Ben Klassen - Survival of the White Race

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Post by Dejuificator »

Survival of the White Race (1975)
Ben Klassen

[justify]This powerful 41-minute address serves as a concise primer to the racial problems of the world today as well as a presentation of the solution via the radial racial religion of Creativity. Originally recorded in 1975, the speech offers the listener an introduction to P.M. Ben Klassen, presents a unique perspective to the problems of the day (which remain unchanged since then), and additionally serves as a pleasant refresher for longtime activists.[/justify]


[justify]In this lecture Ben Klassen gives an introduction to an ordered set of political and personal beliefs ? one particular definition of a religion, if you will ? which he entitles Creativity. This religion is a vehicle for advice, guidance, and moral support for white people and white people alone, and Klassen's desire to market this for European-Americans exclusively while condemning those ethnic groups that contribute the negative effects of crime, corruption, disease, and poverty disproportionately to Western nations is all enough to cause every milksop liberal (and conservative) in view to piss his pants and start crying. Because, you see, it's illogically ?immoral? for white people to work in their own best group interests in a multicult disintegrating society where competing ethnic groups are squabbling for the decreasing remaining resources.[/justify]

[small]E-books of Ben Klassen[/small]

Original text from the back of the album cover:

This record sets forth in short summary the purpose and goals of the creed contained in NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, the Bible of THE CREATIVITY MOVEMENT. Basically those goals are the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, the finest and most intelligent creature ever conceived by Nature. It is narrated by Ben Klassen, P.M., Founder of THE CREATIVITY MOVEMENT. Not only does THE CREATIVITY MOVEMENT have a powerful new creed for the Survival of the White Race but it also has a dynamic program to achieve that goal. It goes beyond that. We not only are interested in the survival of the White Race but also its expansion until it inhabits all the good lands of this fertile Planet Earth. We go further. While insuring its survival and expansion, our program seeks to encourage the genetic, cultural and esthetic advancement of the White Race for the next million years. Our creed is firmly rooted in the Eternal Laws of Nature. We shun the superstitious beliefs of most past and present religions which cater to imaginary Spooks in the Skies. We believe in reality. We do not believe in "Pie in the Sky when you Die", nor "Fry in the Sky when you Die", nor that there are a host of spooks in the sky controlling our destiny and forever threatening us with eternal hell fire. We are realists. We mean to bring the White Man back to reality � to the realization that the White Race is the most precious value on the face of the earth. We believe that promoting the welfare and best interests of our own kind, the White Race, here on earth � the only place man has ever been known to live is a thousand times more important than catering to non-existent spooks in the skies. In order to help your race and yourself, play this record to groups of your friends as often as you can. Distribute the White Man's Bible, NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION to as many contacts as possible SPREAD THE WORD.[/justify]


Last edited by Dejuificator on Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Savoisien »

[center][large]Nature's Eternal Religion[/large]
by Ben Klassen



Image[justify]Ben Klassen gives an introduction to an ordered set of political and personal beliefs ? one particular definition of a religion, if you will ? which he entitles Creativity. This religion is a vehicle for advice, guidance, and moral support for white people and white people alone, and Klassen's desire to market this for European-Americans exclusively while condemning those ethnic groups that contribute the negative effects of crime, corruption, disease, and poverty disproportionately to Western nations is all enough to cause every milksop liberal (and conservative) in view to piss his pants and start crying. Because, you see, it's illogically ?immoral? for white people to work in their own best group interests in a multicult disintegrating society where competing ethnic groups are squabbling for the decreasing remaining resources.

In short, they do it so why can't we, Klassen asks.

Ben Klassen's almost 40-year-old book ?Nature's Eternal Religion? is proffered in this lecture and is replete with good advice on marrying, starting and raising a family, and owning your own business, concepts, which are entirely absent in the Big Three World Religions. There are no god, devils, spooks, spirits in the new religion of Creativity, and while this seems strange I'll be pleased offer the examples of Zen Buddhism and Scientology as proof of this concept. Why this aversion of organized religion? Klassen feels the modern interpretation of Christianity is an overly humanitarian neo-communist philosophy where you're supposed to slit your own throat in order to help ?those people over there? all the while cynically ignoring the suffering going on in formerly Christian lands, let alone the follies of importing incompatible third world peasants to this nation to ?help? them. As Klassen sees it, both trace to the hyper-humanistic stupidity of the Christian faith.

Concurrent with this self-absorbed pursuit of salvation is a sort of over-civilized weakness and gullibility that allows parasitical minorities to prey upon us. This means the welfare immigrants and poverty-ridden blacks on the lower end of the economic spectrum but also the Israel-first zionists and jew Neo-Cons in the upper strata of society. Klassen's view is borne out by any objective, dispassionate viewing of unreasonably high black infidelity and crime rates on the one hand, or the manipulations of the Jew lobby as proven in books like The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, They Dare to Speak Out, The Power of Israel in the United States, The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel, and The Host and the Parasite - How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America. Incidentally, the lack of appreciable media coverage of the ongoing low-grade genocide of the Palestinians by US-supported Israel proves Klassen's point on leechlike Jewish manipulation and misdirection of Western nations.

Again, all of these problems are proven, and some potential solutions are laid out in Klassen's book ?Nature's Eternal Religion,? and you see a quick introduction to this worldview in this lecture. Definitely not for everyone, but then again the feel-good junk that is peddled for everyone is the kind of junk that keeps you stuck in one or another political dead-end of your choice.

Remember, my reader, as the old saying goes, ?whomever says 'humanity' wishes to deceive.? Klassen lays out a pathway ? ?impolite? as it is ? whereby your eyes will be opened to a more complete view on politics, and you shall not be deceived by petty political manipulations again. The existence and solidarity of ethnic groups is political reality today, and those who deny this or ignore it will get the short end of the stick in the future.[/justify]

Feel free to visit us online at:


[center][large]The White man's bible - Audiobook[/large][/center]
[justify]This book together with NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION constitutes the official faith and creed of CREATIVITY, the basic religion of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR.

Dedicated towards developing the tremendous potential of Nature's Finest, the WHITE RACE. May this book give our great race a religion of its own that will unite, organize and propel it forward towards a Whiter and Brighter World.[/justify]



[center][large]In Klassen we Trust - Audiobook[/large][/center]


All Episodes of "In Klassen We Trust"
with PM Matt Hale.

Radio Show interviews with PM Matt Hale.

Public Demonstration Audios of PM Matt Hale.

A few audio lectures by PME Ben Klassen,
founder of the Religion of Creativity.[/center]

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