Texe Marrs - Centralisation

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Post by Fifou88 »

[large]Texe Marrs[/large]



Texe Marrs est un révérend protestant américain et un théoricien du complot originaire d'Austin, au Texas.




Rothschild's Choice - Barack Obama
Texe Marrs - Rothschild's Choice Barack Obama.mp4 219.9 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!dJImRQ6K!c035VxjED ... SGplQm-PzY[/center]

ImageDurée : 1h30
Date de sortie : 2009
Origine du film : USA

[justify]Rothschild?s Choice : Barack Obama and the Rothschilds_choiceHidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America. ?Chosen by hidden superiors, we discover that President Barack Obama is heir to a terrible Master Plan conceived long ago and now being lethally implemented. Barack Obama has become the ultimate instrument in a dark plot to deconstruct and ?murder? America?.?
Cutting Edge has long suspected that the Illuminati would bring all their plans for a New World Order together when America had its 44th President (11×4). Now that we have seen President Obama for the past eight months, we believe that it is entirely possible for the Illuminati Plan to produce Antichrist to move into completion during Obama?s Administration.

The man Rothschild chooses, that man will become President of the United States. So, who was Rothschild?s Choice in 2008? The answer is obvious: Barack Hussein Obama![/justify]

[---][center][large]Texe Marrs - Victor Thorn - The Holocaust.flv 39.0 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!wYwUVCyb!diwMhzYz0 ... -YkyLJCUcE

Texe Marrs - Baal's shaft Cleopatra's needle - 2009.mp4 142.5 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!wYo3EAQZ!Hv7RrAo3F ... jbhK3YMzxk[/large]



Cauldron of Abaddon - From Jerusalem and Israel Flow a Torrent of Satanic Evil...

Texe Marrs - Cauldron of Abaddon.mp4 500.8 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!oVQjUARA!xL46CpfNN ... VmeIcbPbvs

[justify]What is the most wicked city on earth? From this evil place spew witchcraft and sorcery. Its merchants produce the world's most destructive child pornography. This city's hidden rulers are the drug kingpins of the planet. Their Mafia control the world's most frenzied gambling establishments. Cruel violence, sexual sin and perversion, murder and gangsterism rock this city and reverberate around the world. Worse, this city's inhabitants are cosmopolitan. They have spread their tentacles around the globe. Their grotesque debauchery and unparalleled crimes are holographed in New York City, Moscow, London, Bangkok, and dozens of other locales.
The prophetic Scriptures identify this city with Mystery Babylon, and spiritually call it "Sodom and Egypt." The Bible says this is the great city "wherein our Lord was crucified."
This city, is in fact, the very "Cauldron of Abaddon," a fiery boiling pot of sorcery and vice stirred by Satan and his minions.
Have you got it yet? Do you know the name of this terrible place. The most wicked city in the world in the end-times?[/justify]



Gulag U.S.A. - Concentration Camps in America

Texe Marrs - Gulag USA Concentration Camps in America.wmv 353.8 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!8A5mBYrI!DMGrsgy2F ... Mce2mDJNPs[/center]



Illuminati Mystery Babylon - The Hidden Elite Of Israel, America And Russia

Texe Marrs - Illuminati Mystery Babylon - The Hidden Elite of Israel America and Russia.avi 517.8 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!tdYymTxZ!EQbWIKYDn ... 1axVwnovss[/center]



Leviathan In Space - Strange Mysteries, Oddities, and Monstrosities of the U.S space program

Texe Marrs - Leviathan in space.zip 159.2 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!pZABFDBR!jc-kZgyer ... leRJGe_yIs[/center]



"The Eagle Has Landed!" - Magic, Alchemy, and the Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space

Texe Marrs - The Eagle Has Landed - Magic Alchemy and the Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space.avi 700.6 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!1dR01AbZ!Ky6uJxpWU ... 9EVunRlN7Q[/center]



Tower of Infamy - The Illuminati, Secret Societies, Reverend Moon, and...

Texe Marrs - Tower of infamy.avi 661.2 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!pAITFAhS!pLqJD3rHh ... oxKBC6LxJc[/center]



Vatican Rising - The Seduction of Christianity and the Triumph of Rome

Texe Marrs - Vatican rising.mkv 302.2 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!8MYD2D6I!ysahKhSlu ... XBhxrHj_Tg[/center]



The Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Government

Texe Marrs - The Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Government.mpg 661.7 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!1BQVjbrD!g05_gZzOr ... OhCHiiYrb4[/center]



The Freeman Perspective : Codex Magica

Texe Marrs - Freeman Perspective.avi 260.3 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!EIRgzboS!165h4GjeX ... Jk6PMOrR68[/center]



Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

The Prophecy Club - Texe Marrs - Project L.U.C.I.D.mpg 271.2 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!BMxGmRqZ!XeKfnxCxx ... IGnUcpNi0E[/center]



The Green Barbarians

Texe Marrs - The Green Barbarians.mpg 190.3 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!tBIkGBAK!5MxUPUr2q ... wses9M4MyY[/center]

Last edited by Fifou88 on Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Fifou88 »


Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem

Texe Marrs - Masonic lodge over Jerusalem.avi 431.1 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!8cAFRS4B!B3uP2Skj- ... BvuH3sOvOs[/center]



Monuments To The Beast - Occultic Architecture - Political Or Conspiracy

Texe Marrs - Monuments to the Beast - Occultic architecture - Political or conspiracy.avi 269.8 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!ldZkFKQL!gAdIXXRbA ... LBbJg1OvPo[/center]



Thunder Over Zion

Texe Marrs - Thunder over Zion.avi 459.6 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!wQRSkTxa!dY5hAfkyK ... K1m6DnVGM4[/center]



[s]Sting of the Iron Beast - The Wicked New World Order Army And the Rise of the Fourth Beast Kingdom[/s][/center]



[s]Night stalkers Over America - Urban Warrior Exercises And Our Gestapo Police State[/s][/center]



Satan's New Age Plan For A One World Order - 1988

Texe Marrs - Satan s New Age Plan For A One World Order - 1988.avi 563.2 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!4RxWUYxJ!W-vXhMP39 ... nmYXfZ8Vdw[/center]



The Blind & The Dead - Exposes Greedy Tv Preachers

Texe Marrs - The Blind and The Dead - Exposes Greedy Tv Preachers.avi 445.4 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!pAZyzLxJ!K1deGWWWt ... TX-_x9Q6v8[/center]



The Jews are Not the Chosen People

Texe Marrs - The Jews are Not the Chosen People.avi 146.5 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!hRohDTJC!sV7xkGais ... ZCS4MYxekw[/center]



Lumen 2000 - The pope s secret plan for global supremacy in the new millennium

Texe Marrs - Lumen 2000 The Popes Secret Plan For Global Supremecy.avi 377.6 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!RB4DyDbZ!fCOPyv5Fo ... 1HoUaGKGwY[/center]



Planet X

Texe Marrs - Planet X.avi 798.8 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!xIIQhYSR!Wz1J5UycV ... e4typEAzUg[/center]



Where the Rich and Famous Dwell - 2008

Texe Marrs - Where the Rich and Famous Dwell 2008.avi 359.9 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!lFYkUJ6J!8-zXzGkMd ... ZCgYNHmcP0[/center]

Dejuificator II
Posts: 552
Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]Close Encounterd with Unexpected Evil :
Face to Face With the Devil

Texe Marrs - Face to Face with the Devil.avi (361.14 MB)
https://mega.co.nz/#!9F5w2CJD!8L2cPkyEo ... dFfEMaTvtk

Image[justify]Texe Marrs has done extensive and exhaustive research to present to you an in depth view coupled with a plethora of information on statues from around the world and their religious significance, many people literally admire, adore and worship these grotesque figures as if they somehow emit some form of energy force empowering the individual. Since the dawn of man, men have worshiped stone figures and have gone as far as to sacrifice people on altars to stone gods in hopes they will be given empowerment and or enlightenment.

"You don't see them, not unless you know what to look for. But they see you. They're always there, standing, perching, sitting, crouching, hiding, always watching, observing, sometimes grinning, certainly leering. I call them beasts: Stony beasts.

The Bible speaks of them as "idols" and warns that while they may consist of mere stone, marble, plaster, or wood, they nevertheless have supernatural powers of hideously strange nature. To deny this is to risk falling victim to their foul and overwhelmingly repugnant grip.

Their universal existence, often in the most unexpected places, is no accident. It was planned long ago that they would be there. But even after you discover their presence, these menacing, grotesque, supernatural entities refuse to budge. They seem to be carefully obeying the orders of someone, somewhere who sent them forth to be advance agents of some mysterious, dark force. In accomplishing this mission, they are unusually successful, hugely so, harbingers as they are of a cruel and evil agenda which, some horrible day surprisingly soon, will be fully realized."

Texe Marrs[/justify]


[center]Texe Marrs - The Secret Brotherhood Part 1.avi 354.7 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!FEIF0DQY!UTsBveSpV ... uBFO_v6zOk

Texe Marrs - The Secret Brotherhood Part 2.avi 366.9 MB
https://mega.co.nz/#!lIJwCbTb!p9WslbJ75 ... 1AUZXSaWos
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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