Adam Curtis

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Post by Commodore »

[---][center][large]Adam Curtis[/large][/center][---]

[center][large]The Living Dead[/large][/center]
[justify]Out of the carnage in Europe 50 years ago, the Allies selected certain memories. They used them to build the official version of the good war. This film is about how that happened. It tells why certain memories have to be buried and forgotten because they contradicted the optimism of the big historical picture. The Living Dead (subtitled Three Films About the Power of the Past) was the second major documentary made by the film-maker Adam Curtis.[/justify]

[center]Adam Curtis - The Living Dead 1-3 On the Desperate Edge of Now.flv (136.39 MB)

On the Desperate Edge of Now[/center]

[justify]This episode examined how the various national memories of the Second World War were effectively rewritten and manipulated in the Cold War period. For Germany, this began at the Nuremberg Trials, where attempts were made to prevent the Nazis in the dock?principally Hermann Göring?from offering any rational argument for what they had done. Subsequently, however, bringing lower-ranking Nazis to justice was effectively forgotten about in the interests of maintaining West Germany as an ally in the Cold War. For the Allied countries, faced with a new enemy in the Soviet Union, there was a need to portray WW2 as a crusade of pure good against pure evil, even if this meant denying the memories of the Allied soldiers who had actually done the fighting, and knew it to have been far more complex. A number of American veterans told how years later they found themselves plagued with the previously-suppressed memories of the brutal things they had seen and done. The title comes from a veteran?s description of what the uncertainty of survival in combat is like.[/justify]

[center]The Living Dead 2-3 You Have Used Me as a Fish Long Enough.flv (137.45 MB)

You Have Used Me as a Fish Long Enough[/center]

[justify]In this episode, the history of brainwashing and mind control was examined. The angle pursued by Curtis was the way in which psychiatry pursued tabula rasa theories of the mind, initially in order to set people free from traumatic memories and then later as a potential instrument of social control. The work of Ewen Cameron was surveyed, with particular reference to Cold War theories of communist brainwashing and the search for hypnoprogammed assassins. The programme?s thesis was that the search for control over the past via medical intervention had had to be abandoned and that in modern times control over the past is more effectively exercised by the manipulation of history. Some film from this episode, an interview with one of Cameron?s victims, was later re-used by Curtis in his The Century of the Self. The title of this episode comes from a paranoid schizophrenic seen in archive film in the programme, who believed her neighbours were using her as a source of amusement by denying her any privacy, like a pet goldfish.[/justify]

[center]Adam Curtis - The Living Dead 3-3 The Attic.flv (138.26 MB)

The Attic[/center]

[justify]In this episode, the Imperial aspirations of Margaret Thatcher were examined. The way in which Mrs Thatcher used public relations in an attempt to emulate Winston Churchill in harking back to Britain?s ?glorious past? to fulfil a political or national end. The title is a reference to the attic flat at the top of 10 Downing Street, which was created during Thatcher?s period refurbishment of the house, which did away with the Prime Minister?s previous living quarters on lower floors. Scenes from The Innocents (film) the adaptation of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James are intercut with Thatcher?s reign.[/justify]
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]911 - Le pouvoir des cauchemars
11 septembre 2001[/center]
[right][small]Centralisation 9 11[/small][/right][center]Image

911 - Le pouvoir des cauchemars.avi 315.93 MB


[justify]"The Power of Nightmares" : le pouvoir américain comme fabrique à cauchemars

Article de Jean-Luc Douin paru dans Le Monde à l?occasion du Festival de Cannes 2005

Autres temps, autres moeurs. En 2004, on se serait battu pour assister à la projection du film de Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11. Cette année, c?est dans la plus petite salle du festival que l?on a visionné The Power of Nightmares ("Le Pouvoir des cauchemars"), documentaire du Britannique Adam Curtis, produit par la BBC. Ou comment des hommes politiques manipulent l?opinion au gré de cyniques numéros d?illusionnisme.

"Depuis que les gens ne croient plus aux rêves, et donc aux idéologues, dit Adam Curtis, nos gouvernants reprennent du pouvoir en nous assurant qu?ils nous protègent des cauchemars. Le pire d?entre eux serait le terrorisme international, censé opérer par un réseau de cellules éparpillées de par le monde. On veut nous protéger d?une terreur totalement virtuelle."

Il appartiendra aux spécialistes de se prononcer sur la démonstration d?Adam Curtis ­ délivrée par une voix off. Elle brocarde les Etats-Unis et l?Angleterre de Tony Blair. Elle mêle, sur fond de musique d?Ennio Morricone, des interviews de responsables politiques, spécialistes en stratégie ou membres de services de renseignements, à des archives d?actualités filmées. Nous sommes dans le droit fil de Michael Moore, mais de façon plus ironique que guignolesque, plus documentée aussi. Adam Curtis donne un fracassant cours d?histoire, appuyé par un montage dynamique d?images.


Deux hommes, sous la présidence d?Harry Truman, au début des années 1950, seraient à la source des manipulations de l?opinion. L?Egyptien Sayyid Qutb, membre des Frères musulmans et adversaire du président égyptien Gamal Abdel Nasser, dont les idées auraient été reprises par Ayman Zawahiri, le mentor d?Oussama Ben Laden. Et le philosophe Leo Strauss, dont s?inspirent les néoconservateurs qui dominent aujourd?hui la Maison Blanche. Le premier a dénoncé la décadence des moeurs occidentales. Le second a élaboré le mythe d?une Amérique destinée à combattre les forces du Mal.

Les djihads islamiques n?ont cessé depuis de vouloir éliminer ceux qu?ils considéraient comme corrompus par l?Occident (dont le président égyptien Anouar Al-Sadate). Les républicains américains, de leur côté, se sont appuyés sur les activistes religieux pour mener leurs croisades morales, et sur une surévaluation de la menace soviétique assénée par Donald Rumsfeld et Paul Wolfowitz (anciens conseillers de Ronald Reagan) pour justifier leur propagande impérialiste.

C?est le moment fort du film. Adam Curtis veut démontrer comment les Américains, inlassables inventeurs de mythes, ont porté des accusations sans preuve à l?encontre de l?URSS (monstre qui aurait dirigé tous les mouvements terroristes de la planète, y compris l?IRA), puis de Saddam Hussein, et enfin d?un Ben Laden, qui ne serait, selon le film, qu?un banquier des djihads, n?aurait pas conçu les attentats du 11 Septembre, et dont la forteresse souterraine dans les montagnes de Tora Bora, en Afghanistan, serait une mystification.

Al-Qaida, nous explique Adam Curtis, n?a jamais existé. C?est une invention du ministère américain de la défense, tout comme les "cellules dormantes" implantées un peu partout dans le monde. Une cassette, que des prétendus terroristes arrêtés dans le cadre du Terrorism Act auraient tournée à Disneyland, est le prétexte à une discrète mise en boîte des services secrets.

Nous devrions voir en salles, à la rentrée, ce cours cinglant ­ textes et images ­ sur la façon dont des hommes sans foi ni loi "imaginent le pire au sujet d?une organisation -Al-Qaida- qui n?existe pas" . Film britannique d?Adam Curtis (2 h 37.)[/justify]

[center]Jean-Luc Douin
Article paru dans l?édition du 15.05.05[/center]

Post by Commodore »

Image[center][large]The Mayfair Set[/large][/center]

[justify]Unreported and almost unseen approach that capital and capital markets have taken since 1945 to gradually take control of the political systems of the USA and the United Kingdom. Adam Curtis outlines several key points and analyses at great length various events and personalities.

These so called market movers were all members of the Clermont Club in Mayfair, London. What at first seemed to be an audacious and unrealistic strategy to take control of the market economy turned into something almost unstoppable, destructive, cruel and completely bereft of feeling or scruple.

What is so shocking is that the corruption and immorality did not start as commonly assumed in the 1980?s with the ascent of Reagan and Thatcher to power but with the beginning of the global economy in the late 1950s. There is much material shown here that should be much more discussed and explained because it depicts aptly how moribund and fragile the economies of the developed world have become.

How they are built up on tenuous and shallow assumptions that market cycles are no longer applicable. The greed and deception of the business elite reaches far further and far wider than beyond anyone?s common knowledge or understanding of politics.

1. Who Pays Wins ? The opening episode, Who Pays Wins, focuses on Colonel David Stirling.

2. Entrepreneur Spelt S.P.I.V. ? The rise of Jim Slater who became famous for writing an investment column in The Sunday Telegraph under the nom de plume of The Capitalist.

3. Destroy the Technostructure ? This episode recounts the story of how James Goldsmith became one of the richest men in the world.

4. Twilight of the Dogs ? By the 80s, the day of the buccaneering tycoons was over. Tiny Rowland, James Goldsmith and Mohammed Al Fayed were the only ones who were not finished.[/justify]

[center][large]The Mayfair Set Ep1.avi (220.24 MB)

The Mayfair Set Ep2.avi (220 MB)

The Mayfair Set Ep3.avi (220 MB)

The Mayfair Set Ep4.avi (220.12 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Wed May 18, 2011 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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