Fluor - Fluoride - Water

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Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Don?t Swallow Your Toothpaste[/large][/center]


[justify]We all want the best for our children, including sparking white teeth. Children today have fewer fillings than ever before, but what is the truth behind this great success story? Better care of our teeth or the magic ingredient in our toothpaste fluoride?

Some parts of Britain like Birmingham already add fluoride to the water and there are now plans to extend this to other cities: Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, and London. But fluoride is a poison. It may work in small quantities, but people are worried that there is just too much of it around.

Dental health has been transformed, especially among poorer people. Before fluoride, toothpaste decay was rampant. Yet, dental health has also improved dramatically in countries which do not add fluoride to their water. Britain?s fluoride is imported from Holland, where ironically, fluoridation has been banned.[/justify]


Last edited by Commodore on Mon May 09, 2011 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Savoisien »

[center]The Fluoride Deception
Christopher Bryson - 2004






The Fluoride Deception - The Hidden Agenda
Stanley Monteith



Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Fire Water[/large][/center]

[center][large]Australia's Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace
You'll never drink your tap water again.[/large]

Produced & Directed by Jaya Chela Drolma
Researched & Written by Daniel Zalec

© 2011 Sapphire Eyes Productions
Full documentary available for FREE VIEW at:
please support independent film making by purchasing a full dvd from


Image[justify]A Sapphire Eyes Productions documentary exposing the systematic industrial waste poisoning of Australian drinking water supplies.

Produced and directed by Jaya Chela Drolma, researched and written by Daniel Zalec, this is a hard-hitting film that exposes the fraud of mandatory water fluoridation, perpetrated on the Australian people.
From the author: Fire Water proves once and for all that toxic industrial waste is being used to fluoridate Australia?s drinking water supplies, forcibly.

People and communities across the nation, however, are fighting back harder than ever before as they learn the shocking truth of fluoridation.

Fire Water is a groundbreaking collation of a wide variety of Australian perspectives on water fluoridation. From politicians, to doctors, to sufferers, this film goes to the heart of the issues ? the chemicals, the ethics, the science and the lack of accountability of poisoners.

A must see film if you care about your health, the health of the environment and the future well-being of your children and grandchildren.

All views expressed in this documentary and related interviews, are the views of the individuals involved, and may not necessarily represent the views of Sapphire Eyes Productions, its employees, affiliates or associates.



Last edited by Commodore on Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 689
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:38 pm

Post by Libris »

[center][large]Perspective de professionnels sur la fluoration de l'eau[/large][/center]


Un documentaire sur l'erreur scientifique de la fluoration de l'eau, plusieurs experts et chercheurs se prononcent pour l'arrêt de la fluoration, dont un lauréat du Prix Nobel de médecine, des scientifiques du National Research Council (2006), des médecins, des dentistes et des chercheurs chevronnés. La fluoration est-elle la panacée tant vantée par ses promoteurs ?

Traduction française par Action Fluor Québec http://www.qve.qc.ca/afq d'un documentaire de Fluoride Action Network http://www.fluoridealert.org



[center]Fluoride in water kills cells - L'eau fluorée tue les cellules

Last edited by Libris on Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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