[center][large]Hans Krampe
Warwolves of the Iron Cross : Swastika & Scimitar[/large][/center]
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... on%20Cross
[center][large]Hans Krampe - Warwolves of the Iron Cross Swastika and Scimitar Brothers in Arms.pdf (18.36 MB)
http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php ... rs-in-Arms
[justify]Franz Wimmer-Lamquet, a virtually "unknown" Standartenfuehrer, is sent by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Hitler to Tanganyika on a special mission that few knew about then, and even fewer know about today. Franz was even married off to an Arabian princess on the NSDAP's direct orders! No historian has ever detailed his remarkable adventures recruiting Black African intriguers against the British mandate government and Arab special forces for sabotage and warfare against Imperial Britain in Iraq and elsewhere in the Near East. Franz recruited prostitutes, Jews, homosexuals, Asians, Arabs and Africans to assist the Nazi cause, and all did so voluntarily! Ever heard of the African American man who assisted the Nazis in Tanganyika ?
How about Mohammedi Said, the Arab officer who earned the Iron Cross for bravery ? Contrary to what most of us are told, Hitler had absolutely no interest in enslaving Arabs or Africans, let alone extirpating them. Instead, he and Heydrich wished to incorporate those Africans in Germany's former colonies within the superstructure of Hitler's "united states of the Old World." Naturally the Middle East was also earmarked to become part of Hitler's "new order" to oppose Anglo-Romanic-Freemasonic world tyranny.
Franz's work in Africa and the Near East leaves no doubt about this any longer. Third Reich and WW2 fans can finally read about all of these incredible men as well as Franz's remarkable adventures thanks to Hans Krampe and Veronica Clark. Translated into English for the first time ever![/justify]
Warwolves of the Iron Cross Swastika Scimitar.mp4 (115.25 MB)
Hans Krampe - Warwolves of the Iron Cross : Swastika & Scimi
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