John Coleman

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Post by Libris »

[---][center][large]John Coleman[/large][/center][---][center]VIDEOS - AUDIOS


Image[justify]John Coleman est un auteur de théories du complot britannique et ex-espion du MI6. Coleman publie le périodique World In Review.

Coleman indiqua que l'organisation des frères musulmans serait un ordre créé en secret par la franc-maçonnerie britannique avec l'aide de Thomas Edward Lawrence, Bertrand Russell, St. John Philby, E.G. Browne (en) et Arnold Toynbee, afin de maintenir le moyen-orient sous-développé pour que ses ressources, en particulier son pétrole, puissent continuer à être pillées par la Grande-Bretagne1.

Coleman critiqua le Club de Rome, la Giorgio Cini Foundation, Forbes Global 2000, le Interreligious Peace Colloquium, le Tavistock Institute, ainsi que d'autres organisations qui se rapprochent de la thématique du nouvel ordre mondial.

John Coleman - 1992 The Story of the Committe of 300.pdf (1.48 MB) ... tee-of-300

John Coleman - 1993 Diplomacy by Deception.pdf (1.04 MB) ... -Deception

John Coleman - 1998 One World Order - Socialist Dictatorship.pdf (1.71 MB) ... ctatorship

John Coleman - 2005 The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.pdf (2.15 MB) ... -Relations

John Coleman - 2007 The Rothschild Dynasty.pdf (930.52 KB) ... ld-Dynasty

John Coleman - 2008 The Club of Rome.pdf (294.07 KB) ... ub-of-Rome

John Coleman - 2008 We Fight For Oil - A History of US Petroleum Wars.pdf (754.72 KB) ... oleum-Wars

John Coleman - 2009 Abortion - Genocide in America.pdf (230.73 KB) ... in-America

John Coleman - 2009 Drug War Against America.pdf (625.26 KB) ... st-America

John Coleman - 2009 Freemasonry from A to Z.pdf (392.79 KB) ... rom-A-to-Z
Last edited by Libris on Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]The Committee of 300[/large][/center]

Image[justify]Undoubtedly the ?Bible? of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest ?300? families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it is not any of the Bush clan. The origin of the Committee of 300 is described; how it has evolved from an opium trading company with a Royal Charter to become the de-facto secret upper-level parallel government of the United States and the world, with only Russia and China standing in opposition to it.

A highly organized secret society with tentacles reaching into every level of government in the United States and indeed, the world, backed by massive financing and run by men of the highest education and intelligence, with vast resources at their disposal, manages the thousands of major political and economical and contrived situations. In the FOURTH EDITION there is listed some very prominent men who came forward to support the existence of the ?300.? One of them predicted twenty years ago that ?The United States will be turned into a welfare state? and that ?with the exception of Russia all nations would unite in a world alliance (The One World Government).? Perhaps the most startling admission of the existence of the super-secret organization came from President Wilson in the last days of his presidency:

?Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.?

The ?power? Wilson was talking about is the Committee of 300 and Wilson knew he did not dare to mention it by name.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 1992 The Story of the Committe of 300.pdf (1.48 MB)
[large] ... tee-of-300[/large]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Diplomacy By Deception[/large][/center]

Image[justify]This is a true and accurate account of the history of treasonous conduct of the British and American Governments, an indictment of how their people are deceived by policies provoking actions that are totally detrimental to the well-being of the two countries.

Thoroughly researched, the book provides a great deal of hitherto unpublished information on such diverse operations as the Gulf War and the Bolshevik Revolution. The chapter on covert actions throws new light on the murder of Martin Luther King, Pope John Paul I and several other international figures.

The bloodshed that resulted from the creation of an artificial ?Saudi Arabia,? the foreign policy making role of the petroleum industry; the rape of Mexico by British and American oil barons; the revolutions they ignited that cost thousands upon thousands of lives: British conquest of India, the pernicious Indian ?apartheid? caste system. These are some of the subjects dealt with in this historical expose of how the two governments deliberately mislead their people under the color of diplomacy.

The ?power? Wilson was talking about is the Committee of 300 and Wilson knew he did not dare to mention it by name.

Diplomacy By Deception tells us that the United Nations is a war-making body, not a peace-keeping organization, and how the Rockefellers and Alger Hiss, aided by the top Illuminati Dulles family, succeeded in planting the United Nations in New York in spite of constitutional provisions that bar U.S. membership of the UN. In fact and in law the U.S. is not now and can never be a member of the United Nations.

Diplomacy By Deception will forever alter your perception of the two leading governments in Western civilization. This is an excellent companion book to the The Committee of 300 by the same author.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 1993 Diplomacy by Deception(1.04 MB)
[large] ... -Deception[/large]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]One World Order : Socialist Dictatorship[/large][/center]

Image[justify]While our attention was being diverted to Moscow, the enemies of the nation in Washington were busy stealing America. The book, One World Order Socialist Dictatorship is rich in history. It gives a devastating ?new look? at Woodrow Wilson, ?the scoundrel President,? who worked tirelessly to enslave America through ?free trade,? a Central Bank and WWI debts of crippling magnitude. One World Order Socialist Dictatorship tells how Wilson destroyed our trade tariff barriers, opening the floodgates to ?Free Trade? that exported American jobs to foreign countries and killed off the unique American middle class.

Formerly titled Socialism: The Road to Slavery. How the Socialists in Washington are more feared than the Communists in Moscow. Why some Presidents adopted their program.

?THE ENEMY IN WASHINGTON is more to be feared than the enemy in Moscow.? Communism did not destroy tariff protection created by George Washington. Communism did not force the United States to adopt graduated income tax. Communism did not create the Federal Reserve Board. Communism did not get the United States into WW1 or WWII. Communism did not force the United Nations on America. Communism did not take away the Panama Canal from the American people. Communism did not create the Global 2000 report mass genocide plan. It is SOCIALISM that has brought forth these evils upon the United States.

Communism did not give the world AIDS! Communism did not give the Americans disastrous levels of unemployment. Communism did not mount unrelenting attacks on the Constitution of the United States. Communism did not force America to adopt ?foreign aid,? that cursed tax on the American people which is involuntary servitude.

Communism did not force the end to school prayers. Communism did not promote the falsehood of ?separation of church and state.? Communism did not give America a Supreme Court packed with justices bound and determined to undermine the Constitution of the United States. Communism did not send our soldiers to fight illegal wars to protect the interests of the British crown, and foreign bankers.

While our attention was focused on Moscow, the SOCIALISTS in Washington were busy stealing America!! One World Order Socialist Dictatorship tells how this was, and is being accomplished.

The reader will be jolted by this account of treachery and treason![/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 1998 One World Order - Socialist Dictatorship.pdf (1.71 MB) ... ctatorship
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations[/large][/center]

Image[justify]The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

Much of the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called ?that black hole of disinformation, a lie factory.? In 1821, operations that were to shape the destinies of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States were transferred to the Tavistock Institute. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being ?brainwashed.? Tavistock?s ?mind control,? ?inner directional conditioning? and mass ?brainwashing? methods, still very much in use today, are explained in this easy to understand book written with great authority. The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct and the decadence in music and art that can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock?s faculty was Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as that of Willy Munzenberg.

This is a book about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution and no WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2005 The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.pdf (2.15 MB) ... -Relations
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]The Rothschild Dynasty[/large][/center]

Image[justify]This book by Dr. John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the ?Red Shield? dynasty, acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant and pawnbroker, working out of a small house on Judenstrasse, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, where he lived with his wife and family.

The events attributed to history are often caused by a ?hidden hand? pulling the strings of kings, emperors, princes and potentates from behind the scenes. This phenomenon is explained, and the legends that have grown up around the Rothschilds are demolished by this book that also reveals the Rothschild?s intriguing that brought down men like Napoleon and Tsar Alexander II of Russia.

Legend has it that Mayer Amschel Rothschild?s ?genius and financial skills? were inherited by his sons, but the truth is quite a different story, as Dr. Coleman makes very clear in this well documented account that goes far beyond the best known legends cloaking the true character of the family.

Exactly how Mayer Amschel Rothschild ?struck it lucky? and the steps he took that brought the family from obscurity to ?virtual rulers of all Europe,? makes fascinating reading.

This outstanding book is not only about the past, it is also about the present and the future. It will help to explain many of the events that perplex the ordinary people like the war in Iraq and the war threats against Iran.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2007 The Rotschild Dynasty.pdf (930.52 KB) ... ld-Dynasty
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]The Club of Rome[/large][/center]

Image[justify]The Club of Rome (COR) is the chief ?think tank? for the New World Order that was unknown in America until exposed by Dr. Coleman in 1969 for the very first time and published under the same title in 1970.

Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later. The COR plays a vital role in all U.S. Government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy or the Catholic Church. The name was chosen deliberately to deceive.

More recently it has acted as the foreign policy think tank of the Committee of 300 and carried out its decisions. Some of the wealthiest families of Europe and the US belong to the COR, whose membership list remains a closely-guarded secret. It is known that the late Giovanni Agnelli, also a top Illuminati figure, was one of its most influential members, whose council was sought by such world leaders as Winston Churchill, Nikita Khrushchev and President H.W. Bush.

The COR was responsible for a major population study the purpose of which was related to population control, completed in1968. Another prominent COR member, Aurelio Peccei advocated carrying out the suggestion of Bertrand Russell, the introduction of a plague similar to the Black Plague that would wipe out unwanted people and bring about a drastic reduction in population in countries like South America and Africa. Nuclear power stations generating the cheapest source of electric power known to the world were bitterly opposed by the COR from their very inception, to protect the oil industry, many of whose top executives belong to the COR and the Illuminati.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2008 The Club of Rome.pdf (294.07 KB) ... ub-of-Rome
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]We Fight For Oil[/large][/center]

Image[justify]A history of U.S. oil wars is a work-in-progress which began when President Wilson landed U.S. troops at Tampico. Future historians may very well have to fill in the blanks. The history of U.S. involvement in Persia (now Iran) and Mesopotamia (now Iraq) centered round the quest for oil and control of it as a vitally-needed natural resource. With this in mind, the reader may well come to the conclusion that news from U.S. (and British) sources has to be taken with a large grain of salt.

Oil diplomacy is governed by commercial and eventually, military considerations. Thus every U.S. President since Woodrow Wilson has formulated U.S. foreign policy to take care of oil interests. President McKinley said ?isolation is no longer possible,? and President Wilson echoed that sentiment when he said: ?We are participants whether we would or not in the life of the world. The interests of all nations are ours also. We are partners with the rest.?

Therefore this book affects or should affect every American, because modern international power is economic, just as all wars are economic in origin. Remember this the next time your sons and daughters are called to fight for the country. If Iraq did not contain huge oil resources, would the U.S. be bogged down in that country today? Fear of domestic shortages of oil seems to be the driving force at play. American strife over foreign resources has become the major factor in international affairs. These are issues examined in this book which should be read by every American interested in the future of their country.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2008 We Fight For Oil - A History of US Petroleum Wars.pdf (754.72 KB) ... oleum-Wars
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Abortion: GENOCIDE IN AMERICA[/large][/center]

Image[justify]In this scholarly work by Dr. Coleman, he explains in detail why, notwithstanding Roe vs. Wade, abortion in the United States remains unconstitutional and unlawful. The leading cause of death in the U.S. is not what the American Medical Association (AMA) says it is, but rather, it is infanticide, known as abortion, which the AMA does not bother to list in its annual statistics. After searching 37,000 pages of the Annals of Congress, the Congressional Globe and the Congressional Record, the author says he was not able to find anything in the Constitution that would legalize abortion.

Dr. Coleman cites the late Senator Sam Ervin, a great constitutionalist, as saying: In Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court found a power in the U.S. Constitution that does not exist.

The leading threats to the maintenance and stability of our Republican form of government and our rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are abortion and gun control in that order, says Dr. Coleman. The Supreme Court justices who voted for abortion, acted outside the pale and the ken of the Constitution.

Abortion is a product of so-called ?free love? which now permeates every corner of the United States. Women are murdering their babies at an alarming rate, and this unholy state of affairs must be halted, even if a second American Revolution has to be fought to put an end to it, the author says.

This book is recommended to every person who has any regard for the Constitution and Dr. Coleman believes that relentless opposition to abortion must be forcibly expressed until Congress overturns Roe vs. Wade, which it has the power to do, even by a majority of one single vote.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2009 Abortion - Genocide in America.pdf (230.73 KB) ... in-America
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Drug War Against America[/large][/center]

Image[justify]The drug trade is a very profitable business of enormous proportions, stretching across the world from producer countries to consumer countries, of which the United States of America is the leader. The cost of the product is negligible, with profits far exceeding those of some of the greatest companies in modern times. The drug trade is a war being waged principally against the United States , where innovative methods and ever-shifting pitched battles are fought. Thus far, nothing has been able to put an end to this cancer upon the United States and other western countries.

This book tells, in alarming detail, the story of how the drug trade was started in earnest with the arrival of a mop-haired group of musicians known as the Beatles. The band was brought to the U.S. to go on concert tours, which acted as a magnet for teenagers and provided cover for the distribution of drugs that got a generation of young Americans hooked.

Most Americans have only been exposed to the ?street pusher? and know very little about the insidious, illicit trade being carried out in their country; a trade that has cost time and billions in health care and anti-drug police expenditures. This timely book by Dr. Coleman rips the lid off the drug trade, from the opium growing poppy fields of Afghanistan to the desolate coast line at Maccra, Pakistan, to the British Bank of the Middle East in Dubai and beyond to the cocoa bush processing plants in Bolivia and Colombia, where the murderous M19 FARC guerillas, better armed than the Colombian military, run the country.

This account is no soap opera, but real life in which the drug trade is playing an increasingly ugly and costly role of our treasure and finances. It is a book which should be read by every thinking person concerned about the welfare of his country.[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2009 Drug War Against America.pdf (625.26 KB) ... st-America
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Freemasonry From A to Z[/large][/center]

Image[justify]Freemasonry is often described as a ?secret society,? but Freemasons themselves believe it more correct to say that it is an esoteric society, in that certain aspects are private. The most common phrasing being that Freemasonry has, in the 21st century, become less a secret society and more of a ?society with secrets.? The private aspects of modern Freemasonry are the modes of recognition amongst members and particular elements within the ritual. For instance, Masons might ask newcomers they meet ?are you on the square??

In an open society such as the United States, one is left to wonder why the need for secrecy? The task of describing Freemasonry is a daunting one. Saying that it is the largest fraternal organization in the world with over 3 million members in the United States and seven hundred thousand in Great Britain and a million more around the Earth and that is has been the study of fifty thousand books and pamphlets is only the beginning.

Since it was revealed in 1717, Freemasonry has engendered more hatred and enmity than any other secular organization in the world. It has been constantly subjected to unremitting attack by the Catholic Church, its membership forbidden to men of the Mormon Church, the Salvation Army and the Methodist Church. It is outlawed in a number of countries.

Anti-Masonic allegations always run into difficulties because Masonry refuses to respond to attacks. What is surprising is the very large number of world leaders, past and present, who were and are members of Freemasonry: King George VI of England, Frederick the Great of Prussia and King Haakon VII of Norway. U.S. history is replete with leaders who were Masons such as George Washington, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.

WWII was fought by British Masonic leaders such as Winston Churchill and the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and American army leaders like Generals Omar Bradley, Mark Clark and George Marshall. It is virtually impossible to know where to begin or to end in recounting Masonic influence on every aspect of life for the past 290 years. This work is an attempt to put together that which will make it relatively easy to explain ?What is Masonry??[/justify]

[center]John Coleman - 2009 Freemasonry from A to Z.pdf (392.79 KB) ... rom-A-to-Z
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