[---][center][large]The Breath of Death[/large][/center][---]
[center]These drawings depict the life of the Soviet Gulag prisoners. Very cruel and gloomy?[/center][right][small]http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2011/04/26/the-breath-of-death/#more-48292[/small][/right]
[justify]I?m? an English, French, American, Japanese, Italian, German and maybe some other spy as well?[/justify]
[justify]The Gulag had its own ?thieves by law? who were in a privileged position like modern bureaucrats.
Criminals were in a much better position than ?enemies of the people?. Authoritative, repeatedly convicted ?thieves by law? usually didn?t work. Petty thieves were their minions. Bytoviki (prisoners serving for domestic crimes) gave them a part of their wage payments. Criminals helped to destroy ?enemies of the people? in labor camps of the Gulag?[/justify]
[justify]The prisoner who lost his life in a card game is carried out to the cold?
- Sprinkle him with holy water to make his life in the other world better. And I?ll cover him with snow so that the prison guards wouldn?t find him soon?[/justify]
[justify]Cut the skull of an ?enemy of the people? for his refusal to give a part of his wage payments to the criminals.[/justify]
[justify]An execution of the sentence made by the ?court of thieves? in a labor camp?
In Stalin?s camps of the Gulag criminals committed murders of other prisoners, with the connivance of its administration. They used electricity, knives, gallows, beheaded them, pushed a heated in the fire crowbar into their anus, etc. Many criminals had 10 and even more ?rams? each (?ram? is a murdered prisoner).[/justify]
[justify]?Sanitary shooting? was periodically carried out by the workers of the People?s Commissariat for Internal Affairs in the years of Stalinism.
Its aim was to prevent non-Russian peoples from getting a national sense of justice. Party, Soviet, economic and artistic workers shot at the command. There even were the orders for the number of ?heads?. Like a hunting license permitting to shoot certain kinds of animals: elks, saigas, wild boars, wild rams, bears and so on.[/justify]
The Breath of Death
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