Centralisation 911

Moderator: Le Tocard


Post by PowerOfTruth »

[---][center][large]Centralisation 911
11 septembre 2001[/large]

[center]911 - Le pouvoir des cauchemars
11 septembre 2001


911 - Le pouvoir des cauchemars.avi 315.93 MB


[justify]"The Power of Nightmares" : le pouvoir américain comme fabrique à cauchemars

Article de Jean-Luc Douin paru dans Le Monde à l?occasion du Festival de Cannes 2005

Autres temps, autres moeurs. En 2004, on se serait battu pour assister à la projection du film de Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11. Cette année, c?est dans la plus petite salle du festival que l?on a visionné The Power of Nightmares ("Le Pouvoir des cauchemars"), documentaire du Britannique Adam Curtis, produit par la BBC. Ou comment des hommes politiques manipulent l?opinion au gré de cyniques numéros d?illusionnisme.

"Depuis que les gens ne croient plus aux rêves, et donc aux idéologues, dit Adam Curtis, nos gouvernants reprennent du pouvoir en nous assurant qu?ils nous protègent des cauchemars. Le pire d?entre eux serait le terrorisme international, censé opérer par un réseau de cellules éparpillées de par le monde. On veut nous protéger d?une terreur totalement virtuelle."

Il appartiendra aux spécialistes de se prononcer sur la démonstration d?Adam Curtis ­ délivrée par une voix off. Elle brocarde les Etats-Unis et l?Angleterre de Tony Blair. Elle mêle, sur fond de musique d?Ennio Morricone, des interviews de responsables politiques, spécialistes en stratégie ou membres de services de renseignements, à des archives d?actualités filmées. Nous sommes dans le droit fil de Michael Moore, mais de façon plus ironique que guignolesque, plus documentée aussi. Adam Curtis donne un fracassant cours d?histoire, appuyé par un montage dynamique d?images.


Deux hommes, sous la présidence d?Harry Truman, au début des années 1950, seraient à la source des manipulations de l?opinion. L?Egyptien Sayyid Qutb, membre des Frères musulmans et adversaire du président égyptien Gamal Abdel Nasser, dont les idées auraient été reprises par Ayman Zawahiri, le mentor d?Oussama Ben Laden. Et le philosophe Leo Strauss, dont s?inspirent les néoconservateurs qui dominent aujourd?hui la Maison Blanche. Le premier a dénoncé la décadence des moeurs occidentales. Le second a élaboré le mythe d?une Amérique destinée à combattre les forces du Mal.

Les djihads islamiques n?ont cessé depuis de vouloir éliminer ceux qu?ils considéraient comme corrompus par l?Occident (dont le président égyptien Anouar Al-Sadate). Les républicains américains, de leur côté, se sont appuyés sur les activistes religieux pour mener leurs croisades morales, et sur une surévaluation de la menace soviétique assénée par Donald Rumsfeld et Paul Wolfowitz (anciens conseillers de Ronald Reagan) pour justifier leur propagande impérialiste.

C?est le moment fort du film. Adam Curtis veut démontrer comment les Américains, inlassables inventeurs de mythes, ont porté des accusations sans preuve à l?encontre de l?URSS (monstre qui aurait dirigé tous les mouvements terroristes de la planète, y compris l?IRA), puis de Saddam Hussein, et enfin d?un Ben Laden, qui ne serait, selon le film, qu?un banquier des djihads, n?aurait pas conçu les attentats du 11 Septembre, et dont la forteresse souterraine dans les montagnes de Tora Bora, en Afghanistan, serait une mystification.

Al-Qaida, nous explique Adam Curtis, n?a jamais existé. C?est une invention du ministère américain de la défense, tout comme les "cellules dormantes" implantées un peu partout dans le monde. Une cassette, que des prétendus terroristes arrêtés dans le cadre du Terrorism Act auraient tournée à Disneyland, est le prétexte à une discrète mise en boîte des services secrets.

Nous devrions voir en salles, à la rentrée, ce cours cinglant ­ textes et images ­ sur la façon dont des hommes sans foi ni loi "imaginent le pire au sujet d?une organisation -Al-Qaida- qui n?existe pas" . Film britannique d?Adam Curtis (2 h 37.)[/justify]

[center]Jean-Luc Douin
Article paru dans l?édition du 15.05.05[/center]
Last edited by PowerOfTruth on Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Dejuificator »

The Great Conspiracy 11 sept - VOSTFR.avi (701.72 MB)

[justify]Selon Barrie Zwicker, "C'est des médias dominants que la majorité des gens obtiennent leurs informations, la majorité du temps sur la majorité des sujets."

Le fait que les grands médias soutiennent universellement la "version officielle" du 11 Septembre explique pourquoi la majorité des Américains y croit encore.

Cependant, quand VisionTV, la seule chaîne de télé indépendante du Canada, diffuse en 2004 le documentaire "The Great Conspiracy" (La Grande Conspiration) en 6 épisodes, révèlant ainsi la conspiration de l'administration Bush, elle provoqua la plus grande réaction chez ses téléspectateurs que la chaîne ait connue en 15 ans d?histoire.

Il a maintenant mis à jour la série avec une suite, qui vient de sortir. Elle est acclamée par les membres des associations pour la vérité sur le 11 Septembre comme étant "une des meilleures émissions de prime-time existant sur le sujet.".[/justify]
Last edited by Dejuificator on Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]ZERO An Investigation Into 911[/large][/center]

ZERO - An Investigation into 911 - 2008

ZERO An Investigation Into 911 subtitulado.mp4 (269.13 MB)


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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Proof Israel Did 911[/large]


Les preuves qu' Israel est impliqué dans les attaques du 11 septembre.
Vidéo en anglais de Take Our World Back.[/center]
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Post by Savoisien »



[center][large]Missing Links VOSTFR[/large]




Post by KingdomOfTruth »

Image[center][large]911 Mysteries VOSTFR[/large][/center]

[center]911 Mysteries - VOSTFR.avi (293.89 MB)
[large]911 - Mysteries - VOSTFR.avi (700.83 MB)[/large]

[center][large]911 Mysteries VOSTFR[/large][/center]

[justify]« 90 minutes d?analyse et de preuves évidentes de démolition, entrecoupées de témoignages stupéfiants. Une déconstruction consciencieuse de la version officielle confrontée à une science propre et claire, en passant du ?mythe? à ?l?analyse? via ?les témoins?.
La scène désastreuse du 11/09 n?est pas une question de politique ou de patriotisme, mais une question de physique pure et dure. Comment peut-on obtenir un effondrement en pile d?une tour de 110 étages en 10 secondes ?
Un film qui peut toucher la complaisance d?une pensée dominante. Pas de programme. Pas de mise en accusation. Juste les faits et les ?mystères?. Regardez. Réfléchissez.
Des histoires de personnes : William Rodriguez et ses souvenirs de bruits étranges au 34ème étage. Qui, là-haut, faisait cet énorme vacarme ? L?histoire similaire de Scott Forbes, des semaines avant que les tours ne s?effondrent.
Vous découvrirez aussi, comment les charges d?angles ont coupé les colonnes d?acier des tours afin de contrôler leur chute. »[/justify]
Last edited by KingdomOfTruth on Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]The Ultimate Con (spiracy)[/large][/center]

Image[justify]The Ultimate Con is a 9/11 based documentary with no narration, no script, no conjecture. There are no ?theories? put forth in this documentary, only facts, eyewitness testimony, news reports, interviews, and various other clips that are combined together to tell a story. The Ultimate Con is 100% free. It is not for sale in any retail outlet or book store anywhere. It is more important to get the word out to every single person possible while we still have the chance.

This documentary is the very best documentary for people who are unfamiliar with the controversy surrounding 9/11, or people teetering on the edge of finding out the truth. The documentary was designed specially for those who still believe the ?Official? story, to best wake them up using various media and news clips.

I created The Ultimate Con documentary to help wake up fellow Americans and people from around the globe to the lies that we have been told about that fateful day. I created The Ultimate Con for the victims, the victim?s families, the soldiers, and the various other innocent people who have become the victims of the wrath set forth by America?s military industrial complex.[/justify]
[center]9 11 The Ultimate Con 2007.mp4 (272.64 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Fri May 06, 2011 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy[/large][/center]

Image[justify]There is an abundance of scientific and forensic evidence to support alternative theories, yet the BBC and other mainstream news corporations have continued to dismiss this information as conspiracy theory.

?The Conspiracy Files? and the BBC in general have failed to objectively present the detail of this evidence.
9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy ? new documentary by Adrian Connock and David Shayler about the BBC?s selective and distorted 9/11 coverage.
With particular reference to the Conspiracy Files programme aired on BBC Two on February 18th 2007.[/justify]
[center][large]911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy 2007.avi (695.74 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Sat May 07, 2011 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

Image[center][large]9/11 Eyewitness[/large][/center]

[justify]And there was just a hole and black smoke. It just looked like a cigar standing up on end with burning tip and black smoke. Which again, why black smoke? It?s ready to go out. And then it went on and the building was just burning away and it wasn?t too exciting until all of the sudden it?s disappearing and there was no real sign, there was no sign that this was going to go down because of all the black smoke. And the black smoke is really indicative that the fire is out.

Local news radio coverage was recorded by the on-camera microphone while Rick Siegel videotaped the events of 9/11 from the Hoboken pier. Scientific analysis is presented in an easy to understand manner. The pictures tell the story and this is one story that all New Yorkers, and anyone who was traumatized by the shocking attack on the WTC, must see. In memory of all those who perished, 911 Eyewitness is a voice of the victims that must never be forgotten.

This powerful documentary features eyewitness testimony and scientific analysis of the collapse of the Twin Towers and Seven World Trade. The American Public and American Republic have been betrayed and now it?s time to learn the truth and share it with your skeptical friends[/justify]

[center][large]9 11 Eyewitness - VOSTFR.flv (275.28 MB)

9 11 Eyewitness 1 of 3.flv (67.83 MB)

9 11 Eyewitness 2 of 3.flv (76.77 MB)

9 11 Eyewitness 3 of 3.flv (68.81 MB)[/large][/center]
Last edited by Commodore on Sun May 08, 2011 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]In Their Own Words
The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families[/large][/center]


[justify]I believe that the public is still uninformed about most of the issues that are surrounding 911. I think that they still believe in the myth that there was nothing we could do about it, that we were caught unaware, and that today we would be better prepared. In late 2006, the movie 9/11 Press For Truth became a worldwide underground hit. It exposed the story of the ?Jersey Girls? and their allies ? the 9/11 families who had fought for the Commission but ultimately failed in seeing 70% of their questions answered.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: THE UNTOLD STORIES OF THE 9/11 FAMILIES is the new, official companion DVD to 9/11 Press For Truth. Over 2 hours of unseen families? interviews and rare news clips originally intended for inclusion in the movie ended up on the cutting room floor ? until now.

A unique, balanced look at a diverse group of topics includes: Top officials? whereabouts and changing stories on the day of 9/11; Insider trading before the attacks; War games coinciding with Sept. 11th; A confrontation between the families and FBI Director Mueller; British reports that some of the hijackers named by the FBI are simply wrong; Government whistleblowers? calls for accountability; The FBI informant who lived with 2 of the hijackers; A Defense Department program that identified 4 hijackers in 2000; The families? push to receive the Pentagon crash tapes; Bin Laden extradition negotiations after 9/11; The Project For the New American Century.[/justify]

[center][large]9 11 - The Untold Stories of the 911 Families - In their own words.mp4 (247.78 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Sun May 08, 2011 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]102 Minutes That Changed America[/large][/center]


[justify]102 Minutes That Changed America is a 102-minute American television special documentary film that was produced by History and premiered commercial-free on September 11, 2008, marking the seventh anniversary of the attacks.

The film depicts in virtually real time the New York-based events of the September 11 attacks primarily using raw video footage from mostly amateur citizen journalists. The documentary is accompanied by an 18-minute documentary short called I-Witness to 9/11, which features interviews with nine firsthand eyewitnesses who captured the video footage on camera.

According to this film, most of the archival video footage was in possession of the U.S. government but was released to History years after 9/11.

This film was shown on Channel 4 in the UK, France 3 in France and History Channel in Brazil on Monday 07 September 2009. In The Netherlands it was shown on SBS6 on Wednesday 09 September 2009.[/justify]

[center]9 11 2001 Doc films 2.mp4 (539.44 MB)

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]A New Standard of Deception[/large][/center]


[justify]In an information-packed presentation of 58 minutes Kevin Ryan delivers a damning indictment of the official investigations of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7. Ryan?s solid scholarship and application of the scientific method stands in stark contrast to the official investigations, whose dishonesty and corrupt anti-scientific methods Ryan exposes in abundance.

Ryan explains details of the investigation by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) not acknowledged by the Institute, such as its failure to experimentally verify the floor pancake theory, forcing it to invent a new theory about the Towers? collapse. Ryan notes commonalities in the WTC investigations by NIST and FEMA, and the investigation of the 1995 Oklahoma City Building, such as a high degree of overlap in the leaders of the respective investigations.

Ryan unquestionably qualifies as a whistleblower. Having been promoted to the top manager of Underwriter?s Laboratories water testing division, Ryan was dismissed on November of 2004 after an e-mail from him to Dr Frank Gayle of NIST questioning the collapse of the twin towers became public.[/justify]

[center]A New Standard for Deception by Kevin Ryan.flv (154.53 MB)

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]9/11: The Falling Man[/large][/center]


[justify]The Falling Man refers to a photograph taken by Associated Press photographer Richard Drew, depicting a man falling from the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:41:15 a.m. during the September 11 attacks in New York City.

The subject of the image ? whose identity remains uncertain, although attempts have been made to identify him ? was one of the people trapped on the upper floors of the skyscraper who apparently chose to jump rather than die from the fire and smoke.

As many as 200 people jumped to their deaths that day; there was no time to recover or identify those who were forced to jump prior to the collapse of the towers.

Officially, all deaths in the attacks except those of the hijackers were ruled to be homicides (as opposed to suicides), and the New York City medical examiner?s office stated that it does not classify the people who fell to their deaths on September 11 as ?jumpers?: ?A ?jumper? is somebody who goes to the office in the morning knowing that they will commit suicide? These people were forced out by the smoke and flames or blown out.?

9/11: The Falling Man is a 2006 documentary film about the picture and the story behind it. It was made by American filmmaker Henry Singer and filmed by Richard Numeroff, a New York-based director of photography. The film is loosely based on Junod?s Esquire story. It also drew its material from photographer Lyle Owerko?s pictures of falling people.[/justify]

[center][large]9 11 The Falling Man.flv (117.27 MB)


Post by Commodore »

[center][large]9/11 Revisited, Were Explosives Used ?[/large][/center]


[justify]September 11th Revisited is perhaps the most riveting film ever made about the destruction of the World Trade Center. This is a powerful documentary which features eyewitness accounts and archived news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 but never replayed on television. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses & firefighters, along with expert analysis by Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor David Ray Griffin, MIT Engineer Jeffrey King, and Professor James H. Fetzer.

This film provides stunning evidence that explosives were used in the complete demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and WTC Building 7.[/justify]

[center][large]9 11 Revisited Were explosives used.mp4 (119.78 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Sun May 08, 2011 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]9/11: Press For Truth[/large][/center]


[justify]9/11: Press for Truth follows three of the Jersey Girls (widows of individuals killed in the attacks) as well as other family members in their search for answers about what really happened on 9/11.

Among their questions were: Why had NORAD failed to protect the known terrorist targets, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Why did the World Trade Center Towers, including Building 7, completely collapse when no other steel-framed skyscraper had ever previously totally collapsed due to fire? Why did George W Bush stay in a Florida classroom for over 10 minutes after he had been told that the second Tower had been hit?

The film uses archive news footage, press conferences and newspaper clippings to document the unwillingness of the George W. Bush administration to provide answers to the families? questions or support a full independent investigation. It also shows how the mainstream media avoided asking the politicians the toughest questions.[/justify]

[center][large]9 11 Press For Truth 11 Septembre 2001.mp4 (504.75 MB)[/large]
9 11 Press for truth - VOSTFR.flv (218.54 MB)

[large]9 11 Press for Truth.flv (242.68 MB)[/large]
Last edited by Commodore on Sun May 08, 2011 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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