David Duke

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Post by Dejuificator »

[center][large]DAVID DUKE[/large][/center]
[center][large]All the videos re uploaded on archive.org
[center]Duke David Youtube Backup 03 2012


[center][large]David Duke - Jewish Supremacism (2002)
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... upremacism[/large]

David Duke - How Israel Caused the 911
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... 11-Attacks

David Duke - From The Abyss - An Analysis of European Mankinds Crisis
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... -the-Abyss

Duke David - Who are the real racial supremacists
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... premacists



[center][large]My Awakening : A Path to Racial Understanding By David Duke[/large]


[large]David Duke - My awakening.pdf
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... -Awakening

[justify]The Auto biography of David Duke. David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, former Republican Louisiana State Representative, and a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1992 and in the general election for President in 1988.[/justify]

[justify]Duke describes himself as a racial realist asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage". He speaks in favor of voluntary racial segregation and white separatism.

Duke has also unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor of Louisiana, and twice for President of the United States.

My Awakening

Duke published his autobiography My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding in 1998. The book details Duke's social philosophies, especially his reasoning behind racial separation. In the book, Duke says:

We (Whites) desire to live in our own neighborhoods, go to our own schools, work in our own cities and towns, and ultimately live as one extended family in our own nation. We shall end the racial genocide of integration. We shall work for the eventual establishment of a separate homeland for African Americans, so each race will be free to pursue its own destiny without racial conflicts and ill will.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) book review refers to it as containing racist, antisemitic, sexist and homophobic views.

To raise the money to re-publish a new, updated edition of My Awakening, Duke instigated a 21-day fundraising drive on November 26, 2007 where he had to raise "$25,344 by a December 17 deadline for the printers." Duke states this drive is necessary because the work "has become the most important book in the entire world in the effort to awaken our people for our heritage and freedom."

Jewish Supremacism

In 2002, Duke traveled to Eastern Europe to promote his book, Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening on the Jewish Question in Russia in 2003. The book purports to "examine and document elements of ethnic supremacism that have existed in the Jewish community from historical to modern times." The book is dedicated to Israel Shahak, a critical author of what Shahak saw as supremacist religious teachings in Jewish culture. Former Boris Yeltsin administration official and prominent far-right politician Boris Mironov wrote an introduction for the Russian edition, called "The Jewish Question Through the Eyes of an American."

The ADL office in Moscow urged the Moscow prosecutor to open an investigation of Mironov. The ADL office initiated a letter from a prominent Duma member to Russiaâs Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov, urging a criminal case be opened against the author and the Russian publisher of Dukeâs book. The letter by Alexander Fedulov described the book as antisemitic and as violating Russian anti-hate crime laws. In December 2001, Prosecutor's office closed the investigation of Boris Mironov and Jewish Supremacism. In a public letter, Yury Biryukov, First Deputy of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, stated that a socially-psychological examination, which was conducted as a part of the investigation, concluded that the book and the actions of Boris Mironov did not break Russian hate-crime laws.

Duke says his views had been "vindicated" with the publication of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt and said he was "surprised how excellent [the paper] is." Duke dedicated several radio webcasts to the book and the authors comparing it to his work 'Jewish Supremacism', although Walt has stated that, "I have always found Mr. Duke's views reprehensible, and I am sorry he sees this article as consistent with his view of the world".

While Duke says that his books "have become two of the two most influential and important books in the world." the ADL refer to the book as antisemitic, Duke denies the book is motivated by antisemitism.

At one time, the book was sold in the main lobby of the building of Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament). The first printing of 5,000 copies sold out in several weeks.
In 2004, the book was published in the United States. Originally published in English and Russian, the book has subsequently been translated internationally into Swedish, Ukrainian, Persian, Hungarian and most recently, Spanish.

In 2007, an updated edition was published which Duke purports to be a "fine quality hardback edition with full color dust jacket and it has a new index and a number of timely additions".[/justify]


[center]The Zionist Matrix of Power
Full Movie

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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Slavery jews and White guilt - The David Duke Report 105[/large]




[large]The human suffering and death from African slave trade is the cornerstone of White guilt both in America and around the world and has been tirelessly promoted by both academic and popular media. The film Amistad by Steven Spielberg is the cinematic standard of films about the slave trade and a more recent treatment of the slave trade is the film Amazing Grace.

Slavery, jews and White guilt - The David Duke Report 105 - Summer 2010.pdf (9.19 MB)
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... hite-guilt



[---][center][small]A Holocaust Inquiry by David Duke.flv (268.5 MB)[/small][/center][---]
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Post by Savoisien »


An incredible new David Duke Documentary in two parts ? exposing the Jewish domination of the historic slave trade and the fact that while Whites are assigned collective guilt, the real masters of the slave trade receive not one iota of guilt from the controlled media.




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Post by Savoisien »







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Post by Raptor »

[justify][large]David Duke dénonce le génocide des français par le métissage et le remplacement de population, et demande l'emprisonnement de Sarközy et de ses collaborateurs pour violation de la convention internationale sur le génocide.[/large][/justify]


[justify]L'ancien sénateur David Duke dresse le constat de la lutte raciale menée contre le peuple français et les peuples européens. Comparant les situations américaines et européennes et les mesures prises dans ces deux pays, il insiste sur le cas français : après avoir examiné les actions et les pensées qui sous-tendent la volonté génocidaire contre l'Europe, il demande l'inculpation de Sarközy pour génocide (Sarközy qui appelle à la destruction du sang blanc et dont l'ensemble des membres de la famille ne se marient qu'au sein de la tribu).[/justify]

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Post by Savoisien »

[center]David Duke
Diviser pour mieux régner[/center]


Post by SigelVictoria »

[center][large]Le Génocide des Blancs en Afrique du Sud[/large][/center]


[justify]Cette vidéo traite du génocide des fermiers Blancs en Afrique du Sud. Les images choquantes ont été masquées, tel que pratiqué dans les diffusions télévisées.
les Blancs en Afrique du Sud affrontent leur génocide en cours, et il est du devoir de chacun sur terre de faire entendre sa voix pour y mettre fin.
On a diabolisé le Gouvernement Blanc d'Afrique du Sud. En fait, les Blancs avaient bâti une grande nation et les Noirs y prospéraient. Les Noirs y venaient de toute l'Afrique pour y profiter du développement, des soins médicaux, de l'éducation et de l'indépendance relative que les Blancs avaient créée à cet endroit. Si le monde a boycotté l'Afrique du Sud pour son séparatisme racial, ne devrait-il pas la boycotter pour le génocide que subissent les Blancs aujourd'hui dans ce pays ?[/justify]

Kontingent 88 - Afrikaner - 1080p
https://mega.co.nz/#!fZVXmSBI!A0XITCxzl ... VYO8WYHEEA

http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... php?id=834[/center]
Last edited by SigelVictoria on Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by PowerOfTruth »

[center][large]Top Rabbi in Israel Exposes Jewish Racism ![/large]

Last edited by PowerOfTruth on Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by KingdomOfTruth »

Image[center]David Duke
[large]My Awakening[/large]

Audio Book

[justify]My Awakening continues to have global impact in the awakening of our people. The enemies of our heritage and freedom are global and our renaissance as a people will demand a worldwide effort. Together, our people will either pass into oblivion or triumph.[/justify]

[center]David Duke - My Awakening - Audio Book.zip (548.3 MB)

http://www.davidduke.com/general/the-co ... #more-9525[/center]

Last edited by KingdomOfTruth on Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]L'armée rouge : juive - VOSTFR[/large][/center]
[justify][large]L'ancien sénateur de Louisiane David Duke expose la nature juive des crimes de masse de l'Armée Rouge, qui se perpétuent aujourd'hui en Palestine occupée, ou de façon suggérée dans les productions hollywoodiennes qui incitent au sadisme, à la haine et au meurtre des non-Juifs.[/large][/justify]


[center][large]Freud, le Sionisme et la Révolution Sexuelle[/large][/center]

[justify][large]David Duke expose la volonté destructrice et la haine pour les Européens qui se cachent derrière la révolution sexuelle et la promotion de la pornographie.[/large][/justify]

Last edited by Commodore on Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]Pourim, Fête de la Haine[/large][/center]

[center]David Duke dénonce la haine joviale qui accompagne les principales fêtes juives de Pourim et de Pessah, pendant lesquelles les Juifs célèbrent le génocide de leurs ennemis.[/center]

Last edited by Dejuificator II on Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nous serons toujours là.
Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]David Duke - Guerre sioniste contre la liberté d'expression[/large][/center]

[justify]David Duke dénonce l'acharnement des Sionistes à faire taire toute voix dissidente, qui vient encore de s'exprimer par les menaces de poursuites faites à un site musulman hébergé au Canada, qui avait publié le lien d'une de ses vidéos. Il expose ensuite le culot sioniste, qui criminalise la parole, la pensée, la recherche historique, pendant que la machine militaire mondialiste écrase les peuples récalcitrants dans des souffrances bien réelles, avec la complicité des médias sous contrôle.[/justify]


[center]David Duke - Mubarak et la chute des Sionistes
[center]David Duke - Le Survivant de L Holocauste redefinit l Antisemitisme
[center]David Duke pour President - Vous decidez
[center]David Duke - Pantheres Noires Obama et Droits Civiles des Blancs
[center]David Duke - L immigration et le Droit moral de Sauver l Europe et l Occident
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Mon May 02, 2011 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nous serons toujours là.
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Post by Raptor »

[center][large]David Duke

Zionist Terrorism in Norway[/large]

The Zionist influence on the recent terrorist attack in Norway and and how Jewish extremists have both led efforts to destroy the West and and now are trying take control of the anti-immigration movement to lead it to failure.

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Post by Libris »

[center]David Duke Interview - For Love of My People

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Post by Raptor »

[center]David Duke - Riots & Race in Once Great Britain !


Rappel sur les émeutes en Grande Bretagne, sur ce que les médias ne disent pas.
Conflit racial, planète des "jeunes" singes, immigration massive, ingérence de l'occident chez les autres nations, manipulation juive... une des meilleures vidéos de David Duke.

David Duke - Le desordre et la race en Grande-Bretagne


Why the race riots in Britain must be a wakeup call to all Europeans !

Voir aussi : http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... hp?id=1955[/center]
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