The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds by Robert S. Griffin - Second

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[center]The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds[/center]
[center]Robert S. Griffin[/center]

[center]Audio Book[/center]

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by Bradford L. Huie

TODAY WE begin one of the most important audio book series of our new century — one which we believe will become more and more relevant as the century matures: Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed. (ILLUSTRATION: Dr. William L. Pierce and his wife in the 1990s)

On July 23, it will have been fifteen years ago that William Pierce died at the age of 68. A physicist by training, he was known as a White nationalist (founder of the National Alliance), novelist (author of the radical revolutionary novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter), editor and writer (the founder and first editor of National Vanguard magazine and author of Who We Are, a comprehensive history of European Man), and, perhaps most importantly, founder of a new religion which he called Cosmotheism.

In his final year of life, Dr. Pierce allowed Professor Robert S. Griffin of the University of Vermont — a man who was at the time in no way associated with Dr. Pierce’s activism, views, or philosophy — to live with him for an entire month, allowing Mr. Griffin to interview him at length, experience his daily tasks running the affairs of the National Alliance and producing his weekly radio show, meeting his co-workers, and giving him unprecedented access to almost every aspect of his life, something never done by any other journalist before.

The result was Professor Griffin’s book The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. The book’s title was taken from Dr. Pierce’s favorite quote, an ancient Norse proverb that runs as follows: “Cattle die and kinsmen die, and so must one die oneself. But I know one thing that never dies: the fame of a dead man’s deeds.” Fame, as I and many others called the book for short, was perhaps the first Internet-published book to “go viral” and hit the bestseller lists. It’s an extraordinary portrait of an extraordinary man. Robert Griffin is also an extraordinary man; gifted and sensitive, insightful and observant, an interviewer with the talent of asking the most pointed and germane questions — and a writer with the rare skill of capturing the true essence, personality, and even soul of his subject.

Beginning as a skeptic toward Dr. Pierce’s views, Professor Griffin said “Pierce cooperated fully and never once asked me to delete or change a thing.” By the time his sojourn had ended on the wooded, mountainous Whites-only retreat in West Virginia that Pierce called “The Land,” Griffin was able to say “I found him the most fascinating human being I’ve ever been around my life. . . . He is a very honorable man of the highest character.”

This audio book is the only one authorized by the author, and incorporates Professor Griffin’s very latest revisions, which have not yet appeared in any print edition.

How did a teacher, a professor, a research physicist like William Pierce come to conclude that there is no more important — and no more moral — thing than ensuring the survival of the European race? Why did he reject the equalizing, leveling, democratic trends that have dominated the West for a hundred years or more? Why did he ultimately decide that Christianity was an aberration and a spiritual sickness, unworthy of being the dominant religion of the West? Well, hit the play button and you’re about to find out, as you embark upon a journey of the mind and soul, and learn what Professor Griffin learned during William Pierce’s last year on Earth. Your life will never be the same.

This week we begin with the Introduction to The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. ... roduction/
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[center]First Contact
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

TODAY WE continue Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed. (ILLUSTRATION: The West Virginia headquarters of the National Alliance, as described in Griffin’s book.)

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the second chapter, “First Contact,” of the book. In this chapter, Professor Griffin sees William Pierce and his community, The Land, as he called it, for the first time. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... t-contact/
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[center]William Pierce’s Early Life
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

TODAY WE continue Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

This week we present details of William Pierce’s early life — his birth, his parents, and other family members — his early schooling and childhood enthusiasms — his life at a Texas military academy — his first jobs — his interactions with the church — his days at Rice University — his work at Los Alamos and Cal Tech — his doctoral studies — his days as a university professor — his marriage to a young student — his children and subsequent marriages — his love for women and his favorite cats. (ILLUSTRATION: William Pierce as a very young child and in his 60s.)

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the third chapter, “Early Life,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... arly-life/
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]George Bernard Shaw, et al.
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

TODAY Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, continues.

This week we present insights into William Pierce’s philosophical and intellectual influences, beginning with great playwright George Bernard Shaw (pictured).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the fourth chapter, “George Bernard Shaw, et al.,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... haw-et-al/
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[center]How Hitler Influenced William Pierce
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

HERE IS the latest installment of Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

This week our presentation is likely to be more controversial than anything we have ever published in the Mercury before — a look at how Pierce, an American scientist and academic, was deeply influenced by the man more hated than any other in history, Adolf Hitler.

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the fifth chapter, “Adolf Hitler,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... am-pierce/
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[center]The John Birch Society
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

THE JOHN BIRCH Society was the most prominent anti-Communist group in America. Despite its professed philo-Semitism and “anti-racism,” it was a part of the lives of such White radicals as Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Richard Berkeley Cotten — and the subject of this audio book, Dr. William L. Pierce, who would later go on to found the National Alliance and pen the novels of race war and terror, Hunter and The Turner Diaries.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter six, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to oppose Communism — and what conflicts did he have with other anti-Communists which ultimately led to his departure from the Birch Society? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the sixth chapter, “The John Birch Society,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... h-society/
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[center]George Lincoln Rockwell
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL (pictured) had a profound influence over the thinking and the destiny of William L. Pierce — and therefore, as Pierce’s colleague Kevin Alfred Strom once remarked, potentially over the future course of Life in the Universe. Was Rockwell a “Nazi clown” as some have called him, or were his theatrical propaganda memes really just the visible outcroppings of a vast mountain range of philosophical insight?

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter seven, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to see himself as a National Socialist? — and why is National Socialism relevant to Americans? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the sixth chapter, “The John Birch Society,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... -rockwell/
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]The National Alliance
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE was born 84 years ago today. The political organization he created, the National Alliance, is 47 years old if we count its earliest incarnation, the National Youth Alliance, which began in 1970. It is still making the news today in 2017, 15 years after Pierce’s death. In this week’s audio book version of Pierce’s biography, we take a detailed, incisive look at the founding of the Alliance from William Pierce’s own close-up, intimate perspective. (ILLUSTRATION: Dr. William Pierce in his recording studio at the West Virginia National Alliance campus.)

What were Dr. Pierce’s motivations for taking an independent path after his close association with George Lincoln Rockwell? And if he was to take this new path, what brought him to the doorstep of Lou Byers and what had, up until that point, been more or less a fundraising scheme by Willis Carto? What was the meaning of the National Alliance for Pierce personally, and what meaning does it have philisophically and politically, in today’s “diverse” world? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter eight, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the sixth chapter, “The John Birch Society,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... -alliance/
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[center]Revilo P. Oliver
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

RESPECTED PROFESSOR of the classics — co-founder of the John Birch Society — radical racial-nationalist — witness before the Warren Commission — and profound influence on William Luther Pierce: All of these things describe Revilo Pendleton Oliver, who is the subject of this week’s chapter of our new audio book, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. (ILLUSTRATION: Revilo P. Oliver.)

How did Dr. Pierce come to know Revilo Oliver? What were the professor’s connections to the National Youth Alliance and Lou Byers? How did Dr. Oliver influence Dr. Pierce? How did he inspire William Pierce’s first novel, The Turner Diaries? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter nine, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the ninth chapter, “Revilo P. Oliver,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... -p-oliver/
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]The Turner Diaries
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

WHAT IS PROBABLY the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries — is the subject of this week’s chapter of our new audio book, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

(ILLUS.: The cover and autographed title page of a first edition copy of The Turner Diaries, first published as a serial in 1975 and as a book in 1978.)

What is the truth about William Pierce’s first novel, The Turner Diaries? Why was it written? Was it really a “blueprint” for violent revolution as some have suggested? Why are people still reading it and talking about it today, more than 40 years after it was written? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter ten, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the tenth chapter, “The Turner Diaries,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... r-diaries/
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[center]Pierce on The Turner Diaries
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

TODAY WE ENTER the mind of the author of the most controversial novel ever written — The Turner Diaries. Professor Robert S. Griffin interviews and probes fearlessly into the thinking of Dr. William Pierce, the subject his unique biography, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

What was William Pierce trying to achieve with The Turner Diaries? Why does he claim that it is not his best writing, even though it is by far the most popular thing he has ever written? Didn’t Pierce realize that he’d forever be placing himself and his movement “on the fringe” of American life by writing it the way he did? Why so much raw violence — even cruelty? Was any of that really necessary to get his message across? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter eleven, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the eleventh chapter, “Pierce on The Turner Diaries,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... r-diaries/
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]Timothy McVeigh
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

AGAIN AND AGAIN the claim is made that Dr. William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries was the “inspiration” for Timothy McVeigh’s 1995 attack on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. But was that true? Professor Robert S. Griffin asks Dr. Pierce tough questions on his, his novel’s, and his organization’s connections to McVeigh in this audio book version of his unique biography of Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, read by Vanessa Neubauer. (ILLUSTRATION: Timothy McVeigh sells bumper stickers near Waco, Texas, one of which is “anti-Nazi,” blaming Nazis and Communists for favoring gun control. Click here to view in high resolution. The text on the sticker reads, flanked by a hammer and sickle and a swastika, “Politicians Love Gun Control.”)

Click here for all the chapters of this book that we’ve published so far.

Was it not obvious that the bombing of the FBI building portrayed in The Turner Diaries was a blueprint for the bomb in Oklahoma City? What were the similarities? What were the differences? Did McVeigh have a racial motivation, as the protagonist of Pierce’s book did? What is Dr. Pierce’s moral view of such violent acts? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter twelve, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button below (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the twelfth chapter, “Timothy McVeigh,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... y-mcveigh/
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[center]Our Cause
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

THIS WEEK in our audio biography of William Pierce (pictured), read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer, we present author Robert S. Griffin’s exploration of Dr. Pierce’s spiritual ideals, as expressed in his seminal speech Our Cause.

Click here for all the chapters of this book that we’ve published so far.

Alone among biographers of Dr. Pierce, Professor Griffin recognizes that William Pierce was a man motivated, not by the cartoonish “hate” that hostile and superficial writers ascribe to him, but by a deep connection to what he saw as the ages-old wisdom imbued in our race-soul — and, indeed, in the Universe itself. How does such a spiritual outlook lead to what many perceive as Pierce’s “racism”? How can the two be compatible at all? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter 13, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button above (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the 13th chapter, “Our Cause,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... our-cause/
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Post by Savoisien »

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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

COSMOTHEISM is a religion for those of European descent founded by physicist, teacher, philosopher, writer, and American political activist William Luther Pierce. On this week’s audio book installment of the only authorized biography of Dr. Pierce, Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, we learn about Cosmotheism and the man who created it.

Click here for all the chapters of this book that we’ve published so far.

What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Why did we evolve? What does the future hold for us? How can we decide what is right and good and should be done, and what is wrong and evil and should be opposed? You’re about to learn how this extraordinary man answered these questions.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter 14, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button above (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the 14th chapter, “Cosmotheism,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... smotheism/
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

TODAY WE bring you Vanessa Neubauer’s new audio book — chapter 15 — of The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which discusses Dr. William Pierce’s exploration and critique of the work of the great Russian intellectual Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Click here for all the chapters of this book that we’ve published so far.

Why is individualism an empty philosophy? Why is unlimited freedom to pursue our whims a bad thing? In what ways is Western “democracy” misguided? What is it like to be a truth-teller in a world of people-pleasers and conformists? You’re about to receive a perceptive glimpse into the minds of two great thinkers on these questions.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter 15, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button above (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the 15th chapter, “Alexander Solzhenitsyn,” of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now. ... zhenitsyn/
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