Woolfolk L. B. - The Great Red Dragon

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[center]Woolfolk L. B.

[large]The Great Red Dragon[/large]


[center][large]Woolfolk L B - The Great Red Dragon.pdf (423.62 KB)

Image[justify]WBSG preface:

Here we have another suppressed and lost to time book, provided here at WBSG as a free E-book (Electronic Book). The below book contains a treasure trove of information that charts the acquisition of the world's wealth (but not the very beginning of same, which I shall cover in my own book) that was necessary for the International Judaics to then go on to use to dominate this world. As the Int. Judaics say themselves:

"...PER ME REGES REGNANT. "It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task. Were genius in the opposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen. Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands[1], and that engine of the machinery of States is -- Gold [i.e., money]. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital."[2]

[1] This was written in 1897, seven years after the below book was written, and twenty-five years after the below author's initial research was begun! In other words, they are contemporary; two sources, diametrically opposed (one the victim, the other the offender, if you would), in perfect agreement. This says much about the validity of the oft-assailed (as so-called "forgeries") Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion).
[2] Source: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol No. 5. Delivered by speech in 1897, but published in 1905 (The Protocols of?Zion were the minutes of the First Zionist Congress held at Basle, Switzerland, in 1897, under the presidency of the "father of Modern Zionism," the late Theodore Herzl.) A copy of the Protocols of?Zion is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. Source:

The curious term in the below book, "Money Power," is identified as the remarkable personalities that we at Watchmen Bible Study Group refer to as the International Judaics. They are one in the same. And as you shall see, they are neither ALL Jews, nor are they anything other than "Jews" (save for "Gentile" figureheads appointed by the International Judaics as non-Jewish front-men). The great men that are referred to in the below book are one in the same as the International Judaics which I write so often about. It is they who are "taming" (enslaving) God's world for antichrist's acquisition in the Great Tribulation of the Bible.

Excerpts from below book positively identifying the "Money Power" and the "Money Kings" written therein as what the world has been trained to call "Jews":

Chapter I:

"...I do not mean by the Money Power to include any persons possessed of property, who are engaged in independent business enterprise. I do not mean any American business men, or business Companies engaged in independent business enterprise, whether they be farmers, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, miners, builders, or persons engaged in any department of business enterprise. The Imperialism of Capital to which I allude is a knot of capitalists?Jews almost to a man?who their headquarters in the Money Quarter of London, in Threadneedle street, Lombard, and other streets in that vicinity, where bankers have their habitat. These Jew capitalists have succeeded in centralizing in their own hands the industry and commerce of the earth.?They own almost all the debts of the world,?the debts of nations, states, counties, municipalities, corporations and individuals,?amounting in the aggregate, it is estimated, to seventy-five billion dollars, on which they are annually receiving about four billion dollars of interest.?They own the manufactories, the shipping, and the commerce of Great Britain, and most of the manufactures, shipping and commerce of the whole world.?They have attained control of the industry and trade of the whole earth; and are rapidly centralizing all business in their own hands. They hold possession of all the great lines of trade and business of all kinds, and they regulate all prices by their own arbitrary methods.?These Jew Money Kings have established a grand Imperialism of industry, commerce and wealth, which is thoroughly organized, and rules in the sphere of industry and trade with autocratic sway."

Chapter I (again):

"It had been from the first the best investment of capital to be found in the British Islands. Its stock was eagerly taken by all who had the means. The mercantile class took as much stock as they could afford; but, as we know, merchants usually have little more capital than they need for their regular business. The British Landed Aristocracy had large incomes from their estates; and being under a necessity of seeking the best investments, in order to portion their younger children, they made large investments in the East India Company. But the great Capitalists of that age were the Jews. They were the money holders. They subscribed largely to the stock; and as, in each generation, the stock of the Aristocracy was sold to portion younger children, the Jews, always economical, always full of money, and always in search of the best investments, bought the stock thrown upon the market. Thus it came to pass that the greater part of the stock of the East India Company, and of the other companies afterwards organized out of the dividends of that great company, fell into the hands of the Jews. The Jews became the great Money Kings of the world."

Chapter II:

"It was a great convenience, and a great source of power. The Rothschilds [The Rothschilds are Judaic-WBSG] were chosen, perhaps, in part, on account of their superior business qualifications; and perhaps, in part, because there were three brothers, who could be heads of separate banking houses in London, and Paris and Vienna. By such a syndicate the Jews could lend money and take army contracts on both sides. And if, in the end, one side should achieve a decided triumph, the Rothschild on the winning side could save the Rothschild on the losing side, and thus the money of the Jews would be safe in any event. It was a grand stroke of Jewish skill and policy, the organization of this grand syndicate; but it was the first instance of the organization of a syndicate in the world and it was never known as such; but, with the usual readiness of mankind to believe in the sudden growth of vast fortunes from nothing, the world accepted the rise of the house of Rothschild as an individual fortune, and not a syndicate. In our time, when combination of capital into syndicates is common, the house would be recognized at once as the head of a syndicate. The rise of the house of Rothschild is memorable as the first grand combination of the Jews in a syndicate, for the transaction of a vast business in which all their capital might be combined. The Rothschilds became the head of the Jew Money Kings, and have ever since been the head of the Jews, acting as a syndicate. That house is probably at the head of the Jew Money Power of the world."


"...It is a Money Power. Its magnates are money kings. One of the English writers calls the quarter in London where these operators have their places of business, ?a city of money dealers. ?It is by their possession of money that the Money Kings control trade. Most of these Money Kings are Jews: the Jews have been money dealers for centuries. They take possession of the money of a country, first: then by means of their monied capital they devour everything else."

Also in this book you shall see the concept of Gentile "Useful Idiots" laid out (which I have also spoken on), though the author does not at the early time of this writing (circa 1890) know that it is something that the International Judaics would hone to perfection, as a means to hide their absolute domination in all fields wherein the "Gentile" useful idiots would be ostensively placed at the (visible) head of corporations and dominions.

And now to the book. Any bracketed text in the below is the original author's, save for where it is in [blue bracketed smaller text as such] . I have withheld inserting any comments in the book, except for a postscript link to part two at the bottom. ? Nick Goggin, WBSG.[/justify]
Last edited by CityHunter88 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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