Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told

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Aryan Crusader
Homme Libre
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Post by Aryan Crusader »


[center][large]Adolf Hitler[/large]

[large]The greatest story never told ![/large][/center]




[center]The Awakening has Begun

[center][large]The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler[/large][/center]

[justify]Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of an incredible story. The story of a boy from an ordinary family whose ambition it was to become an artist, but who instead became a drifter.
His destiny however was not to drift into the awaiting oblivion, but to rise to the greatest heights of power, eventually to become one of the most influential men who ever lived.
Now for the first time, here is a documented account of a story many believe to be?

The Greatest Story NEVER Told !

Learn the untold story about the most reviled man in history. Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told is a 6-hour Documentary by TruthWillOut Films.
This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler?s rise to power.
It also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler : who he was, his family background, his artwork and struggles in Vienna and what motivated him to come to power.
There?s so much hidden history to recount; FDR Pearl Harbor conspiracy, Soviet brutality, betrayal and treachery on all sides. Do we really know the true cost of war ? Do we really possess all the facts ?
Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. Do your own research and decide what you choose to believe. Think differently.[/justify]


[center]Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told 1-3.flv 508.1 MB!B8BlXQiI!n3grG7Jcf ... SQJHCua968

Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told 2-3.flv 508.3 MB!01Bn0JjJ!JA0NQSlt5 ... aMvRvvKiDM

Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told 3-3.flv 482.9 MB!8gB2xDRC!brKTjV7Ug ... lxmWmZp3fs



[center][large] 73.0 MB!VgREnD6I!ebNNgArsA ... zkNrBLZ9Xo 79.5 MB!skQAjKYJ!xiQj1DzA_ ... i0t58rNN98[/large]


[justify]Part 1 Adolf Hitler?s Childhood ... it-TGSNTtv

From his birth and early life, throughout his WW1 exploits and into his early political career.

Little is said of Hitler?s earlier years before World War 1 so here it is. He was born in a small village in Austria on the borders of Austria and Germany. He was a chorister as a child in the local church and wanted to become a great artist or architect. He followed his dream to Vienna and applied to enroll at the fine arts college there. After being refused entry twice he became a drifter. He became interested in the National Socialist Party in the early years and was keen to fight the Communists trying to take over Germany in the early 1900?s before WW1.

World War I was nearing and he applied to the German Kaiser to join his Private Guard. He then was rewarded for bravery, commissioned to the rank of Corporal and won numerous other medals of valour.

After the War he decided to try to overthrow the Government which was full of Communists. His coup was almost successful but he was over confident and was arrested and was tried for treason which he pleaded guilty to. Treason held the death penalty but he plead his case in the courts and was sentenced to 5 years jail.

In jail he then wrote Mein Kampf, which became a worldwide bestseller far after the War, even though it was banned in most countries. He came out of jail even more popular than before and decided to then go into politics properly.

Many people ask how such a Man could rise to power. To understand this you need to know what happened. To understand World War I you need to go further back in history.

Adolf Hitler was in hospital recovering from a gassing in the trenches when WWI ended. He heard the Kaiser had abdicated and then the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler was ?born? that very moment in time. If you want to know his motivations, look up the Treaty of Versailles.

Please note corrections:

*Adolf Hitler was the 55th party member and not the seventh.

**The grave of his parents no longer have a monument headstone as it has been removed by officials since this documentary was made.[/justify]

[justify]Part 2 The Early Years ... it-TGSNTtv

Hitler goes to prison whilst Germany descends into poverty. The NSDAP rise to power, The Nuremberg Rallies and Germany prospers again.[/justify]


[justify]Part 3 Origins of the NSDAP ... it-TGSNTtv

swastika including The Anschluss, more on Hitler?s relationship with Eva Braun, and The Sudeten Conflict.[/justify]

[justify]Part 4 Cultural Clash ... it-TGSNTtv

Germany and the Jews, Crystal Night and the Transfer Agreement between Palestine & Germany, and Benjamin Freedman speech.[/justify]

[justify]Part 5 War Declared ... it-TGSNTtv

The truth behind WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles which was a great injustice ultimately leading to the Allies Declaring WW2.[/justify]

[justify]Part 6 Battle of Britain ... it-TGSNTtv

England and France declare War because of the German-Polish War, meanwhile in Berlin, everyone celebrates a great victory.[/justify]

[justify]Part 7 Stalin & The Allies? Mountain of War Crimes ... it-TGSNTtv

The America Racism that has carried on way into the 60?s and Roosevelt?s Fake Neutrality and deception.[/justify]

[justify]Part 8 Pearl Harbor and the Japanese Conflict ... it-TGSNTtv

War in Europe and the daring Operation Barbarossa, the Push into Russia to cripple Zionist Communism for ever.[/justify]

[justify]Part 9 Betrayal of the Cossacks ... it-TGSNTtv

After the bloodiest part of WW2 and most likely the darkest hour the Allies would like us to forget. The dishonour and lies that we have been told, and the blood that has been drawn to cover it up.

Helmuth von Pannwitz (14 October 1898 ? 16 January 1947) The Last Knight of Europe

Helmuth von Pannwitz (14 October 1898 ? 16 January 1947) was a German general who distinguished himself as a cavalry officer during the First and the Second World Wars. Later he became Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht and Supreme Ataman of the XV. Kosaken-Kavallerie-Korps. He was executed in Moscow for war crimes in 1947 of which he has been rehabilitated by the military prosecutor in Moscow in April 1996 almost fifty years after his violent death. The revocation of the Red kangaroo court?s conviction of Pannwitz was itself overturned in June 2001.

[small]Helmuth von Pannwitz
(14 October 1898 ? 16 January 1947)
The Last Knight of Europe[/small]

Pannwitz surrendered on May 11, 1945, to British forces near Völkermarkt in Carinthia, Austria, and made every effort to ensure that his men would remain in the custody of the Western powers. But by mid-May it was becoming obvious that the Cossacks would be handed over to their deadly enemies, the SMERSH, an action often referred to as The Betrayal of Cossacks. The same fate overtook the members of the Kazachi Stan at Lienz, another 30,000 old folk, women, and children. All were executed, were sent to GULAG prison camps, or committed suicide to avoid being repatriated.

Pannwitz was a German national, and under the provision of the Geneva Convention not subject to repatriation to the SMERSH. But on May 26, he was deprived of his command and placed under arrest while the forceable loading of the Cossacks into trucks began and continued through the following days.

Although many escaped from their camps following these actions, General von Pannwitz and many of his German officer cadre did not want to leave their men alone and shared the uncertain fate of the Cossacks who had been comrades in combat for more than two years, so these Germans surrendered with the Cossacks to the NKVD at Judenburg and were mostly all killed cold-bloodedly, women and children raped or sent to the Gulag.

Almost fifty years later, on April 23, 1996, during the Russian presidency of Boris Yeltsin, members of the Pannwitz family petitioned for a posthumous verdict of acquittal of the 1946 conviction. The Military High Prosecutor in Moscow subsequently determined that Von Pannwitz was eligible for rehabilitation as a victim of Stalin-era repression.

On June 28, 2001, however, rehabilitation was reversed in a ruling that disputed jurisdiction of the 1996 proceedings, and Von Pannwitz?s conviction for military crimes was maintained.[/justify]

[right][small]The Knight?s Cross of the Iron Cross
(Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes)[/small][/right]
Image[justify]Helmuth von Pannwitz was awarded the following Medals:

Iron Cross (1914)
2nd Class (16 September 1915)
1st Class (27 January 1917)
Wound Badge (1914)
in Black
Cross of Honor (20 December 1934)
Iron Cross (1939)
2nd Class (23 September 1939)
1st Class (5 October 1939)
General Assault Badge (18 July 1941)
Eastern Front Medal
Order of Michael the Brave
3rd Class (7 May 1943)
Order of the Crown of King Zvonimir with Stars and Swords
Knight?s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves
Knight?s Cross on 4 September 1941 as Oberstleutnant and commander of Aufklärungs-Abteilung 45
167th Oak Leaves on 23 December 1942 as Oberst and Führer of the Kampfgruppe ?von Pannwitz[/justify]

Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Sun May 25, 2014 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
Homme Libre
Posts: 366
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm

Post by Aryan Crusader »


[justify]Part 10 The Battle of Stalingrad ... Final-Edit

The bloodiest so far on the Russian front and the onslaught of German Forces East with Japan in the South East Fighting Communism against China and France and America bring aid to Staling with air drops over Alaska.

This is the turning point in the War for Hitler as his finest Gladiators are wiped out or sent to the Gulag slave camps. Many would freeze to death, and die of disease along the way to the Siberian Gulags.

The last German plane to leave Stalingrad, taking a few wounded also took their last hopes and letters with them, they all in their letters to their loved ones also swore undying allegiance to the Reich and that they would gladly sacrifice their lives for National Socialism and their Fuhrer.

Of the 127,000 soldiers that were captured in Stalingrad only 6,000 would make their way home after the War back to a de-Nazified and destroyed nation.[/justify]

[justify]Part 11 The Red Terror ... it-TGSNTtv

The Partisans as the Wermacht retreat Westward at the Battle of Kursk then the Bloodiest Massacre at Katyn and the cover-ups.[/justify]

[justify]Part 12 Mussolini ... it-TGSNTtv

The daring Prison Break by the most Dangerous man in Europe Otto Skorzney code-named ?Operation Oak?. Hitler chooses 3 Men to free Mussolini with an 85% chance of a failure and fatal death they pull it off in under 12 minutes with no shot fired.

Also Operation Gomorrah, the Bombing of Hamburg where the Americans would bomb strategic installations, railways, business?s during the day, and then at night the british would bomb the tightly knitted residential homes.

The attack during the last week of July, 1943, created one of the largest firestorms raised by the RAF and USAAF in World War II, killing 42,600 civilians and wounding 37,000 in Hamburg and practically destroying the entire city.

This would be known as Germany?s Hiroshima. 1 Million refugees were forced to leave their homes because the city had been demolished. The allies had hoped this would break the Germans and they would be forced to rebel against their Fuhrer, but it had the opposite effect.[/justify]

[justify]Part 13 Roosevelt and Churchill ... inal-Edit#

This episode shows the hidden web of money and lies and the Billions of Dollars the Americans invested into the Rise of Communism.[/justify]

[justify]Part 14 General Leon DeGrelle: The most famous of the Waffen SS ... it-TGSNTtv

?My Honour is My Loyalty?

Born in Belgium he joined the Waffen SS as a Private and earned all Stripes up to General for exceptional bravery in combat. He earned all stripes from Corporal to General, and died at 87 years of age.

He was awarded the Ritterkreutz, the Oak-Leaves, the Golden German Cross and numerous other decorations for outstanding valour under enemy fire.

The Waffen SS was the most advanced Army the World had seen, with Soldiers immaculately well trained and equipped with the latest in wartime technology.

The Waffen SS was the most multi-cultural army in the World with recruits from all over Europe, including a Free British Corps and Volunteers across the British Empire. Africans, Muslims.

The Waffen SS held their oath of honour as sacred.

?I swear to thee Adolf Hitler as Fuhrer and Chancellor of the German Reich loyalty and bravery. I vow to thee and to the superiors whom thou shall appoint obedience until death so help me God.?

Leon DeGrelle was one of the last to fight on the Eastern Front, and was engaged in seventy-five hand-to-hand combat actions and was wounded numerous occasions.

He escaped unconditional surrender by flying some 1500 miles across Europe, managing to survive constant fire along the way and crash landed in San Sebastian in Spain, critically wounded again.

Against all odds, he survived and lived out the rest of his life in Spain where he eventually died at the age of 87.[/justify]


[justify]Part 15 Battle of the Bulge ... it-TGSNTtv

The Battle of the Bulge nearly turned the War on it?s head; the march through Moscow to the Gulag; and one man?s heroic escape home to his family.[/justify]

[justify]Part 16 Treachery ... NEVER-Told

The Treachery and the Bombing of Civilians by the Americans and British; Stalin slaughtering millions upon millions of Russians and Germans.

Churchill stood by and funded Stalin as he slaughtered his way West with some of the most atrocious war crimes that have never been addressed to date. All financed by the British and American Zionists. The destruction of Berlin and blanket bombing of women and children. Anyone left alive was raped to death and hanged, old or young, it didn?t matter.

Roosevelt dies and does not see the end of the War and Harry Truman enters the game. That same month Italian Partisans capture Mussolini and his lover Clara Petacci along with several comrades in northern Italy. They will all be executed after a sweeping trial.

It is believed before they shot Mussolini that he was sodomized, beaten and tortured whilst Claretta Petacci was beaten and raped several times. Their bodies will be brought to Milan the next day where before being hanged upside down in a heinous public display, a baying crowd will stamp, spit and urinate on them.

When Hitler receives this news, he is already bunkered down in Berlin since January 16 1945 and surrounded by his high command.[/justify]


[justify]Part 17 Battle of Berlin ... it-TGSNTtv

Battle of Berlin and the death of Adolf Hitler; The Russians are bombarding Berlin from the East; in the West the Allies pushing hard; Berlin falls.[/justify]

[justify]Part 18 Germany Defeated ... it-TGSNTtv

The horrific deaths of Joseph & Magda Goebbels, Operation Slaughterhouse, and the Allied mistreatment of German prisoners.[/justify]

[justify]Part 19 Nuremberg Trials ... it-TGSNTtv

The De-Nazification and ethnic cleansing of the Germans, whilst in Asia, the War continues with Japan.[/justify]

[justify]Part 20 Confessions by Torture ... it-TGSNTtv

The London Cage, a series of nine cages in Britain where the torture of Germans took place.[/justify]

[justify]Part 21 The Leuchter Findings ... Final-Edit

David Cole, The History of the Six Million.[/justify]

[justify]Part 22 Ocean of Death ... it-TGSNTtv

Plunder of German technology, defeat brings retribution.[/justify]

[justify]Part 23 The Berlin Wall ... it-TGSNTtv

Return of the German POW?s, The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall, The Great Allied ?East German? Deception.[/justify]

[justify]Part 24 What If Germany Had Won? ... it-TGSNTtv

Hitler?s economic miracle ? The Media Revenge ? And What if? What if Germany had actually won and Utopia had lost?[/justify]

[justify]Part 25 We Defeated The Wrong Enemy ... it-TGSNTtv

Operation Thunder, fighting to save Europe, the Charlemagne Waffen SS and Hitler?s Lament.[/justify]

[justify]Part 26 Credits & Thanks ... it-TGSNTtv

Video list of all sources and links that contributed to this epic documentary[/justify]

[justify]Part 27 Babylon Before Hitler ? Bonus ... it-TGSNTtv-

Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.[/justify]

Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Sun May 25, 2014 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aryan Crusader
Homme Libre
Posts: 366
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm

Post by Aryan Crusader »


[center]Adolf Hitler - PDF

Hitler's Victory - A Final Appeal For Peace and Sanity ... and-Sanity

Adolf Hitler - VOSTFR ... ler-VOSTFR

Adolf Hitler - Audios ... hp?id=1054

Adolf Hitler - Discours et proclamations ... hp?id=2097

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf ... Mon-Combat

Adolf le Grand diffamé par des "nationalistes" ... ionalistes

Léon Degrelle - Le fascinant Hitler ... ant-Hitler

Léon Degrelle - How Hitler consolidated power in Germany and launched a social revolution ... revolution

Légende de l'Atlantide - VOSTFR ... ide-VOSTFR


[---][center][large]The Hitler Test[/large][/center][---]

[justify]The Hitler test is the same as the 9/11 test.

The same as the Iraq test, the Afghanistan test, the Libya test, the Syria test.

The same as the ?domestic terrorist? test, the ?anybody can be president? test, the ?your vote counts? test, the ?government is on your side? test.
Fourni par

If you believe what the government says, you?re part of the problem. If you believe what big media tells you, well, then you?re just an idiot, incapable of discernment and a total failure at critical thinking.

There?s a reason I keep saying 90 percent of the opposition to Jewish America?s pathological practices are false.

Such popular ?opposition? commentators as Jim Stone, Alex Jones, Mike Rivero, Ryan Dawson, Chris Hedges, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams (to name only a few) . . . they all fail the Hitler test. They all fall for the Jewish propaganda that ?Hitlerian? is the worst adjective you can apply to any person, any program, any social movement. They and hundreds of others have all fallen for the popular media lie that World War II was ?the good war?, when in reality it was, at the time, the biggest lie ever told.

Whether these writers are merely naive or totally corrupt and paid off is for you to decide.

In either case, they pretend not to know that Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century.

Objective facts prove that Holocaust hysteria is a cynical hoax, meant to create new ways of scamming the public ($13.5 billion in Holocaust reparations, at last count; plus laws in almost all European countries mandating jail for anybody who wishes to even discuss the matter).

The two main facts that have been covered up are these.

Germany was destroyed in the 1940s because it was the most serious threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony the world has ever seen. While the rest of the world was mired in a Jewish-imposed worldwide depression ? and people were starving in the streets everywhere, including the United States ? Germany under Adolf Hitler was thriving, because it had freed itself from the shackles of the international bankers and their devastating criminal formula of fractional reserve lending, which is the exact thing that is strangling societies all over the world today.

And the second most important fact that has been covered up is that all this ceaseless and maudlin hoopla about 6 million Jews gassed and burned in German concentration camps obscures the real mass murder crime by Jewish allies America, Britain and the Soviet Union, who terminated with extreme prejudice 12 million innocent German citizens, most of them after the war had supposedly ended.

So the most important lessons to be learned from this massive coverup and social engineering program concocted and reinforced ad nauseum by Jewish media hypocrites is that anybody who escapes the toxic tentacles of the kosher world bankers guarantees themselves financial independence and domestic harmony, but runs the risk of being annihilated by the criminals who control the world financial system.

Which is why I?m fond of saying your choices under this current system of government are either life in prison or instant death. Do not try to sugar coat this. This is what everyone in the world is facing right now.

This unceasing drivel about Jewish Holocaust victims is best counterbalanced by reading the Thomas Goodrich book, Hellstorm, which details in the goriest of detail what the Americans, Brits and Russians did to innocent German civilians AFTER World War II had ended. Pay close attention to the horrific details, because these things are about to happen in the United States and elsewhere to most of you.

This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking us. Have taken us.

[large]Maintaining the slander[/large]

Even after two decades of false flag atrocities (Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, WTC1 & 2, and the string of phony wars that followed), a majority of the American people still believes what it hears on TV, which is why the recent string of choreographed faux massacres has failed to stir the population to revolt ? even as it is being slowly exterminated by an endless panoply of malicious methods.

Even as consciousness of our government?s criminal nature has grown in the minds of many ? thanks to the Internet ? still only a precious few are willing to recognize the nature of the disease that has turned the country into a terminal cancer patient, even though this sickness has been present since the founding of the republic.

Most people ? especially the younger generations ? have no clue that Holocaust hysteria didn?t really get going until after the JFK assassination in 1963, although the rabid hate crimes against the German people have been conducted by American Jews throughout the 20th century, principally in the creation of the Federal Reserve which started World War I, and also the worldwide declaration of war against the Germans by the Jews in 1933.

One of the bizarre aspects of this unceasing kosher propaganda blitz is that the Jews have been using this 6 million dead figure since well before World War II. Not only has the credibility of this tale been demolished in the minds of attentive observers, the shibboleth serves as a telling indicator that the tale, and the cynical public relations onslaught that has followed, have sickened the entire world with its maudlin falsehoods like dead Jews made into soap and lampshades and thrown into lakes of fire. None of these stories can be proved, but many people still believe them.

So, the point being that anybody using ?Hitlerian? as a relevant adjective to describe some incomprehensibly dastardly deed is actually revealing to the world that their minds are clogged with demented Jewish fairy tales, nightmare sagas concocted by sobbing hypocrites like Elie Wiesel whose works have been disseminated throughout the world only because rich Jews control of the publishing industry, the TV networks, most governments and the Nobel Prize nominating committee.

People from Putin to Obama are still reinforcing this false stereotype. But the story didn?t happen that way. That?s just the way the Jews told that story, and because of their control of the media, that?s what most of the world now believes.

Hitler never wanted to take over the world like the Jews say he did. He only wanted to reclaim what was stolen from Germany in World War I. There were no gas chambers in the work camps. Most of those who died were Poles and other ethnic groups. And that number is nothing in comparison to the number of people murdered by the three Jewish allies ? the Soviets, and Brits and the United States ? who sought to stamp out the biggest threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony ever seen.

So all those writers who use Hitler as an example of the greatest arch villain of all time are merely displaying their own brainwashing, or their own contemptible corruption, to all who have eyes to see.

And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to be obliterated by the same Jewish monster that is now obliterating us.

[large]Solzhenitsyn?s words[/large]

Today we are experiencing unprecedented encroachments on our personal freedom. The TSA has announced it will demand our tax information if we wish to fly on an airplane. The police have usurped the right to enter our homes if we have been determined to be politically incorrect. Our children are poisoned from birth by vaccinations proven to cause permanent brain damage. And still most people deny that America has become a snake eating its own tail, driven all the while by Jewish interests who have no interest in working for the public good, but only in fleecing victims their rabbis have labeled as barnyard animals, or, as Menachem Begin once famously said, ?beasts walking on two legs?.

More and more people have begun to figure out that the same monster that devoured the Russian people when the Soviet Union was brought into being by Jewish bankers from New York has now spread its poisoned attitudes across the United States, and like a colossal vampire, has sunk its fangs into every fiber of American life, strangling the life out of everything that is good and decent.

From Einstein to Feinstein, writers, scientists and politicians today seek to get ahead by reinforcing these same stereotypes that are killing us, and foremost among these techniques is summoning up their nightmare vision of Adolf Hitler as a symbol of dark depravity that fills us with fear. But like everything the Jews have told us during their takeover of the world, it is a lie.

What happened to the Russian people is now happening to Americans, because the same super rich and soulless Jewish bankers are running the world?s show. Because what happened to Russia is now happening to America, there is no better place to examine these deadly and tragic parallels than in the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose last book ? ?Two Hundred Years Together? ? the story of the Russians and the Jews ? has been prevented from being published in the English language by the Jews who control the publishing industry, and by the paid off politicians who condone such censorship. It is all to the benefit of the Jews who bribe them, who blackmail them, to betray the people they are supposed to serve.

What happened in the Soviet Union is now happening here, with Jews occupying all the choke points of power, writing laws that benefit only themselves, and above all, killing non Jews as fast as they possibly can.

?Relentless terror? is what Stalin ordered for the Russian people, and what the American people are experiencing now. Listen to Solzhenitsyn?s words
(culled from ... -the-Jews)

On August 26, 1918 Lenin instructed by telegram: ?Dubious persons are to be locked up in concentration camps outside of the city. Relentless mass terror is to be carried out.?

Tens of thousands of hostages were killed ?for deterrence? during the 1917-1922 civil war, with hundreds drowned at a time by sinking them on barges in the White Sea in the Arctic.

?Vermin? were naturally the small- and medium-sized farmers, the tradesmen and all homeowners. It was ?vermin? who were singing in the church choirs.

By resolution of the Defense Council of February 15, 1919 the Cheka and the NKVD were instructed to seize hostages from the farmers of those areas ?wherever the clearing of snowdrifts off the railroad tracks is not progressing satisfactorily; in this case, if the work is not done, they can be shot.?

People were also shot recklessly on the basis of arbitrary lists ? particularly academics, artists, authors and engineers. With the regulation on forced food-collection of January 1919, the farmers were also targeted.

Later, in the 1930s, the mass ?collectivization of agriculture? in Ukraine led to the death by starvation of about 6 million humans.

What you read here is a preview of what is coming to America, in fact, what is already here.

Any man who has not yet been flung into the sewage channel and whoever has not yet been pumped himself through the pipes into the GULAG archipelago, should march about, joyfully above-ground, with flags flying and bands playing, praising the courts, and expressing ecstasy over his acquittal.

The general expropriation of the entire population in favor of an illusory ?people?s property,? the system of general terror, the pervasive vulnerability of every unprivileged citizen ? and as their consequence, arrests without

measure, deportations into faraway hard labor camp-regions and liquidations ? were an integrated and mandatory part of the state ideology of ?Marxism-Leninism.? These historical facts must be acknowledged.

As early as January 1918 there were already mass executions under martial law without any procedures or court hearings. These were followed by hundreds and later thousands of innocent hostages being seized, executed in mass nighttime shootings or loaded on ships and sunk with them [aboard].

Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Vyacheslav Molotov pushed their requisition commandos out into the countryside. Soon thereafter, in 1932-33, 5 or 6 million humans died like animals of hunger in Russia and Ukraine, right on the edge of Europe. ?But the free press of the free world maintained its perfect silence!?

Solzhenitsyn?s description of the gulags are an accurate description of what is about to take place in the already-built U.S. FEMA camps.

Make no mistake about the gulags: they were not ?work forever? camps. They were ?work to death? camps, designed to liquidate the occupants. Millions were sent to die in them.

Solzhenitsyn tells us, however, ??by the computations of the emigrated statistics professor Kurganov, this ?relatively light? suppression that ran from the beginning of the October Revolution through 1950 cost us [Russians] about 66 million human lives.? [GULAG Archipelago, p. 37]

This is why Adolf Hitler was so intent on stopping the Red Jewish Menace from Russia from invading his own country. What has been stripped from our history books was that Hitler admired the United States and Britain, because he didn?t realize they had already been taken over by Jews and turned into monsters.

This is the Hitler test that most Americans have utterly failed. They have obediently swallowed the Jewish propaganda and lost their country to people with no conscience, no sense of compassion, and a bloodlust that has drenched the world in tragedy for longer than anybody can really remember.

In Russia, 1.7 percent of the population took over the whole government. In America, the percentage is about the same. The same Soviet Jews, run by New York bankers, have spawned both the neocons and the progressives. Each new law they conspire to pass is aimed at population reduction.

Foreigners with no allegiance to anything except their own insanity are in control of everything now. Since the time of Alexander Hamilton, they never have been Americans ? only predators intent on controlling, robbing and killing.

Failing the Hitler test guarantees you either life in prison or an early grave. Those are the choices all Americans now face for failing the Hitler test,

All those writers who misuse the false term Nazi ? consciously or not ? are on the side of those now turning the world into a giant prison, in which the dead will outnumber the living.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.


Last edited by Aryan Crusader on Sun May 25, 2014 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 162
Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:59 pm

Post by cçakoi »

[center][large]Hitler la plus grande histoire jamais racontée VOSTFR[/large][/center]


27 x 15 minutes vostfr :

Épisodes 1 à 4 (226 MB) :

Épisodes 5 à 8 (229 MB) :

Épisodes 9 à 12 (215 MB) :

Épisodes 13 à 16 (353 MB) :

Épisodes 17 à 20 (349 MB) :

Épisodes 21 à 24 (186 MB) :

Épisodes 25 à 27 (129 MB) :

[center]Partie 1 VOSTFR :[/center]


[center]Partie 2 VOSTFR :[/center]

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