Constance Cumbey - The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow

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Dejuificator II
Posts: 552
Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Post by Dejuificator II »

[center]Constance Cumbey

[large]The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow :[/large]
The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism

[center]Reflects years of in-depth and extensive research.
The author claims the movement's supreme purpose: is to subvert our Judeo-Christian foundation and create a one-world order through a complex network of occult organizations.

[center]Constance Cumbey - The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.pdf (4.93 MB)
[large] ... he-Rainbow[/large]

[justify]Constance Cumbey's book, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, has been translated into several foreign languages and remained in print until Huntington House recently declared bankrupty. It has been in print for over 20 years. Those who work behind the scenes at changing the culture keep a very low profile. Particularly valuable is that in the book Cumbey names organizations that one would not encounter reading the papers.
For instance, she goes into much detail regarding Lucis Trust, an organization based on the occult writings of Alice Bailey. This organization has been around since the '20s and is an offshoot of the Theosophical Society, also an occultic organization. Lucis Trust and the Theosophical Society were key players in the Parliament of World Religions in the early '90s. Another organization outed in the book is New Group of World Servers.
NGWS is a branch of Lucis Trust. is still very active and powerful. Lucis Trust still holds hands with the United Nation, again documented in her book. That the New Age religion has spread its cloak over many other countries is documented in many places. The academic community has taken a growing interest in this movement. New Age Religion and Globalization is based on a conference that was held in Denmark in 1999. The book is copyrighted 2001. I would also recommend Prof. Gene Veith's book, Modern Fascism. Twenty plus years ago Cumbey brought information on New Age to the general public, people who may not have access to the writings in the academic community. She cannot be thanked enough for providing this valuable service.

Those who hope to find information about cults when purchasing this book need to look to other sources. As Hanagraaff points out in New Age Religion and Globalization, New Age religion is not cultic, but is based in cultural change.[/justify]
Last edited by Dejuificator II on Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dejuificator II
Posts: 552
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