Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United

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[center][large]Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States[/large][/center]


[justify]This is the first comprehensive general reference on the major American interest groups. It provides vital information on the lobbies and special interest groups that dominate American politics today, and on the reasons for their power.

Introduced by an informative overview covering the historical, legal, and political framework in which interest groups operate, the Encyclopedia describes thirteen recognized categories of interest groups in signed articles by experts in each area. Immediately following each article are A-Z entries on all the major interest groups in that category -- 172 entries in all. Each entry includes the name of the organization; membership and budget statistics; tables of donations to candidates in the 1996 and 1998 elections; the group's history and general legislative interests; its major successes and failures, and its lobbying activities.

Appendices list the major interest groups in different categories ranked by donations, membership size, and budget, and are cross-referenced to the main entries. Lists of top officials and contact information and addresses are also included, along with a detailed bibliography and index.[/justify]

[center]M.E. Sharpe Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States.zip (6.56 MB)
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... ates-Vol-1
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... ates-Vol-2

M.E. Sharpe Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States Vol 1.pdf
M.E. Sharpe Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States Vol 2.pdf

[justify]Selected Contents:
Section 1. Banking, Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
Introduction; American Bankers Association; America's Community Bankers; American Council of Life Insurance; American Financial Services Association; American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Credit Union National Association; Independent Community Bankers of America; Independent Insurance Agents of America; National Association of Independent Insurers; National Association of Insurance Commissioners;
National Association of Life Underwriters; National Association of Professional Insurance Agents; National Association of Realtors; National Venture Capital Association; Securities Industry Association
Section 2. Service, Trade, and Professional
American Bar Association; American Gaming Association; American Hotel and Motel Association; American Library Association; American Association of Advertising Agencies; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Food Marketing Institute; Fraternal Order of Police; National Association of Convenience Stores; National Association of Retired Federal Employees; National Association of Retired Federal Employees; National Association of Social Workers; National Automobile Dealers Association; National Beer Wholesalers Association; National Dederation of Independent Business;
National Funeral Directors Association; National Restaurant Association; Petroleoum Marketers Association of America; United States Chamber of Commerce
Section 3. Media, Entertainment, and Information
Introduction; Accuracy in Media; American Council on Education; Association of American Publishers; Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting; Magazine Publishers of America; Motion Picture Association of America; National Association of Broadcasters; National Cable Television Association;
Newspaper Association of America; Recording Industry Association of America; Software and Information Industry Association
Section 4. Health and Medical
Introduction; American Academy of Ophthalmology; American Cancer Society; American Chiropractic Association; American College of Emergency Physicians; American Dietic Association; American Federation for AIDS Research; American Healthcare Association; American Hospital Association;
American Medical Association; American Nurses Association; American Occupational Therapy Association; American Psychiatric Association; American Society of Anesthesiologists; Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Section 5. Agriculture
Introduction; American Farm Bureau Federation; American Agriculture Movement; American Meat Institute; American Sugerbeet Growers Association; International Dairy Foods Association; National Association of Wheat Growers; National Cattlemen's Beef Association; National Chicken Council; National Cotton Council of America; National Council of Farmers Cooperatives; National Farmers Organization;
National Farmers Union; National Grange; National Pork Producers Council; Organic Trade Association; United Egg Association
Section 6. Environment
Introduction; Environmental Defense Fund; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace; Izaak Walton League; League of Conservation Voters; National Audubon Society; National Wildlife Federation; Rainforest Action Network; Sierra Club; Wise Use Movement
Section 7. Industry, Construction, and Transport
Introduction; Aerospace Industries Association; Air Transport Association; American Forest and Paper Association; American Furniture Manufacturers Association; American Textile Manufacturers Institute; American Trucking Associations; Associated Builders and Contractors; Business Roundtable; Chemical Manufacturers Association;
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States; Edison Electric Institute; National Association of Home Builders; National Association of Manufacturers; National Mining Association; Nuclear Energy Institute; Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America; Printing Industries of America; Semiconductor Industry Association; Technology Network
Section 8. Labor
Introduction; Airline Pilots Association; American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations; American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; American Federation of Teachers; American Postal Workers Union; Communications Workers of America;
Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union; International Association of Fire Fighters; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Brotherhood of Teamsters; International Union of Operating Engineers; Laborers' International Union of North America; National Education Association;
Seafarers International Union of North America; Service Employees International Union; Transport Workers Union of America; Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees; United Automobile Workers; United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; United Steelworkers of America; United Transportation Union
Section 9. Civil and Human Rights
Introduction; ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); American Civil Liberties Union; Anti-Defamation League; Freedom House; Human Rights Watch; League of Women Voters of the United States; Legal Services Corporation; National Coalition for the Homeless; National Lawyers Guild
Section 10. Political, Religious, and Ideological
Introduction; American Conservative Union; American Enterprise Institute; Americans for Democratic Action; Americans for Tax Reform; Brookings Institution; Cato Institute; Center for Public Integrity; Center for Responsive Politics; Christian Coalition; Citizens for a Sound Economy; Common Cause; Economic Policy Institute; Heritage Foundation; Hudson Institute; John Birch Society;
National Council of the Churches of Christ; National Taxpayers Union; Public Citizen; United States Catholic Conference; U.S. Public Interest Research Group
Section 11. Single Issue
Introduction; Americans United for the Separation of Church and State; Citizens Flag Alliance; Council for a Livable World; Handgun Control, Inc.; Mothers Against Drunk Driving; National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League; National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare; National Rifle Association; National Right to Life Committee; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; Union of Concerned Scientists; U.S. English; U.S. Term Limits;
Zero Population Growth;
Section 12. Identity
Introduction; American Association of Retired Persons; American Indian Movement; American Legion; Congress of Racial Equality; Emily's List; Human Rights Campaign; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; National Organization for Women
Section 13. Foreign
Introduction; China; Cuban Exiles; European Union; Israel; Japan; Mexico; Nigeria; Russia; Taiwan; Turkey
Section 1. Political Action Committees
Section 2. Lobbyists
Contact Information

Comment(s): "Ness's compilation is the most "user friendly" reference on American interest groups, political action committees and lobbying expenditures yet produced. It provides succinct information on virtually every major group in Washington, DC. Its listing of interest group addresses, including websites, its glossary, explaining the interest of major groups, and its bibliography (divided by policy focus of groups) are also very useful. It is a reference that everyone dealing with the federal government should have on their bookshelf." -- Clive S. Thomas, Professor of Political Science, University of Alaska, Juneau

Review(s): Encyclopedia of Interst Groups is recommended for academic and public libraries. It is a solid reference work, virtually the only encyclopedia in this area, and it is very topical. Booklist

The essays in this outstanding source are well written, informational, and free of bias. The statistical data are presented in a manner that helps readers understand the economics underlying political influence in US politics. The supplementary information supplies context, offering a more complete understanding of each organization than general directories. Highly recommended for all levels of of readers. Choice[/justify]
Last edited by Libris on Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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