Honest Media Today

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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Honest Media Today[/large]



[justify]HonestMediaToday.com plans to find the gripping and controversial news and issues that matter most to you. If it's not controversial, you probably won't find it here. We are a hate-free media outlet, and will not knowingly allow anything that is hateful to be shown here.[/justify]

[center]Our Mission[/center]

[justify]We are committed to bringing you honest commentary on the news and to making available items not generally available in stores due to their honest yet controversial political nature. We can also help market your non-fiction controversial books, CDs, and DVDs of a political nature for you, for a low fee, depending on the content matter.[/justify]

[center]Contact Information[/center]

[justify]Please send written correspondence to the web address below. Please be certain to note what the e-mail is concerning in the subject line, putting "Honest Media" there if it involves personal correspondence. Any e-mail with attachments will be deleted on receipt without opening it.[/justify]

[justify]If you can make a donation of $1-$2.00 so that I can continue to offer my videos online, dealing with the ever-increasing problems of extra bandwidth, I'd appreciate it.[/justify]
[center]Postal address
M. Farrell
P.O. Box 141243
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General Information: m.f@zoomtown.com

Stop the hatred; spread the truth[/center]
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large][/large][large] Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited - The Hidden Cult [/large][large][/large]

Honest Media Today - Jewish ritual murder revisited The hidden cult
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... idden-cult


Origine du film : USA
Genre : Documentaire
Langue : Anglais

Documentaires sur les meurtres rituels sataniques perpétrés par les talmudistes sur les êtres qu'ils considèrent comme non humain.[/center]
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large][/large][large] Understanding anti-semitism, why do some people dislike jews ? [/large][large][/large]


Honest Media Today - Understanding anti-semitism Why do some people dislike jews
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... slike-jews

Origine du film : USA
Durée : 1h13
Genre : Documentaire
Qualité : TVrip
Langue : Anglais

Pourquoi "l'anti-sémitisme" suit toujours les juifs, apparait partout ou se déplace la pensée juive, le projet politique juif ?
Tentative de réponse avec ce doc.[/center]
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Judea Declares War on Germany[/large]
A critical look at the Holocaust and WWII


Fredrick Töben - Judea declares war on Germany
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... on-Germany

Frederick Toben
HMT (Honest media Today)

Judea Declares War on Germany, A critical look at the Holocaust and WWII
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]A Conversation about Race[/large]
HMT 2008


The video "A Conversation about Race" was made to ask people some disturbing questions about race. It follows on the heels of another video, "When the Darkness Falls: The Racially Divided States of America," which deals with America's Founding Father's honest opinions on race, and where this nation may be headed if current trends remain unchecked. Unlike that movie, however, the producer of "A Conversation about Race," Craig Bodeker, set about to interview people from various races, which he told them was being done to end racism now. During the course of numerous short interviews, Mr. Bodeker sought examples of "racism," and how people defined the very word. More importantly, Mr. Bodeker dared to ask some rather difficult questions, which made many of his guests a little tongue-tied.

A Conversation about Race

Craig Bodeker - A conversation about race
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... about-race


When the Darkness Falls The Racially Divided States of America
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... of-America
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Zionist War Crimes[/large]
The Case for the Prosecution


Zionist War Crimes: The Case for the Prosecution
A look at the numerous atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist hatemongers.

Honest Media Today - Zionist war crimes
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... war-crimes


[justify]Several decades ago, people lived peacefully among one another in the Mid-East. Today, however, things have changed considerably. And the violence has spread considerably--far outside of the realm of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. This video takes you back in time. It shows actual footage of Israelis and Arabs dancing together in the streets, when violence was uncommon. Traversing the time lines, this video then takes you on a journey from the days of Herzl to today, showing numerous scenes that many of us in the West are completely ignorant--such as what occurred in Deir Yassin, Jenin, Lebanon, and many other cities that raised the Arabs' ire.
It also describes the Israelis' attack on the USS Liberty, which caused many innocent U.S. Navy crewmembers to die. The attack on the U.S. Library of Information in Egypt by the Israelis is also shown. You will see much rare footage, which has been previously unknown to most of us in the West. Most of this footage was taken by individuals with video cameras, since camera crews are often forbidden in the midst of these ongoing battles. This video is not for the timid.[/justify]
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Posts: 427
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:17 pm

Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Rep. Paul Findley Dares to Speak[/large]
A 22-Year Veteran U.S. Congressman Exposes Israel's Lobby


Paul Findley served on Capitol Hill for 22 years. During this time, he had many encounters with Israel's lobby, which exhibited considerable control over Congressional decisions with respect to Israel and the Mid-East. He speaks of treachery and treason among the highest seats of the land, and how many Congressmen put Israel's interests ahead that of America's.

Paul Findley dares to speak out - A U.S. Congressman Exposes Israel's Lobby HMT

Republican Paul Findley dares to speak out Again
http://www.aldebaranvideo.tv/index.php? ... -out-Again


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