UFO Files

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[center]===Unknown season(s)===[/center]

#'''Alien Encounters''' (''original airdate: December 31, 2006''): Since the 1960s, thousands of UFO landings, flyovers and collisions have left scientific evidence behind for study. These events have become known in the field of [[UFOlogy]] as the "trace cases." There are over 3,000 documented UFO physical trace cases and they have occurred in over 90 countries around the world. From impressions in the dirt, burned or broken vegetation and trees to scientific abnormalities that have yet to be explained, trace cases offer up some of the most convincing evidence of the UFO reality.

#'''Alien Engineering: Part 1''' (original airdate: February 6, 2006): Suppose humans recovered a crashed alien spacecraft crashed. What could we learn from it? Using data gleaned from years of UFO sightings, cutting-edge animation and [[reverse engineering]], "Alien Engineering" recreates a typical ship. Our experts show us what's "under the hood" of alien craft. At first inspection, the technology seems crazy, but according to our experts, nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. Amazingly, many of these "[[science fiction]]" devices are based on real science. And many have human-designed counterparts right here on [[Earth]]. Topics: [[levitation]], [[anti-matter]] drive/torpedo, [[Fermilab]], [[laser]] weaponry, [[forcefield]]/[[cloaking]] shield, [[cold plasma]], [[stealth technology]], [[teleporter]], [[SETI]], [[Wow! signal]]. Features interviews with: physicist [[Lawrence Krauss]], theoretical physicist professor [[Michio Kaku]], [[Geoffrey Landis]] ([[MIT]] Professor of Astronautics), Fermilab scientists [[Paul Derwent]], [[Elvin Harms]], Jr. (engineering physicist), and [[David McGuinnis]]; Coloniel [[John Daniels]] and [[LaTravia Robinson]] of the Laser Effects Facility at [[Kirtland Air Force Base]]; [[Paul Davids]], Executive Producer of ''[[Roswell (documentary)|Roswell]]''), author [[William Alschuler]], physicist [[Mounir Laroussi]] of [[Old Dominion University]]; [[Seth Shostak]] (senior astronomer), [[Rick Forster]] (research astronomer), [[Frank Drake]] (astrophysicist) at SETI, and others. Narrated by [[David Ackroyd]].

#'''Alien Engineering: Part 2''' (original airdate: February 13, 2006): Prepare for an exercise in imagination. Suppose that an alien spacecraft crashed in the desert and we humans recovered it. What could we learn from its engineers? Using data gleaned from years of UFO sightings, we recreate a typical ship using cutting-edge animation, discover why aliens choose the craft shapes they do, learn how they overcome the effects of Earth's atmosphere, defy gravity, cancel inertia, and travel faster than the speed of light! Our experts--reverse engineers--show us what's "under the hood" of alien craft. We explore the technology that makes other-world visitations possible, what distance-shrinking device or wormhole excavator permits ships to travel space's expanse in minutes, and how the semi-transparent spacecraft skin functions. At first inspection, the technology seems crazy, but according to our experts, nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.

#'''Alien Hunters''' (''original air date: ?''): Man has long speculated about the existence of intelligent life beyond the bounds of Earth. But with the advent of modern astronomy toward the end of the 19th century, old myths were transformed into compelling new theories about alien civilizations. Alien Hunters documents the history of our search for extra-terrestrial life, explaining the technologies used, introducing the pioneers and revealing the most promising discoveries. Experts like Steven J. Dick, Historian of Science at the U.S. Naval Observatory, talk about bizarre 19th century plans to attract alien attention by creating giant canals of flame in the Sahara or enormous earthworks in Siberia. Frank Drake, President of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), provides a modern perspective. And examine mysterious signals from outer space that cannot be satisfactorily explained by any natural phenomenon. It's an inside look at the most ambitious outreach program ever - the search for alien intelligence.

#'''An Alien History of Planet Earth: Part 1''' (''original air date: ?''):

#'''An Alien History of Planet Earth: Part 2''' (''original air date: ?''): Nick Cook, a British aerospace journalist with a 20-year history of "getting below the surface" of some of the strangest military aircraft to take to the skies, applies his expert, investigative skills to a world of mystery and deceit--a fantastical place full of UFOs, strange encounters, and alien abductions. Much of his time has been spent at the respected journal, Jane's Defence Weekly. His job is to investigate secret programs--the shadow defense industry, worth billions of dollars, but hidden from public view. Now, with more people than ever believing in UFOs, Cook wants to know what really has been flying through our air space. He traces the phenomenon from early sightings of UFOs during WWII to the mass reports of alien abductions that swept America in the 1980s and `90s. Entering the world of bluff and double-bluff, he investigates such landmark cases as the Roswell Incident and the Zamora Sighting to try to answer the question: Are UFOs real?

#'''Ancient Aliens''' (''original air date: 2005''): Since the dawn of time, stargazers have looked to the sky wondering if earth has had heavenly visitors. Scientists investigate ancient ruins, artifacts, and texts from around the world exploring the possibility of previous extraterrestrial visits and the plausibility of future stopovers!In modern times, the first UFO was reported in 1947. But many people believe that aliens have been among us for thousands of years. And for evidence, they point to certain ancient texts and monuments. Do they, in fact, tell the story of extraterrestrial contact eons ago? Join the worlds leading UFO experts including the authors of the bestselling Alien Identities and Fingerprints of the Gods for an extraordinary investigation that journeys through human history in search of evidence of alien contact. Why do so many structures, from different societies worldwide, seem to point towards the same spot in the skies? What other possible explanation is there for the frequent references to strange flying objects in ancient texts? Do some clues point to the presence of aliens among the ancients themselves? With dramatic re-creations, footage from around the world and inspired scholarship, ANCIENT ALIENS attempts to uncover the truth.

#'''[[Area 51]]:''' (''original air date: ?''): A mysterious, stark terrain, 90 miles north of Las Vegas, goes by many names: The Box, Paradise Ranch, Groom Lake, Watertown Strip, and Dreamland. But most refer to the region as Area 51. Since the late 1950s, an array of UFO sightings has been reported above its skies. In 1989, revelations of Las Vegas resident Bob Lazar brought Area 51 to national attention. Lazar claimed to possess amazing inside information, but he wasn't the first to state that something strange was going on. Those who discount Lazar's theories think the government kept its activities from the general public for a more plausible reason. The base, built at the Cold War's height, housed testing of cutting-edge aviation technology. The cloak of secrecy was to keep the Soviet Union in the dark, not the American public, and experts expostulate that the government perpetuated these theories to disguise its real activities.

#'''[[Area 51]]: Beyond Top Secret''' (''original air date: ?''):

#'''Beyond the War of the Worlds''' (''original air date: November, 21 2005''): In print for over 100 years, [[H.G. Wells]]' seminal work "[[The War of the Worlds]]" has thrilled millions. We now bring you the inside story of not just the book but the phenomena of this amazing story. From the original publication in 1896 to the recent [[Steven Spielberg]] movie, and from the 1938 broadcast to the little known 1968 panic in upstate [[New York]], we delve into the mysteries surrounding this amazing, long-lived tale.

#'''Black Box UFO Secrets''' (''original air date: August 7, 2006''): The [[tape]] is always running, and when pilots encounter what they believe are UFOs, the [[black box]] aboard every aircraft captures the moment. For the first time, THE UFO FILES reveals actual cockpit and control tower recordings of these sightings. From a detailed account of the 1947 Arnold case, to recent recordings over [[New England]] and Texas, to [[NASA]] recordings and video from 2005, "Black Box UFO Secrets" features interviews with pilots, witness and experts, including [[UCLA]]'s [[Joseph Nagy]], actor [[Ed Asner]], and pilot/UFO researcher [[Don Berliner]].

#'''[[Colares UFO flap|Brazil's Roswell]]''' (''original air date: December, 17 2005''): In September 1977, something amazing appears in the night sky over the Brazilian island of Colares in the Amazon delta--a luminous object hovering about 15 feet over the water. For nearly two months, strange flying objects visit the island--some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, some luminous and some not. Witnesses report they felt as if blood had been sucked from them by the strange rays. More than 30 residents suffer puncture wounds or burns after their encounters. Two islanders reportedly die from their injuries. The Brazilian Air Force sends a task force to the island for three months and it returns with 300 night photos and several motion picture reels. Though a 500-page report is compiled, along with a catalogue of the sightings, maps, and interview transcripts, it's kept from the public. Then, in May 2005, a few of the details are released, but many questions go unanswered. In this unique hour, we examine these mysterious happenings in depth.

#'''[[Rendlesham Forest Incident|Britain's Roswell]]''' (''original air date: December 17, 2005''): Starting on Christmas night, 1980, [[Air Force]] personnel at a [[NATO]] installation in [[United Kingdom|Britain]] reported a series of strange sightings and encounters. Investigating a glowing object in the woods, they came upon a triangular metal craft which shot above the treetops after one serviceman touched it. Two nights later, the Deputy Base Commander and a team investigating the alleged site saw lights over a field beyond the woods and a red object. It sped off, beaming lights over the bases. Though some documents relating to the incident have been released under the [[Freedom of Information Act]], the encounters remain shrouded in secrecy and controversy.

#'''[[Rendlesham Forest Incident|Britain's Roswell: The Rendlesham Forest Sighting]]''' (''original air date: December 26, 2007''): Over three nights in December 1980, Air Force personnel stationed at a NATO installation in England witness strange lights in the sky above the RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge bases. On the night of the 25th, when servicemen spot a glowing object in the woods, they investigate and come upon a triangular metallic craft. One of them touches it and records strange etchings in his notebook. It shoots above the treetops and the men are later found in a daze by other troops. Two nights later, the Deputy Base Commander and a team investigating the alleged site see lights over a field beyond the woods and a red object. It speeds off, beaming lights over the bases. Some witnesses allege use of force and sodium pentothal during interrogation. A memorandum issued by the Deputy Base Commander, which records some statements, is later released via the Freedom of Information Act. More files are released in 2002 but, to this day, the events remain a mystery.

#'''Britain's X-Files''' (''original air date: ?''): Flying saucers...Close encounters...Top-secret government files...the Royal family. Join us for the amazing story of Britain's X-Files as we examine the bizarre and intriguing history of Britain's UFO phenomenon. The journey takes in skeptical prime ministers, senior RAF officers, and Royal believers Prince Philip and Lord Mountbatten. It begins in 1950, when Clement Attlee's government established the extraordinary Flying Saucer Working Party, and ends in 2000, when the Ministry of Defense disbanded its UFO intelligence unit. In between, flying saucers played on deep fears of the Communist threat during the Cold War, and exploded into popular culture in the 1960s. But why did flying saucers suddenly appear in England, and why did the government take so long to admit that something was going on? We track down eyewitnesses and reveal the incredible true story of an encounter in 1955 between Prince Philip's equerry and a mysterious "alien" called Mr. Janus.

#'''[[Shag Harbour incident|Canada's Roswell]]''' (''original air date: March 6, 2006''): Examine dozens of eyewitness reports surrounding an alleged 1967 UFO sighting in Nova Scotia.

#'''[[Cattle mutilation|Cattle Mutilations]]''' (''original air date: ?''): A rancher's nightmare, the mysterious murder of livestock has plagued farmlands worldwide for generations. Commonly known as cattle mutilations, these bizarre deaths happen to horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, and others, though the most frequent victims are cattle. Most often, udders, ears, tongues, and eyes are somehow surgically removed from the animal without spilling a drop of blood! We explore the prevailing belief that extraterrestrial beings bear responsibility for these grotesque, bloodless slaughters. Alien presence provides an explanation for the manner of killings and the ability to perform the delicate operation so consistently and so precisely. Viewers will watch an actual field investigation unfold as we delve into the history of the cattle mutilation phenomenon and its connection to UFOs.

#'''[[Dropa|China's Roswell]]''' China's Roswell. Legends from China tell of 716 mysterious stone discs, known as "The Dropa Stones". Some believe the stones hold secrets about ancient contact with extraterrestrials. Discovered in a cave in 1938, each 12" disc contains a double spiral of tiny hieroglyphs that are said to contain the historical record of an alien race called the Dropa that crash-landed in an isolated region of China 12,000 years ago. The story of the Dropa Stones is an amazing tale filled with mystery, deceit, and conspiracy, and today, skeptics and true believers wage an ongoing battle over what they are, what they mean, and if they even exist at all. Regardless, the Dropa Stones continue to consume the imaginations of scientists, journalists, historians, UFO buffs, and stargazers in general.

#'''[[Crop circle|Crop Circle Controversy]]''' (''original air date: ?''): The puzzling formations known as crop circles have appeared worldwide throughout history. In the Middle Ages, they were called "witch" or "pixie" circles, and a 1678 woodcut, the "Mowing Devil", depicts one thought to be Satan's work. But in the 1980s, the phenomenon escalated, with dozens of crop circles popping up in England and other countries. When two Englishmen claimed they had perpetrated the hoax, many felt the riddle was solved. And yet, more have materialized. We explore the mystery.

#'''[[unidentified submerged object|Deep Sea UFOs]]''' (''original air date: ?''): Join us for a detailed examination of the little-known phenomenon of USOs, or "Unidentified Submerged Objects", an advanced type of UFO that can operate just as efficiently in water as in the atmosphere. These supposed otherworldly vessels have been reported, some believe, as far back as ancient Egypt. Others believe that USOs were reported by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus, and might even involve the lost city of Atlantis. Highlights include the 1967 "Shag Harbour Incident", a government-documented USO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, and a trip to the area around Laguna Cartegena in Puerto Rico, a reported hotbed of USO activity. Interviewees include the US Navy's Bruce Maccabee, UCLA's Kathryn Morgan, as well as USO and UFO experts Stanton Friedman, Bill Birnes, and Preston Dennett.

#'''[[unidentified submerged object|Deep Sea UFOs]]: Red Alert''' (''original air date: 10 July 2006''): In this hour, we'll dive deeper into the ongoing mystery of USOs--Underwater Submerged Objects--UFOs that have reportedly been witnessed going into and out of Earth's oceans. The show features a dive into the Santa Catalina Channel near Los Angeles to search for trace evidence of a 1992 USO event--a detailed account of the USS FDR, a magnet for USO and UFOs from the early 1950s until its decommissioning in the 1970s, with at least eight major sightings. Australia's famous Tully Water-Crop Circle Case is explored, as well as many other astounding and recent USO cases from the US and the world. Interviews include USS FDR veterans Chet Gruisinsky and Harry Jordan, USO researcher Dr. Stephen Greer, and Australian UFO expert Bill Chaulker.

#'''[[Wright-Patterson Air Force Base|Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse]]''': (''original air date: December 26, 2006'') Is this the final resting place of alien [[artifact]]s or--as the government would have us believe--just another top-secret military compound? Elected officials, UFO researchers, and former base employees go on the record for the first time regarding Hangar 18, the top-secret facility on [[Dayton, Ohio]]'s [[Wright Patterson Air Force Base]]. Some experts claim that UFO wreckage and even alien pilots are transported to Hangar 18. Examine declassified documents that prove the "disk" from Roswell event and fragments of other mysterious crashes were shipped to Wright Patterson. Then hear accounts of flying saucer debris, alien bodies, [[cryogenic]] chambers and a vast underground network that may hold the secrets to the UFO mystery. Is there a conspiracy to hide UFO evidence from the highest branches in the U.S. Government, or is it all just a [[myth]]? Check out the fantastic galactic impound lot.

#'''[[Kecksburg UFO incident|Kecksburg UFO]]''' (''original air date: June 6, 2005''): What came down in the forest outside the sleepy hamlet of [[Kecksburg|Kecksburg, Pennsylvania]] on December 9, 1965? Some residents claimed to see an [[acorn]]-shaped metal object with strange, [[hieroglyph]]ic writing on its side, half-buried on the forest floor. Astronomer [[Von Del Chamberlain]] wrote that the Kecksburg object was a meteorite. [[NASA]] consultant [[James Oberg]] theorized that it was a failed [[Russia]]n probe, but now also thinks it was probably a [[meteorite]]. Often called the "[[Pennsylvania]] Roswell" in UFO circles, the debate raged until, in late December 2003, NASA finally released 39 pages of material and the Air Force released 2,800 pages on the case from its files. The only thing the government documents conclusively prove is that the object was not a Russian probe. But for UFO enthusiasts and researchers, many questions remain unanswered.

#'''[[Majestic 12|Majestic 12: UFO Coverup]]'''(''original air date: June 20, 2005''): What really happened in [[Roswell, New Mexico]] in the summer of 1947? Did a flying saucer crash in the vast desert scrubland? The initial [[United States Army]] Air Force press release claimed they had recovered a flying disk. But a day later, the story dramatically changed--now they called it a [[weather balloon]]! In 1987, secret documents surfaced indicating the existence of the "[[Majestic 12]]"--an elite group of scientists and military and intelligence officials, allegedly brought together by President [[Harry S. Truman]]. Did the MJ-12 truly exist? If so, did these men forever trivialize the most talked-about UFO event in history, as well as all UFO sightings thereafter?

#'''Mexico's Roswell''' (''original air date: December 12, 2005''): [[Coyame, Mexico]] is a small town not far from the US border. It's home to three thousand people and possibly the best-kept secret of all-time. In August 1974, the United States military was tracking a mysterious object over [[Mexico]]; then suddenly it disappeared from [[radar]] near Coyame. At the same time a civilian plane headed in the opposite direction is reported missing. What follows next is the stuff [[Hollywood]] blockbusters are made of: a crash site, a spacecraft, dead bodies, a covert recovery mission, and a government cover-up. Is this the story of the century, or just a piece of Mexican [[folklore]]? Over the last 15 years, Mexico has experienced an unprecedented UFO wave. While the sheer volume of encounters garners attention, it's the apparent quality, or credibility, of these incidents that has our attention. Through interviews with witnesses and experts we examine the evidence, and controversial footage released by the Mexican military reveals never-before-seen video.

#'''Out of This World''' (''original air date: January 9, 2006''): Are we alone in the universe? Is the earth on the brink of a cosmic catastrophe? Do aliens really exist? And if they do, how do they get here? Long before man landed on the moon, people have been asking these and other questions that are out of this world. Perhaps clues to some of these questions lie in understanding the behavior of asteroids, life on Mars, and secrets that our government may hold about UFOs and Roswell.

#'''[[Devil's Sea|Pacific Bermuda Triangle]]''' (''original air date: September 4 2006''): Soar above--and dive below--the dangerous waters off [[Japan]] known as the "[[Dragon's Triangle]]." While the Bermuda Triangle is a well-known area of strange phenomenon in the Atlantic, there is another, more treacherous triangle in the Pacific off the coast of Japan known as the "Dragon's Triangle". This dangerous ocean triangle has reportedly claimed hundreds if not thousands of ships, airplanes, and submarines since the first written reports in the 13th century. Could these lost vessels be the result of bad oceanic conditions or possibly something more mysterious? We'll get to the bottom of this unsolved world mystery. Interviews include Dr. Joann Stock, Caltech; Joseph Nagy, UCLA; Takuji Wasda, University of Tokyo; and Japanese UFO experts Junichiro Nirasawa and Junichi Yaoi.

#'''Real UFOs''' (''original air date: November 14, 2005''): Ever since the military started using sophisticated airplanes, they have sought ways to build an aircraft that can fly undetected, maneuver like a helicopter and fly like a jet. The Nazis were the first to pursue the idea of building a disc-shaped aircraft. After the war, the Americans, Canadians and Russians all were able to build aircraft similar to the German prototype, perhaps based on the concepts smuggled out by German engineers. This episode looks at top secret flying saucer designs of the Air Force, with specific dates, times and locales of flights that may point to the real explanation behind the many UFO sightings beginning in 1947, and why the saucer design was abandoned for stealth technology.

#'''[[Roswell UFO incident|Roswell: Final Declassification]]''' (''original air date: ?''): In 1947, a strange object fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico, and controversy brewed over what it really was. In November 2001, we convened a team of experts at the National Archives for an exclusive first look at the top-secret government files of the UFO incident. We unveil the remaining classified files--11 boxes with 17 notebooks of declassified files, photos, transcripts and audiotapes of dozens of witnesses, and 22 films and videos--in a definitive statement on the 50-year-old mystery.

#'''[[Roswell UFO incident|Roswell: Roswell Secrets Unveiled]]''' (''original air date: ?''): In 1947, a strange object fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico, and the lives of many civilians and military personnel would never be the same again. The Air Force's key players come forward with their version of events that summer. Yet, alien conspiratorialists remain skeptical. Eyewitness accounts from Roswell locals and testimonies of respected scientists weave a pattern of inconsistencies that cannot be so easily dismissed.

#'''[[Kapustin Yar|Russian Roswell]]''': Welcome to the remote, top-secret military base [[Kapustin Yar]], the Soviet "[[Area 51]]"--where the wreckage from no fewer than eight UFO crash incidents and their occupants were transported and studied between 1945 and 1991. We expose this never-before-seen installation through interviews, on-camera tours, dramatic reenactments, and extensive recreations. We also explore the many Russian UFO crashes over the decades and show the ways in which [[Soviet]] UFO research scientists at Kapustin Yar used and processed the wreckage...and the alien bodies. Join us as we investigate the facts and myths surrounding Kapustin Yar, as well as the many UFO crashes that still circulate in the lore and consciousness of the Russian people.

#'''Secret UFO Files''' (''original air date: ?''): For more than a half-century, America's Central Intelligence Agency has systematically suppressed, distorted, and even fabricated reports of UFO sightings. With the assistance of the CIA's official historian and newly declassified documents, we provide an objective, balanced, and at times, highly controversial examination of the secret role the CIA has played over the years in concealing and controlling the official records of reported UFO sightings throughout the country.

#'''Soviet UFO Secrets Revealed''' (''original air date: ?''): In an investigation of some of the most puzzling UFO sightings in Soviet history, we uncover the work of an underground network of believers and reveal a clandestine 13-year government investigation of UFOs. Many Russian UFO enthusiasts believe that proof of alien encounters exists--but it's being hidden from them! We also meet George Knapp, an American broadcast journalist who traveled to Russia in the early 1990s and believes there's a treasure trove of KGB UFO files that remain top-secret.

#'''[[Aurora Texas UFO Incident|Texas' Roswell]]''' (''original air date: December 19, 2005''): In April 1897--50 years before the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico--a mysterious airship crash rocked the small town of [[Aurora, Texas]]...or at least, that's how the legend goes! The tale includes the wreckage from the ship, a funeral for the dead "alien" pilot, and thousands of witnesses from across the country. And the Aurora crash allegedly took place five years before the [[Wright Brothers]] flew at [[Kitty Hawk]], so whatever was in the air was not manmade. Eyewitness accounts of the crash, mysterious metal found at the site, and the hunt for the only known alien graveyard are all combined into a story that has even the most adamant debunkers baffled. Is this the case that finally proves that UFOs are real? Join us as we separate fact from fiction.

#'''[[Philip J. Corso|The Day After Roswell]]''': Delve into the aftermath and repercussions of the 1947 Roswell incident, when many believe an alien spacecraft crashed in New Mexico. Based on The Day after Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso and William Birnes, we explore if technologies like the laser, fiber optics, the integrated circuit, super-strong fibers, and night vision were developed with the aid of aliens. Career officer Corso claims his first alien encounter came on July 6, `47, while on late-night security rounds at Ft. Riley, Kansas, where he saw bodies of EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) inside shipping crates. In 1961, as Chief of Foreign Technology in the Army's department of Research and Development, his job included analyzing alien technology from Roswell, then introducing it into America's technological mainstream--thus, reverse-engineering alien artifacts. And we talk to many scientists involved at the time, who credit hard work, not alien contact, with these technological advances.

#'''[[Greys|The Gray's Agenda]]''' (''original air date: ?''): According to ufologists, the Grays--beings from another world--abduct humans, implant devices, and conduct reproductive experiments. The most "familiar" aliens, we see their images in every media. What do they want? Where are they from? Do alien life forms kidnap humans in order to replicate their dying race? Is our government in collusion with extraterrestrials in exchange for advanced technology? Hundreds of eyewitnesses swear they encountered aliens and dozens claim they have actual physical proof. To test their claims and sift fact from fiction, we conduct a hypnotic regression in which abductees relive shocking alien encounters, witness surgery to remove a foreign object, and sweep the night sky looking for possible alien-inhabited planets. So join us as we go in search of the Grays and their alien agenda.

#'''[[Greys|New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda]]''' (''original air date: December 6, 2004''): The phenomenon of alien abduction is reviewed. Hypnotic regression is conducted and an alleged implant is removed.

#'''UFO Cults''': An investigation into [[cult]]s and their members, some of whom believe in UFOs. Includes interviews with the mother of a [[Heaven's Gate (religious group)|Heaven's Gate]] victim and a man who believes that spaceships will land in the Bermuda Triangle in the year 2001.

#'''UFO Hot Spots''' (''original air date: July 25, 2005''): For those who study the UFO phenomenon, "UFO Hot Spots" are places around the globe known for a long history of UFO sightings and reports. From Brazil to Mexico, from Washington State to Florida, multiple witnesses, including air traffic controllers and even military personnel, confirm that something unexplained is repeatedly happening in the night sky. Tales of alien abductions, bizarre and chilling photographs of UFOs, and hours of videotape all abound as we search for UFO Hot Spots.

#'''UFOs and the [[White House]]''' (''original air date: July 25, 2005''): Did you know that the office of President of the United States has had a direct involvement with UFOs for over 50 years? Since WWII, every Chief Executive has publicly discussed, issued, or received documents from the White House pertaining to "Unidentified Flying Objects". Many of these documents have never been seen on television before and some of the stories surrounding these UFO-presidential encounters are broadcast for the first time. Find out which administrations had to defend our country from unidentified objects...who was sitting in the Oval Office during the biggest UFO sightings...and how the government's UFO files are handled, depending on political affiliations. We'll gather the facts and glean information from presidential libraries that reveal startling insight on UFOs and the White House.

#'''UFO Hot Spots''' (''original airdate: 2004''): For those who study the UFO phenomenon, "UFO Hot Spots" are places around the globe known for a long history of UFO sightings and reports. From Brazil to Mexico, from [[Washington|Washington State]] to [[Florida]], multiple witnesses, including [[air traffic controller]]s and even military personnel, confirm that something unexplained is repeatedly happening in the night sky. Tales of alien [[abduction]]s, bizarre and chilling photographs of UFOs, and hours of videotape all abound as we search for UFO Hot Spots.

#'''UFOs in the Bible''' (''original airdate: 2004''): Journey back through time into the mysterious history of UFOs as revealed through ancient biblical texts. Through intensive reinterpretation of early religious documents, researchers believe that they have found evidence of ancient UFO activity. From Elijah's flying "chariots of fire" and Ezekiel's "wheels within wheels in the sky" to the enigmatic aerial phenomenon that lead Moses during the Exodus, we apply a modern perspective to the writings of the Bible in the context of UFOs.

#'''UFOs of the 70?s''' (''original airdate: 2004''):: Apparently aliens are big fans of disco. No other decade brought us as many close encounters as the Me Decade. Revisit those spacey days with this out-of-this-world DVD. The 1970s were one of the most active periods of UFO sightings. The most famous sightings of the decade are recalled and up-to-date information on the closest of encounters is provided. From Delphos, Kansas to Roswell, New Mexico, explore the mysterious and the unknown, and meet those who claim to have seen UFOs, or were even abducted by aliens. Is the truth out there?

#'''UFOs: Then and Now? Aliens and Contact''' (''original air date: October 18, 2004''): On July 11, 1991, thousands across Mexico looked skyward during a total eclipse and were greeted with a wave of UFO sightings. Was this a prelude to imminent contact? Or will humans get to the aliens first? Join us for a review of mankind's efforts to reach out to Extraterrestrial Intelligence as we listen for a cosmic signal that we are not alone!

#'''UFOs: Then and Now? Cause for Alarm''': Studies some of the most disturbing UFO sightings, including: a 4-day extravaganza in 1952, when UFOs cruised the skies over the White House; sightings in 1967 near a secret US/Canadian submarine detection base; controversial events at the UK/US air base at Bentwaters, England; and the military's Test Area 51 in Nevada. Recounts the recorded UFO encounters that have taken place near test ranges, air bases and nuclear power plants. Included: a widely reported July 1952 sighting over Washington, D.C. Also: the secret world of Area 51.

#'''UFOs: Then and Now? The Innocent Years''' (''original air date: ?''): In a comprehensive series investigating the UFO experience, we begin with a review of surprising imagery from cave paintings to Medieval frescoes to Renaissance art. But in the late 1940s, the modern era of UFO sightings took off with the mysterious crash of a flying object near Roswell, New Mexico.

#'''UFOs: Then and Now? Nightmare''' (''original air date: ?''): UFO Files examines the most debatable aspect of alien contact--human abduction! From the first recorded case, the 1961 kidnapping of Betty and Barney Hill, to the 1976 Allagash Incident, when four friends were whisked away while on a camping trip, we hear firsthand from participants and a neuroscientist, who offers more earthbound solutions.

#'''UFOs vs. The Government''': Looks at four reported sightings of UFOs in [[England]], [[Belgium]], Canada, and southwestern [[Michigan]], deemed by experts to be some of the best evidence available on the existence of possible extraterrestrial [[spacecraft]]. We tell the stories, then disbelievers present their best guess of what witnesses really saw.

#'''When UFOs Arrive''' (''original air date: ?''): It's all hush-hush as we track a secretive global paper trail, delving into government plans on how to deal with other-planet visitors. Searching historical records, we find that protocols are in place--from the U.S. military's JANAP-146 reporting requirements to France's Cometa files, from Chapter 13 of the FEMA Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control titled "Enemy Attack and UFO Potential", to a now-repealed federal law titled "Extraterrestrial Exposure".
Last edited by Volksfuhrer on Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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