Third Reich Videos

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Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Goebbels family home movies[/large][/center][---]


[justify]During 1942 the children appeared 34 times in the weekly newsreels, going about their lives, helping their mother, playing in the garden or singing to their father on his 45th birthday, that October, when Goebbels was presented with a film of his children playing as a gift from the German Newsreel Company.[/justify]

[center]Goebbels family home movies.flv (125.4 MB)!d8tE3ZII!I8YJLSmGf ... BqmF2GddIU
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Sprung In Den Feind[/large][/center][---][center]Leap Against the Enemy[/center]


[justify]This is a German propaganda movie made in 1942. It shows the invasion of Holland in 1940 because the English could use it to take the Ruhrgebied. The job of the Fallschirmjägers here was to take the bridge of Moerdijk, and so the Panzers could roll into Vesting Holland (fort Holland).[/justify]

[center]Sprung in den Feind - Invasion of the Netherlands in 1940.mp4 (92.9 MB)!sh8EUBxY!ZIrIinL6- ... YxAJflqc8A
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

Image[---][center][large]Gestern und Heute[/large][/center][---][center]Yesterday and Today[/center]

[center]Yesterday and Today contrasts Germany?s pre-Hitler democracy with the years of his rule.[/center]

[center]Gestern und Heute.flv (18.8 MB)!dx80gD4J!RUuEaAzim ... v5bJb16VIg

Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Kampf um Norwegen: Feldzug 1940[/large][/center][---][center]Battle for Norway: 1940 campaign[/center]


[justify]Battle for Norway - 1940 campaign is a 80 minute-long Nazi propaganda film directed by Martin Rikli and Dr. Werner Buhre by orders from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Released in 1940, the movie follows the Invasion of Denmark and Norway in the spring 1940.[/justify]

[center]Kampf um Norwegen - Feldzug 1940.flv (205.4 MB)!0t011ZKS!fULOiXmEn ... mrEY3gvXQ8

[justify]The film was never shown in Germany, and nobody knows why. The movie was for a long time considered lost in its entirety. The Bundesarchiv in Berlin held only a few clips from the film. But then a complete nitrate copy of the film surfaced on an Internet auction in 2005.[/justify]
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

Image[---][center][large]Hitlerjunge Quex[/large][/center][---]


[center]Hitlerjunge Quex: Ein Film vom Opfergeist der deutschen Jugend ? Hitler Youth Quex: A film about the sacrificial spirit of German youth[/center]

[center]Hitlerjunge Quex 1933.avi (700.28 MB)
[large]!N1cH0axa!G5SmUG43F ... tFGB60CkfA[/large]

[justify]Hitler Youth Quex is a 1933 film directed by Hans Steinhoff. Based on the story of Herbert Norkus, it was written by Bobby E. Lüthge and K.A. Schenzinger (who also wrote the novel, Hitlerjunge Quex, on which it is based).
It is named after the protagonist, a Hitler Youth nicknamed ?Quex,? i.e. quicksilver for his speed as a messenger, who is portrayed as being killed by German Communists while giving out Nazi propaganda.[/justify]
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

Image[center][large]Germany at War[/large][/center]

Germany At War.flv (217.1 MB) Run time 60 min.!s8cCRIJA!JAIw8nrUP ... aqLFAY9PI4

[left]Volume 1 includes:

German Paratroopers drop in Rotterdam
Invasion of Netherlands
Invasion of Norway
Fighting in Belgium
Invasion of Luxembourg
Surrender of Maastricht

Germany At War 2.flv (167.5 MB)!8x1hTBAA!BMZoWV4Lw ... JOKBkjUcFI

Volume 2 includes:

Military Exercises
Combat in Norway
Sea Action in Norwegian waters
Narvik Campaign
Combat & Air Action in Belgium & France[/left]
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

Image[---][center][large]Festliche Nürnberg[/large][/center][---][center]Nuremberg Festival[/center]

[justify]Festliches Nürnberg is a short 1937 propaganda film chronicling the Nazi Party rallies in Nuremberg in 1936 and 1937. The film was directed by Hans Weidemann[/justify]

[center]Festliche Nurnburg.flv (52.8 MB)!MtlHVDAY!GjdK6iZqO ... GF8lT5b-X0

[justify]The film runs for only 21 minutes, containing footage of the 8th and 9th Nuremberg Rallies.

Particularly notable scenes of both the rally and the film are images of Albert Speer?s lighting techniques during the 9th Nuremberg rally on September 10 1937, in which he positioned 134 spotlights circling the Zeppelin field on which the rally was taking place.
The beams of these spotlights converged at 20,000 feet, creating what became known as the ?Cathedral of Light?.[/justify]

Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Fallschirmjäger : Unternehmen Kreta[/large][/center][---][center]Paratroop Company Crete[/center]


[center]1943 German mid-war film about the capture of Crete by the Fallschirmjäger.[/center]

[center]Fallschirmjager - Unternehmen Kreta 1943.flv (46.7 MB)!JhdSlLJI!ZMvmGEiR_ ... p2_4RnDxNM
Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Pioniere voran[/large][/center][---]


Pioniere voran - Heerespioniere im Einsatz
Pionere in Russland

[center][small]Lehrfilm - 1943 - Pioniere voran - Heerespioniere im Einsatz - Ausbildungsfilm OKH fd FEH Pionierausb 17 45.avi (205.86 MB)[/small]
[large]!IpEAgCiR!dobxyFj2f ... PQN9A6AnpQ[/large][/center]
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Berlin - Reichshauptstadt 1936[/large][/center][---]


[center]Berlin in the Olympic summer 1936. A Nazi propaganda film and a portrait in colour of the early 20th century city.[/center]

[center]Berlin - Reichshauptstadt 1936 - Ein farbiges Städtebild.mpg (170.4 MB)!9gcSAJhT!IJFBVVTqZ ... hEH_drvwa4

Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Berlin bleibt Berlin[/large][/center][---]


[center]Berlin before the destruction of 1945[/center]

[center]Berlin bleibt Berlin - Kulturfilm ca 1935 1154.avi (114.2 MB)!ZgtCEAqY!YxGmeQMke ... VQkyGYGFs0
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

Image[---][center][large]Im Kampf gegen den Weltfeind : Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien[/large][/center][---]


[center]1939 - Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien erster Filmbericht vom Kampf der Legion Condor[/center]

[center]Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien erster Filmbericht vom Kampf der Legion Condor 1939.avi (103.0 MB)!VgMjzBYQ!ZQF7S1knh ... 8aLkKfwL20

[small]1939 - Im Kampf gegen den Weltfeind - Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien - 1h 23m.mkv (205.71 MB)[/small]
[large]!cxc0xR6K!Pq27lHKTg ... 9a9eS6kaAs[/large][/center]

Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Scharfschütze in der Geländeausbildung[/large][/center][---]


[justify]Original Trainingsfilm des OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres) von 1944. Die in diesem Film gezeigten Techniken waren so aktuell, dass er den Alliierten für die eigene Ausbildung von Nutzen war.[/justify]

[center][small]Lehrfilm - 1944 - Scharfschütze in der Geländeausbildung - Meister der Tarnung und Täuschung - Lehrfilm OKH de Orig m russ Kommentar u UT engl.avi (559.55 MB)[/small]
[large]!lwcTRJoY!RE_A9F2Ps ... m1Oa8QFsSs[/large][/center]

Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Die Stadt der sieben Turme[/large][/center][---]


[center]1936 - Die Stadt der sieben Tuerme - Seestadt Rostock - 14m 21s[/center]

[center]1936 - Die Stadt der sieben Turme - Kulturfilm einer deutschen Seestadt - Rostock Ufa-Kulturfilm 14 20.avi (150.84 MB) ... ben-Tuerme[/center]

Aryan Crusader
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Post by Aryan Crusader »

[---][center][large]Asse zur See[/large][/center][---][center]Ace to the Sea[/center]


[center]1943 - Asse zur See - Ein Filmbericht von unseren Schnellbooten - 18m 02s[/center]

[center]1943 - Asse zur See - Schnellboote im Angriff 18 01.mpg (194.4 MB)!dhsA0DqZ!KWZrpwWva ... jC8aF1H93I

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