Hervé Ryssen - L'Afrique en slip - Afrique du Sud - Nelson M

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Post by Dejuificator II »

[---][center][large]Hervé Ryssen - L'Afrique en slip
L'Afrique du Sud et Nelson Mandela[/large]


[center][large]Grande messe satanique mondiale à l'occasion de la mort du roi Mandela qui s'en est retourné en enfer.[/large][/center]

[justify]Mandela a planifié et orchestré avec l'ANC le génocide des afrikaners.
Ils prirent le pouvoir par la violence, par des massacres. Mandela fut un terroriste. Une fois au pouvoir, suivant les directives de la juiverie internationale, ils dépossédèrent les blancs. Les afrikaners qui le pouvaient, fuirent alors dans les différents pays anglo-saxons. Les autres écrasés économiquement qui n'ont pu quitter le continent, subissent depuis lors, meurtres, viols, massacres.
Le pays s'effondre par étapes, les blancs l'ayant construit étant de jours en jours moins nombreux. Quelques villages reculés tentent de survivre tant bien que mal...

Pourquoi tout ce battage médiatique ?

Les juifs célèbrent le retour en enfer de l'un de leurs golems qui permit le génocide d'un peuple blanc anglo-saxon extrêmement civilisé.
L'Afrique Australe était le dernier bastion de la race blanche avant l'invasion.
Depuis la chute de l'apartheid, la submersion du monde blanc est totale. Ce que vivent les afrikaners aujourd'hui, se produira tôt ou tard en France, Belgique, et plus globalement en Europe.[/justify]

[center]Lisez l'histoire de l'Afrique du Sud - histoire récente - elle vous permettra peux être d'anticiper votre futur.[/center]


Hervé Ryssen - L'Afrique en slip
http://www.histoireebook.com/index.php? ... ue-en-slip
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... ue-en-slip
Alexandre & Sonia Poussin ? Africa Trek
Recopie de certains passages éloquents de ce livre, afin que chacun puisse se faire une idée de ce que peut être l?Afrique.

Eugène Terre'Blanche (inclus le texte intégrale "l'Afrique en slip" consultable en ligne)
http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... php?id=321

Arthur Kemp - Le mensonge de l'apartheid
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... -apartheid
http://www.histoireebook.com/index.php? ... -apartheid

Lauritz Strydom - Rivonia unmasked !
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... a-unmasked

Les prophéties de Seer Nicolaas van Rensburg
http://www.the-savoisien.com/blog/index ... n-Rensburg

http://www.the-savoisien.com/blog/index ... l-invasion


[center][large]Genocide of the South African European Minority[/large]

[large]South Afrika, The final countdown[/large]


[center]Mort du criminel Nelson Mandela : un terroriste marxiste antiblanc[/center]

[center]Le vieil égrotant semble nous dire avec son pouce :
[large]C'est qui ? Qui est la patron ici[/large]

Image[justify]La mort de Nelson Mandela déclenche une prévisible hystérie médiatico-politique.
Pour les prochains jours : déluge d?émotion feinte, concert unanime de louanges chez tous les politiciens et slogans idiots en vue.

Il faut rappeler, à propos de Mandela, qu?il fut des années durant un chef terroriste d?extrême-gauche (chef du UmKhonto we Sizwe, l?aile terroriste de l?ANC et du Parti communiste sud-africain).

Rappelons que le 1er janvier 1985, le président sud-africain Botha s?exprimant au parlement, a proposé à Mandela d?être libéré (il était emprisonné pour terrorisme), s?il rejetait « inconditionnellement le recours à la violence comme arme politique ». Mandela rejeta cette offre, refusant d?abandonner les meurtres.

Il a contribué à faire de la prospère Afrique du Sud un enfer pour les Blancs, et pour beaucoup de Noirs.

ImageDepuis 1994, plus de 4000 fermiers blancs ont été assassinés par les émules racistes de Mandela, leur famille violée, parfois dépecée vivante, etc.

Depuis cette date ce sont plus généralement quelque 75 000 Blancs qui ont été tués par des Noirs, dans un génocide
initié par le président Mandela et son parti l?ANC, toujours au pouvoir.

Des dizaines de milliers de Blancs se sont vu voler leurs biens par des hordes noires armées de machettes, après la victoire de Mandela, et vivent maintenant dans des conditions de grande misère, dans des bidonvilles, souffrant de la faim.

Sur quatre millions de Blancs, un quart a déjà fui le pays.

http://www.contre-info.com/mort-du-crim ... -antiblanc


[center][large]Mandela entraîné par le Mossad en 1962[/large]

Un document israélien déclassifié révèle que Mandela a été formé militairement en Ethiopie durant son exil

[justify]Nelson Mandela, l'ancien président sud-africain décédé le 5 décembre dernier à l'âge de 95 ans, a été formé dans l'armement et le sabotage par des agents du Mossad en 1962, quelques mois avant son arrestation en Afrique du Sud, selon des documents déclassifiés par les archives d'Etat israéliennes, révélés par Haaretz.

Au cours de sa formation, Mandela aurait exprimé son intérêt pour la stratégie de la Haganah, l'armée souterraine israélienne pré-étatique, et le Mossad l'aurait décrit comme penchant vers le communisme.

Le père de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud qui a mené la lutte contre l'apartheid dès le début des années 1950, a été arrêté , jugé et libéré un certain nombre de fois avant de poursuivre son combat dans la clandestinité dans les années 1960.

En janvier 1962, il a secrètement et illégalement fui l'Afrique du Sud et a visité plusieurs pays africains, dont l'Ethiopie, l'Algérie, l'Egypte et le Ghana, dans le but de rencontrer les dirigeants des pays africains et obtenir un soutien financier et militaire de la branche armée du Congrès national africain souterrain.

Une lettre datée du 11 octobre 1962 et envoyée par le Mossad au ministère des Affaires étrangères à Jérusalem, révèle que Mandela a reçu une formation militaire par les agents du Mossad en Ethiopie au cours de cette période, sans que les agents ne soient au courant de la véritable identité de Mandela.

Le Mossad a transféré cette lettre au chef du Bureau Afrique du ministère des Affaires étrangères, au chef du département du ministère de la coopération internationale, ainsi qu'à l'ambassadeur d'Israël en Ethiopie entre 1962 et 1966.

L'objet de cette lettre était "le Black Pimpernel", en anglais, le terme que les médias sud-africains utilisaient déjà pour Mandela, en référence au Mouron rouge, nom de guerre du héros du roman britannique de la baronne Emma Orczy, qui a sauvé de nombreux aristocrates français durant la Révolution française.

"Comme vous le savez, il y a trois mois, nous avons discuté du cas d'un stagiaire qui est arrivé à l'ambassade [israélienne] en Ethiopie sous le nom de David Mobsari venu de Rhodésie", dit la lettre. "La formation réalisée par les Éthiopiens [le personnel de l'ambassade israélienne, certainement des agents du Mossad] comprenait des cours de judo, les méthodes de sabotage et le maniement des armes", est-il encore précisé. L'expression " les Ethiopiens " était apparemment un nom de code pour les agents du Mossad travaillant en Ethiopie.

La lettre note également que l'intéressé "a montré un intérêt particulier pour les méthodes de la Haganah et autres mouvements souterrains israéliens". Il est aussi écrit qu'il "a salué nos hommes en disant "Shalom" et était familier avec les problèmes de la communauté juive et d'Israël. Il aurait donner l'impression d' être un intellectuel. "Le personnel a essayé de faire de lui un sioniste", écrit l'agent du Mossad.

"Lors de conversations, il a exprimé la vision du monde socialiste et parfois donné l'impression qu'il penchait vers le communisme", poursuit la lettre, notant que l'homme qui se faisait appeler David Mobsari était le même homme qui avait été arrêté récemment en Afrique du Sud.

"Il ressort maintenant à partir de photographies publiées dans la presse à propos de l'arrestation en Afrique du Sud du 'Black Pimpernel', que le stagiaire de Rhodésie utilisait un pseudonyme", explique le Mossad.

Une annotation manuscrite sur la lettre se réfère à une autre lettre envoyée environ deux semaines plus tard, le 24 octobre 1962 et indique que "Black Pimpernel" était Nelson Mandela.

Cette lettre a été maintenue secrète pendant des décennies dans les Archives de l'État d'Israël et n'a jamais été révélée au public. Elle a été découverte il y a quelques années par David Fachler, un Israélien de 43 ans qui faisait des recherches sur les relations entre l'Afrique du Sud et Israël, pour sa thèse.

Né en Israël, Fachler a grandi et obtenu sa maîtrise en droit en Afrique du Sud. "Si l'Afrique du Sud avait découvert qu'Israël a aidé Mandela, cela aurait mis en danger la communauté juive", a déclaré Fachler, interrogé par Haaretz.[/justify]

[small]http://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/israel/di ... ad-en-1962[/small]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

Image[center][large]Nelson Mandela : l?icône et le néant[/large][/center]

http://bernardlugan.blogspot.fr/2013/12 ... neant.html
Communiqué de Bernard Lugan
(6 décembre 2013)

[justify]Né le 18 juillet 1918 dans l?ancien Transkei, mort le 5 décembre 2013, Nelson Mandela ne ressemblait pas à la pieuse image que le politiquement correct planétaire donne aujourd?hui de lui. Par delà les émois lénifiants et les hommages hypocrites, il importe de ne jamais perdre de vue les éléments suivants :

1) Aristocrate xhosa issu de la lignée royale des Thembu, Nelson Mandela n?était pas un « pauvre noir opprimé ». Eduqué à l?européenne par des missionnaires méthodistes, il commença ses études supérieures à Fort Hare, université destinée aux enfants des élites noires, avant de les achever à Witwatersrand, au Transvaal, au c?ur de ce qui était alors le « pays boer ». Il s?installa ensuite comme avocat à Johannesburg.

2) Il n?était pas non plus ce gentil réformiste que la mièvrerie médiatique se plait à dépeindre en « archange de la paix » luttant pour les droits de l?homme, tel un nouveau Gandhi ou un nouveau Martin Luther King. Nelson Mandela fut en effet et avant tout un révolutionnaire, un combattant, un militant qui mit « sa peau au bout de ses idées », n?hésitant pas à faire couler le sang des autres et à risquer le sien.
Il fut ainsi l?un des fondateurs de l?Umkonto We Sizwe, « le fer de lance de la nation », aile militaire de l?ANC, qu?il co-dirigea avec le communiste Joe Slovo, planifiant et coordonnant plus de 200 attentats et sabotages pour lesquels il fut condamné à la prison à vie.

3) Il n?était pas davantage l?homme qui permit une transmission pacifique du pouvoir de la « minorité blanche » à la « majorité noire », évitant ainsi un bain de sang à l?Afrique du Sud. La vérité est qu?il fut hissé au pouvoir par un président De Klerk appliquant à la lettre le plan de règlement global de la question de l?Afrique australe décidé par Washington. Trahissant toutes les promesses faites à son peuple, ce dernier :

- désintégra une armée sud-africaine que l?ANC n?était pas en mesure d?affronter,
- empêcha la réalisation d?un Etat multiracial décentralisé, alternative fédérale au jacobinisme marxiste et dogmatique de l?ANC,
- torpilla les négociations secrètes menées entre Thabo Mbeki et les généraux sud-africains, négociations qui portaient sur la reconnaissance par l?ANC d?un Volkstaat en échange de l?abandon de l?option militaire par le général Viljoen.

4) Nelson Mandela n?a pas permis aux fontaines sud-africaines de laisser couler le lait et le miel car l?échec économique est aujourd?hui total. Selon le Rapport Economique sur l?Afrique pour l?année 2013, rédigé par la Commission économique de l?Afrique (ONU) et l?Union africaine (en ligne), pour la période 2008-2012, l?Afrique du Sud s?est ainsi classée parmi les 5 pays « les moins performants » du continent sur la base de la croissance moyenne annuelle, devançant à peine les Comores, Madagascar, le Soudan et le Swaziland (page 29 du rapport).
Le chômage touchait selon les chiffres officiels 25,6% de la population active au second trimestre 2013, mais en réalité environ 40% des actifs. Quant au revenu de la tranche la plus démunie de la population noire, soit plus de 40% des Sud-africains, il est aujourd?hui inférieur de près de 50% à celui qu?il était sous le régime blanc d?avant 1994. En 2013, près de 17 millions de Noirs sur une population de 51 millions d?habitants, ne survécurent que grâce aux aides sociales, ou Social Grant, qui leur garantit le minimum vital.

5) Nelson Mandela a également échoué politiquement car l?ANC connaît de graves tensions multiformes entre Xhosa et Zulu, entre doctrinaires post marxistes et « gestionnaires » capitalistes, entre africanistes et partisans d?une ligne « multiraciale ». Un conflit de génération oppose également la vieille garde composée de « Black Englishmen», aux jeunes loups qui prônent une « libération raciale » et la spoliation des fermiers blancs, comme au Zimbabwe.

6) Nelson Mandela n?a pas davantage pacifié l?Afrique du Sud, pays aujourd?hui livré à la loi de la jungle avec une moyenne de 43 meurtres quotidiens.

7) Nelson Mandela n?a pas apaisé les rapports inter-raciaux. Ainsi, entre 1970 et 1994, en 24 ans, alors que l'ANC était "en guerre" contre le « gouvernement blanc », une soixantaine de fermiers blancs furent tués. Depuis avril 1994, date de l?arrivée au pouvoir de Nelson Mandela, plus de 2000 fermiers blancs ont été massacrés dans l?indifférence la plus totale des médias européens.

8) Enfin, le mythe de la « nation arc-en-ciel » s?est brisé sur les réalités régionales et ethno-raciales, le pays étant plus divisé et plus cloisonné que jamais, phénomène qui apparaît au grand jour lors de chaque élection à l?occasion desquelles le vote est clairement « racial », les Noirs votant pour l?ANC, les Blancs et les métis pour l?Alliance démocratique.

En moins de deux décennies, Nelson Mandela, président de la République du 10 mai 1994 au 14 juin 1999, puis ses successeurs, Thabo Mbeki (1999-2008) et Jacob Zuma (depuis 2009), ont transformé un pays qui fut un temps une excroissance de l?Europe à l?extrémité australe du continent africain, en un Etat du « tiers-monde » dérivant dans un océan de pénuries, de corruption, de misère sociale et de violences, réalité en partie masquée par quelques secteurs ultraperformants, mais de plus en plus réduits, le plus souvent dirigés par des Blancs.

Pouvait-il en être autrement quand l?idéologie officielle repose sur ce refus du réel qu?est le mythe de la « nation arc-en-ciel » ? Ce « miroir aux alouettes » destiné à la niaiserie occidentale interdit en effet de voir que l?Afrique du Sud ne constitue pas une Nation mais une mosaïque de peuples rassemblés par le colonisateur britannique, peuples dont les références culturelles sont étrangères, et même souvent irréductibles, les unes aux autres.
Le culte planétaire quasi religieux aujourd?hui rendu à Nelson Mandela, le dithyrambe outrancier chanté par des hommes politiques opportunistes et des journalistes incultes ou formatés ne changeront rien à cette réalité.[/justify]
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Post by Savoisien »

[---][center][large]Les mémoires juives de Nelson Mandela[/large][/center][---]


[justify]Nelson Mandela vient de s?éteindre. Voici la vraie vie de Nelson Mandela, aux côtés des compagnons juifs de son histoire, de ses débuts, jusqu?à son terme.

Peu de temps avant Shabbat, en juillet dernier, le Grand Rabbin d?Afrique du Sud, le Dr Warren Goldstein, s?est entretenu avec le Dr Makaziwe Mandela, fille de l?ancien Président Nelson Mandela, pour transmettre à la famille les prières et tout le soutien de la Communauté juive.

En remerciant le Rabbin Goldstein, le Dr Mandela lui a demandé, tout spécialement, de rappeler à la Communauté juive, que son père chérissait ?la relation exceptionnelle et chaleureuse? qu?il a toujours eu avec les juifs Sud-Africains? et qu?il appréciait profondément à quel point, tout au long de sa vie il avait bénéficié de la chaleur, de la gentillesse et du soutien de la communauté juive.

Alors que la vie de cet homme extraordinaire vient de tirer inexorablement vers sa fin, les Sud-Africains de toutes les races et croyances adressent, le coeur lourd, un adieu final au plus grand des fils de la nation. Il n?est plus temps pour les récriminations, ni de pointer un doigt accusateur, pas plus qu?il n?est temps pour aucun individu ni groupe de se permettre de se déchirer, à l?ombre de son héritage.

Les juifs d?Afrique du Sud, nonobstant la généreuse reconnaissance de Mandela, à l?égard du soutien qu?il a reçu des membres de leur communauté, sont bien conscients, en ces temps de tristesse, que c?est à Mandela, uniquement, que reviennent tous les hommages.

Pas plus ne faut-il oublier qu?alors que de nombreux juifs, à titre individuel, ont effectivement, joué un rôle important dans sa vie et sa carrière, la majorité des juifs préféraient n?avoir, d?aucune manière significative, à affronter le système d?Apartheid [NDLR : comme le Juge Richard Goldstone, qui a fait pendre, au moins neuf Noirs, après des aveux obtenus sous la torture, pour des faits mineurs].

En 2011, le Bureau des Députés juifs d?Afrique du Sud (SAJBD) s?est associé, en partenariat avec la Fondation Umoja, pour publier les Mémoires juives de Mandela, un récit racontant l?histoire de Mandela, selon le point de vue de différentes personnalités juives qui ont fait partie de sa vie. Pour moi, en tant qu?auteur de ce livre, c?était un projet qui m?a énormément inspiré, l?un de ceux qui portent à la lumière, comme jamais auparavant, jusqu?à quel point des juifs se sont engagés dans la cause de la libération des Noirs, tout en apportant un aperçu inédit, allant souvent très en profondeur, pour mieux connaître le genre d?homme et de dirigeant politique qu?est devenu Mandela.[/justify]


[justify]Les juifs ont fait partie de la vie de Mandela, depuis son arrivée à Johannesbourg, aux débuts des années 1940, jusqu?à ce jour.

C?est d?abord vers le Droit, plutôt que vers la politique, qu?il a initialement choisi de se tourner, et c?est Lazer Sidelsky qui lui a donné sa chance, à ses débuts, en tant que juriste stagiaire, au sein de son cabinet d?avocats, à une époque où il était proprement inouï que de jeunes Noirs soient embauchés pour exercer de telles fonctions. Son juriste associé, Nat Bergman, est devenu son premier ami Blanc, à Johannesbourg et, alors membre du Parti Communiste, il a aussi joué une part importante dans sa formation politique.[/justify]

[center][small]Nat Bregman, Nelson Mandela, et Lazer Sidelsky lors d?une réunion en 1998. (Courtesy of South African Jewish Board of Deputies)[/small][/center]

[justify]Mandela a continué à étudier le Droit à l?Université du Witwatersrand, où il a établi des amitiés durables avec d?autres compagnons étudiants, Jules Browde et Harry Schwarz, tous deux s?étant, par la suite, profondément impliqués en faveur de politiques plus libérales.

Alors qu?il s?engageait, de plus en plus, dans le militantisme politique, Mandela s?est, de plus en plus, associé à d?autres membres de la Communauté juive, qui, comme lui, faisaient face au système d?Apartheid. Treize de ses défenseurs les plus obstinés, lors de son procès pour haute trahison, entre 1956 et 1961, par exemple, étaient juifs, dont, parmi eux, de fidèles partisans, tout au long de sa lutte, tels que Lionel Bernstein, Joe Slovo et Ruth First. Parmi les fondateurs de Umkhonto we Sizwe, la branche militaire clandestine du Congrès National Africain, ont trouvait Dennis Goldberg, Harold Wolpe et Arthur Goldreich (un volontaire de la Guerre d?Indépendance qui s?est, plus tard, définitivement installé en Israël).[/justify]

[right]Le photographe Arthur Goldreich.[/right]
Image[justify]Les avocats juifs ont joué un rôle déterminant, en s?impliquant dans la défense de Mandela, lors de divers procès politiques, où il était inculpé, dont, parmi eux, Isie Maisels (devenu, plus tard, membre de l?Agence juive), Arthur Chaskalson, Joël Joffe et Sidney Kentridge. Il a aussi étroitement travaillé avec le journaliste Benjamin Pogrund, qui a, plus tard, fait son Aliyah et qui, au-delà du fait d?avoir milité pour le dialogue israélo-palestinien, a été un fervent défenseur d?Israël dans la guerre de propagande que cet état subissait et subit encore.

Après la sortie de prison de Mandela, en 1990, lui-même et le courant principal des dirigeants juifs ont forgé une relation cordiale et beaucoup d?hommes d?affaires juifs de premier plan ont été appelés à s?investir, pour répondre au legs de pauvreté et d?inégalité, laissé par le système d?Apartheid.[/justify]

[center](Johnny Clegg - Asimbonanga-Avec Mandela- à partir de 2mn 45)

[justify]Il s?est rapproché, tout particulièrement, du Grand Rabbin Cyril Harris, un chef charismatique qui a adopté de tout son c?ur le nouveau régime démocratique et a vivement encouragé la très grande majorité de la Communauté juive à en faire autant.[/justify]


[justify]Mandela et : Solly Sacks (Chairman SA Zionist Federation), the Hon. Abe Abrahamson (President SA Zionist Federation), Michael Katz (President SA Jewish Board of Deputies), Thabo Mbeki, Yusuf Surtees. Front, left to right : Helen Suzman, Mandela, Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris, Advocate Isie Maisels. (South African Jewish Board of Deputies)

Le SAJBD a régulièrement rencontré Mandela et son cercle de dirigeants, aux côtés du Rabbin Harris, et l?a accompagné lors d?une visite en Israël, après sa démission, en tant que Président, en 1999.

Concernant la question palestino-israélienne, Mandela était profondément attaché à l?idée qu?il fallait atteindre un Etat palestinien, mais, en même temps, il reconnaissait que cela devait s?obtenir par le biais d?un processus de négociations pacifiques et n?a jamais transigé avec sa conviction du droit d?Israël à exister dans des frontières sûres et reconnues.

A la suite de sa rencontre avec Nelson Mandela, en 1996, le Dalaï Lama, le symbole révéré de la lutte pour l?Indépendance du Tibet, a déclaré que, lorsqu ?il rencontrait des personnalités importantes à travers le monde, elles n?étaient pour la plupart, pas à la hauteur de leur réputation. La réputation de Nelson Mandela était la meilleure, dans le monde, a-t-il commenté, mais il n?y a que dans le cas de Mandela qu?il a réellement découvert que la personne était encore plus élevée que la réputation qui l?accompagnait.[/justify]

[center]Nelson Mandela est un véritable colosse sur la scène de l?Histoire.[/center]

[justify]La Communauté juive mondiale éprouve de la fierté quant au fait que nombre de ses membres ont contribué, de manière décisive, à tout ce qu?il s?est montré capable de réaliser, pour son propre peuple et pour l?humanité dans son ensemble.

Le rédacteur de ce billet est le Directeur associé du Bureau des Députés juifs d?Afrique du Sud et auteur du livre de 2011 : ?Les Mémoires juives de Mandela?.[/justify]


[small]Lefigaro.fr Publié le 08/12/2013 à 21:39[/small]

[justify]Le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Nétanyahou et le président Shimon Pérès ont annoncé dimanche qu'ils n'assisteraient pas aux cérémonies officielles d'hommage à Nelson Mandela mardi en Afrique du Sud, le coût du voyage étant trop élevé selon le Jerusalem Post.

Un tel voyage nécessiterait en effet de mettre en place des mesures de sécurité particulièrement complexes pour protéger les deux hommes, étant donné le nombre élevé de participants attendus, soulignent les services du Premier ministre. Selon une première estimation, le voyage coûterait 7 millions de shekels (1,5 million d'euros).

Au moins 70 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, dont les présidents américain Barack Obama et français François Hollande, assisteront mardi aux cérémonies officielles en hommage au père de la "Nation arc-en-ciel", décédé jeudi soir à 95 ans.[/justify]
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Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:38 pm

Post by Libris »

[center][large]Nelson Mandela, Communist[/large][/center]
http://www.amerika.org/politics/nelson- ... -communist

[justify]The six giant corporations that produce most of your media seem to be in agreement that Nelson Mandela is a pacifist hero of freedom and equality. You are taught that there is no higher goal than freedom, equality and pacifism in school and through books, movies, music and art.

This cultural consensus presents itself as universal, meaning shared by all people. If that is so, however, why does the media have to constantly pump this message toward you to the point of excluding others? This includes historical facts that are inconvenient.

Nelson Mandela was a Communist guerrilla. This fact should not require explaining away. It should also not be hidden. One way to hide it is to selectively fail to mention it while enthusiastically repeating other ideas. This act of omission combined with what is basically an advertising campaign amounts to concealment and in practical terms, the same thing as lying.

If you find your media is lying to you, it then makes sense to ask why. The answer appears to be that media is a product and inherently untrustworthy, and it is selling to an audience that it perceives is liberal. It may do this because most of the people who work in media, as people who like to draw attention to themselves, are solipsists.

In other words, the megaphone that you trust for truth may most commonly broadcast the products of a mental health problem (solipsism) and mislead you. This means the news is manipulated not for a better world, but for the personal pretense and conceits necessary to justify the insanity of individuals.

But we can clear this up. Was Nelson Mandela a Communist? Let?s look at Mr. Nelson Mandela?s record here:

The former South African president, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, has always denied being a member of the South African branch of the movement, which mounted an armed campaign of guerrilla resistance along with the ANC.

But research by a British historian, Professor Stephen Ellis, has unearthed fresh evidence that during his early years as an activist, Mr Mandela did hold senior rank in the South African Communist Party, or SACP. He says Mr Mandela joined the SACP to enlist the help of the Communist superpowers for the ANC?s campaign of armed resistance to white rule.

His book also provides fresh detail on how the ANC?s military wing had bomb-making lessons from the IRA, and intelligence training from the East German Stasi, which it used to carry out brutal interrogations of suspected ?spies? at secret prison camps. ? ?Nelson Mandela ?proven? to be a member of the Communist Party after decades of denial,? by Colin Freeman and Jane Flanagan, The Guardian, December 8, 2012.

The following reveals the origins of the people who became the ANC through ?pressure from above.? Political groups tend to form where they can find support, funding and weapons:

From its formation in 1921 as the first Marxist-Leninist party on the continent, the Communist Party struggled with the need to reconcile race and class, nationalism and socialism in its doctrine. Formed by whites but for over 30 years the only nonracial political party in South Africa, it initially appealed to the white working class. Skilled artisans and intellectuals had brought socialist thinking from Britain around the turn of the century. In 1909 a Labour Party was formed but split over the World War. Those who opposed participation and were enthusiastic about the Russian Revolution joined with several small Marxist groups to form the Communist Party of South Africa.

The party?s notorious but anti-capitalist slogan during the white mineworkers? uprising of 1922 was ?Workers of the World, Fight and Unite for a White South Africa,? (emphasis added). The strike was brutally crushed. Recognizing the hostility of white workers to it, the party turned to the African working class, conducting night schools and organizing trade unions. In 1928 almost all of its 1,750 members were Africans. Only about 150 were whites, but they continued to predominate.

Within a few years the party was shattered, hit by government repression but even more by the consequences of obedience to the Moscow-based Comintern. Despite remonstrances about the need for appealing also to the white working class, the Comintern in 1928 ordered as correct the slogan: ?an independent native South African republic as a stage towards a workers? and peasants? republic with full, equal rights for all races.? The factionalism and expulsions that followed this declaration virtually decimated the party. With the rise of Hitler and Moscow?s new emphasis on organizing all-class united fronts, the party slowly revived. ? ?South African Liberation: The Communist Factor,? by Thomas G. Karis, Foreign Affairs, Winter 1986/87.

The ANC represented an attempt by Communist forces in South Africa to switch from a whites-oriented Communist revolution to a multicultural Communist revolution, although as time went on they had the wisdom to hides its Communist roots so that egalitarian Western ?useful idiots? would support it.

Even Mandela?s defenders admit his flirtation with Communism was more than at the surface:

We know that between June and December 1961, Mandela remained in hiding in a series of safe houses arranged by SACP members, passing much of the time reading a series of classic authorities on insurgent warfare. This seems the most likely time for him to have joined the party. He already had a rough grasp of the essentials of Marxist ideas, acquired again through reading and discussions with Moses Kotane at the beginning of the 1950s. As he noted much later in his 1994 autobiography, during the 1950s, the certainties offered by ?the scientific underpinnings of dialectical materialism? were for him powerfully compulsive. ? ?Mandela?s communism: why the details matter,? by Tom Lodge, Open Democracy, September 9, 2011.

And despite generally leaning toward leftism, Wikipedia acknowledges what it considers harmless facts:

Umkhonto we Sizwe (abbreviated as MK, translated as ?Spear of the Nation?) was the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), co-founded by Nelson Mandela, which fought against the South African government.[1] MK launched its first guerrilla attacks against government installations on 16 December 1961. It was subsequently classified as a terrorist organisation by the South African government and the United States, and banned.[2]

For a time it was headquartered in Rivonia, a suburb of Johannesburg. On 11 July 1963, 19 ANC and MK leaders, including Arthur Goldreich and Walter Sisulu, were arrested at Liliesleaf Farm, Rivonia (26°2?36?S 28°3?15?E). The farm was privately owned by Arthur Goldreich and bought with South African Communist Party and ANC funds. ? ?Umkhonto we Sizwe,? Wikipedia, Anonymous, retrieved December 6, 2013

Left-leaning CNN affirms the same facts and points out Mandela?s lengthy history with the Communists:

Mandela?s close association with Marxists goes back at least to the 1940s, when he was enrolled in law school.

He began a life-long friendship with Joe Slovo, ?an ardent communist,? the anti-apartheid icon wrote in his autobiography ?Long Walk to Freedom.?

Mandela described Slovo as of the people, ?without whom I would have accomplished very little.?

A watershed moment tightly bonded Mandela to Slovo and other communist allies.

Police gunned down 69 unarmed protesters in the town of Sharpville in March 1960. Then the government banned the communist party and the African National Congress, which fought for the freedom of black South Africans.

With Slovo and other Marxists, he co-founded the militia movement Umkhonto we Sizwe. It?s meaning: ?Spear of the Nation.?

On December 16, 1961, the group carried out its first attacks on government installations and handed out leaflets announcing its existence. ? ?Nelson Mandela death: Examining the backlash,? by Ben Brumfield, CNN, December 6, 2013

It is ridiculous to claim Nelson Mandela as either a pacifist or a non-Communist when he was caught, along with his fellow ANC members, in possession of a large number of Soviet Bloc arms and ammunition that was too large to have been purchased on the open market, and thus most likely came from the Soviet government.

A good summary of the history of the period:

In South Africa, it was the Soviet bloc?the same communist governments that were brutally repressing their own people?that helped the ANC fight apartheid. In the 1980s, they were joined by an American and European anti-apartheid movement willing to overlook the ANC?s communist ties because they refused to see South Africa?s freedom struggle through a Cold War lens. At a time when men like Reagan and Cheney were insisting that the most important thing about Mandela was where he stood in the standoff between Washington and Moscow, millions of citizens across the West insisted that the ANC could be Soviet-backed, communist-influenced, and still lead a movement for freedom. ? ?Don?t Sanitize Nelson Mandela: He?s Honored Now, But Was Hated Then,? by Peter Beinart, The Daily Beast, December 5, 2013.

Even more, Western liberals began covering up this fact early on:

We know this from any number of sources, but let?s hear it from Hilda Bernstein, who lived long enough to acquire a shrewd understanding of herself and the Communist movement of which she was a lifelong part. ?Joe and Rusty were hardline Stalinists,? she said in 2004, speaking of her late husband Rusty, a Central Committee member, and Joe Slovo, the most influential Communist of his era. ?Anything the Soviets did was right,? said Mrs. Bernstein. ?They were very, very pro-Soviet.?

This much could be easily gleaned by reading the SACP journal, African Communist, or just sniffing the air outside the London headquarters of the African National Congress; during the struggle years (1960?1990) the SACP reeked of Soviet orthodoxy, and the ANC reeked of the SACP. As a journalist, you had to be very careful what you said about this. The civilized line was the one ceaselessly propounded in The New York Times?Nelson Mandela was basically a black liberal, and his movement was striving for universal democratic values. Anyone who disagreed was an anti-Communist crank, as Keller labels me. ? ?Mandela & Communism: An Exchange,? by Bill Keller, New York Review of Books, March 21, 2013

But don?t take our word for it. Read his. Nelson Mandela?s, that is. Here?s an excerpt from his book, How to Be a Good Communist :

The goal of Communism is a classless society based on the principle: from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs. The aim is to change the present world into a Communist world where there will be no exploiters and no exploited, no oppressor and oppressed, no rich and no poor. Communists fight for a world where there will be no unemployment, no poverty and starvation, disease and ignorance. In such a world there will be no capitalists, no imperialists, no fascists. There will be neither colonies nor wars.

In our own country, the struggles of the oppressed people are guided by the South African Communist Party and inspired by its policies. The aim of the S.A.C.P. is to defeat the Nationalist government and to free the people of South Africa from the evils of racial discrimination and exploitation and to build a classless or socialist society in which the land, the mines, the mills, our . . . . . . . (unreadable)

Under a Communist Party Government South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. Political, economic and social rights will cease to be enjoyed by Whites only. They will be shared equally by Whites and Non-Whites. There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease.

Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free. There will be no pass laws, no influx control, no Police raids for passes and poll tax, and Africans, Europeans, Coloureds and Indians will live in racial peace and perfect equality.

The victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R., in the Peoples Republic of China, in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania, where the living conditions of the people were in many respects similar and even worse than ours, proves that we too can achieve this important goal. ? ?How to Be a Good Communist,? by Nelson Mandela

Further reading Mandela?s words, here?s his admission to being part of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the terrorist organization that attacked civilian areas like shopping centers and banks :

I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression of my people by the Whites.

I admit immediately that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto we Sizwe, and that I played a prominent role in its affairs until I was arrested in August 1962. ? ?Read the most important speech Nelson Mandela ever gave,? by Max Fisher, Washington Post, December 5, 2013


[justify]Here?s the paragon of racial tolerance singing ?Kill the Boer,? a reference to the Dutch-descended ethnic group in South Africa:[/justify]

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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Arthur Kemp praises anti-white terrorist Mandela[/large][/center]
http://www.destroyzionism.com/2013/12/0 ... st-mandela

[center]Arthur Kemp, author and former BNP politician[/center]

[justify]When Nelson Mandela died, Arthur Kemp, who supposedly is a white nationalist, republished a post of his on his blog where he praises Nelson Mandela, despite admitting that Mandela was an anti-white terrorist. Kemp even says that it doesn?t matter that the black savages who now make up the majority are not the native population of South Africa: ?all that counts is who is the majority population now.? He cares not that South Africa has become worse in every way since the fall of apartheid ? because now the blacks, who have no more moral right to the country than the whites, rule the country, and that is all that matters to Kemp. Now, thanks to ANC, thousands of whites are being slaughtered by the dark barbarians, who feel free to do whatever they wish to the white minority which has lived there for hundreds of years.

Kemp?s view is not a pro-white view. It is an anti-white view.[/justify]

[center]Here, by the way, is the current President of South Africa, Mr Jacob Zuma :[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Nelson Mandela ? Good Riddance, You Communist Criminal![/large][/center]
http://www.jewishproblem.com/nelson-man ... t-criminal

[large]Here?s a few bits and pieces showing what a murderous bastard Nelson Mandela was :[/large]

The old murderous bastard !
Image[justify]Nelson Mandela was the leader of the Umkontho We Sizwe (MK) ? the terror wing of the ANC even whilst in prison.

By his own admission he had to okay every single terror attack MK launched. From his prison cell a sophisticated communication system he and his wife and other terrorist visitors developed allowed him to okay every terror attack in South Africa. He devloped the ?soft target? strategy which said terror attacks should be aimed at the white civilian population in places where they would think themselves safe.

One of his most awful attacks occurred on 23 December 1985 at Amanzimtoti?s Wimpy Bar. To sketch the background. The Southern Hemisphere summer is when you folks in the Northern Hemisphere have your winter so our summer holidays coincide with Christmas and traditionally this is the very busiest holiday season. The little town of Amanzimtoti is on the Natal south coast which has verdant forests, a balmy climate, and pristinbe beaches dotted with several small holiday towns that exist solely for the influx of holidayers. The Wimpy Bar is a franchise restaurant group which owns several diners all over the country so on holiday it is ultra popular.

Anyway on 23 December 1985, in the middle of summer holidays at a popular diner in a holiday town the ANCs terrorists under instructions of Mandela set off a limpet mine inside the restaurant. Five people were killed (three children aged 2,8 and 5) and over 200 injured. There are pictures here but they are not for the faint hearted and they will break your heart. The actual perpetrators were hunted down. Two refused to surrender and were killed in a police shootout? the other, Andrew Zondo, was captured and after a fair trial where overwhelming evidence was presented against him sentenced to death and in 1987 he hanged at Pretoria?s Central Prison.

Mandela never apologized for okaying the brutal murder of civilians including three children.

In 2010 the ANC renamed one of the holiday streets in Amanzimtoti Andrew Zondo Avenue

Mandela is scum and his death will be welcomed by Boers.

The joke here is that he is clinging so desperately to life because he knows where he is going and he doesn?t want to go?[/justify]

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[center]The flag of the communist criminal organisation known as the African National Congress[/center]

[justify]A report sent by South African historical expert living in the United States :

1) Concerning Mandela?s jail sentence. The crimes he committed were shamelessly criminal, and included no heroic acts. In fact, it is still a mystery why Percy Yutar (the then state attorney) did not file for murder, but manslaughter instead. Based on the facts it is commonly agreed by legal scholars that Mandela would have been hanged if Yutar filed for murder. You can easily get access to the case and you will find facts that the media, for whatever reason, prefer to ignore.

2) They often show Mandela?s cell on Robben Island. That is not where he spent most of his time. He later lived in a house under so-called ?arrest?. It was comfortable if not luxurious, and most people work every day of their lives for the privilege to live in something not nearly as good as that. Why do they never show photographs of that?

3) What is really mind-boggling is the fact that while he was in the ?house jail? he had free access, on account of the S.A. tax-payers, to telephone, fax and other communicating facilities to organize the ANC. That is why he was still the leader when he was ?released?.

4) You already know of the terrible deeds he ordered for his own people who disappointed him. He has many murders of his own on his hands.

5) He was supposedly in ?jail? for 20 or more years. One would expect that he had a negligible income in that time. Yet when he and his wife were divorced about 4 years after his ?release? he had to pay her millions in settlement. Where did these millions come from? Who else could earn millions in 4 years from a salaried job after taxes? Obviously something is seriously wrong. You find out where all that money came from and you will discover a lot about Mandela that the press never report.

6) Once he left ?jail? (the house the government provided) he moved into a very luxurious home in one of the richest suburbs of Johannesburg. However, he kept a little four-room house in Soweto and pretended to live there. That is where he would interview reporters and where photographs were taken. What a liar and bigot. I cannot believe that the press did not know this. It simply played along to sell this falsehood of a hero and martyr. These are six leads that anyone from S.A. should be able to confirm easily with documentary proof. Mandela is a murderer and a liar. He only lived in ?poverty? when it suited him. Just ask where he is presently living. There are very few Whites or other people that can, after a lifetime of working, afford the house he is living in now. Nonetheless, for some reason, I have no reason why, the media are ignoring all of this and misrepresent the actual situation.[/justify]

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[justify]Nelson Mandela?s bombs: Amanzimtoti 23 Dec 1985

Eye-witness account *

?On the 23rd December 1985, I was with my Father, photo journalist Jo Toerien, in his studio in Amanzimtoti. It was a hot summer?s day, I was an 18 years old enjoying the coolness of the air-conditioned studio, casually chatting to him about an upcoming assignment. I often accompanied my dad on some of his photo shoots. Our laughing and bantering was suddenly interrupted by a profound and heavy thud that made the windows shudder. Everything stood still, we both looked at each other bewildered and immediately his desk phone rang. It was brief conversation; he went white in the face, slammed the phone down, grabbed his camera bag and bolted over to the Sanlam Shopping Centre.

?You could already see the grey smoke enveloping the shopping mall and billowing into the streets. He dashed off in between the crowds and the chaos, the local police were trying to cordon off the road and do crowd control; they knew him well and ushered him through. He recalls the odd smells, a mixture of wet cement and iron and almost like that smell you encounter on Guy Fawkes day. There was screaming, crying, the wailing of the engines of fire trucks, the voices that shouted and echoed off the walls.

?The blast had created a zig-zag effect on the internal structure. Then the reality of it all hit ?.Bomb? what bomb, why??. there were sheets of glass, bits of metal, his Nikon camera flashing into the darkness of the passages.

People were sliding in the blood?

?The blood lay everywhere, people were sliding in it. The smell of it was nauseating. People were galvanized into action as they started to help others.

?This was the day the name African National Congress became a name synonymous with cowardice, hatred and terrorism. The people of this small coastal town?s reverie was knocked senseless that day. Blacks, whites, Indians and coloureds alike were affected by the senseless brutality. This sickening act of the ANC did not encourage people to listen to their plight, instead it turned people against them, turned them into nothing but common criminals who felt nothing to murder innocent women and children.

Recently, the current ANC government, incited further hatred in the people of this once glittering jewel of the south coast by renaming a main road ? Kingsway Road in Amanzimtoti ? after the bomber to ?Andrew Zondo Road?. This 19 year old ANC militant member, was thankfully hung on the 9th September 1986.

The photos taken by my Father will always remind us of our bloody history and of the calibre of the men who now run this country.? (*Name withheld).[/justify]

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[center]Savage ?Jew-communist-led? ANC mob?[/center]

[justify]BNP leader Nick Griffin has sparked outrage with a series of tweets branding Nelson Mandela a ?murdering old terrorist?.

The far-right politician also mocked the 94-year-old former South African president?s lung condition.

He wrote: ?Saint #nelsonmandela on last legs it seems. Make sure to avoid BBC when the murdering old terrorist croaks. It?ll be nauseating.

??Statesmen? must be judged on results not rhetoric. Before Mandela, South Africa was safe economic powerhouse. Now crime ridden basket case.

?No surprise #Mandela?s lungs are shot ? all those burning tyres. Smoking necklaces very bad for the health.?

Mandela?s family gathered at his bedside on Saturday night after he was taken to hospital with a serious lung infection.

He is suffering from a recurrence of the condition which has put him in hospital three times since December.

Mandela served 27 years of a life sentence in prisons including the infamous Robben Island for sabotage and conspiracy against the oppressive South African Apartheid regime.

He was released in 1990 and was elected president of South Africa four years later in the country?s first free and fair elections.

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[large]What a complete bastard this Mandela character was! The whole world is fucking crazy isn?t it? Adolf Hitler is the greatest man to ever walk the planet and he is lied about and hated by the mainstream, whereas an ACTUAL murderous arsehole like Mandela is put up on a pedestal as a ?great? and ?moral? figurehead?? Just flip everything 180 degrees and you get the truth!

Also go and read Andre?s article about the ol? commie ?Saint Nelson Mandela?!

- BDL1983[/large][/justify]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Evil Black Terrorist Nelson Mandela Finally Dead[/large][/center]
http://www.dailystormer.com/evil-black- ... ally-dead/

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2013

Rot in hell, pig.

[justify]Joy filled the hearts of Whites everywhere yesterday when the death of the brutal black communist terrorist Nelson Mandela was announced.

Mandela, who was the leader of the Spear of the Nation [MK], the terrorist wing of the African National Congress, was propped up by the Jews in their campaign to destroy the once great White nation of South Africa. Mandela, his wife and the Jew Joe Slovo led a campaign of brutality across the nation, crushing Whites and murdering many fellow blacks in the process.

Mandela and his Jew friends openly advocated the genocide of the White South African population. Here, one can witness them singing a song about how they would like to ?kill all the Boers.?[/justify]


[justify]The blood of the 75,000 Whites murdered by feral black savages since the end of apartheid is on the hand of Mandela and his Jew masters.

The fact that the media and educational system have the nerve to celebrate this monster as a hero demonstrates most clearly that we are living in a demented false reality where wrong is right and fiction is truth.[/justify]

[center]Winnie and Nelson Mandela and their Jew comrade Joe Slovo, chanting in front of a communist flag that they are going to kill all White people.[/center]

[justify]The Jew narrative surrounding this savage subhuman ? the one that is told to school children about the kindly black rights-fighter with the Chinese-looking eyes ? leads one to believe he was imprisoned for political reasons. In fact, the terror lord was armed by the Soviets and was in possession of a massive stockpile of munitions and explosives when he was arrested.

On January 31, 1985, the then president of South Africa, P. W. Botha, offered him release if he was willing to categorically reject violence as a means of reaching his goals, and he refused the deal, preferring to stay in prison than renounce violence.[/justify]

[center]When Apartheid ended, the black hordes were released on the White population of South Africa to rape and kill and steal everything.[/center]

[justify]In 1990, when the Jew-controlled traitor F. W. de Klerk freed Mandela from the cage where he should have died, Jewish money sent him on a new terrorist campaign to take down White South Africa through the use of international pressure to collapse the apartheid system, which was the only thing keeping Whites safe from the dastardly black hordes. When they finally succeeded in bringing down the system, all of hell was brought down on White and black South Africans alike as the nation was thrown into the chaos of black rule. Americans can understand what this looks like by glancing at the situation in Detroit.

White farms were stolen by the black hordes and the White population reduced to living in shanty towns, bordering on starvation as their daughters were forced into prostitution.[/justify]

[center]Our brothers and sisters in South Africa who have not been brutally hacked to death by the machetes of the black revolutionaries live in horrid desolation, everything having been taken from them by the savages.[/center]

[center]White children in South Africa live in conditions comparable with those of the filthiest Negro wasteland, but we don?t see Christian infomercials asking us to save them.[/center]

[justify]What Now?

It is likely that now that their evil master is finally dead forever, the blacks will intensify their attempts to utterly genocide the White population of South Africa. White Afrikaners are already mostly living in poverty and desolation as a result of the black looting of the nation, and with the blacks controlling the government, they have no defense against the savages.

It is hoped that the Whites can be helped in escaping South Africa. But the governments of the West have already made it clear that even in remarkable circumstances, they do not want to have the White population of South Africa enter our borders, as only subhuman blacks and Muslims are welcome to take advantage of the Jew-devised open-borders policy.

We will certainly be keeping a close eye on this situation. We here are the Daily Stormer beseech you to remember the people of South Africa in your prayers, as they are now facing the time of their greatest peril.[/justify]
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Post by Libris »


[justify]Since there are some even on the radical right who oppose apartheid, we repost a 2011 article by Lara Johnstone from the Occidental Observer about why the apartheid system was created.

[large]Apartheid: A Just War for Demographic Survival of Boer Afrikaners[/large]

South Africa was populated by White and Black settlers. The Whites arrived at the Cape in 1652, predominantly from the Netherlands, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, to find only the Bushman as indigenous natives. These were hunter gatherers whose mode of existence kept overall numbers small. In approximately 1770, the eastward migrating Boers came into contact with the southern migrating Xhosa Africans, originally from Central Africa, at the Fish River in the Eastern Cape. Population pressure disputes over the ownership of farming land and cattle resulted in what is known as the Cape Frontier Xhosa Wars. Many Boers then migrated north to found the Free State and Boer Republics.[/justify]


[justify]One hundred years later, the first census in 1868 revealed a country of 1,134,000 of whom 50% were settlers originally of European origins, and 50% were Black and coloured settlers who arrived respectively from North Africa, or as slaves from the Far East.

In the next 80 years the European population decreased from 50% to less than 25%. By 1948 the census revealed South Africa?s population to be 11,957,000, of which Africans were 8,500,000 (79%) and Europeans 2,500,000 M (21%).

The advocates of a Boer Apartheid republic understood that exponential African population growth would, if unopposed, lead to them being ethno-culturally swamped ? a major concern also of prominent Israelis and a motivating factor for Anders Breivik. To do nothing amounted to ?national suicide? of White South Africans. They also saw the breeding campaign as an act of war. Apartheid was their political Just War of Self Defense.

The choice before us is one of these two divergent courses: either that of integration, which would in the long run amount to national suicide on the part of the Whites; or that of apartheid, which professes to preserve the identity and safeguard the future of every race, with complete scope for everyone to develop within its own sphere while maintaining its distinctive national character.? Dr. D.F. Malan?s National Party in 1947. (1964-01-10: ICJ: Ibid (www.icj-cij.org): Counter-Memorial filed by Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p.473)

?The ultimate objective of Apartheid is to implement ?separate and parallel? Bantu states, for complete self-goverment, after a period of transition. It will be a dual commonwealth in which the Bantustans will be constituent units. Self government is to be developed on the basis of tribal traditions, the objective being full democracy, but in the form most readily assimilated by the African?? ? Clarence B. Randall, advisor to President Kennedy, Counter-Memorial filed by Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p. 494; International Court of Justice (www.icj-cij.org)

Judge Jason G. Brent?s response to an individual doubting that the implementation of Apartheid was an act of Just War makes it clear that he, and by extension the pro-Apartheid movement, saw the ANC?s breeding campaign as act of war:

We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.

The roots of the political principle of apartheid are found in biology and ecology. The logic of apartheid is implicit in the competitive exclusion principle, a well known ecological theory. Simply stated the principle is that if you introducetwo species competing for the same resources into the same niche, the ultimate outcome of their competition is predictable by comparing their rates of reproduction. The slower breeding species will always go extinct, unless it evolves a counter-strategy, a ?behavioural shift,? that negates the competitor?s faster reproduction (see, e.g., Stalking the Wild Taboo, by Garrett Hardin: Part 4: Competition)[/justify]


[justify]For animals such a behavioural shift would mean finding a food source that can sustain the slower breeding species, which the faster breeding species does not consume. In South Africa, Apartheid was legislated as a non-violent political and territorial defense, to exclude the faster breeding Africans from the slower breeding Europeans key resources ? homeland territory and political institutions.

To impartially, rationally and reasonably analyse the nature and causes of Apartheid, the honest conclusion is that Apartheid was a Just War for Boer Afrikaner demographic survival because it was a measured response to the ?Swart Gevaar? (Black Peril) African breeding war.

As far as relations with the other peoples of South Africa were concerned, the National Party believed initially that its interests could be best served by following a policy of ?separateness? ? or apartheid. It felt that, only in this manner, would the Whites in general ? and Afrikaners in particular ? avoid being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the Black peoples of our country. Only in this manner would they be able to maintain their own identity and their right to rule themselves. ? F.W. de Klerk submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC); 16 January 1997; my emphasis.

According to social geographer John Western in Outcast Cape Town (see also Arthur Kemp?s The Lie of Apartheid) the two primary motivations for implementing Apartheid were fear of demographic swamping due to the ?swart gevaar? and secondly the belief that segregation benefited all. This is enshrined in the ?friction theory? principle, to be discussed below. In fact Western states that if certain demographic factors had been different in South Africa, Apartheid may not have occurred: ?Even once apartheid was legislated, the ?Nationalists with all their Sowetos could hardly keep up with the Black demographic realities of rural-urban migration and absolute population increase. At immense cost, they as it were, ran as fast as they could, only to stay in the same place? (p. xix).

On the issue of Apartheid?s use of friction theory as a justified response, Western writes:

A central justification for [Apartheid?s racial residential segregation] viewpoint, that segregation is in the interest of all, is enshrined in the ?friction theory.? The belief is simply that any contact between the races inevitably produces conflict. Thus, the minister of the interior, introducing the group areas bill to Parliament on 14 June 1950, stated:

Now this, as I say, is designed to eliminate friction between the races in the Union because we believe, and believe strongly, that points of contact ? all unnecessary points of contact ? between the races must be avoided. If you reduce the number of points of contact to the minimum, you reduce the possibility of friction. ? The result of putting people of different races together is to cause racial trouble.

? The friction theory has some measure of sense to it, as may be illustrated by considering the work of Robert Sommer (1969, pp 12, 14 and 15), who wrote:

[Animal studies] show that both territoriality and dominance behaviour are ways of maintaining social order, and when one system cannot function, the other takes over? Group territories keep individual groups apart and thereby preserve the integrity of the troop, whereas dominance is the basis for intragroup relationships. ? Group territoriality is expressed in national and local boundaries, a segregation into defined areas that reduces conflict.

The anti-Apartheid movement were very aware that Apartheid was legislated and implemented as a political response to ?swart gevaar? exponential black population growth. Consequently a non-violent option available to them was to remove Apartheid?s cause of concern. On 14 April 2011, Jus Sanguinis submitted an Official Request to EU anti-apartheid organisations, via EU High Rep. Catherine Ashton:

Prior or subsequent to the ANC?s M-Plan declaration of war against Apartheid did any EU anti-Apartheid organisation advise the ANC or any SA anti-Apartheid organisation to avoid/suspend the violent ?liberation struggle? campaign against the Apartheid Government?

Was there any advice to launch instead a non-violent cultural and political campaign to stop the African ?swart gevaar? breeding-war in order to demonstrate the ANC?s honourable intentions in line with Just War doctrine?

These questions are important to ascertain the responsibility of EU countries for the consequences of the anti-Apartheid campaign for South African Whites. So far there is no indication that EU countries or international agencies did anything to moderate the ANC?s campaign. Neither did they condemn the ANC?s ?Operation Production? campaign which guaranteed young men who signed up to the ANC free sex with women members; while ANC women were forbidden the use of contraceptives. Women who refused to be forcefully impregnated or used contraceptives, were accused of being Apartheid agents, which was punishable by being burnt to death by the necklace (see Witchcraft and the State in South Africa, by Johannes Harnischfeger).

Just War and the Tragedy of the Commons

Just War Theory is a derivative of International law, which deals with the justifications ? theoretical or historical ? for war and how and why wars are fought. The theoretical aspect is used by politicians or historians to determine whether a war can, or could be ethically justified, and what forms of warfare are, and are not allowed. The Just War tradition, or historical aspect of Just War Theory dates back to the concept of chivalry, or more specifically the codes of military honour conduct that have held currency with the military elite since the age of chivalry.

If we impartially and unemotionally examine the motivations for implementing Apartheid it meets all the requirements for a just war of self defense: It was a just cause to ensure Afrikaner demographic survival; it was a last resort; it was declared by proper authority; it possessed morally right intention; it had a reasonable chance of success; and the end was proportional to the means used.

The ANC?s anti-Apartheid movement on the other hand meets none of the requirements to be considered a Just War: The ANC had no just cause: The ANC could have non-violently ended their breeding war; which would have terminated the requirement for Apartheid. The ANC had no right intention: Apartheid raised Black living standards to the highest in Africa. The ANC had no proper authority: the majority of Black South Africans did not want Black rule. The ANC did not use proportional force: they implemented a people?s war of terror to induce the African population to join the ?liberation struggle?. The ANC?s Declaration of War was not a last resort: The ANC?s declaration of war was founded on the Frantz Fanon and Black Liberation Theology principles that the native?s colonized mind can only be liberated by violence on the rotting corpse of the settler.

What if the high Black reproduction rate was not due to the ANC?s breeding campaign? Just War doctrine still works well enough to justify Apartheid because the policy of separate development was defensive, a last resort, and moderate compared to the threat posed. Apartheid was much closer to this ideal than other measures employed in ethnic conflict: slavery, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and demographic swamping. Those who defend the Black struggle as generally not constituting a war and therefore not warranting a warlike response from the White authorities should note that Apartheid was generally non-military and peaceful, though state power everywhere ultimately depends on the monopoly of armed force. It might be argued that Apartheid was unfair, for example in the size of the Bantustans compared to White areas. But unfairness does not justify resort to killing. A political resolution would have been found if large numbers of Blacks had been dissatisfied enough to agitate for reform. Certainly any attempt to swamp Whites through rapid reproduction was unjustified because it reduced everyone?s prospects of a decent outcome and was sure to harden attitudes.

The ostensible purpose of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was to investigate the ?nature and causes? of Apartheid; so that these causes could be addressed and resolved. A fundamental primary motivation for implementing Apartheid legislation was White South Africans fear that the ?swart gevaar? (Black population explosion) would overwhelm Whites and lead to their racial displacement. The TRC totally and utterly ignored this avenue of enquiry, ignoring any and all evidence justifying the argument for Apartheid. Consider the following analogy. Imagine if you live in a dangerous neighbourhood and, sincerely believing that a car closely following you has malicious intentions, you speed up to get away from it and you are charged for speeding. A Judge who refuses you the opportunity to submit your subjective state of mind and fears into the court record as mitigation and who refuses your efforts at discovery to investigate the evidence of the intentions of the car following you, would not be acting impartially.

Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud

?The [Truth and Reconciliation] Commission also said that there could be no healing without truth, that half-truths and denial were no basis for building the new South Africa, that reconciliation based on falsehood would not last, and that selective recollection of past violence would easily provide the mobilisation for further conflict in the future. If these are its criteria for the role of truth in promoting reconciliation, it has failed to meet them.? ? John Kane-Berman, SA Institute of Race Relations; preface to The Truth About the Truth Commission, by Anthea Jeffery

Jus Sanguinis argues that the TRC was a fraud, because ? in addition to all the arguments documented by Anthea Jeffery and others documented by Jus Sanguinis, not all included here for brevity?s sake ? the TRC failed to make an impartial enquiry into the motives for Apartheid, in particularly Afrikaners? well grounded fear of being swamped by the ?swart gevaar? (Black peril) population explosion.

In fact when it comes to population policy issues, the TRC made no effort whatsoever to enquire into any population policy-related matters, whether as political, economic or psychological causes of Apartheid?s coercive elements. This was despite it being common knowledge that countries with large populations of idle young men, known as ?youth bulges?, account for 70?90% of all civil conflicts.

For these and other reasons documented in the Boer Volkstaat Petition, Jus Sanguinis agree with the conclusions of the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK), that the only way that Afrikaners could have avoided the fate of all European minorities in other post-colonial African states was for them to abandon their dependence on non-White labour, to negotiate an ethno-Volkstaat, where they would have formed the only and outright majority to rule themselves.

Consequently, our petition calls for: (A) International political and legal recognition for a Boer-Volkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof; (B) The enactment of Jus Sanguinis right-of-return legislation by the relevant progenitor EU nations, for EU citizenship for African White refugees.[/justify]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]The White-hating Nelson Mendela Lovefest Goes On[/large][/center]
http://incogman.net/2013/12/the-white-h ... t-goes-on/

[justify]OK AMERICA, THIS Nelson Mandela BS has gone far enough. I am so sick and tired of this crap, I am about ready to friggin? explode! Why don?t we just pay the GD Chinese a boatload of our taxpayer dollars to build a commie heroic-style statue of ?Mandiba,??Mandicka? ? or whatever the flock they call him ? and put the thing up in Washington, DC, next to the one of sacred MLK and be done with it?

If Mendela was an Arab muzzie or Palestinian, they would have had Seal Team 6 ?double-tap? the guy right in the forehead ? even if he was an old man. Say what, Nazi boy? Yep, Nelson Mandela easily fit the bill for what we call a ?terrorist? 24/7 these days. The militant wing of the African National Congress (ANC) under his command killed plenty of innocent people ? White, blacks and ?colored? (what they call people with Paki or Indian heritage) ? by a wide variety of violent ways.

What kills me is that for all intents and purposes, Israel is a racist Apartheid state right the flock now and you don?t hear the media screaming bloody murder about that, do you? There?s plenty of Palestinians rotting away in Zionist Gulags, while Israel and the media openly proclaims Israel as a JEWISH state.

And ?Godly? little Israel often murders any who could present problems in the future. They might blow them to bits with a US-supplied Hellfire missile fired from a helicopter, or dispatch MOSSAD hit squads to take care of matters with ?extreme prejudice,? just like they did to some Palestinian guy in his Dubai hotel room three years ago. The Zionists (or their agents) blow up people in Lebanon with car bombs all the time, turning dozens, maybe hundreds, of innocent pedestrians into mince meat (they only really care when other Jews get killed, but sometimes not even then).

The bastards even have a Talmudic religious injunction (even the best of the Goyim must be killed), which would have given them some sort of ?moral? excuse to kill Nelson Mandela right from the get-go. If Mendela had been a Palestinian, few would now remember who the hell he was, for crying out loud.[/justify]

[center]Big time media Jews, like Time magazine?s former chief editor, Richard Stengel, are all over TV yapping about how great Mendela was. Same backstabbers are for open immigration of Third Worlders into White countries, right along with all sorts of Nation Wrecking[/center]

[justify]Israel even has an ongoing ?kill list? they are steadily working through. Oh, sure, they?ll tell you the targets are ?terrorists? and all sorts of crap to explain it away. But they call a lot of people ?terrorists? these days, except for apparently? Nelson Mendela. Hell, the nervy damn Jews feel free to brag about doing this kind of thing to their enemies anywhere they damn well please. Hmmm.

Good God, America, just when are you going to get it about who?s in charge of this country?s head and brainwashing us? The narrative and ?spin? is obviously controlled by these people, not only in protecting sacred Israel?s image, but in manipulating us White Americans to sit quietly by, while they continue the NWO agenda of robbing us White people of our very own lands!

Mandela was never, ever the peace-loving Ghandi type like the media Jews and ?cultural Marxists? make him out to be. It?s patently ridiculous how they are turning the man into a goodly hero guy ? hell, even some sort of ?person of color? demigod.

Like I said in a recent post, the Jew BS has now become so deep you need chest waders these days.

Mandela wasn?t jailed for his political beliefs as they would have you think, but for his acts of terrorism. South African president P. W. Botha offered him freedom in 1985 if he would only publicly renounce violence, which he refused to do.[/justify]


[justify]The US media never has reported much on any of this ? even your supposedly ?conservative? FOX news. Like the business with Commie Russia killing tens of millions, the real power structure prefers the White ?proletariat? stay dumb to the real deal.

One bombing that Mandela personally signed off and approved while in prison (admitted to in his own book), turned 19 innocent civilians into hamburger and wounded scores more (Church street, May 20, 1983).

Besides that ?grand slam,? the black and Jew terrorists did dozens of other murderous bombings, just like what happened at the Boston marathon last spring. Remember how pissed everyone was over that? Imagine that kind of thing happening all the time ? but specifically targeting White people.

Mendela freely admitted in court to have committed 168 acts of terror. Oh, the media tells you about the part where he told the court he had no problems dying for his cause ? because they want him to appear so noble and brave. But plenty of Palestinians and Muslims have strapped bombs around themselves and you sure as hell don?t hear the media treating them like big time heroes.

Back when Mandela was incarcerated on Robbin island (in a little bitty 8 foot cell, oh my), Amnesty International refused to come to his defense, saying he was fairly convicted and sentenced, never being tortured or beaten for a confession ? nor at any other time during his incarceration. Elsewhere in murderous black Africa, dictators-for-life would have tortured and killed the guy in a Jew York minute.

Later, the hero of the people was moved to pretty luxurious accommodations on the mainland with phone, fax, his own cook and even a GD swimming pool. All just so he could help Botha stab White countrymen in the back and get himself a nice Nobel peace prize medal (which is rigged to help Jew globalist machinations, BTW).

Not only was Nelson Mendela a terrorist, but a big time commie to boot. He was trained in Algeria by the Soviets to make bombs and once even wrote a book called ?How to be a Good Communist.? Sure, the stinking US media stays quiet about him being a commie, but then again they don?t tell you tons of crap these days ? including FOX news.[/justify]

[center]?With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country? ? Winnie Mandela.[/center]

[justify]Funny how the US media has said ZILCH about any of this, or that his second wife, Winnie-pooh, was a sadistic murdering bitch, sometimes ordering wayward blacks under her ANC command to get ?necklaced? (burned alive by putting gasoline-soaked tires around their neck and set aflame).

Folks, these are truly brutal bastards. No doubt whatsoever.

This past Sunday, Discovery channel had a documentary called ?The Making of Nelson Mendela.? The media Jews shoveled out the BS in truck loads. They cleverly alluded to the things Mendela and his comrades did, but made it look like it was only blowing up power stations, transmission towers and such. They filmed a recreation of some black guys setting off a complicated bomb in what appeared to be just a grassy rural area and crazily running off (which looked kind of funny).

They said nothing at all about exploding bombs in crowded downtown places, or land mines blowing up innocent White families driving down the road, enjoying life.[/justify]


[justify]And they certainly didn?t get into all the Commie Jews involved with the ANC. They had on this old Jew guy named Denis Goldberg making a big deal on how great Mandela was, but he didn?t tell you about himself getting busted while plotting more terror acts, along with 3 other Commie Jews, 2 blacks (including ANC leader Walter Sisulu) and a ?colored? guy (Indian) at a place called Rivonia farms, outside of Johannesburg, often called ?JEW-burg? because of all the Jews living there.

At the end, they finally showed a picture of Goldberg at the time of his arrest, wearing his Trotskyite intellectual Jew glasses (above), but only flashed it on the screen for about a split second. At the farm, SA police found their written plans for an upcoming terrorist program called ?Operation Mayibuye,? along with all kinds of bomb making stuff, limpet mines (like IEDs) and grenades. Of course, the documentary conveniently ?forgot? to mention any of that.

This Goldberg guy has been milking the gravy train every since ? movies, books, public suck-up displays of all sorts. Hell, these Commie Jews have even had their ugly mugs put on postage stamps for crying out loud.[/justify]

[center]Gill Marcus, Governor of South Africa?s Central Bank. This Lithuanian Jew was a professor of gender studies before heading a gold mining company and bank.[/center]

[justify]Basically, devious International Jewry stole the country and turned European Whites living there into a spat-upon, discriminated against, and victimized minority. Globalist Jew media and commie Jew terrorists worked together to literally have the country turned over to the White-haters. International Jew corporations like DeBeers diamonds still have full control and all the little SA Jews have suffered not a whit, unless White-hating blacks mistake them for being White European Afrikaners, and then all kinds of police forces get called in.

More than likely, Jew neighborhoods are heavily protected by the police.

Many European White South Africans now live in abject poverty, in fact, they are even openly denied many jobs by law. People can actually go to jail for hiring White people. Meanwhile, anywhere in the country, black criminal gangs target Whites for brutal crimes, and when I say brutal, I damn well mean it. They often break into White homes and torture entire families to death.

Sometimes the bastards try to explain it all away as ?crime? (like they do in America whenever blacks do violence to Whites), but it?s actually Stage 6 genocide, just below open murder by organized political forces of the state (there?s some black politicians who advocate doing precisely that). Imagine if dozens of Whites suffered incredibly brutal murders in your own little state on a monthly, or even weekly basis. Imagine having to live with that kind of fear?

About 70,000 White people have been murdered in South Africa since 1994, almost 5,000 of that number rural White farmers (the Boers). 25,000 square miles of White lands have been confiscated and turned over to blacks, who soon let the places fall to rust and rot. Same kind of thing was done to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), where people now routinely starve or get hacked to death with machetes, and the currency is virtually worthless.

Now you might be telling yourself this INCOG guy is nothing but a racist hater and all, but I?m telling you from the bottom of my black little heart, this is what these Globalist Jews have in store for America. The evidence is right in front of your face ? EVERYWHERE! You could easily say South Africa was a trial run for what they are now working to do to the United States of America. No doubt whatsoever.

What the hell more do I need to say to get your attention?

You can sit there on your fat ass and watch NFL football or ?Dancing with the Stars,? all day long and tell yourself that God will take care of things. But don?t they also tell you God helps those that help themselves?[/justify]


[right]?Phillip Marlowe[/right]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]AMERICA: A Warning You Had Better Read[/large][/center]
http://incogman.net/2008/11/america-a-w ... tter-read/

[justify]You think race doesn?t matter? Get real. Oprah Winfrey spent 40 million dollars building a school for nothing but Blacks in South Africa; she?s also unabashedly a supporter of Obama, but acted like it had nothing to do with race ? just like virtually all US Negroes who voted for Obama during the primaries and on November 4th. This BLACK RACIST spits in the face of millions of White women who made her a rich TV success in America. Watch this video of her real side ? it?s now woefully clear that only White people can be considered racist in today?s screwed-up America! [INCOG][/justify]

[justify]The following email (below) is several years old, but is a MUST READ and, very important. It is a stark illustration of where the US is headed. We are even closer now to this situation than when this email was written. It is unfolding right before our eyes. South Africa, the formerly ordered nation under White rule, is gone. Now, it is a third world hell-hole of major proportions, where murder and mayhem reign supreme, and that is exactly where the US is headed. Our heritage of ordered liberty under limited government with individual rights, established by our white forefathers, has given way to group rights and identity politics, and oh what uncivilized, greedy, groups they are. We are well down the path to our doom as a free people and America as a free country. ? DICARLO[/justify]

[center]A Warning For America From South Africa

By Gemma Meyer (Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a South African journalist. She and her husband, a former conservative member of parliament, still reside in South Africa.)[/center]

[justify]People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and the gay rights movement).

Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveal trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country.[/justify]


[justify]1) White man beaten to scare him off his farmland. 2) White woman beaten in her own home by Negro gang. 3) Whites grieving over the roadside murder of loved ones. 4) Black police beating Whites with nightsticks and forcing them from attending a public political gathering. 5) Whites of all ages and sexes need to be armed, or risk rape (see video below), torture and murder. Over 3000 White farmers (proportionally equivalent to hundreds of thousands of US Whites) have been butchered by Negroes. Many times that number of Whites have suffered terrible deaths elsewhere in the country. All of this has been totally ignored by the Western Jew/Liberal press ? the very same forces that unleashed this hell on Whites to begin with! [INCOG][/justify]

[justify]America?s structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character.

Writing letters to the press, manning stands at county fairs, hosting fund-raising dinners, attending rallies, setting up conferences, writing your Congressman ? that is what you know, and what you are comfortable with. Those are the political methods you?ve created for yourselves to keep your country on track and to ensure political accountability.

But woe to you if ? or more likely, when ? the rules change. White Americans may soon find themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. Unable to cope with the new rules of the game ?violence, mob riots, intimidation through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and power from the haves ? Americans, like others before them, will no doubt cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life.

That is exactly what happened in South Africa. I know, because I was there and I saw it happen.

Faced with revolution in the streets, strikes, civil unrest and the sheer terror and murder practiced by Nelson Mandela?s African National Congress (ANC), the white government simply capitulated in order to achieve ?peace.?[/justify]

?All the time they kept shouting at her: ?You f***ing white bitch.? ? [s]Read this sad story here[/s] and yes, this beautiful young White girl unfortunately DID come down with HIV: [s]Go to last paragraph here[/s][/center]

[justify]Westerners need peace. They need order and stability. They are builders and planners. But what we got was the peace of the grave for our society.

The Third World is different ? different peoples with different pasts and different cultures. Yet Westerners continue to mistake the psychology of the Third World and its peoples. Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are perfect examples of those mistakes. Sierra Leone is in perpetual civil war, and Zimbabwe ? once the thriving, stable Rhodesia ? is looting the very people (the white men) who feed the country. Yet Westerners do not admit that the same kind of savagery could come to America when enough immigrants of the right type assert themselves. The fact is, Americans are sitting ducks for Third World exploitation of the Western conscience of compassion.

Those in the West who forced South Africa to surrender to the ANC and its leaders did not consider Africa to be the dangerous, corrupt, and savage place it is now in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Those Western politicians now have a similar problem looming on their own doorsteps: the demand for power and treasure from the non-Western peoples inside the realm.

It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the ?politically correct? and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe ?compassionate conservatism? will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

White South Africans, you should remember, have been in that part of Africa for the same amount of time whites have inhabited North America; yet ultimately South Africans voted for their own suicide. We are not so very different from you.[/justify]

[justify]Unbelievably stupid White Liberals and Jew-Hollywood actors do everything they can to outdo one other in the sensitivity for Negroes department, often even forgiving and supporting Blacks after they?ve been victims to their horrific violence ? like the do-gooder on the bottom left ?comforting? her attacker. This appears to be some kind of social Stockholm Syndrome or, more likely, typical Jew-inspired White lunacy, exactly what?s been done to White America over the last 50 years. [INCOG][/justify]

[justify]We lost our country through skillful propaganda, pressure from abroad (not least from the U.S.A.), unrelenting charges of ?oppression? and ?racism,? and the shrewd assessment by African tyrants that the white man has many Achilles? heels, the most significant of which are his compassion, his belief in the ?equality of man,? and his ?love your neighbor? philosophy ? none of which are part of the Third World?s history.

The mainline churches played a big role in the demise of Western influence throughout Africa, too; especially in South Africa. Today?s tyrants were yesterday?s mission-school proteges. Many dictators in Africa were men of the cloth. They knew their clerical collars would deflect criticism and obfuscate their real aims, which had nothing whatever to do with the ?brotherhood of man.?

Other tyrants, like the infamous Idi Amin, were trained and schooled by the whites themselves, at Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard. After receiving the best from the West, they unleashed a resentful bloodlust against their benefactors.

From what I have seen and read thus far, I fear Americans will capitulate just as we did. Americans are, generally, a soft lot. They don?t want to quarrel or obstruct the claims of those who believe they were wronged. They like peace and quiet, and they want to compromise and be nice.

A television program that aired in South Africa showed a town meeting somewhere in Southern California where people met to complain about falling standards in the schools. Whites who politely spoke at the meeting clearly resented the influx of Mexican immigrants into their community. When a handful of Chicanos at the back of the hall shouted and waved their hands at them, the whites simply shrunk back into their seats rather than tell the noisemakers to shut up. They didn?t want to quarrel.

In America, the courts are still the final arbiters of society?s laws. But what will happen when your future majority refuses to abide by court rulings ? as in Zimbabwe. What will happen when the new majority says the judges are racists, and that they refuse to acknowledge ?white man?s justice?? What will happen when the courts are filled with their people, or their sympathizers? In California, Proposition 187 has already been overturned.

What will you do when the future non-white majority decides to change the names of streets and cities? What will you do when they no longer want to use money that carries the portraits of old, dead white ?racists? and slave owners? Will you cave in, like you did on flying the Confederate flag? What about the national anthem? Your official language? Don?t laugh. When the ?majority? took over in South Africa, the first targets were our national symbols.

In another generation, America may well face what Africa is now experiencing ? invasions of private land by the ?have-nots;? the decline in health care quality; roads and buildings in disrepair; the banishment of your history from the education of the young; the revolutionization of your justice system.

In South Africa today, only 9 percent of murderers end up in jail. Court dockets are regularly purchased and simply disappear. Magistrates can be bribed as can the prison authorities, making escapes commonplace. Vehicle and airplane licenses are regularly purchased, and forged school and university certificates are routine.[/justify]

[center]Child butchered for body parts for Negro Witchcraft.[/center]

[justify]What would you think of the ritual slaughter of animals in your neighbor?s backyard? How do you clean up the blood and entrails that litter your suburban streets? How do you feel about the practice of witchcraft, in which the parts of young girls and boys are needed for ?medicinal? purposes? How do you react to the burning of witches?

Don?t laugh. All that is quite common in South Africa today.

Don?t imagine that government officials caught with their fingers in the till will be punished. Excuses ? like the need to overcome generations of white racism ? will be found to exonerate the guilty.

In fact, known criminals will be voted into office because of a racial solidarity among the majority that doesn?t exist among the whites. When Ian Smith of the old Rhodesia tried to stand up to the world, white South African politicians were among the Westerners pressuring him to surrender.

When Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe murders his political opponents, ignores unfavorable court decisions, terrorizes the population and siphons off millions from the state treasury for himself and his friends, South Africa?s new President Thabo Mbeki holds his hand and declares his support. That just happened a few weeks ago.

Your tax dollars will go to those who don?t earn and don?t pay. In South Africa, organizations that used to have access to state funds such as old age homes, the arts, and veterans? services, are simply abandoned.

What will happen is that Western structures in America will be either destroyed from without, or transformed from within, used to suit the goals of the new rulers. And they will reign either through terror, as in Zimbabwe today, or exert other corrupt pressures to obtain, or buy votes. Once power is in the hands of aliens, don?t expect loyalty or devotion to principle from those whose jobs are at stake. One of the most surprising and tragic components of the disaster in South Africa is how many previously anti-ANC whites simply moved to the other side.[/justify]


[justify]ZULU Tribesman celebrate their bossman, Jacob Zuma, recently ?acquitted? of the unprotected rape of a HIV afflicted woman (the accuser had to flee the country after the rigged trial). Many presume him as the heir apparent to current president Thabo Mbeki. Of course, White South Afrikaners need not bother to run. [INCOG]

Once you lose social, cultural, and political dominance, THERE IS NO GETTING IT BACK AGAIN.[/justify]

[center]Smiling rapist, Jacob Zuma[/center]

[justify]Unfortunately, your habits and values work against you. You cannot fight terror and street mobs with letters to your Congressmen. You cannot fight accusations of racism with prayer meetings. You cannot appeal to the goodness of your fellow man when the fellow man despises you for your weaknesses and hacks off the arms and legs of his political opponents.

To survive, Americans must never lose the power they now enjoy to people from alien cultures. Above all, don?t put yourselves to the test of fighting only when your backs are against the wall. You will probably fail.
Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your possessions, your power, and your status.

And they already know that their allies among you, the ?human rights activists,? the skillful lawyers and the left-wing politicians will fight for them, and not for you. They will exploit your compassion and your Christian charity, and your good will. [This is the JEWS who are orchestrating our doom!]

They have studied you, Mr. and Mrs. America, and they know your weaknesses well. They know what to do. Do you?[/justify]


[justify]Read this Jared Taylor article here: Black Transition?

Let us hope whites all over the world save their newspapers from November 5, 2008, with their extravagant headlines and dizzy hopes. Let them reread them 10 or 15 years from now ? and let them think of South Africa.

The presidential election of 2008 brings to mind another vote that took place 16 years ago in South Africa: the referendum in which whites voted to turn power over to blacks. Though it has long been overshadowed by the 1994 general elections that brought the African National Congress (ANC) to power, it was the referendum of March 17, 1992, that ended white rule.[/justify]


[justify]Tsunami of anti-White Hate Speech follows Obama win in South Africa

Nov 6 2008 Beeld journalist Gloria Edwards reported on Nov 6 2009 that an unnamed black police inspector of the Tembisa police office ? whose name is known to the newspaper ? cursed the Afrikaner victims of an armed robbery in Kempton Park on Monday-evening; refused to lodge a formal investigation into the robbery; pointed an R5 rifle into the victim?s face and shouted: ?It is time you whites pack up your stuff and f**k off out of the country? ? and he then adamantly refused to arrest the suspected robber, who was standing right next to him.[/justify]

[center]White People: WHAT DON?T YOU GET ? Yet?[/center]
Posts: 689
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Mendela Dies Peacefully ? But Not These SA Whites[/large][/center]
http://incogman.net/2013/12/mendala-die ... -sa-whites

[center][large]Whites Brutally Murdered in South Africa ? JUST IN 2013:[/large][/center]

[justify]? John Commins (71) Cape Town ? Stabbed to death. ? Jannie du Plessis (58) Villiers ? Stabbed and tortured. ? Rudolf van Heerden (79) Belfast ? Beaten and suffocated. ? Elna van Heerden (76) Belfast ? Beaten and suffocated. ? Ernst van Rooyen (77) Parys ? Beaten to death. ? Annatjie van Rooyen (75) Parys ? Beaten and suffocated. ? Pieter Kellerman (85) Johannesburg ? Beaten to death. ? Desmond Botha (59) Muldersdrift ? Shot dead. ? Andries Becker (29) Muldersdrift ? Shot dead. ? Eddie Fouche (30) Kemptonpark ? Shot dead. ? Shaun Lipshitz (30) Johannesburg ? Shot dead. ? Gordon Bazzard (75) Bloemfontein ? Stabbed to death. ? Manfred Schmidt (42) Kemptonpark ? Shot dead. ? Matty Smith, Gordons Bay ? Chad Harris, Estcourt ? Shot dead. ? Fiona Finnis (57) Centurion ? Shot dead. ? Lorraine Shepheard (76) Port Elizabeth ? Stabbed to death. ? Hettie Phillips (55) Cradock ? Gang-raped and tortured to death. February 2013: (12) ? Dawnsy Mieny (47) Cape Town ? Pushed down a quarry. ? Robbie Malan (39) Port Elizabeth ? Shot dead. ? Carmen van der Westhuizen (38) Welkom ? Raped and tortured. ? Gordon Adam (70) Bethuli ? Hacked to death. ? Lorraine Adam (70) Bethuli ? Hacked to death. ? Derek Cornelius (75) Roodepoort ? Stabbed to death. ? Zarco Bulajic (58) Brits ? Skull crushed and shot dead. ? Carel Ferreira (25) Brakpan ? Shot dead. ? Laurens de Wet (20) Bloemfontein ? Shot dead. ? David Barclay (66) Wolmaransstad ? Shot dead. ? Bertus Coetzee (42) Vanderbijlpark ? Shot dead. ? Nick Basson (67) Vereeniging ? Beaten to death. March 2013: (13) ? Waldemar Strauss (42) Danabaai ? Shot dead. ? Gert van Wyk (52) Kemptonpark ? Shot dead. ? Sarel Pretorius(43) Glenharvie ? Shot dead. ? Peet Du Plooy (42) Johannesburg ? Stabbed and tortured. ? Suzie Willemse (84) Port Elizabeth ? Strangled and stabbed. ? Johan Stighlingh (65) Ventersdorp ? Beaten and tortured. ? Eric Labuschagne (51) Rustenburg ? Bludgeoned and stabbed to death. ? Marius Hayward (31) Durban ? Nico Nel (27), Durban ? Johan Kemp (37) Johannesburg ? Shot dead. ? Talbot Smith, Ruimsig ? Shot dead. ? Quintin Brits (23) Rustenburg ? Shot dead. ? Hannes Hattingh (53) Stilfontein ? Shot dead. April 2013: (17) ? Paul Shultze (56) Muldersdrift ? Shot dead. ? Anton Bidlingmaier (43) Strand ? Shot dead. ? Bob Heunis (60) Seaview ? Shot dead. ? Francois Potgieter (59) Boschkop ? Shot dead. ? Robin Bothma (67) Uvongo ? Shot dead. ? Karel Pretorius (78) Pinetown ? Stabbed and bludgeoned to death. ? Jannie Dreyer (62) Paarl ? Stabbed to death. ? Louis Eksteen (45) Pretoria ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Walkie Walkinshaw (65), Belfast ? Shot dead. ? Jacques Oosthuizen (35), Waterfall ? Stabbed to death. ? Rodney Bradley (35) Hillcrest ? Shot dead. ? Hendrik Potgieter (78) Pinetown ? Tied to a chair and stabbed to death. ? Adriaan Stander (33) Bethal ? Beaten to death. ? Jacques du Plessis (29) Alberton ? Beaten to death. ? Carl Mischke (63) Norwood ? Stabbed and tortured. ? Shirley Soffiantini (69) Umhlanga ? Raped and tortured. ? Nadine Prinsloo (20) Centurion ? Shot dead. May 2013: (22) ? Babs Roos (80), Klerksdorp ? Raped and stabbed to death. ? Peter Hackland (61), Ixopo ? Stabbed and shot dead. ? Daan Rousseau (72), Wellington ? Beaten and suffocated ? Erka Rousseau (72), Wellington ? Beaten and suffocated. ? Kenny Linmeyer (75), Johannesburg ? Beaten and set alight. ? Rui Moutinho (37), Nigel ? Beaten and tortured. ? Fred van den Bergh (58), Pretoria ? Shot dead. ? William Sharman (43), New Germany ? Shot dead. ? Francois le Grange (51), Pretoria ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Kobus Larrem (42) Springs ? Shot dead. ? Jenny Lachenicht (57), Kemptonpark ? Beaten and tortured. ? Morne Nel (32), Muldersdrift ? Shot dead. ? Annebe Lategan (33), Reigerpark ? Raped, tortured, stabbed to death. ? Dave Maratos (65), Greytown ? Stabbed to death. ? Traudel Kretschmer (67), Piketberg ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Johan Janse van Rensburg (62) Rustenburg ? Shot dead. ? Dennis Kleynhans (65) ? Shot dead. ? Carmen Mathe (37), Willowvale ? Hacked to death. ? Jeandre van Rensburg (20), Springs ? Stabbed to death. ? Freek van Niekerk (26), Wolsely ? Shot dead. ? Johan Raaths (29), Carletonville ? Shot dead. ? Dave Shaw (58), Johannesburg ? Shot dead. June 2013: (14) ? Dudley Buss (67), Queenstown ? Stabbed, tortured and suffocated. ? Michael Zafiris (42), Springs ? Stabbed to death. ? Melinda Lee Bam (30), Gravelotte ? Shot dead. ? Michael Quin (52), Hole-in-the-Wall ? Stabbed to death. ? Louis Traut (80), Hofmeyr ? Stabbed to death. ? Herman van der Schyff (34), Olifantshoek ? Stabbed to death. ? Lindie Nel (29) Pretoria ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Eugene Preston (70), East London ? Beaten to death. ? Jeffrey Wiggel (59), Johannesburg ? Shot dead. ? Barend Nel (19), Sasolburg ? Stabbed to death. ? John Hatfield (42), Amanzimtoti ? Stabbed to death. ? Roelof du Plessis (51), Bronkhorstspruit ? Shot dead. ? Frank du Plessis (62), Cookhouse ? Stabbed to death. ? Willem vd Westhuizen (22), Potchefstroom ? Stabbed to death. July 2013: (14) ? Dirk Koekemoer (72), Springs ? Stabbed and tortured. ? Brian Shalkof (65), Johannesburg ? Shot dead. ? Andrew Brown (42), Port Elizabeth ? Shot dead. ? Clyde Byrns (26), Port Elizabeth ? Stabbed to death. ? Isabel Hugo (67), Clocolan ? Stoned to death. ? Onika Bakkes (29), Saldanah ? Stabbed to death. ? Lizelle le Roux (42), Molteno ? Stabbed to death. ? Robert Bader (62), Cape Town ? Shot dead. ? Bossie Barnard (39), Rustenburg ? Shot dead. ? Judith Muller (84), Vanderbiljpark ? Stabbed and strangled. ? Neil Muller (43) Krugersdorp ? Shot dead. ? Nicky Klopper (56), Alberton ? Shot dead. ? Claudi van der Merwe (33), Hendrina ? Stabbed, raped, throat slit. ? Louis van Wyk (77), Nigel ? Tortured and beaten to death. August 2013: (25) ? Craig Botha (37), Pietermaritzburg ? Shot dead. ? Gerrit Myburgh (79), Heidelberg ? Tortured, burnt and stabbed to death. ? Attie Cronje (47), Germiston ? Shot dead. ? Janetta van der Walt (60), Margate ? Raped and tortured. ? Hennie Bentley (73), Vanderbijlpark ? Bludgeoned and shot dead. ? Brian van Blerk (42), East London ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Schalk Burger (95), Kakemas ? Beaten to death. ? Timothy Green (44), Newcastle ? Shot dead. ? Vivien Ponte (47), Oranjeville ? Raped, tortured and set alight. ? Michael John Poval (81), Bulwer ? Tortured and beaten to death. ? Johnny Meyer (46), Randfontein ? Shot dead. ? Mr. Thompson (69), Roodepoort ? Stabbed to death. ? Wilhelm Pretorius (36), Port Elizabeth ? Stabbed to death. ? Johan Botha (51), Port Elizabeth ? Shot dead. ? Willem Swanepoel (59), Witbank ? Stabbed to death. ? Jochen Rädel (59), Stellenbosch ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Pikkie Stassen (72), Kempton Park ? Stabbed to death. ? Rina Stassen (69), Kemptonpark ? Stabbed and strangled. ? Bill Daly (81), Morningside ? Stabbed to death. ? Kulu Clark (92), Robertson ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Craig Bailey (32), Randfontein ? Stabbed to death. ? Jannie Hills (41), Hanover ? Stabbed to death. ? Miems Robberts (62), Mooinooi ? Tortured to death. ? Johan Harding (51), Utrecht ? Stabbed to death. ? Garth Johnson (67), Waterval Onder ? Shot dead. September 2013: (17) ? Gert Trucker (52), Hanover ? Stabbed to death. ? Eddy Reid (68), Erasmia ? Shot dead. ? Sollie Botha (72), Zeerust ? Shot dead. ? Elsabeth de Bruyn (71), Brandfort ? Stabbed and strangled. ? Noreen Bryant (84), Hermanus ? Beaten to death. ? Doris Labuschagne (72), Duncanville ? Beaten to death. ? Sollie Botha (71), Zeerust ? Shot dead. ? Louisa Francis (68), Middelburg, EC ? Beaten and tortured to death. ? David Shacklock (69), Oviston ? Tortured to death. ? Danie Geldenhuys (82), Kraaifontein ? Bludgeoned and strangled. ? Hannes de Wet (52), Fochville ? Stabbed to death. ? Hans Jonker (42), Boksburg ? Shot dead. ? Leanne Douglas (43), Port Shepstone ? Murdered by black police officers. ? Boetman Swart, Swellendam ? Stabbed to death. ? Johan Gouws (23), Pretoria ? Stabbed to death. ? Mick Hampson (69), Eston ? Shot dead. ? Rocco Swanepoel (39), Despatch ? Stabbed to death. October 2013: ? Paul Madison (63) Sabie ? Shot dead. ? Daan Wybenga (69) Clarens ? Tortured to death. ? Michael Foltin (61) Groblersdal ? Shot dead. ? Heidi Foltin (56) Groblersdal ? Shot dead. ? Deon Bezuidenhout (68) Pretoria ? Stabbed to death. ? Hennie van der Schyff (72) Klerksdorp ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Eugene van der Merwe (61) Ixopo ? Beaten to death. ? Maria Erasmus (52) Durban ? Raped, tortured and stabbed to death. ? Frans van der Schyff (75) Klerksdorp ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Gerhard de Beer (82) Witrivier ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Elize Douglas (52) Carletonville ? Shot dead. ? Dawid de Villiers (83) Barkley-East ? Stabbed and throat slit. ? Ralie de Villiers (81) Barkley-East ? Stabbed and throat slit. ? Susan Olivier (60) Bloemfontein ? Stabbed and throat slit ? Peter Rassloff (72) Kommetjie ? Shot dead. ? Dan Knight (56) Underberg ? Bludgeoned to death. ? Judy Washington (67) Kei Mouth ? Throat slit. ? Kevin Launspach (38) Durban ? Shot dead. ? Willem Weites (79) Vryheid ? Shot dead.

From RAS

Somehow I think the traitorous, brainwashing media will neglect to say one GD thing about any of these innocent White people suffering brutal deaths at the hands of SA blacks, while they go on and on and on about how great Nelson Mendela was. Also, remember, Mendela set off bombs to purposefully kill unsuspecting White people ? exactly the kind of thing they now call ?terrorism.? One man?s terrorist is another?s freedom fighter ? it?s only a matter how the media portrays it.

? INCOG[/justify]

[center]The Africaner Genocide[/center]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]White nationalism and self-defence in the multicultural hellhole new South-Africa[/large][/center]
http://whiteresister.com/index.php/anal ... rica-video

Image[justify]In a remote field in rural South Africa, Channel 4 News finds a group of Afrikaner teenagers has arrived for a very different kind of summer camp: Kommando Kamp.

Thousands of young Afrikaners have undergone training here over the last two years. The camp is run by Colonel Franz Jooste, a veteran of South Africa's army during the Apartheid era. The aim of his camp - to cleanse the boys of the propaganda they have been fed about "racial harmony" in the so-called Rainbow Nation.

"South Africa is bleeding," he says. "And that is why we have to train our people to be prepared."

"You've got these millions and millions of blacks around you. Smothering you and killing you," he says.

"So you have to implement certain systems to survive. And that?s why we say the only system that we can go now for is not apartheid ? that?s second prize. The first prize is freedom. We want to be free."

Most of the days are filled with gruelling physical exertion and army-style training. But as night falls they are given a series of lectures straight out of the text books that were taught in South African schools under Apartheid.

'We look different'

[large]"There's a conflict between white people and black people in this country," Jooste tells the gathered teenagers.[/large]

"We must accept this. Why is there a conflict? Number one: there?s an external conflict. We look different. We don't look the same as each other."

"They have thick lips. Their lips are likely to curl upwards. Okay? We have thin lips. The negroes' ears on the inside are totally different from ours. It's much more sensitive."

"That's why us Afrikaners know to hit them on the ears and they will fall to the ground. Because their ears are made differently."

There's no discussion, no dissent, as Jooste quotes from the 1960's American segregationist Carleton Putnam.

"[Studies] clearly indicated that the negro's inferiority to the white man, average against average, in many ways but in no way more significantly than in the size and the weight of the brain. Especially in the measurements of the brain's frontal cortex.

"Now we ask ourselves, is there a difference in the intelligence levels between a negro and a Caucasian?"

He cites the German missionary Albert Schweitzer, who worked in Africa in the early 20th century.

"One must look at the negro not as one?s equal but as a child. A black man has the intelligence level of a 14 year old white boy."

The lecture culminates in a call to arms.

'Brainwashed by Mandela'

[large]"We have the ability. We have the men. We just need to plant the will in you because you've been [brain] washed by old Mandela and all that stuff. Be proud of your people. Be proud of your race. Be proud of your faith. Be proud of your culture."[/large]

Colonel Jooste represents a group of Afrikaners who, 20 years after the end of Apartheid, are determined to win their own Volkstat or Afrikaner homeland.

They are linked with other white nationalist groups in the country, most notably the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, the AWB. Its former leader Eugene Terre'Blanche was murdered by blacks on his farm in 2010.

Jooste says his group is now focused on helping Afrikaners defend themselves from the growing threat to white farmers in South Africa. He said 3,000 farmers have been killed by black gangs since the end of Apartheid 20 years ago in what he said is a genocide committed on our people.

While the paramilitary groups form a minority of white opinion in South Africa, they are still active and have been pursued by the government. In October, 19 members of a group called the Boeremag were convicted of high treason for a plot to violently overthrow the ANC government in the early 2000s.

'I don't have any black friends'

One of the teenagers at the camp is 15-year old Deon Barnard, nicknamed "Sparky." His parents proudly show off the certificates they got at similar training camps run by the AWB and say they have sent him on the camp to make a man of him.

"In the bible, it says black people must live with black people and white must live with white people. You cannot mix nations," he says.

"I don't have black friends. If they come to my side and ask to speak to me, I will say no. Or I will turn my back on them, and walk away."

"The truth is that there will definitely be a war in this country. So I'm preparing myself for a war that's coming."

The camp ends with the symbolic burning of South Africa's post-apartheid flag, and the hoisting of the old orange white and blue flag. The new recruits gather round as the camp leaders chant.

"No one will force us to stand under this flag. We Afrikaners want our freedom! We want our own country! Burn Bastard, burn!"[/justify]

Last edited by Libris on Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 689
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Race war coming :
increasing threat of extermination of South Africa's whites[/large]
http://whiteresister.com/index.php/news ... a-s-whites

[justify]The horror started just before midnight on Wednesday this week.

After listening to the latest television news about the health of Nelson Mandela, a South African family living not far from the former President?s hospital unit turned in for the night. But Roelof and Laura du Plessis, a married couple with four children who live on a heavily fortified farm outside Pretoria, did not have a peaceful night?s rest. In fact they were about to become the latest victims of what white pressure groups in this troubled nation say is nothing less than a savage war against them.

Hearing noises outside their home, Mr du Plessis, 46, got out of bed and ran outside. To his horror, he found his 19-year-old son being held with a gun to his head by a gang of five armed black attackers. Father and son were ordered to lie on the ground. The invaders did not ask for money or the keys to the expensive vehicles in the drive. They were there only to terrorise and kill.

Hearing voices outside, Laura, 44, came out of her bedroom to investigate ? and her torch illuminated an awful scene as the gang pointed guns at her husband. Her son managed to get up and sprint off into the darkness when the men were confused by the flashlight. But Du Plessis was not so lucky.

The intruders opened fire at once, shooting him six times through the throat, lungs and abdomen. As he writhed on the ground in agony, the men ran off into the night leaving empty bullet cartridges littering the yard.

In the darkness, Laura attempted heart massage on her husband, who could still talk despite his appalling injuries, but to no avail. When I arrived at the farm on Thursday and was invited in by Mrs du Plessis, I found her with blood still caked under her fingernails after she?d cradled her dying husband.

?He was shot through the lungs and I was doing CPR,? she told me, between huge sobs. ?He said ?please go and fetch the car and take me to hospital?. But he was too badly hurt and he died in my arms.?

In the morning, when white friends from neighbouring farms followed the trail of the raiders, they discovered the men had carefully cut through fences and skirted areas with security patrols ? suggesting how closely they had planned their route of attack.

?It is definitely coming down to a race thing,? Laura du Plessis told me as she was comforted by her family. ?They hate white people. We have never had a fight with any black people. I always stop and give others a lift. We employ black people.

?My husband fought for me. I am grateful that he wasn?t tied up and forced to watch me being raped before he was killed. He was an amazing man. He was my life.?

A friend of the family, who asked not to be named, told me he was certain that the killings are part of a sinister, systematic bid to drive white people ? and, in particular, farmers ? out of South Africa.

?If this was happening in any other country, the military would be deployed to protect us,? said the friend. ?There are gangs moving around the country targeting white people.?

Of course the violence and privations South Africa?s blacks faced under apartheid were just as unforgiveable. Certainly, there would have been more bloodletting after the white government fell in the Nineties were it not for Mandela?s message of reconciliation.

But now, as he nears death, fears are growing that a wave of violence will be unleashed against the white population.

The statistics ? and the savagery of the killings ? appear to support claims by these residents that white people, and farmers in particular, are being targeted by black criminals.

Little wonder that what unfolded on the Du Plessis homestead has sent tremors of fear through the three-million-strong white community.

Last month alone there were 25 murders of white landowners, and more than 100 attacks, while Afrikaner protest groups claim that more than 4,000 have been killed since Mandela came to power ? twice as many as the number of policemen who have died.

It is not just the death toll, but the extreme violence that is often brought to bear, that causes the greatest fear in the white community.

Documented cases of farm killings make for gruesome reading, with children murdered along with their parents, one family suffocated with plastic bags and countless brutal rapes of elderly women and young children.

These horrors have prompted Genocide Watch ? a respected American organisation which monitors violence around the world ? to claim that the murders of ?Afrikaner farmers and other whites is organised by racist communists determined to drive whites out of South Africa, nationalise farms and mines, and bring on all the horrors of a communist state?.

Indeed, a disturbing number of whites are terrified that Mandela?s passing will lead to an outpouring of violence from black South Africans, no longer contained by the sheer power of the great man?s presence, which endures today even though he stood down as president in 1999.

For its part, the ruling ANC party dismisses claims that such murders are part of any sinister agenda, pointing out that South Africans of all colours suffer violent crime, and that wealthy whites are simply more likely to be targeted.

Perhaps. But white nerves have not been soothed by the disturbing behaviour of Jacob Zuma, the ANC?s leader and the country?s third black president since Mandela.

At a centenary gathering of the African National Congress last year, Zuma was filmed singing a so-called ?struggle song? called Kill The Boer (the old name for much of the white Afrikaner population).

As fellow senior ANC members clapped along, Zuma sang: ?We are going to shoot them, they are going to run, Shoot the Boer, shoot them, they are going to run, Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run, the Cabinet will shoot them, with the machine-gun, the Cabinet will shoot them, with the machine-gun . . .?

Alongside him was a notorious character called Julius ?Juju? Malema, a former leader of the ANC youth league, who is now Zuma?s bitter enemy and is reportedly planning to launch a new political party after Mandela?s death.

A bogeyman to white South Africans, Malema is popular among young blacks, and has also been an enthusiastic singer of Kill The Boer and another song called Bring Me My Machine-Gun.

Polls this week showed a huge surge in support among young black South Africans for his policies, which he says will ignore reconciliation, and fight for social justice in an ?onslaught against [the] white male monopoly?.

With chilling echoes of neighbouring Zimbabwe, where dictator Robert Mugabe launched a murderous campaign to drive white farmers off the land in 2000, Malema wants all white-owned land to be seized without compensation, along with nationalisation of the country?s lucrative mines.

Ominously, Malema, 32, who wears a trademark beret and has a fondness for Rolex watches, this month promised his new party will take the land from white people without recompense and give it to blacks.

?We need the land that was taken from our people, and we are not going to pay for it,? he said. ?We need a party that will say those who were victims of apartheid stand to benefit unashamedly, and those who perpetuated apartheid must show remorse and behave in a manner that says they regret their conduct.?

Enthusiastically backed by Winnie Mandela, Nelson?s second wife ? who is still hugely popular in South Africa despite her suspected role in several murders ? Malema is a charismatic figure who once threw a BBC correspondent out of a press conference for asking about his wealthy lifestyle.

His words have done nothing to allay the fears of white communities, some of which have taken extreme measures to protect themselves.

This week I visited Kleinfontein in Pretoria, a white-only community of 1,000 men, women and children who live behind high fences, with a gatehouse manned by men in military fatigues, who also carry out regular patrols of the grounds to prevent black intruders entering.

Anyone without an appointment with an official resident is refused entry. If they are black, they will not get in at all. Inside, there is a shopping mall, while the town has its own water supply and sewage system. All manual work is carried out by white residents.

There is a rugby pitch, opulent homes overlooking miles of open countryside where antelope and zebra roam, and a hospital for the elderly residents. Most crucially of all, in a country with 60 murders a day, there is no armed robbery, murder or rape in Kleinfontein. ?An old lady can draw money here without any fear,? says Marisa Haasbroek, a resident, mother of two teenage girls, and my guide for the morning.

?It?s safe, quiet and peaceful. It?s not racist ? it is about protecting our Afrikaner cultural identity.?

Like all the residents, she is descended from the first Afrikaners, the Dutch settlers who came to South Africa and were driven into the African interior on the famous Great Trek during the war with the British from 1899 to 1902.

Kleinfontein has been in existence since Mandela?s first presidency in 1994 ? but its existence remained largely unknown until reports last year that black police officers had been barred from entry to the property.
To get round race laws, Kleinfontein insists its criteria for entry are not based on skin colour. It claims to exist to protect distinct Afrikaans-speaking people and culture, and that English-speaking white people are also banned, so the community is non-racist.

The Afrikaners, of course, were those who devised and presided over apartheid, a gruesome social experiment that did so much to divide the nation and subjugate the black population.

With Mandela on a life support machine, the founders of this community in the so-called ?Rainbow Nation? were this week being inundated with requests by other whites to join them.

?I think there will be trouble,? Anna, an elderly lady tending her garden inside the all-white compound, tells me.

?There may be tribal warfare first between the black races. Then they might turn on us.?

Standing near a sign written in Afrikaans stating ?ons is hier om te bly? (we are here to stay), Marike, another resident, was convinced that there is a sinister plot to kill all whites.

?You don?t attack farms and rape 80-year-old women with broken bottles and kill their husbands for a mobile phone,? Marike says. ?People say it?s not genocide ? but it is.?

Such uncertainty about the future has been given added credence by the tawdry, shameful scenes surrounding Mandela?s death bed ? where his family were last night continuing to squabble over where he should be buried and who should get the most loot from tourists visiting the grave.

Despite all the arguments about the future direction of the country, the truth is that only one thing has stayed the same in South Africa before and after Mandela?s presidency: the mutual fear and distrust between some blacks and whites, particularly in rural areas away from the cosmopolitan cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Yet as one acquaintance of mine, a black security guard named Pietor, told me yesterday: ?The whites said they would be slaughtered when Mandela came to power, and thought they?d be killed when he stood down as President.

'Now, they?re saying they will be slaughtered when Mandela dies. Black people just want jobs and a decent life, not killing.?

Nelson Mandela dreamed of a South Africa that was at peace with itself ? and warned that the black population taking vengeance on whites would only deepen old enmities.

Whether the black leaders who are following him can muster an ounce of his authority or humanity remains to be seen.

(UK Mail Online)[/justify]


[center]Stop White Genocide in South Africa
http://trutube.tv/video/14925/Stop-Whit ... uth-Africa[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 689
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:38 pm

Post by Libris »

[center][large]White victory in South-Africa :
Aryan enclave gains status[/large]
http://whiteresister.com/index.php/repo ... ins-status

[justify]Although the Gauteng legislature has recognised Kleinfontein, a white Afrikaner-only settlement outside Pretoria, as a cultural community, the City of Tshwane won?t declare it a separate development.

The legislature?s decision comes after an investigation by its portfolio committee on community safety into an incident in which police officers were barred from entering the enclave, 30km south-east of the city in November last year, presumably because they did not fit the community?s entry requirements.

The findings of the investigation were reported in the legislature on Thursday, a meeting attended by one of Kleinfontein?s founders and the chairman of the Kleinfontein board, Jan Groenewald. He said the community co-operated fully with the legislature and said rumours that police were denied access to Kleinfontein were unsubstantiated.

The community is also in the process of applying to have Kleinfontein declared an independent legal entity within the City of Tshwane.

But while some have welcomed the acknowledgement of the settlement as a ?cultural community? as a first step, the Tshwane mayor stressed that the city would not approve a whites-only township development within the capital city.

?It would be in contravention of the Bill of Rights for the City of Tshwane to approve a township development where residence was exclusive for a particular race group,? said the mayoral spokesman Blessing Manale.

In emphasising the supremacy of the constitution and the Bill of Rights, Executive Mayor Kgosientso Ramkgopa ? who visited the settlement earlier in the year ?to have a conversation with the community? ? said every citizen had the right to ?enter, remain and reside? anywhere in South Africa.

?We believe that there remains an open platform, medium and institutions for every South African to practise their legitimate cultural and religious rights, and to preserve and celebrate their heritage without demanding separate development and self-exclusion,? Manale said.

He described Kleinfontein as an informal settlement because it had not been formalised nor proclaimed as a formal township. There were about 40 such areas in the city. Groenewald attended the legislature meeting on Thursday. He said ?rumours? that police were not allowed entry into Kleinfontein were unsubstantiated.

?? the investigation led to an excellent relationship between the Kleinfontein community and the legislature,? said Groenewald.

The 800ha co-operative turns 21 this year making it a year younger than its sister town, Orania. There are 450 shareholders in Kleinfontein with 300 homes and 1 000 residents ? all of whom are white, Christian Afrikaners.

Those who live in Kleinfontein quote Article 185 of the constitution which defends the right to live with people of the same cultural group, language and religion.

The Freedom Front Plus welcomed the recognition of the Kleinfontein settlement as a cultural community, said Jaco Mulder, FF Plus member of the legislature in Gauteng.

Mulder, who was part of the investigation committee, said numerous misconceptions about Kleinfontein had now been cleared up.[/justify]

Posts: 689
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:38 pm

Post by Libris »

[center][large]Expulsion of white farmers has destroyed Zimbabwe[/large][/center]
http://whiteresister.com/index.php/stor ... d-zimbabwe


[justify]Altruistic whites brought an era of prosperity to Africa, they dramatically elevated the standard of living for all Africans.

Following the Uhuru, it has all come crashing down. ?Afrocentric Marxism? has been a catastrophe for the black race. The stunning confession about the country?s poor financial state is the culmination of years of ruinous economic policy by Zimbabwe?s despotic President Robert Mugabe, who has ruled the southern African country since independence from Britain in 1980. A decade ago Mugabe, now aged 88, launched his racial policy of expropriating white-owned farmland and handing it to blacks.

The policy, which saw 4,000 white farmers forcibly kicked off their land, was economically disastrous as in many cases the farms? new owners lacked the skills or inclination to run the farms properly. It also demolished investor confidence in the country, paralysed production, and prompted international sanctions. As a result, Zimbabwe ? which was once the fertile ?bread basket? of southern Africa and possesses fantastic mineral wealth ? is now one of the continent?s poorest countries.

Three-quarters of the population live on less than £1 a day and over half of the work force is unemployed. In 2008 hyperinflation in the country reached the astronomical figure of 230 million per cent ? meaning that paper money became worthless almost as soon as it was printed. The former British colony now uses US dollars.

Speaking on Tuesday afternoon, Mr Biti claimed that the state?s dire lack of cash means it does not have enough money to organise the constitutional referendum. ?We will be approaching the international community to assist us in this regard?, Mr Biti said.

(CofCC, UK Mail)[/justify]
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