Murder, Incorporated, is an example of a Jewish criminal gang. Moe Dalitz?s Purple Gang is another example.
Dalitz eventually moved his whisky-smuggling operation from Detroit to Cleveland and joined forces with another group of Jewish gangsters there. They moved so much illegal booze across Lake Erie that it become known popularly as the ?Jewish lake.? It?s good to remember that gangsters like Dalitz did much more than smuggle whisky. They corrupted American society and American government. They bribed judges and politicians and police officials on a huge scale. They murdered people: hundreds of people. And when Prohibition ended in 1933 the gangsters simply switched from smuggling to extortion, loan-sharking, and White slavery. After the war they moved into the drug trade.
Toward the end of the war Dalitz and several other Jewish gangsters, including Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, began investing their ill-gotten wealth in Las Vegas. Soon they were all casino owners. Dalitz was one of the original owners of the Flamingo, which opened in 1946. Dalitz later took over the Desert Inn and became a part owner of the Stardust Hotel. His gang became known as the ?Desert Syndicate.? Dalitz and Lansky eventually decided that Bugsy Siegel was cheating them, and in June 1947 they ordered him killed in one of the most spectacular ?rubouts? of the postwar period. After that Moe Dalitz was the undisputed ?Godfather? of Las Vegas.
Over the years a great deal of Moe Dalitz?s criminal income found its way into the coffers of the ADL ? so much so that in 1985 the ADL gave its so-called ?Torch of Liberty? award to Dalitz. The award ceremony was a black-tie affair featured on the front page of the ADL Bulletin, in which Dalitz was praised as a ?philanthropist? and ?deep appreciation? was expressed for his financial contributions to the ADL. And of course, the controlled media were discreet about the relationship between Dalitz and the ADL. There were never any headlines in the New York Times or the Washington Post about the ADL?s ties to the mob, but anyone who has the time to dig back through the issues of the ADL Bulletin at a major library, will find Dalitz on the front page in 1985. Moe Dalitz himself was killed four years later, in 1989, in a gang shootout which also left seven other people dead. But the ADL had plenty of other Jewish gangsters contributing money by then.
The ADL was able to flaunt its relationship with Moe Dalitz and accept tainted money from him and other gangsters ? money which was the product of criminal activity ? without fear of legal repercussions, because at the same time it had been cultivating its relationships with Jewish organized crime bosses, it also had been cultivating its relationships with law-enforcement officials, especially in the FBI. During the post-war period the Jews spearheaded the effort to force racial integration on America, and they were bitterly resented by segregationist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan struck out at the Jews almost as much as at Blacks. The most newsworthy Klan effort in that regard was the killing of two Jewish agitators, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in Mississippi in June 1964. The Hollywood propaganda film, Mississippi Burning, was based on this incident.
To get revenge against the Klan for the Goodman and Schwerner killings ? and also to put the Klan in its place ? the ADL arranged a trap. Working in collusion with the FBI, the New Orleans office of the ADL, headed at that time by Adolph Botnick, paid two leaders of the Klan in Mississippi, brothers Alton Roberts and Raymond Roberts, to initiate a Klan project to bomb the home of Meyer Davidson, the ADL leader in Meridian, Mississippi. On June 30, 1968, two unsuspecting Klan members drove up to Davidson?s home, intending to put a bomb on his front porch. They were Kathy Ainsworth, a young school teacher, and Thomas Tarrants. The FBI was hiding in the bushes, waiting for them, and opened fire on them as soon as they got out of their car. Kathy Ainsworth was killed instantly in the hail of bullets, and Thomas Tarrants lay near death after being shot 70 times by the trigger-happy FBI agents. Clearly the plan was to kill both Ainsworth and Tarrants, execution style, as a warning to the Klan not to mess with the Jews. And as I said, the ADL and the FBI together set up this murder trap: the ADL supplied the cash for the informants and provocateurs, and the FBI supplied the executioners. The killing of Kathy Ainsworth was nothing less than a planned murder by the ADL.
This sort of criminal collaboration between the FBI and the ADL has continued to the present day. The ADL always has been an espionage organization, with much of its activity consisting in the gathering of personal information and the building of dossiers on everyone perceived as hostile to Jewish interests ? and also on tens of thousands of other Americans as well, that the ADL might want to apply pressure to at some time in the future.
The FBI is prohibited by law from investigating people unless it has some evidence that they are involved in criminal activity, but the ADL operates under no such restrictions. The ADL hires people to steal the trash from the curbs in front of the homes of people it is interested in, and it engages in many even less savory practices. And the ADL is generally happy to swap information with the FBI, providing the FBI with confidential personal information on people the FBI is interested in but has no legal basis for investigating. The ADL and the FBI do favors for each other.
Occasionally, however, the ADL?s espionage work has gotten it into trouble. In addition to stealing the trash from in front of people?s homes, the ADL has illegally obtained confidential information on thousands of Americans by bribing employees in departments of motor vehicles or in police departments, including the San Francisco Police Department. When the San Francisco police realized that some of their confidential files had been stolen by the ADL, they obtained search warrants. The Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the ADL were raided by the police twice, first on December 10, 1992 and then again on April 8, 1993. In these raids thousands of stolen police files were recovered. The police also raided the homes of an ADL undercover agent, Roy Bullock; and a sergeant in the San Francisco Police Department, Thomas Gerard. Gerard, who had been stealing the police records for the ADL, subsequently fled to the Philippines to avoid prosecution.
Just prior to the April 1993 raids San Francisco Assistant District Attorney John Dwyer told news reporters: ?The ADL is the target. Their involvement is just so great. People have called this the Gerard case. Now it?s the ADL case. Gerard is just their guy in San Francisco. The ADL is doing the same thing all over the country. There is evidence that the ADL had police agents in other cities. The case just gets bigger every day. The more we look, the more we find people involved.?
Although the Politically Correct media in America don?t like to publicize news which doesn?t ?fit,? the ADL story was too big to suppress, and you can find extensive news coverage of the ADL raids in the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicle in December 1992 and April 1993, including the statement I just quoted by the San Francisco assistant district attorney.
Among the 12,000 files on individuals and 950 files on organizations the police recovered in their raids, were files on the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee ? the AADC ? and many of its members. ADL employee Roy Bullock had been assigned the task of infiltrating the Arab group, and he had even gone so far as stealing a key to their Santa Ana, California, office. The ADL had an especially strong hatred for the AADC, because it countered the ADL?s pro-Israel propaganda with news reports on Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. On October 11, 1985, the chairman of the AADC, Alex Odeh, was killed by a booby-trap bomb when he opened the door of his office in Santa Ana, California.
It didn?t take the FBI very long to figure out who the bombers were, but the three Jewish suspects fled to Israel before they could be arrested. Even though Bullock had the stolen key of the AADC office in his possession at the time of the bombing, neither he nor any of his employers in the ADL were ever charged in connection with Odeh?s murder. Also in 1985 Jewish activists used a bomb to kill another target of ADL spying and hate propaganda. He was Tscherim Soobzokov, accused by the ADL of having worked with the Germans in the Caucasus during the Second World War. On August 15, 1985, a bomb exploded on Soobzokov?s front porch in Paterson, New Jersey, mortally wounding him.
The ADL used its illegally obtained files in other ways as well, passing some of them to foreign governments. At a court hearing in February 1993, the San Francisco assistant district attorney testified that the file of one American citizen which had been stolen by the ADL had been passed on to the government of Israel. That citizen was Mohammed Jarad, a man of Palestinian ancestry who owned a grocery store in Chicago. When Jarad visited his relatives in Israeli-occupied Palestine in January 1993, he was seized by the Israeli secret police as a result of information supplied to them by the ADL about Jarad?s pro-Palestine activity in the United States.[/justify]
[justify]Morris Casuto, Southwestern Director of the ADL
Now the really disturbing thing about all of this ADL activity is not that the organization accepts money from known crime bosses or that it spies on American citizens and turns some of the information over to foreign governments or even that it sets up assassinations or incites terrorist bombings against its enemies. There are other criminal organizations in the United States even more heavily involved in violent criminal activity than the ADL. What makes the ADL more dangerous than any of these others is its ongoing corruption of police officials. In public ceremonies very much like the one honoring gangster Moe Dalitz, the ADL presents awards to police officials and politicians ? including the same ?Torch of Liberty? award they gave to Dalitz. The ADL regularly persuades local, state, and national police officials to appear on the speaker?s platform when the ADL is denouncing some new enemy of the Jews, just as they had police officials around the country at their press conferences a month ago when they declared me the most dangerous man in America.
The ADL also offers training seminars to police departments to teach them how to recognize and deal with ?right-wing terrorists,? believe it or not. And the police departments take them up on it; they have their officers sit and listen to the ADL, with its history of un-American and criminal activity, tell them about how to deal with people like me.
Why would any American police official accept an award from the same organization which had given an award to Moe Dalitz and praised him on the front page of its monthly publication? Why would any police official be seen in public with members of an organization caught red-handed with stolen police files? Why would the FBI collaborate with such an organization?
I think that in part it is naivete. Policemen tend to be respecters of authority, even more so than the average citizen. If the media praise the ADL as a ?respected civil-rights organization,? and if ADL officials are obviously wealthy and well-connected men, with big offices and lots of secretaries, the police tend to feel that they must be all right. The feeling is that nobody who is rich and powerful and gets good press can be bad. The cops either haven?t seen the few media reports where the ADL got caught red-handed or they?ve conveniently forgotten.
But more often than naivete, I?m afraid that corruption is the reason for the collaboration. Certainly that is the case with the FBI. The FBI hasn?t forgotten about Moe Dalitz or the stolen police files or the bombing of Alex Odeh?s office. They certainly haven?t forgotten about the arranged murder of Kathy Ainsworth. And that?s frightening. The ADL alone is bad enough. The ADL teamed up with corrupt policemen all across the country should be a nightmare for every decent American.
Additional Reading: The New Ethnic Mobs by William Kleinknecht (Jewish organized crime). Available from National Vanguard Books.
© 1998 National Vanguard Books · Box 330 · Hillsboro ·WV 24946 · USA
A cassette recording of this broadcast is available for $12.95 including postage from:
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
[large]The Corruption of America?s Police by the ADL[/large]
by Dr. William Pierce
Two weeks ago I began telling you about the corruption of American police officials by the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith: the ADL. Because this is such an important matter, such an urgent matter, I promised I?d tell you more about it. It is a shocking thing, and I needed time to present the details to you ? details which you can check for yourselves, so that you will have no doubt that I am telling you the truth. It?s easy to doubt this truth. It?s easy to believe that the ADL is the so-called ?human rights? organization that the mass media say it is. It?s especially easy to believe this when you see ADL officials palling around with prominent politicians and policemen, when you see police chiefs and U.S. senators receiving awards at ADL banquets.
I?m telling you that the ADL is an anti-American gang of racketeers who break our laws with impunity because they have succeeded in corrupting our politicians and many of our law-enforcement people as well. And now I will prove that charge.
First, however, just as an aside, let?s note that the parent organization of which the ADL is a branch is named B?nai B?rith. That name may sound strange to your ears because it is a Hebrew name. B?nai means ?sons,? and b?rith ? which is often pronounced ?briss? by American Jews ? means ?circumcision.? B?rith ? or briss ? refers to the ritual circumcision of Jewish males which according to Jewish tradition is a sign of their ?chosenness? or their special covenant with the Hebrew tribal deity Yahweh. You probably won?t find ?b?rith? in your dictionary with the apostrophe the way it?s spelled by the ADL, but you should be able to find ?briss.? So in English B?nai B?rith means the Circumcised Brotherhood. But really, it?s a criminal brotherhood, whose members are marked by circumcision much in the way many Japanese criminals who belong to the yakuza are marked by a missing fingertip, or members of many drug gangs are marked by a distinctive tattoo.
As I told you two weeks ago the ADL was founded in 1913 after a wealthy Jewish factory owner, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and murdering a 14-year-old girl who worked in his Atlanta pencil factory. The trial of Frank was accompanied by a great deal of very embarrassing publicity for the Jews, and the ADL was organized primarily as a propaganda organization to neutralize such bad publicity: thus its name, Anti-Defamation League. But since 1913 the ADL has been involved in much more than pro-Jewish propaganda. As an arm of B?nai B?rith, which is an international organization with its tentacles in nearly every country on earth, the ADL has expanded its scope of interests and activities to include virtually everything concerning Jews anywhere.
For example, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, which resulted in the Jews riding high in Russia, the ADL concerned itself with countering the charge that the Jews had anything to do with communism, which never was popular in mainstream America. After the Second World War, when hundreds of communist spies ? virtually all of whom turned out to be Jews ? were being rooted out of the U.S. government during the so-called McCarthy era, the ADL worked overtime to discredit anti-communists. To the ADL, anyone who was anti-communist was ?anti-Semitic.? Arnold Forster, who changed his name from Fastenberg and who was the ADL?s general counsel for 46 years, wrote in his 1988 memoirs, Square One, about the case of the atomic spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: ?Like so many others, Jew and non-Jew alike, I suffered deep pain when the Rosenbergs were executed.?
The ADL had a significant role in the Jewish propaganda effort to portray the flushing out of Soviet agents from U.S. institutions as a ?witch hunt.? Today most educated Americans who were born too late to experience the late 1940s and early 1950s as adults actually believe the Jewish propaganda myth that it was a dark period in American history, when everyone was looking over his shoulder, afraid of being denounced as a spy by a government informant. The Jews, of course, who had been almost to a man partisans of the Soviet Union, were looking over their shoulders. But ordinary Americans certainly didn?t feel intimidated by the government?s efforts to rid itself of the Soviet influences which had gained a strong foothold during the war.
In 1948, when the Jews made their first big land-grab in the Middle East after the war, forming the state of Israel with land stolen from the Palestinians, the ADL saw its principal new role as a defender of Israel. The label ?anti-Semite? henceforth was applied by the ADL to anyone who was pro-Arab or who did not approve of American support for Israel. Being seen as a champion of Israel rather than as a champion of communism helped enormously with the ADL?s fund-raising efforts. Among others giving large sums of money to the ADL after 1948 were a number of Jewish organized crime figures, who felt a strong sympathy for Israel. These gangsters, including Jews such as Meyer Lansky, Longy Zwillman, and Moe Dalitz, were engaged in the White slave trade, in illegal drug trafficking, and in nearly every other kind of criminal activity imaginable. The ADL?s relationship with Moe Dalitz, one of the most notorious gangsters in America, may suffice to indicate the pattern.
Morris ? or ?Moe? ? Dalitz, like many other organized crime figures before the Second World War, got his start in the illegal booze business during Prohibition. Dalitz was the boss of a criminal organization in Detroit known as the ?Purple Gang,? whose principal activity was smuggling whisky across the Detroit River from Canada into the United States.
The controlled media, through popular fiction and films like The Godfather, have given most Americans the erroneous idea that organized crime in America has been almost entirely an Italian affair. Although Sicilians and Italians made up most of the lower ranks of the Mafia and other gangster organizations in the 1920s and 1930s, at the top there were at least as many Jews as Italians. And some of the most notorious and bloodthirsty criminal organizations were entirely Jewish, or nearly so. Murder, Incorporated, is an example of a Jewish criminal gang. Moe Dalitz?s Purple Gang is another example.
Dalitz eventually moved his whisky-smuggling operation from Detroit to Cleveland and joined forces with another group of Jewish gangsters there. They moved so much illegal booze across Lake Erie that it become known popularly as the ?Jewish lake.? It?s good to remember that gangsters like Dalitz did much more than smuggle whisky. They corrupted American society and American government. They bribed judges and politicians and police officials on a huge scale. They murdered people: hundreds of people. And when Prohibition ended in 1933 the gangsters simply switched from smuggling to extortion, loan-sharking, and White slavery. After the war they moved into the drug trade.
Toward the end of the war Dalitz and several other Jewish gangsters, including Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, began investing their ill-gotten wealth in Las Vegas. Soon they were all casino owners. Dalitz was one of the original owners of the Flamingo, which opened in 1946. Dalitz later took over the Desert Inn and became a part owner of the Stardust Hotel. His gang became known as the ?Desert Syndicate.? Dalitz and Lansky eventually decided that Bugsy Siegel was cheating them, and in June 1947 they ordered him killed in one of the most spectacular ?rubouts? of the postwar period. After that Moe Dalitz was the undisputed ?Godfather? of Las Vegas.
Over the years a great deal of Moe Dalitz?s criminal income found its way into the coffers of the ADL ? so much so that in 1985 the ADL gave its so-called ?Torch of Liberty? award to Dalitz. The award ceremony was a black-tie affair featured on the front page of the ADL Bulletin, in which Dalitz was praised as a ?philanthropist? and ?deep appreciation? was expressed for his financial contributions to the ADL. And of course, the controlled media were discreet about the relationship between Dalitz and the ADL. There were never any headlines in the New York Times or the Washington Post about the ADL?s ties to the mob, but anyone who has the time to dig back through the issues of the ADL Bulletin at a major library, will find Dalitz on the front page in 1985. Moe Dalitz himself was killed four years later, in 1989, in a gang shootout which also left seven other people dead. But the ADL had plenty of other Jewish gangsters contributing money by then.
The ADL was able to flaunt its relationship with Moe Dalitz and accept tainted money from him and other gangsters ? money which was the product of criminal activity ? without fear of legal repercussions, because at the same time it had been cultivating its relationships with Jewish organized crime bosses, it also had been cultivating its relationships with law-enforcement officials, especially in the FBI. During the post-war period the Jews spearheaded the effort to force racial integration on America, and they were bitterly resented by segregationist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan struck out at the Jews almost as much as at Blacks. The most newsworthy Klan effort in that regard was the killing of two Jewish agitators, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in Mississippi in June 1964. The Hollywood propaganda film, Mississippi Burning, was based on this incident.
To get revenge against the Klan for the Goodman and Schwerner killings ? and also to put the Klan in its place ? the ADL arranged a trap. Working in collusion with the FBI, the New Orleans office of the ADL, headed at that time by Adolph Botnick, paid two leaders of the Klan in Mississippi, brothers Alton Roberts and Raymond Roberts, to initiate a Klan project to bomb the home of Meyer Davidson, the ADL leader in Meridian, Mississippi. On June 30, 1968, two unsuspecting Klan members drove up to Davidson?s home, intending to put a bomb on his front porch. They were Kathy Ainsworth, a young school teacher, and Thomas Tarrants. The FBI was hiding in the bushes, waiting for them, and opened fire on them as soon as they got out of their car. Kathy Ainsworth was killed instantly in the hail of bullets, and Thomas Tarrants lay near death after being shot 70 times by the trigger-happy FBI agents. Clearly the plan was to kill both Ainsworth and Tarrants, execution style, as a warning to the Klan not to mess with the Jews. And as I said, the ADL and the FBI together set up this murder trap: the ADL supplied the cash for the informants and provocateurs, and the FBI supplied the executioners. The killing of Kathy Ainsworth was nothing less than a planned murder by the ADL.
This sort of criminal collaboration between the FBI and the ADL has continued to the present day. The ADL always has been an espionage organization, with much of its activity consisting in the gathering of personal information and the building of dossiers on everyone perceived as hostile to Jewish interests ? and also on tens of thousands of other Americans as well, that the ADL might want to apply pressure to at some time in the future.
The FBI is prohibited by law from investigating people unless it has some evidence that they are involved in criminal activity, but the ADL operates under no such restrictions. The ADL hires people to steal the trash from the curbs in front of the homes of people it is interested in, and it engages in many even less savory practices. And the ADL is generally happy to swap information with the FBI, providing the FBI with confidential personal information on people the FBI is interested in but has no legal basis for investigating. The ADL and the FBI do favors for each other.
Occasionally, however, the ADL?s espionage work has gotten it into trouble. In addition to stealing the trash from in front of people?s homes, the ADL has illegally obtained confidential information on thousands of Americans by bribing employees in departments of motor vehicles or in police departments, including the San Francisco Police Department. When the San Francisco police realized that some of their confidential files had been stolen by the ADL, they obtained search warrants. The Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the ADL were raided by the police twice, first on December 10, 1992 and then again on April 8, 1993. In these raids thousands of stolen police files were recovered. The police also raided the homes of an ADL undercover agent, Roy Bullock; and a sergeant in the San Francisco Police Department, Thomas Gerard. Gerard, who had been stealing the police records for the ADL, subsequently fled to the Philippines to avoid prosecution.
Just prior to the April 1993 raids San Francisco Assistant District Attorney John Dwyer told news reporters: ?The ADL is the target. Their involvement is just so great. People have called this the Gerard case. Now it?s the ADL case. Gerard is just their guy in San Francisco. The ADL is doing the same thing all over the country. There is evidence that the ADL had police agents in other cities. The case just gets bigger every day. The more we look, the more we find people involved.?
Although the Politically Correct media in America don?t like to publicize news which doesn?t ?fit,? the ADL story was too big to suppress, and you can find extensive news coverage of the ADL raids in the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicle in December 1992 and April 1993, including the statement I just quoted by the San Francisco assistant district attorney.
Among the 12,000 files on individuals and 950 files on organizations the police recovered in their raids, were files on the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee ? the AADC ? and many of its members. ADL employee Roy Bullock had been assigned the task of infiltrating the Arab group, and he had even gone so far as stealing a key to their Santa Ana, California, office. The ADL had an especially strong hatred for the AADC, because it countered the ADL?s pro-Israel propaganda with news reports on Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. On October 11, 1985, the chairman of the AADC, Alex Odeh, was killed by a booby-trap bomb when he opened the door of his office in Santa Ana, California.
It didn?t take the FBI very long to figure out who the bombers were, but the three Jewish suspects fled to Israel before they could be arrested. Even though Bullock had the stolen key of the AADC office in his possession at the time of the bombing, neither he nor any of his employers in the ADL were ever charged in connection with Odeh?s murder. Also in 1985 Jewish activists used a bomb to kill another target of ADL spying and hate propaganda. He was Tscherim Soobzokov, accused by the ADL of having worked with the Germans in the Caucasus during the Second World War. On August 15, 1985, a bomb exploded on Soobzokov?s front porch in Paterson, New Jersey, mortally wounding him.
The ADL used its illegally obtained files in other ways as well, passing some of them to foreign governments. At a court hearing in February 1993, the San Francisco assistant district attorney testified that the file of one American citizen which had been stolen by the ADL had been passed on to the government of Israel. That citizen was Mohammed Jarad, a man of Palestinian ancestry who owned a grocery store in Chicago. When Jarad visited his relatives in Israeli-occupied Palestine in January 1993, he was seized by the Israeli secret police as a result of information supplied to them by the ADL about Jarad?s pro-Palestine activity in the United States.[/justify]
[justify]Morris Casuto, Southwestern Director of the ADL
Now the really disturbing thing about all of this ADL activity is not that the organization accepts money from known crime bosses or that it spies on American citizens and turns some of the information over to foreign governments or even that it sets up assassinations or incites terrorist bombings against its enemies. There are other criminal organizations in the United States even more heavily involved in violent criminal activity than the ADL. What makes the ADL more dangerous than any of these others is its ongoing corruption of police officials. In public ceremonies very much like the one honoring gangster Moe Dalitz, the ADL presents awards to police officials and politicians ? including the same ?Torch of Liberty? award they gave to Dalitz. The ADL regularly persuades local, state, and national police officials to appear on the speaker?s platform when the ADL is denouncing some new enemy of the Jews, just as they had police officials around the country at their press conferences a month ago when they declared me the most dangerous man in America.
The ADL also offers training seminars to police departments to teach them how to recognize and deal with ?right-wing terrorists,? believe it or not. And the police departments take them up on it; they have their officers sit and listen to the ADL, with its history of un-American and criminal activity, tell them about how to deal with people like me.
Why would any American police official accept an award from the same organization which had given an award to Moe Dalitz and praised him on the front page of its monthly publication? Why would any police official be seen in public with members of an organization caught red-handed with stolen police files? Why would the FBI collaborate with such an organization?
I think that in part it is naivete. Policemen tend to be respecters of authority, even more so than the average citizen. If the media praise the ADL as a ?respected civil-rights organization,? and if ADL officials are obviously wealthy and well-connected men, with big offices and lots of secretaries, the police tend to feel that they must be all right. The feeling is that nobody who is rich and powerful and gets good press can be bad. The cops either haven?t seen the few media reports where the ADL got caught red-handed or they?ve conveniently forgotten.
But more often than naivete, I?m afraid that corruption is the reason for the collaboration. Certainly that is the case with the FBI. The FBI hasn?t forgotten about Moe Dalitz or the stolen police files or the bombing of Alex Odeh?s office. They certainly haven?t forgotten about the arranged murder of Kathy Ainsworth. And that?s frightening. The ADL alone is bad enough. The ADL teamed up with corrupt policemen all across the country should be a nightmare for every decent American.
Additional Reading: The New Ethnic Mobs by William Kleinknecht (Jewish organized crime). Available from National Vanguard Books.
© 1998 National Vanguard Books · Box 330 · Hillsboro ·WV 24946 · USA
A cassette recording of this broadcast is available for $12.95 including postage from:
National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, WV 24946[/justify]
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[justify][large]The Ugly Truth About the ADL[/large]
Chapter 7
What follows is Chapter 7 from {The Ugly Truth About the ADL,}a soon-to-be published book which exposes the organized crime and drug-running activities of the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. {The Ugly Truth About the ADL} will be released nationally before the end of 1992.
This chapter of the book concentrates on the ADL?s vendetta against anti-drug fighter Lyndon LaRouche, and is titled ?Railroad!?
In early March 1986, within days of the assassination of Sweden?s Prime Minister Olof Palme, ADL Fact-Finding department chief Irwin Suall was en route to Stockholm. An Oxford University-trained Fabian Socialist, Suall was the ADL?s long-time top dirty trickster. Since 1978, with the publication of the book {Dope, Inc.}, Suall?s efforts had been almost obsessively focused against Lyndon LaRouche, the American political economist who had commissioned the anti-drug study published by New Benjamin Franklin House.
Suall?s transatlantic voyage to Stockholm was in pursuit of that obsession.
Working in tandem with the East German secret police (Stasi), the Soviet KGB, Swedish socialists, and NBC-TV, Suall helped launch the disinformation campaign blaming LaRouche and his Swedish collaborators in the European Labor Party for the Palme assassination.
Just as Suall?s efforts were
beginning to bear fruit with a series
of ?LaRouche killed Palme? smear
stories in the U.S.A., Swedish, and Soviet
press, the ADL trickster was suddenly
confronted with a major crisis:
On March 16, 1986, two
LaRouche-backed candidates?Mark
Fairchild and Janice Hart?won the
Illinois Democratic Party primary
elections for lieutenant governor and
secretary of state, respectively. The
victory of the LaRouche candidates was
no fluke. LaRouche-backed candidates
had been winning between 20-40 percent
of the vote in Democratic primary
elections in different parts of the
country since the early 1980s. A
leading Democratic Party pollster had
written frantic messages to the
Illinois state party chairman warning
about a LaRouche upset months before
the election.
Not surprisingly, the upset
victory by the LaRouche slate was
electrifying. The Wall Street and
Freemasonic circles who own the ADL
were shocked into action.
Suall hurried back to New York
City, where he oversaw the preparation
and mass distribution of a violent ADL
smear sheet against LaRouche. Over the
next few months, according to records
of the Federal Election Commission,
over 6,000 copies of the ADL libel?at
a cost of at least $10,000?were
circulated to every member of Congress,
1,580 news outlets, and other government
offices and opinion makers. Tens of
thousands of media attacks against
LaRouche?branding him as everything
from an anti-Semite, to a KGB agent, to
a neo-Nazi, to an international
terrorist?were published in the United
States alone. Among some anti-Zionist
lobby and Third World circles, the ADL
even accused LaRouche of being a closet
?mole? for the Israeli Mossad! The
invariant in all the contradictory
slanders conjured up by the ADL was to
scare people away from the LaRouche
political movement.
The ADL smear campaign was a
panicked and flagrant violation of its
tax-exempt status. It was also a
violation of FEC rules, which prohibit
a tax-exempt organization from engaging
in politicking. On June 16, 1987, the
FEC officially acknowledged that the
ADL action against LaRouche was
illegal; but a few months later, the
commissioners decided they would take
no action against the League.
The smear campaign was meeting
with only modest political success,
although it had a severe effect as
financial warfare. LaRouche-Democrat
candidates continued to do well. In
1988, Claude Jones, a long-time and
well-known LaRouche activist, was
elected chairman of the Harris County,
Texas Democratic Party, shortly after
the Illinois victories. Harris County,
which includes Houston, is one of the
largest electoral districts in the
United States, and a Democratic Party
stronghold. Jones beat a powerful
incumbent to take over the party post.
The {Washington Post} in May
1986?summing up the consensus among
the liberal
establishment?editorialized that
Lyndon LaRouche must be in jail, not on
television, by the time of the 1988
presidential elections.
An Ongoing Frameup Effort
On October 6, 1986?less than
seven months after the Illinois
primary?400 federal, state, and county
police invaded the offices of the
LaRouche-associated Campaigner
Publications in Leesburg, Virginia. FBI
and Virginia State Police special
sniper units were backed up by a
Loudoun County SWAT Team. Helicopters,
fixed-wing aircraft, and even an
armored personnel carrier were held in
reserve at a 4-H fairgrounds a short
distance from the farm where Lyndon
LaRouche and his wife were staying. In
fact, recently disclosed government
documents demonstrate Pentagon
involvement in the Leesburg
raid?specifically the Special
Operations unit of the Joint Chiefs of
The mobilization of an invasion
force larger than that used in Grenada
in September 1983, to serve two search
warrants and four arrest warrants, was
not the result of over-zealous
planning. Since no later than 1982,
Irwin Suall, Mira Lansky Boland (the
Jonathan Jay Pollard-linked CIA
agent-turned ADL dirty trickster), and
an army of other ADL agents and assets
had been engaged in a systematic
campaign to sic the government on
LaRouche. By the time the raid took
place, the govermnent raiding party had
been so jacked up by ADL disinformation
that they were expecting to run into a
terrorist armed camp that would make
the Irish Republican Army green with
The March 1986 Illinois upset
victory provided the ADL and its
collaborators in what became known as
the Get LaRouche Strike Force with the
opportunity and motive to go all-out.
How did it work?
Since the spring of 1982,
according to the ADL?s own published
accounts, Suall and company were
closely collaborating with Henry
Kissinger, the former U.S. secretary of
state, and long-time LaRouche hater. In
August 1982, Kissinger wrote to
then-FBI Director William Webster the
first of a series of personal letters
demanding that the FBI move to shut
down the LaRouche political movement.
In a more detailed note in
November, Kissinger?s attorney lied
that LaRouche had foreign intelligence
ties?a lie calculated to activate
government ?active measures? under
the guidelines of Executive Order
12333. E.O. 12333, signed by President
Ronald Reagan in December 1981, gave
the CIA, the FBI, and the Pentagon
intelligence services broad latitude to
investigate and disrupt groups
suspected of working for hostile
foreign governments.
In January 1983, Kissinger?s
allies on the President?s Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
made a formal request for such an
active measures campaign against
LaRouche. The FBI, operating through
Judge Webster and Oliver ?Buck?
Revell, quickly launched such an
Ironically, as the Kissinger-ADL
wing of the national security and law
enforcement apparatus of the federal
government was activating its illegal
war against LaRouche, President
Reagan?with the backing of his
national security adviser Judge William
Clark, Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger, and other senior military
and security advisers?was moving ahead
with the Strategic Defense Initiative,
a plan based on a concept advanced by
LaRouche even before the Reagan
administration came into office.
According to court testimony in
Roanoke, Virginia by Richard Morris, Judge
Clark?s NSC security chief, LaRouche
had worked with the Reagan White House
on at least eight national security
projects?including SDI?most of which
are still classified to this day.
Was this a case of the right hand
not knowing what the left hand was
doing? Hardly! The ADL and Kissinger
were painfully aware of LaRouche?s
growing influence within the Reagan
administration, and they were out to
break the rules to shut down all the
LaRouche-Reagan ties.
According to court testimony by
the ADL?s Mira Lansky Boland on May 24,
1990 in Roanoke, Virginia, she was an active
participant from day one in the illegal
government covert operation against
LaRouche that led to the October 1986
raid, and a series of federal and state
criminal prosecutions in Boston; New
York City; Alexandria, Leesburg and
Roanoke, Virginia; and Los Angeles.
The black propaganda aspect of
that covert operation which we picked
up in Stockholm at the beginning of
this chapter was launched at an April
1983 meeting at the New York City
office of Wall Street broker and
self-styled intelligence agent John
Train. Mira Lansky Boland was present
at that secret meeting, representing
the ADL. National Security Council
consultant Roy Godson, a long-time ally
of the ADL, was also present, along
with a dozen journalists and editors
from such organizations as NBC News,
{Reader?s Digest, The New Republic} and
{Business Week.} A CIA funding conduit
deeply involved in the secret
Iran-Contra operations, the Smith
Richardson Foundation, provided the
cash for the orchestrated smear
campaign against LaRouche.
While much of the anti-LaRouche
propaganda spewed out of NBC, {The New
Republic,} the {Wall Street Journal}
and {Reader?s Digest} consisted of
name-calling aimed at scaring off
active and prospective LaRouche
supporters, enough charges of
?terrorism? and ?international
espionage? were thrown in to assure
that federal and state prosecutors
would be forced to maintain open
investigative files and, eventually, to
launch grand jury probes.
The ?kill phase? of the ADL-led
dirty war against LaRouche was already
well under-way when the spring 1986
events in Illinois took place.
Financial Warfare
The ADL-John Train black
propaganda campaign was not merely
aimed at discouraging voters from
pulling the levers for LaRouche
candidates on election day.
To successfully throw LaRouche in
jail?or worse?the ADL set out to
bankrupt the LaRouche publishing
operations and turn some of LaRouche?s
own supporters and financial backers
against him.
Spending millions of dollars, and
working with groups like the
CIA-spawned Cult Awareness Network
(CAN), ADL dirty tricksters targeted
thousands of LaRouche campaign
contributors, whose names, addresses
and phone numbers were maintained in
public files at the FEC. The ADL-CAN
operators would contact relatives,
financial advisers, and friends of the
LaRouche supporters, and literally
subject them to scare-tactic behavior
modification. The techniques used were
often those developed in the secret
laboratories of the CIA and the FBI for
use against enemy prisoners of war and
captured spies. Through these highly
illegal actions, the ADL built up a
profile list of weak and vulnerable
people, many senior citizens, whose
only ?crime? was that they
financially supported the legitimate
political campaign activities of Lyndon
LaRouche. The names of these targets
were passed on to the Department of
Justice?s Get LaRouche Strike Force in
a fashion reminiscent of the worst of
the Nazi Gestapo operations.
In May 1988, after 92 days of
trial, the first federal prosecution of
Lyndon LaRouche and a half-dozen of his
associates came to a screeching halt
when Boston District Court Judge Robert
Keeton declared a mistrial. Evidence of
wild government misconduct?implicating
Oliver North and Vice President George
Bush?had disrupted the trial, so that
the government wanted to be done with
it. As press reports later showed, it
had also convinced the jury that any
criminal activity associated with the
case had been committed by the
government, not by Lyndon LaRouche.
Prosecution claims of credit card fraud
by LaRouche campaign fundraisers and
publications salesmen had been
thoroughly discredited.
The collapse of the first
government effort at framing up Lyndon
LaRouche was a direct blow to the ADL.
Mira Lansky Boland and Boston ADL
official Sally Greenberg had been
virtually integrated into the
prosecution staff of Assistant U.S.
Attorneys John Markham and Mark Rasch.
Although suffering a bad setback
in Boston, the ADL-driven prosecution
strike force had already opened up a
second front in its illegal drive to
wipe out the LaRouche movement.
In April 1987, Loudoun County, Virginia
Deputy Sheriff Don Moore, a Vietnam War
Marine bunkmate of Ollie North and a
secret paid agent of the ADL-CAN, wrote
a patently false affidavit for federal
prosecutors, claiming that LaRouche and
company were getting ready to pick up
stakes and go underground to avoid the
pending federal prosecution and the
prospect of paying large fines. The
Moore affidavit was then used by
then-U.S. Attorney Henry Hudson to
induce a federal bankruptcy judge to
order an involuntary bankruptcy against
three LaRouche-identified companies,
including two publications with a
combined circulation of 250,000
readers. In a highly illegal
?hearing? at which no stenographic
records were made and where no
attorneys representing the three
entities were present, the judge was
convinced to sign the seizure order.
The next day, U.S. marshals padlocked
and seized the same offices that had
been raided six months earlier.
Three years later, the same
federal bankruptcy court judge, after a
full trial of the bankrupty action,
reversed his initial ruling and threw
out the involuntary bankruptcy, ruling
that the government had filed the
petitions in ?bad faith? and had
committed ?fraud upon the court.? A
higher court upheld that ruling, and
the government chose not to appeal.
Why appeal it? The damage had
already been done!
With the bankrupting of the four
LaRouche companies, federal prosecutors
and FBI agents stepped in to advise
thousands of LaRouche supporters that
millions of dollars in loans they had
made to those companies would not be
paid?unless they cooperated with the
government railroad of LaRouche.
The claim that money would be paid
back if the ?victims? played ball
with the government prosecutors was
another Big Lie. Once the printing
presses were shut down, and the
publications discontinued under the
government trustees, the companies were
penniless. No money could be paid
back?because the government had taken
the viable, successful publishing
operations and driven them into the
ground: first, through intensive ADL
propaganda branding LaRouche a monster,
and next through the fraudulent
bankruptcy proceeding itself.
In the majority of cases, the
LaRouche supporters knew it was the
government, not LaRouche, that was
behind the bankruptcy and their
personal losses. The former supporters
who did succumb to the government
pressure tactics were invariably those
whose families, bankers, friends, etc.
were already sucked in by the ADL-CAN
dirty war.
ADL Clearinghouse
Government prosecutors admitted
under oath that Mira Lansky Boland of
the ADL had served as the
?clearinghouse? for trial witnesses
in all of the federal and state
prosecutions of LaRouche and his
associates. Lansky worked from the
outset with Don Moore, the Loudoun
deputy sheriff who authored and signed
the fraudulent bankruptcy affidavit. In
September 1992, Don Moore was arrested
by the FBI for his role in a plot to
kidnap two LaRouche supporters. Moore
was working for the ADL-allied Cult
Awareness Network in the kidnapping
scheme. That case is scheduled to go to
trial at the end of 1992.
When in December 1988, a federal
jury in Alexandria, Virginia convicted
LaRouche and six associates on
conspiracy fraud charges stemming from
the government and ADL-instigated
bankruptcies, Mira Lansky Boland was
the only nongovernment official to
attend the ?victory party? at the
prosecutors? office. The conviction had
been won on the basis of a pretrial
order by Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr.
forbidding defense attorneys from
informing the jury that the government
had been responsible for the
Back in 1987, Bryan had
been the judge who had initially upheld
that bankruptcy action. At the
sentencing of LaRouche and the others
in January 1989, Judge Bryan boasted
that Boston trial Judge Robert Keeton
?owed him a cigar? for ensuring that
LaRouche and the others were so quickly
convicted and shipped off to prison.
The jailing of LaRouche in what
amounted to a thoroughly unjust life
sentence did not end the ADL drive to
destroy LaRouche and his political
movement. The Commonwealth of Virginia, as
part of the ADL?s Get LaRouche dirty
war, had joined in the feeding frenzy
by indicting over 20 LaRouche
associates on state charges stemming
from the identical bankruptcy scheme.
In a series of trials in Roanoke,
Virginia, the ADL was caught red-handed in a
judge-buying effort. State Judge
Clifford Weckstein, a political
protege of Virginia ADL chief
Murray Janus and other top state ADL
figures, was provided with a full
collection of ADL smear sheets on
LaRouche by the league. In a series of
back and forth letters released by
Weckstein in the trial of one of the
LaRouche defendants, it was revealed
that Janus and other local ADL
officials had mooted they would back
Weckstein for a seat on the Virginia
State Supreme Court. The implication
that his handling of the LaRouche
prosecutions would be crucial to his
future career on the bench was
apparently not lost on the judge.
Michael Billington, a LaRouche
associate who had already served over
two years in federal prison as the
result of the Alexandria federal case,
was sentenced by Weckstein to 77 years
in state prison on patently phony loan
fraud charges.[/justify]
Chapter 7
What follows is Chapter 7 from {The Ugly Truth About the ADL,}a soon-to-be published book which exposes the organized crime and drug-running activities of the Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith. {The Ugly Truth About the ADL} will be released nationally before the end of 1992.
This chapter of the book concentrates on the ADL?s vendetta against anti-drug fighter Lyndon LaRouche, and is titled ?Railroad!?
In early March 1986, within days of the assassination of Sweden?s Prime Minister Olof Palme, ADL Fact-Finding department chief Irwin Suall was en route to Stockholm. An Oxford University-trained Fabian Socialist, Suall was the ADL?s long-time top dirty trickster. Since 1978, with the publication of the book {Dope, Inc.}, Suall?s efforts had been almost obsessively focused against Lyndon LaRouche, the American political economist who had commissioned the anti-drug study published by New Benjamin Franklin House.
Suall?s transatlantic voyage to Stockholm was in pursuit of that obsession.
Working in tandem with the East German secret police (Stasi), the Soviet KGB, Swedish socialists, and NBC-TV, Suall helped launch the disinformation campaign blaming LaRouche and his Swedish collaborators in the European Labor Party for the Palme assassination.
Just as Suall?s efforts were
beginning to bear fruit with a series
of ?LaRouche killed Palme? smear
stories in the U.S.A., Swedish, and Soviet
press, the ADL trickster was suddenly
confronted with a major crisis:
On March 16, 1986, two
LaRouche-backed candidates?Mark
Fairchild and Janice Hart?won the
Illinois Democratic Party primary
elections for lieutenant governor and
secretary of state, respectively. The
victory of the LaRouche candidates was
no fluke. LaRouche-backed candidates
had been winning between 20-40 percent
of the vote in Democratic primary
elections in different parts of the
country since the early 1980s. A
leading Democratic Party pollster had
written frantic messages to the
Illinois state party chairman warning
about a LaRouche upset months before
the election.
Not surprisingly, the upset
victory by the LaRouche slate was
electrifying. The Wall Street and
Freemasonic circles who own the ADL
were shocked into action.
Suall hurried back to New York
City, where he oversaw the preparation
and mass distribution of a violent ADL
smear sheet against LaRouche. Over the
next few months, according to records
of the Federal Election Commission,
over 6,000 copies of the ADL libel?at
a cost of at least $10,000?were
circulated to every member of Congress,
1,580 news outlets, and other government
offices and opinion makers. Tens of
thousands of media attacks against
LaRouche?branding him as everything
from an anti-Semite, to a KGB agent, to
a neo-Nazi, to an international
terrorist?were published in the United
States alone. Among some anti-Zionist
lobby and Third World circles, the ADL
even accused LaRouche of being a closet
?mole? for the Israeli Mossad! The
invariant in all the contradictory
slanders conjured up by the ADL was to
scare people away from the LaRouche
political movement.
The ADL smear campaign was a
panicked and flagrant violation of its
tax-exempt status. It was also a
violation of FEC rules, which prohibit
a tax-exempt organization from engaging
in politicking. On June 16, 1987, the
FEC officially acknowledged that the
ADL action against LaRouche was
illegal; but a few months later, the
commissioners decided they would take
no action against the League.
The smear campaign was meeting
with only modest political success,
although it had a severe effect as
financial warfare. LaRouche-Democrat
candidates continued to do well. In
1988, Claude Jones, a long-time and
well-known LaRouche activist, was
elected chairman of the Harris County,
Texas Democratic Party, shortly after
the Illinois victories. Harris County,
which includes Houston, is one of the
largest electoral districts in the
United States, and a Democratic Party
stronghold. Jones beat a powerful
incumbent to take over the party post.
The {Washington Post} in May
1986?summing up the consensus among
the liberal
establishment?editorialized that
Lyndon LaRouche must be in jail, not on
television, by the time of the 1988
presidential elections.
An Ongoing Frameup Effort
On October 6, 1986?less than
seven months after the Illinois
primary?400 federal, state, and county
police invaded the offices of the
LaRouche-associated Campaigner
Publications in Leesburg, Virginia. FBI
and Virginia State Police special
sniper units were backed up by a
Loudoun County SWAT Team. Helicopters,
fixed-wing aircraft, and even an
armored personnel carrier were held in
reserve at a 4-H fairgrounds a short
distance from the farm where Lyndon
LaRouche and his wife were staying. In
fact, recently disclosed government
documents demonstrate Pentagon
involvement in the Leesburg
raid?specifically the Special
Operations unit of the Joint Chiefs of
The mobilization of an invasion
force larger than that used in Grenada
in September 1983, to serve two search
warrants and four arrest warrants, was
not the result of over-zealous
planning. Since no later than 1982,
Irwin Suall, Mira Lansky Boland (the
Jonathan Jay Pollard-linked CIA
agent-turned ADL dirty trickster), and
an army of other ADL agents and assets
had been engaged in a systematic
campaign to sic the government on
LaRouche. By the time the raid took
place, the govermnent raiding party had
been so jacked up by ADL disinformation
that they were expecting to run into a
terrorist armed camp that would make
the Irish Republican Army green with
The March 1986 Illinois upset
victory provided the ADL and its
collaborators in what became known as
the Get LaRouche Strike Force with the
opportunity and motive to go all-out.
How did it work?
Since the spring of 1982,
according to the ADL?s own published
accounts, Suall and company were
closely collaborating with Henry
Kissinger, the former U.S. secretary of
state, and long-time LaRouche hater. In
August 1982, Kissinger wrote to
then-FBI Director William Webster the
first of a series of personal letters
demanding that the FBI move to shut
down the LaRouche political movement.
In a more detailed note in
November, Kissinger?s attorney lied
that LaRouche had foreign intelligence
ties?a lie calculated to activate
government ?active measures? under
the guidelines of Executive Order
12333. E.O. 12333, signed by President
Ronald Reagan in December 1981, gave
the CIA, the FBI, and the Pentagon
intelligence services broad latitude to
investigate and disrupt groups
suspected of working for hostile
foreign governments.
In January 1983, Kissinger?s
allies on the President?s Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
made a formal request for such an
active measures campaign against
LaRouche. The FBI, operating through
Judge Webster and Oliver ?Buck?
Revell, quickly launched such an
Ironically, as the Kissinger-ADL
wing of the national security and law
enforcement apparatus of the federal
government was activating its illegal
war against LaRouche, President
Reagan?with the backing of his
national security adviser Judge William
Clark, Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger, and other senior military
and security advisers?was moving ahead
with the Strategic Defense Initiative,
a plan based on a concept advanced by
LaRouche even before the Reagan
administration came into office.
According to court testimony in
Roanoke, Virginia by Richard Morris, Judge
Clark?s NSC security chief, LaRouche
had worked with the Reagan White House
on at least eight national security
projects?including SDI?most of which
are still classified to this day.
Was this a case of the right hand
not knowing what the left hand was
doing? Hardly! The ADL and Kissinger
were painfully aware of LaRouche?s
growing influence within the Reagan
administration, and they were out to
break the rules to shut down all the
LaRouche-Reagan ties.
According to court testimony by
the ADL?s Mira Lansky Boland on May 24,
1990 in Roanoke, Virginia, she was an active
participant from day one in the illegal
government covert operation against
LaRouche that led to the October 1986
raid, and a series of federal and state
criminal prosecutions in Boston; New
York City; Alexandria, Leesburg and
Roanoke, Virginia; and Los Angeles.
The black propaganda aspect of
that covert operation which we picked
up in Stockholm at the beginning of
this chapter was launched at an April
1983 meeting at the New York City
office of Wall Street broker and
self-styled intelligence agent John
Train. Mira Lansky Boland was present
at that secret meeting, representing
the ADL. National Security Council
consultant Roy Godson, a long-time ally
of the ADL, was also present, along
with a dozen journalists and editors
from such organizations as NBC News,
{Reader?s Digest, The New Republic} and
{Business Week.} A CIA funding conduit
deeply involved in the secret
Iran-Contra operations, the Smith
Richardson Foundation, provided the
cash for the orchestrated smear
campaign against LaRouche.
While much of the anti-LaRouche
propaganda spewed out of NBC, {The New
Republic,} the {Wall Street Journal}
and {Reader?s Digest} consisted of
name-calling aimed at scaring off
active and prospective LaRouche
supporters, enough charges of
?terrorism? and ?international
espionage? were thrown in to assure
that federal and state prosecutors
would be forced to maintain open
investigative files and, eventually, to
launch grand jury probes.
The ?kill phase? of the ADL-led
dirty war against LaRouche was already
well under-way when the spring 1986
events in Illinois took place.
Financial Warfare
The ADL-John Train black
propaganda campaign was not merely
aimed at discouraging voters from
pulling the levers for LaRouche
candidates on election day.
To successfully throw LaRouche in
jail?or worse?the ADL set out to
bankrupt the LaRouche publishing
operations and turn some of LaRouche?s
own supporters and financial backers
against him.
Spending millions of dollars, and
working with groups like the
CIA-spawned Cult Awareness Network
(CAN), ADL dirty tricksters targeted
thousands of LaRouche campaign
contributors, whose names, addresses
and phone numbers were maintained in
public files at the FEC. The ADL-CAN
operators would contact relatives,
financial advisers, and friends of the
LaRouche supporters, and literally
subject them to scare-tactic behavior
modification. The techniques used were
often those developed in the secret
laboratories of the CIA and the FBI for
use against enemy prisoners of war and
captured spies. Through these highly
illegal actions, the ADL built up a
profile list of weak and vulnerable
people, many senior citizens, whose
only ?crime? was that they
financially supported the legitimate
political campaign activities of Lyndon
LaRouche. The names of these targets
were passed on to the Department of
Justice?s Get LaRouche Strike Force in
a fashion reminiscent of the worst of
the Nazi Gestapo operations.
In May 1988, after 92 days of
trial, the first federal prosecution of
Lyndon LaRouche and a half-dozen of his
associates came to a screeching halt
when Boston District Court Judge Robert
Keeton declared a mistrial. Evidence of
wild government misconduct?implicating
Oliver North and Vice President George
Bush?had disrupted the trial, so that
the government wanted to be done with
it. As press reports later showed, it
had also convinced the jury that any
criminal activity associated with the
case had been committed by the
government, not by Lyndon LaRouche.
Prosecution claims of credit card fraud
by LaRouche campaign fundraisers and
publications salesmen had been
thoroughly discredited.
The collapse of the first
government effort at framing up Lyndon
LaRouche was a direct blow to the ADL.
Mira Lansky Boland and Boston ADL
official Sally Greenberg had been
virtually integrated into the
prosecution staff of Assistant U.S.
Attorneys John Markham and Mark Rasch.
Although suffering a bad setback
in Boston, the ADL-driven prosecution
strike force had already opened up a
second front in its illegal drive to
wipe out the LaRouche movement.
In April 1987, Loudoun County, Virginia
Deputy Sheriff Don Moore, a Vietnam War
Marine bunkmate of Ollie North and a
secret paid agent of the ADL-CAN, wrote
a patently false affidavit for federal
prosecutors, claiming that LaRouche and
company were getting ready to pick up
stakes and go underground to avoid the
pending federal prosecution and the
prospect of paying large fines. The
Moore affidavit was then used by
then-U.S. Attorney Henry Hudson to
induce a federal bankruptcy judge to
order an involuntary bankruptcy against
three LaRouche-identified companies,
including two publications with a
combined circulation of 250,000
readers. In a highly illegal
?hearing? at which no stenographic
records were made and where no
attorneys representing the three
entities were present, the judge was
convinced to sign the seizure order.
The next day, U.S. marshals padlocked
and seized the same offices that had
been raided six months earlier.
Three years later, the same
federal bankruptcy court judge, after a
full trial of the bankrupty action,
reversed his initial ruling and threw
out the involuntary bankruptcy, ruling
that the government had filed the
petitions in ?bad faith? and had
committed ?fraud upon the court.? A
higher court upheld that ruling, and
the government chose not to appeal.
Why appeal it? The damage had
already been done!
With the bankrupting of the four
LaRouche companies, federal prosecutors
and FBI agents stepped in to advise
thousands of LaRouche supporters that
millions of dollars in loans they had
made to those companies would not be
paid?unless they cooperated with the
government railroad of LaRouche.
The claim that money would be paid
back if the ?victims? played ball
with the government prosecutors was
another Big Lie. Once the printing
presses were shut down, and the
publications discontinued under the
government trustees, the companies were
penniless. No money could be paid
back?because the government had taken
the viable, successful publishing
operations and driven them into the
ground: first, through intensive ADL
propaganda branding LaRouche a monster,
and next through the fraudulent
bankruptcy proceeding itself.
In the majority of cases, the
LaRouche supporters knew it was the
government, not LaRouche, that was
behind the bankruptcy and their
personal losses. The former supporters
who did succumb to the government
pressure tactics were invariably those
whose families, bankers, friends, etc.
were already sucked in by the ADL-CAN
dirty war.
ADL Clearinghouse
Government prosecutors admitted
under oath that Mira Lansky Boland of
the ADL had served as the
?clearinghouse? for trial witnesses
in all of the federal and state
prosecutions of LaRouche and his
associates. Lansky worked from the
outset with Don Moore, the Loudoun
deputy sheriff who authored and signed
the fraudulent bankruptcy affidavit. In
September 1992, Don Moore was arrested
by the FBI for his role in a plot to
kidnap two LaRouche supporters. Moore
was working for the ADL-allied Cult
Awareness Network in the kidnapping
scheme. That case is scheduled to go to
trial at the end of 1992.
When in December 1988, a federal
jury in Alexandria, Virginia convicted
LaRouche and six associates on
conspiracy fraud charges stemming from
the government and ADL-instigated
bankruptcies, Mira Lansky Boland was
the only nongovernment official to
attend the ?victory party? at the
prosecutors? office. The conviction had
been won on the basis of a pretrial
order by Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr.
forbidding defense attorneys from
informing the jury that the government
had been responsible for the
Back in 1987, Bryan had
been the judge who had initially upheld
that bankruptcy action. At the
sentencing of LaRouche and the others
in January 1989, Judge Bryan boasted
that Boston trial Judge Robert Keeton
?owed him a cigar? for ensuring that
LaRouche and the others were so quickly
convicted and shipped off to prison.
The jailing of LaRouche in what
amounted to a thoroughly unjust life
sentence did not end the ADL drive to
destroy LaRouche and his political
movement. The Commonwealth of Virginia, as
part of the ADL?s Get LaRouche dirty
war, had joined in the feeding frenzy
by indicting over 20 LaRouche
associates on state charges stemming
from the identical bankruptcy scheme.
In a series of trials in Roanoke,
Virginia, the ADL was caught red-handed in a
judge-buying effort. State Judge
Clifford Weckstein, a political
protege of Virginia ADL chief
Murray Janus and other top state ADL
figures, was provided with a full
collection of ADL smear sheets on
LaRouche by the league. In a series of
back and forth letters released by
Weckstein in the trial of one of the
LaRouche defendants, it was revealed
that Janus and other local ADL
officials had mooted they would back
Weckstein for a seat on the Virginia
State Supreme Court. The implication
that his handling of the LaRouche
prosecutions would be crucial to his
future career on the bench was
apparently not lost on the judge.
Michael Billington, a LaRouche
associate who had already served over
two years in federal prison as the
result of the Alexandria federal case,
was sentenced by Weckstein to 77 years
in state prison on patently phony loan
fraud charges.[/justify]
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[justify][large]Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland[/large]
Source: The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, CODOH
[large]The Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith : Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland[/large]
By Bradley R. Smith
MARVIN STERN, DIRECTOR FOR THE NORTHWEST Regional Branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), can?t conceal his bewilderment over what he calls ?the growing Holocaust revisionist movement.? Mr. Stern expressed his dismay in a column published in The Oregonian, the largest-circulation daily in the Northwest. His alarm was triggered by the appearance in that newspaper of our ad, ?A Revisionist?s View of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.?
Stern lays the blame for the growing influence of revisionism on the ?ignorance? and ?anti-semitism? of Americans. He appears not to understand that he?s charging tens of millions of American citizens with being ignorant, anti-Jewish bigots (a recent Roper poll reported 20 to 30 percent of adult Americans doubt they are being told the truth about the Holocaust story). Spokesmen for the ADL have propagandized themselves into an empty intellectual corner. Having refused to judge revisionist research on its merits, refusing still to admit that revisionists have any substantive arguments whatever, refusing debate or even an exchange of civility, the ADL?ers are left with no intellectual tools to work with but invective, misrepresentation, slander, and a sickly dependence on playing their ?nazi? card.
One result of this intellectually and psychologically stunted behavior is that many ADL?ers appear to be obsessed with nazis and nazism, neo-nazis, intimations of nazism, rumors about nazis and crazy nazi conspiracies to rehabilitate Adolf?s reputation. Some ADL?ers, Stern appearing to be one of them, live in an imaginary nazi wonderland where they fantasize armies of nazis marching toward them from distant horizons, singing songs of conquest, whips in hand, about to leap through the ADL office window to lash the hapless drudges inside and mistreat them sexually.
Such fantasies must be traumatizing for those who suffer them, but to others they can appear comic and infantile. The text of my ad, which prompted Stern?s response, makes at least two claims which admittedly are controversial. It asserts that the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibits no proof that homicidal gas chambers existed anywhere in Europe, and no proof that even one child, woman or man was ?gassed? at any German camp liberated by the Allies. I flew to Washington, toured the Museum, and that?s my assessment of its exhibits.
Mr. Stern writes that the best response to the ?outrageous lies? of revisionism, that is, the text of my ad about the Museum, is to ?reiterate the truth? and ?repeat the facts.? It?s good advice, but Stern avoids it like the plague. Instead, he reveals the common ADL self-serving obsession with hate movements growing like cancers in American society. He doesn?t even try to assure his readers that the Museum does, in fact, exhibit proof of one gas chamber or one victim of a gas chamber. Why?
The Marvin Sterns and the ADL face a conundrum. They can continue to rail with empty irrationalism against legitimate revisionist research and watch the number of Americans who are increasingly unsure what to believe about the Holocaust story increase year after year. Or they can turn to the orthodox scholars in the field for help in responding to revisionist questions. That would be the adult thing to do. The ADL?ers however, true to form, have chosen to do the childish thing?to substitute schoolyard insults for a grown-up exchange of ideas.
Stern?s article in the Oregonian ran under the head, ?Holocaust Revisionists Should Be Challenged, Repudiated With Truth.? Marvin and I are in complete agreement on this one. Do it! Challenge the claims in my ad with truth! That has always been what I?ve asked for. It?s my invitation to the ADL?ers and my challenge to them?and to all others. Respond to my ads with truth. I don?t ever want to run an ad that contains an inadvertent error of fact. Why do the Marvin Sterns talk about repudiating revisionism with ?truth? and always evade doing so?
Here?s my guess. While revisionists almost certainly are not right about everything, we?re not wrong about everything either. No one is wrong about everything! That?s what terrifies Marvin Stern and his ADL buddies. The day they admit the possibility that revisionists are not wrong about everything, their psychological world will collapse. They?ll have addmitted that revisionists are human beings, that we eat our soup with a spoon just like they do. And there?s the rub. The ADL?ers can?t afford to admit that revisionists are ordinary men and women?that is, human beings. The ADL committed itself to its nazi devil fantasy half a century ago and has ridden it so long so successfully it can?t get off, no matter how broken down and exhausted the old nag is.
Marvin Stern is probably a nice guy. He?s probably a smart guy. When a smart guy goes over the line and becomes a true believer it?s almost impossible for him to change his mind. When a true believer changes his mind he becomes an apostate. He feels like a traitor. A dumb guy can just change his mind and go about his business. A smart guy who?s become a true believer has to work out a theory explaining how, being so smart, he could have believed something so dumb so long. It?s not easy. I know.
Marvin, I used to believe everything about the Holocaust story you believe now. It?s not a sin to be wrong. It?s human. You have a theory you believe is true, I have a theory I think is true. Let?s talk things over. You know how it goes. I listen to you. You listen to me. We have a beer. We settle the world?s problems.
(Bradley R. Smith is director of Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.)
(This piece appeared in The Albany Student Press, the State University of New York, Albany, on 10 December 93.)[/justify]
Source: The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, CODOH
[large]The Anti-Defamation League of B?nai B?rith : Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland[/large]
By Bradley R. Smith
MARVIN STERN, DIRECTOR FOR THE NORTHWEST Regional Branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), can?t conceal his bewilderment over what he calls ?the growing Holocaust revisionist movement.? Mr. Stern expressed his dismay in a column published in The Oregonian, the largest-circulation daily in the Northwest. His alarm was triggered by the appearance in that newspaper of our ad, ?A Revisionist?s View of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.?
Stern lays the blame for the growing influence of revisionism on the ?ignorance? and ?anti-semitism? of Americans. He appears not to understand that he?s charging tens of millions of American citizens with being ignorant, anti-Jewish bigots (a recent Roper poll reported 20 to 30 percent of adult Americans doubt they are being told the truth about the Holocaust story). Spokesmen for the ADL have propagandized themselves into an empty intellectual corner. Having refused to judge revisionist research on its merits, refusing still to admit that revisionists have any substantive arguments whatever, refusing debate or even an exchange of civility, the ADL?ers are left with no intellectual tools to work with but invective, misrepresentation, slander, and a sickly dependence on playing their ?nazi? card.
One result of this intellectually and psychologically stunted behavior is that many ADL?ers appear to be obsessed with nazis and nazism, neo-nazis, intimations of nazism, rumors about nazis and crazy nazi conspiracies to rehabilitate Adolf?s reputation. Some ADL?ers, Stern appearing to be one of them, live in an imaginary nazi wonderland where they fantasize armies of nazis marching toward them from distant horizons, singing songs of conquest, whips in hand, about to leap through the ADL office window to lash the hapless drudges inside and mistreat them sexually.
Such fantasies must be traumatizing for those who suffer them, but to others they can appear comic and infantile. The text of my ad, which prompted Stern?s response, makes at least two claims which admittedly are controversial. It asserts that the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibits no proof that homicidal gas chambers existed anywhere in Europe, and no proof that even one child, woman or man was ?gassed? at any German camp liberated by the Allies. I flew to Washington, toured the Museum, and that?s my assessment of its exhibits.
Mr. Stern writes that the best response to the ?outrageous lies? of revisionism, that is, the text of my ad about the Museum, is to ?reiterate the truth? and ?repeat the facts.? It?s good advice, but Stern avoids it like the plague. Instead, he reveals the common ADL self-serving obsession with hate movements growing like cancers in American society. He doesn?t even try to assure his readers that the Museum does, in fact, exhibit proof of one gas chamber or one victim of a gas chamber. Why?
The Marvin Sterns and the ADL face a conundrum. They can continue to rail with empty irrationalism against legitimate revisionist research and watch the number of Americans who are increasingly unsure what to believe about the Holocaust story increase year after year. Or they can turn to the orthodox scholars in the field for help in responding to revisionist questions. That would be the adult thing to do. The ADL?ers however, true to form, have chosen to do the childish thing?to substitute schoolyard insults for a grown-up exchange of ideas.
Stern?s article in the Oregonian ran under the head, ?Holocaust Revisionists Should Be Challenged, Repudiated With Truth.? Marvin and I are in complete agreement on this one. Do it! Challenge the claims in my ad with truth! That has always been what I?ve asked for. It?s my invitation to the ADL?ers and my challenge to them?and to all others. Respond to my ads with truth. I don?t ever want to run an ad that contains an inadvertent error of fact. Why do the Marvin Sterns talk about repudiating revisionism with ?truth? and always evade doing so?
Here?s my guess. While revisionists almost certainly are not right about everything, we?re not wrong about everything either. No one is wrong about everything! That?s what terrifies Marvin Stern and his ADL buddies. The day they admit the possibility that revisionists are not wrong about everything, their psychological world will collapse. They?ll have addmitted that revisionists are human beings, that we eat our soup with a spoon just like they do. And there?s the rub. The ADL?ers can?t afford to admit that revisionists are ordinary men and women?that is, human beings. The ADL committed itself to its nazi devil fantasy half a century ago and has ridden it so long so successfully it can?t get off, no matter how broken down and exhausted the old nag is.
Marvin Stern is probably a nice guy. He?s probably a smart guy. When a smart guy goes over the line and becomes a true believer it?s almost impossible for him to change his mind. When a true believer changes his mind he becomes an apostate. He feels like a traitor. A dumb guy can just change his mind and go about his business. A smart guy who?s become a true believer has to work out a theory explaining how, being so smart, he could have believed something so dumb so long. It?s not easy. I know.
Marvin, I used to believe everything about the Holocaust story you believe now. It?s not a sin to be wrong. It?s human. You have a theory you believe is true, I have a theory I think is true. Let?s talk things over. You know how it goes. I listen to you. You listen to me. We have a beer. We settle the world?s problems.
(Bradley R. Smith is director of Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.)
(This piece appeared in The Albany Student Press, the State University of New York, Albany, on 10 December 93.)[/justify]
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- Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm
[justify][large]UC Santa Barbara Students Confront ADL?s Genocide Denial[/large]
Students Protest Anti-Defamation League?s Involvement in UCSB Matter
Almost two years ago, a group of outraged students at UC Santa Barbara banded together. They united, just as citizens in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had done before them, to get campus and community entities to disassociate themselves with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its No Place For Hate (NPFH) program.
The students came together in response to the immoral and callous decision by the ADL to issue a statement that they were against the passage of a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide and were actively lobbying against it in the halls of Congress. Armenian Americans and humans rights advocates alike believed then and now that the ADL forfeited any moral authority to sponsor NPFH once it took a stance so inconsistent with such a profound human rights issue.
The road to get campus and community groups to disassociate themselves from the ADL?s NPFH program has encountered many obstacles and bureaucratic hurdles. Berj Parseghian, now a UCSB alumnae, and Garo Manjikian, former community organizer in Santa Barbara and current ANCA Legislative Affairs Director, began the campaign with an intense letter writing campaign aimed at encouraging a handful of campus organizations, which the ADL listed as participants of the NPFH program, to disassociate. Their hard work resulted in two major organizations, the University Religious Center and Empowerment Works, immediately cutting ties with the ADL.
The leadership of the campaign grew to include Amy Kaladzhyan and Shant Karnikian. These two students presented the issue at the Sacramento Issues Awareness Caucus of 2008 and gained the support of legislators such as Assemblymember Pedro Nava and Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Higher Education Committee. Back in Santa Barbara, Parseghian and Manjikian brought the issue to the attention of Chancellor Henry Yang of UCSB, who in turn urged them to continue the campaign and raise awareness of the issue among students because he ?expects every community member to adhere to a set of values that include mutual respect, tolerance and civility.?
Fueled by the thoughtful words of encouragement from the Chancellor, a meeting was arranged between the leadership of the campaign and the Dean of Students, Assistant Dean, and the Director of Judicial Affairs, which lists ADL as a resource for students. The students took the opportunity to educate the UCSB administration about various issues surrounding the Armenian Genocide, as well as the importance of disassociating the university from an organization which, because of its opposition to the recognition of a crime against humanity, has no place on a college campus. The Armenian Student Association (ASA) organized a panel discussion to raise campus awareness about this issue and allow the ADL to present its side of the story. The panel was comprised of Shant Karnikian on behalf of the ASA, Antranig Kzirian from the Armenian National Committee-Western Region, and Chris Villavicencio on behalf of STAND: An Anti-Genocide Coalition. The ADL turned down the invitation to be a part of the panel. Oddly enough, the event was hosted at the Multi- Cultural Center, a campus organization that was formerly associated with the NPFH program. The deliberate and well-planned efforts of the students at UCSB have been effective. Presently there are no campus entities that are seeking certification from NPFH.
While the UCSB community has expressed grave concern with the ADL?s hypocritical stance on the Armenian Genocide, with many departments no longer seeking to renew their membership with the NPFH program, the issue has become one that is no longer focused on just the Armenian Genocide. In early March, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, invited a number of school officials and faculty members to a meeting to urge university officials to investigate charges of anti-Semitism against Professor William Robinson, a sociology professor who drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers in Gaza and the Nazi siege of Warsaw, Poland. The ADL was quick to respond to this incident in an attempt to limit academic freedom and yet they were nowhere in sight when the Muslim Student Association was victim to a print attack in the school newspaper, The Daily Nexus, by David Horowitz accusing them of being a part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is important now, more than ever, to fight against the ADL?s involvement in academic or even community affairs, especially in the Santa Barbara area. The students of UC Santa Barbara will continue to work to keep the genocide deniers at the ADL off their campus. These students, who are dedicated to human rights, are determined to set an example for other student groups, Armenian Americans and other minorities alike, to take action when they are marginalized by a more powerful entity.
Clearly, no one benefits when the sponsor of a community program diminishes a crime against humanity and denies the historical truth of any genocide. The ADL?s position as deniers of genocide is untenable. In southern California, the ADL has learned, the hard way, that they will enjoy no safe haven to practice genocide denial on the campus of UC Santa Barbara.[/justify]
Students Protest Anti-Defamation League?s Involvement in UCSB Matter
Almost two years ago, a group of outraged students at UC Santa Barbara banded together. They united, just as citizens in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had done before them, to get campus and community entities to disassociate themselves with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its No Place For Hate (NPFH) program.
The students came together in response to the immoral and callous decision by the ADL to issue a statement that they were against the passage of a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide and were actively lobbying against it in the halls of Congress. Armenian Americans and humans rights advocates alike believed then and now that the ADL forfeited any moral authority to sponsor NPFH once it took a stance so inconsistent with such a profound human rights issue.
The road to get campus and community groups to disassociate themselves from the ADL?s NPFH program has encountered many obstacles and bureaucratic hurdles. Berj Parseghian, now a UCSB alumnae, and Garo Manjikian, former community organizer in Santa Barbara and current ANCA Legislative Affairs Director, began the campaign with an intense letter writing campaign aimed at encouraging a handful of campus organizations, which the ADL listed as participants of the NPFH program, to disassociate. Their hard work resulted in two major organizations, the University Religious Center and Empowerment Works, immediately cutting ties with the ADL.
The leadership of the campaign grew to include Amy Kaladzhyan and Shant Karnikian. These two students presented the issue at the Sacramento Issues Awareness Caucus of 2008 and gained the support of legislators such as Assemblymember Pedro Nava and Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Higher Education Committee. Back in Santa Barbara, Parseghian and Manjikian brought the issue to the attention of Chancellor Henry Yang of UCSB, who in turn urged them to continue the campaign and raise awareness of the issue among students because he ?expects every community member to adhere to a set of values that include mutual respect, tolerance and civility.?
Fueled by the thoughtful words of encouragement from the Chancellor, a meeting was arranged between the leadership of the campaign and the Dean of Students, Assistant Dean, and the Director of Judicial Affairs, which lists ADL as a resource for students. The students took the opportunity to educate the UCSB administration about various issues surrounding the Armenian Genocide, as well as the importance of disassociating the university from an organization which, because of its opposition to the recognition of a crime against humanity, has no place on a college campus. The Armenian Student Association (ASA) organized a panel discussion to raise campus awareness about this issue and allow the ADL to present its side of the story. The panel was comprised of Shant Karnikian on behalf of the ASA, Antranig Kzirian from the Armenian National Committee-Western Region, and Chris Villavicencio on behalf of STAND: An Anti-Genocide Coalition. The ADL turned down the invitation to be a part of the panel. Oddly enough, the event was hosted at the Multi- Cultural Center, a campus organization that was formerly associated with the NPFH program. The deliberate and well-planned efforts of the students at UCSB have been effective. Presently there are no campus entities that are seeking certification from NPFH.
While the UCSB community has expressed grave concern with the ADL?s hypocritical stance on the Armenian Genocide, with many departments no longer seeking to renew their membership with the NPFH program, the issue has become one that is no longer focused on just the Armenian Genocide. In early March, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, invited a number of school officials and faculty members to a meeting to urge university officials to investigate charges of anti-Semitism against Professor William Robinson, a sociology professor who drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers in Gaza and the Nazi siege of Warsaw, Poland. The ADL was quick to respond to this incident in an attempt to limit academic freedom and yet they were nowhere in sight when the Muslim Student Association was victim to a print attack in the school newspaper, The Daily Nexus, by David Horowitz accusing them of being a part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is important now, more than ever, to fight against the ADL?s involvement in academic or even community affairs, especially in the Santa Barbara area. The students of UC Santa Barbara will continue to work to keep the genocide deniers at the ADL off their campus. These students, who are dedicated to human rights, are determined to set an example for other student groups, Armenian Americans and other minorities alike, to take action when they are marginalized by a more powerful entity.
Clearly, no one benefits when the sponsor of a community program diminishes a crime against humanity and denies the historical truth of any genocide. The ADL?s position as deniers of genocide is untenable. In southern California, the ADL has learned, the hard way, that they will enjoy no safe haven to practice genocide denial on the campus of UC Santa Barbara.[/justify]
Nous serons toujours là.