Usure - Système bancaire
Moderator: Le Tocard
[center][large]Inside Job - VOSTFR
Un crime commis de l?intérieur[/large][/center]
[justify]Beaucoup de gens prétendent expliquer les raisons derrière les évènements mais ne vont jamais au fond des choses.
Charles Ferguson (film Inside Job ) est un membre à vie du CFR et ne nous dira surement pas la vérité sur ses petits amis. Il faut savoir reconnaître les hypocrites à la solde de la juiverie et cesser d'être naif ![/justify]
[justify]Inside job est un excellent documentaire qui met presque toute la lumière sur les conflits d?intérêts concernant les personnes responsables du début de la crise économique de 2008. Je dis bien début, car elle n?est pas finie. Il est très intéressant de voir les réactions de certains individus devant la caméra de Charles Ferguson. Je vous conseille vivement de regarder ce documentaire pour enfin mettre un visage sur les responsables de cette crise financière qui n?a pas fini de ruiner la vie de millions de contribuables partout sur la planète. Le fossé entre les riches et les pauvres continue de s?élargir à chaque heure? Malheureusement, l?histoire continue et se répétera encore et encore, car la majorité des gens ne savent pas comment et où cette crise a pris racine et surtout qui?elles sont les personnes qui font tout pour qu?on ne puisse pas enlever la mauvaise herbe de wall street et des gouvernements concernés? Personnellement, pour moi la mauvaise herbe est partout dans les gouvernements. Il est très difficile de différencier les bons des mauvais, il faut revoir le système au complet, le remettre entre les mains du peuple, du travailleur et non du bureaucrate avare et cupide.[/justify]
Réalisateur : Charles Ferguson
Producteurs : Charles Ferguson et Audrey Marrs
[justify]Description :
La première décennie des années 2000 aura été marquée par une crise économique mondiale inquiétante, dont les coûts s?élèvent à ce jour (à ce jour c?est +/- Février 2010) à quelque 20 000 milliards de dollars. À travers de nombreuses entrevues qu?il a réalisées avec des hommes de finances, des politiciens et des journalistes, le réalisateur Charles Ferguson élabore une réflexion sur le système économique et tente d?expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le système s?est finalement écroulé, en engendrant dans sa chute des millions de pertes d?emplois à travers le monde. Il s?attarde également à démontrer les liens qui unissent Wall Street à la Maison Blanche, et les conséquences qu?une telle hégémonie idéologique a sur le système universitaire américain.[/justify]
Un crime commis de l?intérieur[/large][/center]
[justify]Beaucoup de gens prétendent expliquer les raisons derrière les évènements mais ne vont jamais au fond des choses.
Charles Ferguson (film Inside Job ) est un membre à vie du CFR et ne nous dira surement pas la vérité sur ses petits amis. Il faut savoir reconnaître les hypocrites à la solde de la juiverie et cesser d'être naif ![/justify]
[justify]Inside job est un excellent documentaire qui met presque toute la lumière sur les conflits d?intérêts concernant les personnes responsables du début de la crise économique de 2008. Je dis bien début, car elle n?est pas finie. Il est très intéressant de voir les réactions de certains individus devant la caméra de Charles Ferguson. Je vous conseille vivement de regarder ce documentaire pour enfin mettre un visage sur les responsables de cette crise financière qui n?a pas fini de ruiner la vie de millions de contribuables partout sur la planète. Le fossé entre les riches et les pauvres continue de s?élargir à chaque heure? Malheureusement, l?histoire continue et se répétera encore et encore, car la majorité des gens ne savent pas comment et où cette crise a pris racine et surtout qui?elles sont les personnes qui font tout pour qu?on ne puisse pas enlever la mauvaise herbe de wall street et des gouvernements concernés? Personnellement, pour moi la mauvaise herbe est partout dans les gouvernements. Il est très difficile de différencier les bons des mauvais, il faut revoir le système au complet, le remettre entre les mains du peuple, du travailleur et non du bureaucrate avare et cupide.[/justify]
Réalisateur : Charles Ferguson
Producteurs : Charles Ferguson et Audrey Marrs
[justify]Description :
La première décennie des années 2000 aura été marquée par une crise économique mondiale inquiétante, dont les coûts s?élèvent à ce jour (à ce jour c?est +/- Février 2010) à quelque 20 000 milliards de dollars. À travers de nombreuses entrevues qu?il a réalisées avec des hommes de finances, des politiciens et des journalistes, le réalisateur Charles Ferguson élabore une réflexion sur le système économique et tente d?expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles le système s?est finalement écroulé, en engendrant dans sa chute des millions de pertes d?emplois à travers le monde. Il s?attarde également à démontrer les liens qui unissent Wall Street à la Maison Blanche, et les conséquences qu?une telle hégémonie idéologique a sur le système universitaire américain.[/justify]
Last edited by Commodore on Mon May 09, 2011 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[center][large]Fiat Empire
Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution[/large][/center]
[justify]The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of debts. Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve?s practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it?s simply ?a bunch of organized crooks.? Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to $9 trillion than raise taxes.
Find out how the corporate media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to disclose what?s going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve Member Banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders. This Telly Award-winning documentary features presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Texas) and is inspired by The Creature from Jekyll Isalnd a book by well-known author and Freedom Force founder, G. Edward Griffin.
Also featured is Dr. Edwin Vieira, Ph.D., J.D. from Harvard (a foremost authority on the Constitution and the author of Pieces of Eight) who discusses the Fed and various long-term studies which indicate that the Federal Reserve System encourages war, destabilizes the economy, generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders. Dr. Theodore Baehr (founder of MovieGuide®) rounds out the show by discussing the relationship between the Media, the Fed and the Government and why you never see these issues discussed on network TV or in the mainstream media.[/justify]
[center]FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution.flv (137.14 MB)
Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution[/large][/center]
[justify]The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of debts. Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve?s practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it?s simply ?a bunch of organized crooks.? Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to $9 trillion than raise taxes.
Find out how the corporate media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to disclose what?s going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve Member Banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders. This Telly Award-winning documentary features presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Texas) and is inspired by The Creature from Jekyll Isalnd a book by well-known author and Freedom Force founder, G. Edward Griffin.
Also featured is Dr. Edwin Vieira, Ph.D., J.D. from Harvard (a foremost authority on the Constitution and the author of Pieces of Eight) who discusses the Fed and various long-term studies which indicate that the Federal Reserve System encourages war, destabilizes the economy, generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders. Dr. Theodore Baehr (founder of MovieGuide®) rounds out the show by discussing the relationship between the Media, the Fed and the Government and why you never see these issues discussed on network TV or in the mainstream media.[/justify]
[center]FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution.flv (137.14 MB)
[center][large]How the Banks Never Lose[/large][/center]
[justify]As the credit crunch continues to leave Britain cash-strapped and high street banks report huge losses, Dispatches investigates who is responsible for the current crisis.
Reckless lending and risky investments have been blamed for directly driving up mortgage rates and increasing the numbers of people losing their homes.
Dispatches investigates how the bank chiefs allowed this to happen and if lessons have been learn from the Northern Rock crisis.
Former investment banker James Max tracks down the banking bosses who have presided over the colossal losses to see if they will be held to account.
He examines the billion pound bonus culture and lifestyle of the City?s wide boys and investigates how the banks are now seeking to make back the money they lost before the credit boom hit the buffers.
Featuring the results of an exclusive survey of bank lending rates, and how much money banks are re-claiming through them, the film also offers expert advice on how to cope with higher interest rates and shows how customers can take banking into their own hands.[/justify]
[center]Dispatches how the banks never lose.mp4 (193.3 MB)
[justify]As the credit crunch continues to leave Britain cash-strapped and high street banks report huge losses, Dispatches investigates who is responsible for the current crisis.
Reckless lending and risky investments have been blamed for directly driving up mortgage rates and increasing the numbers of people losing their homes.
Dispatches investigates how the bank chiefs allowed this to happen and if lessons have been learn from the Northern Rock crisis.
Former investment banker James Max tracks down the banking bosses who have presided over the colossal losses to see if they will be held to account.
He examines the billion pound bonus culture and lifestyle of the City?s wide boys and investigates how the banks are now seeking to make back the money they lost before the credit boom hit the buffers.
Featuring the results of an exclusive survey of bank lending rates, and how much money banks are re-claiming through them, the film also offers expert advice on how to cope with higher interest rates and shows how customers can take banking into their own hands.[/justify]
[center]Dispatches how the banks never lose.mp4 (193.3 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Mon May 09, 2011 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[center][large]How the Banks Won[/large][/center]
[justify]As the government prepares an emergency budget to help pay for the bank bailout, Will Hutton investigates the banks and what they?ve done with our money. He discovers that while ordinary taxpayers take the pain, for the banks it?s largely business as usual.
Hutton analyses the banks? accounts and shows how they are using government-guaranteed funds to gamble with derivatives as they did before the crash. He also reveals how the banks are still paying vast salaries and bonuses, and City head hunters tell Dispatches how the banks hide the sums they?re really paying out.
With the help of former and current members of the Bank of England?s monetary policy committee, Hutton shows how the banks? booming margins come from the free and near-free money the government and taxpayers gave them to save the banking system. He also investigates the banks? intense lobbying to resist government plans for reform and highlights recent research from the OECD on how Britain is internationally unusual in the extent to which bankers have key roles in the civil service and government.
Featuring high-powered contributors such as President Obama?s banking advisor Paul Volcker, former Chancellor Alastair Darling, former City minister Lord Myners and current Business Secretary Vince Cable, Hutton shows why without urgent reform we risk the prospect of another crash ? this time there won?t be any money left for a bail-out ? plus the certainty of British business being starved of vital funding. With the Eurozone crisis fueling fears of another banking crash, this programme is an urgent and shocking call to action.[/justify]
[center][large]Dispatches - How the Banks Won 2010.mp4 (166.38 MB)
[justify]As the government prepares an emergency budget to help pay for the bank bailout, Will Hutton investigates the banks and what they?ve done with our money. He discovers that while ordinary taxpayers take the pain, for the banks it?s largely business as usual.
Hutton analyses the banks? accounts and shows how they are using government-guaranteed funds to gamble with derivatives as they did before the crash. He also reveals how the banks are still paying vast salaries and bonuses, and City head hunters tell Dispatches how the banks hide the sums they?re really paying out.
With the help of former and current members of the Bank of England?s monetary policy committee, Hutton shows how the banks? booming margins come from the free and near-free money the government and taxpayers gave them to save the banking system. He also investigates the banks? intense lobbying to resist government plans for reform and highlights recent research from the OECD on how Britain is internationally unusual in the extent to which bankers have key roles in the civil service and government.
Featuring high-powered contributors such as President Obama?s banking advisor Paul Volcker, former Chancellor Alastair Darling, former City minister Lord Myners and current Business Secretary Vince Cable, Hutton shows why without urgent reform we risk the prospect of another crash ? this time there won?t be any money left for a bail-out ? plus the certainty of British business being starved of vital funding. With the Eurozone crisis fueling fears of another banking crash, this programme is an urgent and shocking call to action.[/justify]
[center][large]Dispatches - How the Banks Won 2010.mp4 (166.38 MB)
[center][large]Crash : How Long Will It Last?[/large][/center][justify]In the second half of this special two-part Dispatches, economist and author Will Hutton continues the definitive insider?s account of how Britain?s economy went from boom to bust.
Hutton reveals how those who tried to warn of the impending financial disaster were shouted down, ignored or fired. As a result, the repercussions of the collapse of Lehman Brothers hit an unprepared and vulnerable UK, and left the government frantically trying to prevent a banking collapse from turning the UK into an economic wasteland.
Despite the collapse of Northern Rock a year before, the government, the regulators and the banks had largely ignored the warning signals that more collapses would follow. Hutton looks at the weeks that followed Lehman?s collapse: weeks that will go down as some of the most crucial in Britain?s economic history.
Nationalizing key banks, and then underwriting the banks? bad loans, prevented meltdown, but at a terrible cost that will haunt us for years to come. Dispatches reveals the mistakes that lead to the current crisis and asks: what will it take to lift the UK out of the biggest recession in living memory?[/justify]
[center]Dispatches - Crash - How Long Will It Last.mp4 (181.32 MB)
Hutton reveals how those who tried to warn of the impending financial disaster were shouted down, ignored or fired. As a result, the repercussions of the collapse of Lehman Brothers hit an unprepared and vulnerable UK, and left the government frantically trying to prevent a banking collapse from turning the UK into an economic wasteland.
Despite the collapse of Northern Rock a year before, the government, the regulators and the banks had largely ignored the warning signals that more collapses would follow. Hutton looks at the weeks that followed Lehman?s collapse: weeks that will go down as some of the most crucial in Britain?s economic history.
Nationalizing key banks, and then underwriting the banks? bad loans, prevented meltdown, but at a terrible cost that will haunt us for years to come. Dispatches reveals the mistakes that lead to the current crisis and asks: what will it take to lift the UK out of the biggest recession in living memory?[/justify]
[center]Dispatches - Crash - How Long Will It Last.mp4 (181.32 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Tue May 10, 2011 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Beginning Of A US Currency Crisis[/large][/center]
[justify]The documentary proves through facts and statistics how hyperinflation in the U.S. is now inevitable and how Americans could soon see the end of entitlement programs they have become dependent on to live and survive.
Meltup features Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Tom Woods, and others.
NIA believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history and a must see for you, your friends, and family members.
Also NIA urges to spread the word about the documentary to help those you care about survive the hyper-inflationary crisis that is ahead.
The National Inflation Association is pleased to announce that its new documentary ?Meltup? has surpassed 33,000 views in 24 hours and is currently the #1 top favorited news video of the day on YouTube.[/justify]
[center]Meltup.mp4 (829.36 MB)
The Beginning Of A US Currency Crisis[/large][/center]
[justify]The documentary proves through facts and statistics how hyperinflation in the U.S. is now inevitable and how Americans could soon see the end of entitlement programs they have become dependent on to live and survive.
Meltup features Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Tom Woods, and others.
NIA believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history and a must see for you, your friends, and family members.
Also NIA urges to spread the word about the documentary to help those you care about survive the hyper-inflationary crisis that is ahead.
The National Inflation Association is pleased to announce that its new documentary ?Meltup? has surpassed 33,000 views in 24 hours and is currently the #1 top favorited news video of the day on YouTube.[/justify]
[center]Meltup.mp4 (829.36 MB)
One Nation. Under Debt. In Stress.[/large][/center]
[justify]As the average American can attest, personal debt is bad enough, but as Thomas Jefferson once cautioned, public debt is ?corruptive of the government? and ?demoralizing of the nation.? Patrick Creadon?s I.O.U.S.A. documents the efforts of two concerned citizens, former US Comptroller General Dave Walker and Concord Coalition Director Robert Bixby, to explain how America racked up over $9.5 trillion in debt and what we can do to stem the tide.
Based on the book Empire of Debt by William Bonner and Executive Producer Addison Wiggin, Wordplay?s Creadon combines Walker and Bixby?s ?Fiscal Wake-Up Tour? with observations from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Paul O?Neill, superstar CEO Warren Buffett, and student activists.
The information flows with ease and the clips from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show add levity to an undeniably dark and timely topic, but the narrative rests on a long list of facts and figures, leading to a production that feels more like a special news report than a work of cinema.
Unlike Alex Gibney?s Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, on which co-writer/producer Christine O?Malley (Creadon?s wife) assisted, character development takes a backseat to data. Arguably, the director lacks an out-sized personality, like Enron?s Kenneth Lay, around which to assemble his argument, but the subject calls for more of a human face to have the desired effect, i.e. to encourage beleaguered taxpayers to care enough to rise up off their easy-chairs and agitate for greater fiscal responsibility.[/justify]
[center][large]IOUSA - One Nation Under Debt In Stress.mp4 (185.94 MB)
One Nation. Under Debt. In Stress.[/large][/center]
[justify]As the average American can attest, personal debt is bad enough, but as Thomas Jefferson once cautioned, public debt is ?corruptive of the government? and ?demoralizing of the nation.? Patrick Creadon?s I.O.U.S.A. documents the efforts of two concerned citizens, former US Comptroller General Dave Walker and Concord Coalition Director Robert Bixby, to explain how America racked up over $9.5 trillion in debt and what we can do to stem the tide.
Based on the book Empire of Debt by William Bonner and Executive Producer Addison Wiggin, Wordplay?s Creadon combines Walker and Bixby?s ?Fiscal Wake-Up Tour? with observations from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Paul O?Neill, superstar CEO Warren Buffett, and student activists.
The information flows with ease and the clips from Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show add levity to an undeniably dark and timely topic, but the narrative rests on a long list of facts and figures, leading to a production that feels more like a special news report than a work of cinema.
Unlike Alex Gibney?s Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, on which co-writer/producer Christine O?Malley (Creadon?s wife) assisted, character development takes a backseat to data. Arguably, the director lacks an out-sized personality, like Enron?s Kenneth Lay, around which to assemble his argument, but the subject calls for more of a human face to have the desired effect, i.e. to encourage beleaguered taxpayers to care enough to rise up off their easy-chairs and agitate for greater fiscal responsibility.[/justify]
[center][large]IOUSA - One Nation Under Debt In Stress.mp4 (185.94 MB)
[center][large]The Money Fix[/large][/center]
[justify]Money is just information, a way we measure what we trade, nothing of value in itself. And we can make it ourselves, to work as a complement to conventional money. It?s just a matter of design.
Money is at the intersection of nearly every aspect of modern life. Most of us take the monetary system for granted, but it has a profound and largely misunderstood influence on our lives. The Money Fix is a feature-length documentary exploring our society?s relationship with the almighty dollar.
The film documents three types of alternative money systems, all of which help solve economic problems for the communities in which they operate.
The Money Fix examines economic patterning in both the human and the natural worlds, and through this lens we learn how we can empower ourselves by redesigning the lifeblood of the economy at the community level.[/justify]
[center]The Money Fix - A Documentary for Monetary Reform.mp4 (300.39 MB)
[justify]Money is just information, a way we measure what we trade, nothing of value in itself. And we can make it ourselves, to work as a complement to conventional money. It?s just a matter of design.
Money is at the intersection of nearly every aspect of modern life. Most of us take the monetary system for granted, but it has a profound and largely misunderstood influence on our lives. The Money Fix is a feature-length documentary exploring our society?s relationship with the almighty dollar.
The film documents three types of alternative money systems, all of which help solve economic problems for the communities in which they operate.
The Money Fix examines economic patterning in both the human and the natural worlds, and through this lens we learn how we can empower ourselves by redesigning the lifeblood of the economy at the community level.[/justify]
[center]The Money Fix - A Documentary for Monetary Reform.mp4 (300.39 MB)
[center][large]The Crash of 1929[/large][/center]
[justify]By 1929, Charles Mitchell, President of the National City Bank (which would become Citibank), had popularized the idea of selling stock and high yield bonds directly to smaller investors. Mitchell and a very small group of bankers, brokers, and speculators manipulated the stock market, grew wealthy and helped create the economic boom of that fabulous decade.
Their successes made them folk heroes of the day. The Crash of 1929 chronicles a fateful year through the words and experiences of the descendants of these titans of finance.
In 1929, while the market was rising, seemingly without limits, there were few critics. Based on eight years of continued prosperity, presidents and economists alike confidently predicted that America would soon enter a time when there would be no more poverty, no more depressions ? a ?New Era? when everyone could be rich.
Instead it was the rich who became became richer. Jesse Livermore, a Wall Street insider, drove around town in one of six yellow Rolls Royces. His daughter-in-law describes his two yachts, private railway car and five homes, including an apartment on Fifth Avenue he bought to have a place where he could change clothes for the theater.[/justify]
[center]The Crash of 1929.flv (115.98 MB)
[justify]By 1929, Charles Mitchell, President of the National City Bank (which would become Citibank), had popularized the idea of selling stock and high yield bonds directly to smaller investors. Mitchell and a very small group of bankers, brokers, and speculators manipulated the stock market, grew wealthy and helped create the economic boom of that fabulous decade.
Their successes made them folk heroes of the day. The Crash of 1929 chronicles a fateful year through the words and experiences of the descendants of these titans of finance.
In 1929, while the market was rising, seemingly without limits, there were few critics. Based on eight years of continued prosperity, presidents and economists alike confidently predicted that America would soon enter a time when there would be no more poverty, no more depressions ? a ?New Era? when everyone could be rich.
Instead it was the rich who became became richer. Jesse Livermore, a Wall Street insider, drove around town in one of six yellow Rolls Royces. His daughter-in-law describes his two yachts, private railway car and five homes, including an apartment on Fifth Avenue he bought to have a place where he could change clothes for the theater.[/justify]
[center]The Crash of 1929.flv (115.98 MB)
[center][large]Super Rich, The Greed Game[/large]
How A Few Made Billions & Caused the Current Banking Crisis[/center]
[justify]As the credit crunch bites and a global economic crisis threatens, Robert Peston reveals how the super-rich have made their fortunes, and the rest of us are picking up the bill.
Robert Peston, the BBC?s Business Editor, speaks to some of the heavy hitters in hedge-fund and private equity scene. Along with the investment bankers, these are the very people who have been blamed for the current financial woe?s of the world.
The film highlights the fact that these very few people have become super rich, and while the global economy is collapsing around us, they get to sail off into the sunset, with bulging pockets, to lay back, and wait for the next set of opportunities that will come along.
Which, ironically, will probably be the buying, very cheaply, of the many companies that are in trouble, due to the actions of hedge-funds, private equity firms, and investment bankers in the financial markets over recent years.[/justify]
[center]Super Rich The Greed Game.mp4 (244.94 MB)
How A Few Made Billions & Caused the Current Banking Crisis[/center]
[justify]As the credit crunch bites and a global economic crisis threatens, Robert Peston reveals how the super-rich have made their fortunes, and the rest of us are picking up the bill.
Robert Peston, the BBC?s Business Editor, speaks to some of the heavy hitters in hedge-fund and private equity scene. Along with the investment bankers, these are the very people who have been blamed for the current financial woe?s of the world.
The film highlights the fact that these very few people have become super rich, and while the global economy is collapsing around us, they get to sail off into the sunset, with bulging pockets, to lay back, and wait for the next set of opportunities that will come along.
Which, ironically, will probably be the buying, very cheaply, of the many companies that are in trouble, due to the actions of hedge-funds, private equity firms, and investment bankers in the financial markets over recent years.[/justify]
[center]Super Rich The Greed Game.mp4 (244.94 MB)
[center][large]Phantom Shares[/large][/center]
[justify]There is a large portion of America?s middle class that turns to investments as a means of retirement. A lot of people like to keep tabs on stock they have invested in, or receive as benefits. Some might receive shares of a stock as an incentive to take care of the company they work for insuring they and the company are profitable.
Then one day the moment in the spotlight comes and the company goes public on the market. The glitter quickly fades to gloom as the company you and so many worked so hard for falls in value %15-%35 in the first month continuing the trend over the next year. Someone must be to blame but not who you might think.
Welcome to the realization you have been the target of ?naked short sales? of your stock. Small cap companies are at the greatest risk. While there are efforts in place to regulate it, there are still many investors and companies paying the price. To bring you up to speed here is a interesting piece Bloomberg news did on how and why it is happening.
The DTCC, the company behind all wall-street transactions processes $1.4 quadrillion in trades per year and by the way here is what that number looks like $1,400,000,000,000,000! The SEC stated that %1.5 of trades per day are not settled now in small amounts %1.5 might seem like a drop in the bucket but when that much money is changing hands it is a more than substantial sum, $6,000,000,000 in trade do not clear every day. But is that really all that does not clear?[/justify]
[center]Phantom Shares.flv (54.15 MB)
[justify]There is a large portion of America?s middle class that turns to investments as a means of retirement. A lot of people like to keep tabs on stock they have invested in, or receive as benefits. Some might receive shares of a stock as an incentive to take care of the company they work for insuring they and the company are profitable.
Then one day the moment in the spotlight comes and the company goes public on the market. The glitter quickly fades to gloom as the company you and so many worked so hard for falls in value %15-%35 in the first month continuing the trend over the next year. Someone must be to blame but not who you might think.
Welcome to the realization you have been the target of ?naked short sales? of your stock. Small cap companies are at the greatest risk. While there are efforts in place to regulate it, there are still many investors and companies paying the price. To bring you up to speed here is a interesting piece Bloomberg news did on how and why it is happening.
The DTCC, the company behind all wall-street transactions processes $1.4 quadrillion in trades per year and by the way here is what that number looks like $1,400,000,000,000,000! The SEC stated that %1.5 of trades per day are not settled now in small amounts %1.5 might seem like a drop in the bucket but when that much money is changing hands it is a more than substantial sum, $6,000,000,000 in trade do not clear every day. But is that really all that does not clear?[/justify]
[center]Phantom Shares.flv (54.15 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[center][large]Black Money[/large][/center]
[justify]In Black Money, Frontline correspondent Lowell Bergman investigates this shadowy side of international business, shedding light on multinational companies that have routinely made secret payments ? often referred to as ?black money? ? to win billions in business. ?The thing about black money is you can claim it?s being used for all kinds of things,? the British reporter David Leigh tells Bergman. ?You get pots of black money that nobody sees, nobody has to account for, ? you can do anything you like with. Mostly what happens with black money is people steal it because they can.?
Leigh knows. In his groundbreaking reporting for The Guardian newspaper, he helped uncover one of the biggest and most complicated cases currently under investigation ? a story involving a British aerospace giant, the Saudi royal family, and an $80 billion international arms deal known as Al Yamamah, or ?The Dove? in Arabic. ?If there was one person who was the main man behind this arms deal, it turned out it was the U.S. ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan,? says Leigh.[/justify]
[center]PBS Frontline Black Money.avi (434.41 MB)
[justify]It all started back in 1985, when the charismatic Prince Bandar was put in charge of acquiring new fighter jets for the Saudi Arabian air force. The Israeli lobby in Congress reportedly stood in the way of the United States making a deal with the Saudis, so President Ronald Reagan sent Bandar to the British. The prince approached a willing Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and they sealed the massive deal between the United Kingdom, BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace) and the Royal Saudi Air Force.
Rumors swirled that billions in bribes had changed hands to secure the deal, but British officials denied wrongdoing. ?Of course there is suspicion, and of course people are entitled to be suspicious,? says Lord Timothy Bell, who was involved in the deal from the beginning on behalf of the Thatcher government. ?But as far as I?m concerned, if the British government ? and the Saudi government reached a sovereign agreement over an arms contract that resulted in a tremendous number of jobs in Britain, a great deal of wealth creation in Britain, ? and enabled Saudi Arabians to defend themselves, ? I think that?s a jolly good contract.?[/justify]
[justify]In Black Money, Frontline correspondent Lowell Bergman investigates this shadowy side of international business, shedding light on multinational companies that have routinely made secret payments ? often referred to as ?black money? ? to win billions in business. ?The thing about black money is you can claim it?s being used for all kinds of things,? the British reporter David Leigh tells Bergman. ?You get pots of black money that nobody sees, nobody has to account for, ? you can do anything you like with. Mostly what happens with black money is people steal it because they can.?
Leigh knows. In his groundbreaking reporting for The Guardian newspaper, he helped uncover one of the biggest and most complicated cases currently under investigation ? a story involving a British aerospace giant, the Saudi royal family, and an $80 billion international arms deal known as Al Yamamah, or ?The Dove? in Arabic. ?If there was one person who was the main man behind this arms deal, it turned out it was the U.S. ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan,? says Leigh.[/justify]
[center]PBS Frontline Black Money.avi (434.41 MB)
[justify]It all started back in 1985, when the charismatic Prince Bandar was put in charge of acquiring new fighter jets for the Saudi Arabian air force. The Israeli lobby in Congress reportedly stood in the way of the United States making a deal with the Saudis, so President Ronald Reagan sent Bandar to the British. The prince approached a willing Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and they sealed the massive deal between the United Kingdom, BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace) and the Royal Saudi Air Force.
Rumors swirled that billions in bribes had changed hands to secure the deal, but British officials denied wrongdoing. ?Of course there is suspicion, and of course people are entitled to be suspicious,? says Lord Timothy Bell, who was involved in the deal from the beginning on behalf of the Thatcher government. ?But as far as I?m concerned, if the British government ? and the Saudi government reached a sovereign agreement over an arms contract that resulted in a tremendous number of jobs in Britain, a great deal of wealth creation in Britain, ? and enabled Saudi Arabians to defend themselves, ? I think that?s a jolly good contract.?[/justify]
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The Next Financial Crisis[/large][/center]
[justify]When the world?s financial bubble blew, the solution was to lower interest rates and pump trillions of dollars into the sick banking system. ?The solution is the problem, that?s why we had a problem in the first place?. For Economics Nobel laureate Vernon Smith, the Catch 22 is self-evident. But interest rates have been at rock bottom for years, and governments are running out of fuel to feed the economy. ?The governments can save the banks, but who can save the governments?? Forecasts predict all countries? debt will reach 100% of GDP by next year. Greece and Iceland have already crumbled, who will be next?
The storm that would rock the world, began brewing in the US when congress pushed the idea of home ownership for all, propping up those who couldn?t make the down payments. The Market even coined a term, NINA loans: ?No Income, No Assets, No Problem!? Enter FannieMae and FreddieMac, privately owned, government sponsored. ?Want that vacation? Wanna buy some new clothes? Use your house as a piggie bank!? Why earn money to pay for your home when you can make money just living in it? With the government covering all losses, you?d have been a fool not to borrow.
The years of growth had been a continuous party. But when the punchbowl ran dry, instead of letting investors go home to nurse their hangovers as usual, the Federal Reserve just filled it up again with phoney money. For analyst Peter Schiff, the consequence of the spending binge was crystal clear: ?we?re in so much trouble now because we got drunk on all that Fed alcohol?. Yet along with other worried experts, he was mocked and derided during the boom.
Have you taken out a mortgage, invested capital or bought shares? If you have, likelihood is you lost out in the latest bust. Governments promised decisive action, the biggest financial stimulus packages in history, gargantuan bailouts: but what crazed logic is this, propping up debt with?more debt? This documentary brings an entirely fresh voice to the hottest topic of today.[/justify]
[center]Overdose The Next Financial Crisis.mp4 (703.07 MB)
The Next Financial Crisis[/large][/center]
[justify]When the world?s financial bubble blew, the solution was to lower interest rates and pump trillions of dollars into the sick banking system. ?The solution is the problem, that?s why we had a problem in the first place?. For Economics Nobel laureate Vernon Smith, the Catch 22 is self-evident. But interest rates have been at rock bottom for years, and governments are running out of fuel to feed the economy. ?The governments can save the banks, but who can save the governments?? Forecasts predict all countries? debt will reach 100% of GDP by next year. Greece and Iceland have already crumbled, who will be next?
The storm that would rock the world, began brewing in the US when congress pushed the idea of home ownership for all, propping up those who couldn?t make the down payments. The Market even coined a term, NINA loans: ?No Income, No Assets, No Problem!? Enter FannieMae and FreddieMac, privately owned, government sponsored. ?Want that vacation? Wanna buy some new clothes? Use your house as a piggie bank!? Why earn money to pay for your home when you can make money just living in it? With the government covering all losses, you?d have been a fool not to borrow.
The years of growth had been a continuous party. But when the punchbowl ran dry, instead of letting investors go home to nurse their hangovers as usual, the Federal Reserve just filled it up again with phoney money. For analyst Peter Schiff, the consequence of the spending binge was crystal clear: ?we?re in so much trouble now because we got drunk on all that Fed alcohol?. Yet along with other worried experts, he was mocked and derided during the boom.
Have you taken out a mortgage, invested capital or bought shares? If you have, likelihood is you lost out in the latest bust. Governments promised decisive action, the biggest financial stimulus packages in history, gargantuan bailouts: but what crazed logic is this, propping up debt with?more debt? This documentary brings an entirely fresh voice to the hottest topic of today.[/justify]
[center]Overdose The Next Financial Crisis.mp4 (703.07 MB)
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