[center][large]Les USA Envoient un Très Vieux Porte Avions vers L?Iran[/large][/center]
[justify]C?est à se demander si c?est du lard ou du cochon. Si vous avez oublié votre Histoire du Lycée, je vous invite à aller réviser les incidents dits du « Golf du Tonkin ». Le 2 et 4 aout 1964, les USA ont prétendu avoir subi une attaque à la torpille contre le navire USS Maddox.
En 1995, le General Vo Nguyen Giap, très bon ami de la France depuis Dien Bien Phu (1954 source), a déclaré que ses forces n?ont jamais attaqué les Américains. Plus tard, en 2005, la NSA déclassifie des documents dont un rapport interne datant de 2001 et selon lequel l?attaque du 4 aout n?a jamais eu lieu. source
Ces attaques ont servi comme prétexte à la guerre du Vietnam causant 2 millions de morts chez les locaux et 50?000 morts US. Le cycle prétexte / guerre se perpétue de génération en génération. Les politiques et le complexe militaro-industriel s?enrichissent et les jeunes qui veulent « défendre leur patrie » partent au casse-pipe.
Aujourd?hui, les USA veulent la peau de l'Iran. Ce n?est ni le premier, ni le dernier pays qui subit leurs attaques. Dans 50 ans, à moins qu?ils aient fait faillite, ils seront en train de fabriquer des raisons et d?attaquer des pays.
Connaissant donc la méthode habituelle, on ne peut que s?inquiéter de l?envoi de l?USS Entreprise sur place. Ce porte avion a été commandé en 1957 et a été commissionné en 1961. Arrivant à la fin de sa vie, son démantèlement est prévu pour l?année prochaine. Ce navire est propulsé par des turbines à vapeur prenant leur énergie dans 8 réacteurs nucléaires qui coutent très cher à démanteler.
L?idée d?aller l?agiter sous le nez des Iraniens n?est pas totalement bête. Ces derniers pourraient se fâcher, s?en approcher et soudainement il explosera et coulera chez les Arabes. On est ultra proches du 11 septembre là. Donc la presse annonce que les Iraniens ont coulé l?USS Entreprise. L?Iran sera trop content de prendre à son compte l?exploit et même les écolos seraient d?accord qu?on lui fasse sa fête. Stay tuned. On ne va se faire entuber comme à chaque fois ![/justify]
http://www.operationteafortwo.com/2012/ ... 80%99iran/
Voir aussi :
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... he-Liberty
http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... php?id=971
Les USA Envoient un Très Vieux Porte Avions vers L?Iran
Moderator: Le Tocard
[center][large]US to send old warship to Persian Gulf[/large][/center]
[justify]USS Enterprise (file photo)
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has vowed to maintain a fleet of eleven warships despite budget pressures, mostly to project sea power against Iran.
On board of the oldest US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, Panetta told the crowd of 1,700 sailors that the 50-year-old ship is heading to the Persian Gulf region in a direct message to Tehran.
?The reason we maintain a presence in the Middle East ... We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it's better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy," Panetta said.
The USS Enterprise is the oldest active duty ship in the American naval fleet and its mission dates back to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and the Vietnam War.
The decision to maintain 11 warships comes at a time when the US economy is facing a national debt of more than USD 15 trillion after a decade of costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and is preparing for 487 billion dollars in defense cuts over the next 10 years.
On January 5, US President Barack Obama announced the shift in Washington's defense strategy to reduce the expenses. The eight-page document contained no details about how broad concepts for reshaping the military - such as focusing more on Asia and less on Europe - will translate into troop or weapons cuts.
Iran has warned the West of the possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz, where one-fifth of the world's oil shipments pass.
Iran threats were issued in response to aggressive military build-up, covert war operations and proposed sanctions against the Iranian oil sector, coming from the US and its allies.
[justify]USS Enterprise (file photo)
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has vowed to maintain a fleet of eleven warships despite budget pressures, mostly to project sea power against Iran.
On board of the oldest US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, Panetta told the crowd of 1,700 sailors that the 50-year-old ship is heading to the Persian Gulf region in a direct message to Tehran.
?The reason we maintain a presence in the Middle East ... We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it's better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy," Panetta said.
The USS Enterprise is the oldest active duty ship in the American naval fleet and its mission dates back to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and the Vietnam War.
The decision to maintain 11 warships comes at a time when the US economy is facing a national debt of more than USD 15 trillion after a decade of costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and is preparing for 487 billion dollars in defense cuts over the next 10 years.
On January 5, US President Barack Obama announced the shift in Washington's defense strategy to reduce the expenses. The eight-page document contained no details about how broad concepts for reshaping the military - such as focusing more on Asia and less on Europe - will translate into troop or weapons cuts.
Iran has warned the West of the possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz, where one-fifth of the world's oil shipments pass.
Iran threats were issued in response to aggressive military build-up, covert war operations and proposed sanctions against the Iranian oil sector, coming from the US and its allies.