Scheinfeld Amram - You and Heredity

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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Scheinfeld Amram - You and Heredity[/large][/center]

Scheinfeld Amram - You and Heredity.pdf
11.19 MB ... d-Heredity ... d-Heredity


[center]CHAPTER I


[justify]STOP and think about yourself:
In all the history of the world there was never any one else exactly like you, and in all the infinity of time to come there will never be another. Whether or not you attach any importance to that fact, undoubtedly you have often wondered what made you what you are; what it was that you got from your parents and your ancestors and how much of you resulted from your own efforts or the effects of environment; and finally, what of yourself you could pass on to your children.
Until comparatively recendy, all this was a matter of theory and speculation. Not until the dawn of this century was anything definitely established about the mechanism of heredity, and for some years thereafter the most important points w.ere bandied about like footballs among the biologists. Then, dramatically climaxing a series of some of the most remarkable experiments in all scientific history, the whole field of genetics (the study of heredity and variation among living things) became brilliantly illumined, and what had been theory became fact.[/justify]

Last edited by Libris on Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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