[small]Ulick Varange[/small][/center][---]
English : http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... cis-Parker
Français : http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... cis-Parker
Espanol : http://www.freepdf.info/index.php?post/ ... um-Espanol
Mais je sais sûrement aussi qu?ensuite, malgré une rage convulsive envers les responsables de ce crime, je me tiendrai à nouveau debout sur ce cimetière européen et je ferai le serment solennel que jusqu?à mon dernier souffle je combattrai bec et ongles contre ceux qui ont tenté, à coup sûr en vain, de détruire le berceau de notre Culture Occidentale, avec ses réalisations inégalées, avec ses actions uniques dans les annales de l?Humanité. Cela, moi, Francis Yockey, je le jure solennellement ! "
Francis Parker Yockey - 1946.[/justify]
The impact of Yockey's ideas
Yockey was rather unique among thinkers of the far right wing post-Second World War. Most European and American neo-Fascists and other rightists of the post-war period advocated an alliance with the United States as the best hope for the survival of Western culture under the threat of Communism. But Yockey felt that an alliance of the Right with the Left was a far-more desirable course. This proposed alliance is referred to as a Red-Brown Alliance (the color red representing the Far Left and the color brown representing the Far Right). Yockey felt that American universalism, democracy and consumer culture, which was by then spreading into western Europe and much of the rest of the world, as well as its alliance with Zionism, was far more corrosive and deadly to the true spirit of the West than was the Soviet Union. Yockey believed that the USSR had become genuinely anti-Zionist under Stalin, that in its authoritarianism it preserved something of the traditional European concept of hierarchy, and he felt it could more easily be adapted to a Rightist orientation over time than was possible in the egalitarian United States.[citation needed] He thus believed that true Rightists should aid the spread of Communism and Third World anti-colonial movements wherever possible, and he remained staunchly opposed to the government and culture of the United States, which he did not even consider to be truly Western in nature. He was also rather unique at the time (along with Evola) in his advocacy of a spiritual, as opposed to biological, understanding of race.
The National Youth Alliance was founded in 1968 by Willis Carto with the intent to promote Yockey's political philosophy and his book Imperium. Yockey was a major influence on Carto and the Liberty Lobby, although many supporters of Yockey, such as H. Keith Thompson, claim that Carto failed to understand Yockey's ideas on their deepest level. Yockey did not have a very significant influence on the American extreme Right, however, which, throughout the Cold War, for the most part remained staunchly anti-Communist. He had a much greater impact in Europe, where intellectuals of the Right, especially the current of thought sometimes called the European New Right.[/justify]