Richard C. Hoagland
Moderator: Le Tocard
[---][center][large]Richard C. Hoagland[/large][/center][---][right][small]Audios
[justify]Richard C. Hoagland (né en avril 1945) est un théoricien américain. Il s'intéresse à différents thèmes concernant l'astronomie. Ses affirmations s'appuient sur l'idée qu'il existerait dans le système solaire une civilisation avancée antérieure à la nôtre, en particulier sur Mars et sur la Lune.
Hoagland est un ex-conseiller en matière aérospatiale pour la NASA et pour la chaine CBS. Il a co-écrit un essai avec Michaël Bara, un ingénieur en aéronautique pour Boeing. Pour Hoagland, la photo prise par la sonde Viking sur la planète mars en 1976 révélant une forme évoquant un visage serait un élément d'une ancienne cité habitée, Cydonia. Les recherches de son co-auteur, Michael Bara, lui permettent d'affirmer que la plupart des administrateurs de la NASA sont des francs-maçons appartenant à un Suprême Conseil du Rite écossais ancien et accepté, c'est-à-dire des récipiendaires des hauts grades maçonniques.
Selon Hogland, les attentats du 11 septembre auraient été planifiés en fonction de considérations astrologiques et numérologiques. D'une part, elles constitueraient un prétexte guerrier pour attaquer l'Islam à travers une rivalité religieuse ou philosophique entre la franc-maçonnerie (en tant qu'héritière spirituelle des Templiers) et l'Islam ; d'autre part, il pourrait s'agir d'une attaque islamique (dont ses représentants seraient les héritiers spirituels de la secte des Nizârites), démontrant ainsi à ses adversaires maçons leur propre compréhension de leurs rites.[/justify]
[center][large]Hoagland's Mars, Vol 1[/large]
The NASA-Cydonia Briefings[/center]
[justify]This video is the first official record of Richard C. Hoagland's historic presentation -- on the critical issue of potential "ET artifacts" discovered on the planet Mars -- made to thousands of government engineers and scientists on March 20, 1990, at the NASA-Lewis Research Center, in Cleveland, Ohio. At the invitation of the center Director himself, Dr. John Klineberg, Hoagland outlines in detail the early findings of the Independent Mars Investigation Team, and their complex, multi-disciplinary analyses of a series of extraordinary, enigmatic photos sent back by NASA's first official "search for life on Mars" -- the 1976 Project Viking Mission.
You'll see the intensely controversial, official NASA photos themselves as NASA's own engineers first saw them -- images and measurements which demonstrate the extraordinarily redundant, "impossible" mathematical design discovered by Hoagland and his colleagues connecting the enigmatic Martian "Sphinx," and the nearby "pyramid complex" lying in a northern desert region called "Cydonia" -- left by "someone" very long ago . . . on the planet Mars.
One day (and perhaps, given recent headlines, very soon . . .) this first official record of a NASA briefing on the "Monuments of Mars" will be confirmed as valid scientific confirmation of a "high-tech civilization" visiting our solar system . . . untold millennia ago.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 1 - The NASA-Cydonia Briefings[/small]!3FZQULhK!Gli3eg3sF ... OdjPgJUIos[/center]
The NASA-Cydonia Briefings[/center]
[justify]This video is the first official record of Richard C. Hoagland's historic presentation -- on the critical issue of potential "ET artifacts" discovered on the planet Mars -- made to thousands of government engineers and scientists on March 20, 1990, at the NASA-Lewis Research Center, in Cleveland, Ohio. At the invitation of the center Director himself, Dr. John Klineberg, Hoagland outlines in detail the early findings of the Independent Mars Investigation Team, and their complex, multi-disciplinary analyses of a series of extraordinary, enigmatic photos sent back by NASA's first official "search for life on Mars" -- the 1976 Project Viking Mission.
You'll see the intensely controversial, official NASA photos themselves as NASA's own engineers first saw them -- images and measurements which demonstrate the extraordinarily redundant, "impossible" mathematical design discovered by Hoagland and his colleagues connecting the enigmatic Martian "Sphinx," and the nearby "pyramid complex" lying in a northern desert region called "Cydonia" -- left by "someone" very long ago . . . on the planet Mars.
One day (and perhaps, given recent headlines, very soon . . .) this first official record of a NASA briefing on the "Monuments of Mars" will be confirmed as valid scientific confirmation of a "high-tech civilization" visiting our solar system . . . untold millennia ago.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 1 - The NASA-Cydonia Briefings[/small]!3FZQULhK!Gli3eg3sF ... OdjPgJUIos[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[center][large]Hoagland's Mars, Vol 2[/large]
The UN Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection[/center]
[justify]On February 28, 1992, at the invitation of a United Nations staff special interest group (SIG), Richard C. Hoagland took his case to the U.N. Speaking before hundreds of U.N. staff, delegates and invited press and guests, Hoagland extends his intelligence hypothesis concerning the mystery of Cydonia, to planet Earth: demonstrating that the same mathematical message encoded in the layout of the ruins on Mars is also found at many of the mysterious ruins on this planet.
With many stunning slides and film clips, Hoagland shares his insights into a new science of "fourth dimensional physics" gleaned from the Cydonia research, a physics that opens the door to unlimited energy sources that could revolutionize our technologies, if not change the way we think about the universe itself. The last 24 minutes of Vol. 2 contain an analysis of the extraordinary footage, captured by NASA on September 15, 1991, when the U.S. space shuttle Discovery recorded what appears to be UFO-like spacecraft cruising over the Indian Ocean at enormous speeds, turning at right angles and accelerating to several hundred thousand miles per hour after being "shot at" by two missile-like flashes, violating all current laws of physics. The fact that this video was broadcast live over NASA's own satellite channel (NASA Select), leads us to believe that this was a "U.S. black budget" project, test leaked from the highest offices at NASA -- despite NASA's current claim that the film shows only "ice crystals from a waste water dump".
Shortly after this video was aired, the head of NASA, former astronaut and commander of the first U.S. S. Enterprise space shuttle, Admiral Richard Truly, was abruptly fired. Hoagland believes that he and his associates have an important inside track on what this striking video really represents, given the "hyperdimensional" physics found encoded in the ruins of Cydonia. Once you see this video, you will be convinced that this is the "smoking gun" that proves that something extraordinary has been happening in the solar system, if not on planet Earth, for a long, long time . . . something that up until now, we have not been "permitted" to know. Question: now that we do know -- what do we plan to do about it?.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 2 - The UN Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection[/small]!HQICxZ7Y!A3Jt3RVeb ... zQmmPSXRUQ[/center]
The UN Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection[/center]
[justify]On February 28, 1992, at the invitation of a United Nations staff special interest group (SIG), Richard C. Hoagland took his case to the U.N. Speaking before hundreds of U.N. staff, delegates and invited press and guests, Hoagland extends his intelligence hypothesis concerning the mystery of Cydonia, to planet Earth: demonstrating that the same mathematical message encoded in the layout of the ruins on Mars is also found at many of the mysterious ruins on this planet.
With many stunning slides and film clips, Hoagland shares his insights into a new science of "fourth dimensional physics" gleaned from the Cydonia research, a physics that opens the door to unlimited energy sources that could revolutionize our technologies, if not change the way we think about the universe itself. The last 24 minutes of Vol. 2 contain an analysis of the extraordinary footage, captured by NASA on September 15, 1991, when the U.S. space shuttle Discovery recorded what appears to be UFO-like spacecraft cruising over the Indian Ocean at enormous speeds, turning at right angles and accelerating to several hundred thousand miles per hour after being "shot at" by two missile-like flashes, violating all current laws of physics. The fact that this video was broadcast live over NASA's own satellite channel (NASA Select), leads us to believe that this was a "U.S. black budget" project, test leaked from the highest offices at NASA -- despite NASA's current claim that the film shows only "ice crystals from a waste water dump".
Shortly after this video was aired, the head of NASA, former astronaut and commander of the first U.S. S. Enterprise space shuttle, Admiral Richard Truly, was abruptly fired. Hoagland believes that he and his associates have an important inside track on what this striking video really represents, given the "hyperdimensional" physics found encoded in the ruins of Cydonia. Once you see this video, you will be convinced that this is the "smoking gun" that proves that something extraordinary has been happening in the solar system, if not on planet Earth, for a long, long time . . . something that up until now, we have not been "permitted" to know. Question: now that we do know -- what do we plan to do about it?.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 2 - The UN Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection[/small]!HQICxZ7Y!A3Jt3RVeb ... zQmmPSXRUQ[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[center][large]Hoagland's Mars, Vol 3[/large]
The Moon and Mars Connection[/center]
[justify]On June 2, 1994 at Ohio State University, Richard C. Hoagland presented publicly for the first time the results of his (then) 2-year "lunar extension of the independent Mars Investigation" -- using NASA's own images from the Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor and Apollo missions to the Moon. Armed with dramatic new advances in current computerized technology brought about by the Space Program itself, Hoagland reveals in this video the official images that, over thirty years ago, captured the stunning, light reflecting remnants of an apparent, ancient lunar dome -- stretching over "Sinus Medii," the dark "sea" located in the center of the full Moon.
This computerized analysis has also revealed scores of additional features now only explainable by some kind of "intelligent design," including: a "tetrahedral" light pattern attributable to structural remains still present in the floor of the crater Ukert; a complex of identically sized, precisely aligned, impossible "double craters" caught on the highly eroded floor of the crater Murchison (now strongly suspected to be the actual footings of the north-western edge of this "Sinus Medii dome"); to say nothing of a one and a half mile tall, glass-like, "geometric shard" -- photographed by an unmanned Lunar Orbiter in 1967, casting an imposing shadow out across the horizon of Moon.
This, and a host of other, equally inexplicable "artifacts" discovered on these official lunar photographs -- unexplainable by any known geology or photographic process -- increasingly demonstrate to one and all the reality of artificial constructs on the Moon . . . which NASA apparently, inexplicably, "forgot" to tell the world.
Destined inevitably to become a true collectors' item -- the first serious scientific presentation of NASA's own archived evidence of artificial structures on Earth's only natural satellite . . . this video was made years before NASA's recent, stunning admission of the "scientific possibility" of life beyond the Earth . . . What's next . . . in this exploding subject? Order a copy of this "beginning of NASA's coming revelations" -- and stay tuned.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 3 - The Moon and Mars Connection[/small]
Part 1!HcZS1ALS!JUMp1wKHT ... fGc3_pvX44
Part 2!zUhlyATR!WAFlEkSHc ... KdIhJ_LsIA[/center]
The Moon and Mars Connection[/center]
[justify]On June 2, 1994 at Ohio State University, Richard C. Hoagland presented publicly for the first time the results of his (then) 2-year "lunar extension of the independent Mars Investigation" -- using NASA's own images from the Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor and Apollo missions to the Moon. Armed with dramatic new advances in current computerized technology brought about by the Space Program itself, Hoagland reveals in this video the official images that, over thirty years ago, captured the stunning, light reflecting remnants of an apparent, ancient lunar dome -- stretching over "Sinus Medii," the dark "sea" located in the center of the full Moon.
This computerized analysis has also revealed scores of additional features now only explainable by some kind of "intelligent design," including: a "tetrahedral" light pattern attributable to structural remains still present in the floor of the crater Ukert; a complex of identically sized, precisely aligned, impossible "double craters" caught on the highly eroded floor of the crater Murchison (now strongly suspected to be the actual footings of the north-western edge of this "Sinus Medii dome"); to say nothing of a one and a half mile tall, glass-like, "geometric shard" -- photographed by an unmanned Lunar Orbiter in 1967, casting an imposing shadow out across the horizon of Moon.
This, and a host of other, equally inexplicable "artifacts" discovered on these official lunar photographs -- unexplainable by any known geology or photographic process -- increasingly demonstrate to one and all the reality of artificial constructs on the Moon . . . which NASA apparently, inexplicably, "forgot" to tell the world.
Destined inevitably to become a true collectors' item -- the first serious scientific presentation of NASA's own archived evidence of artificial structures on Earth's only natural satellite . . . this video was made years before NASA's recent, stunning admission of the "scientific possibility" of life beyond the Earth . . . What's next . . . in this exploding subject? Order a copy of this "beginning of NASA's coming revelations" -- and stay tuned.[/justify]
[center][small]Hoaglands Mars - Vol 3 - The Moon and Mars Connection[/small]
Part 1!HcZS1ALS!JUMp1wKHT ... fGc3_pvX44
Part 2!zUhlyATR!WAFlEkSHc ... KdIhJ_LsIA[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[right][small]See also[/small][/right][center][large]UFO Diaries[/large]
Pyramids the Alien Connection - Richard Hoagland!qNwTQIrT!b5wPtE7T6 ... fubRLCvFqg
Cydonia the Mars Connection - Richard Hoagland!GRgznSzT!H4pUbSZ22 ... C-n4bncsOw[/center]
Pyramids the Alien Connection - Richard Hoagland!qNwTQIrT!b5wPtE7T6 ... fubRLCvFqg
Cydonia the Mars Connection - Richard Hoagland!GRgznSzT!H4pUbSZ22 ... C-n4bncsOw[/center]
Last edited by Libris on Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Homme Libre
- Posts: 366
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm
[center][large]Richard Hoagland - Dark Mission[/large]
Décembre 2007 - VOSTFR[/center]
[justify]Richard Hoagland, l'enquêteur de Dark Mission ("Sombre Mission"), est auteur et ancien conseiller scientifique à CBS News. Il partage une quantité énorme d'informations sur la NASA, les missions Apollo, l'histoire potentiellement réelle de notre système solaire ainsi que son exploration passée et présente.[/justify]
Décembre 2007 - VOSTFR[/center]
[justify]Richard Hoagland, l'enquêteur de Dark Mission ("Sombre Mission"), est auteur et ancien conseiller scientifique à CBS News. Il partage une quantité énorme d'informations sur la NASA, les missions Apollo, l'histoire potentiellement réelle de notre système solaire ainsi que son exploration passée et présente.[/justify]
- Homme Libre
- Posts: 366
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm
[center][large]2010 : The Year We Make Contact[/large]
Richard C. Hoagland[/center]
[justify]Recorded Oct 2010.Upon completion please seed and enjoy. Richard C. Hoagland will present startling NEW evidence that President John F. Kennedy KNEW of the existence of "ancient ruins on the Moon" ... when he dramatically announced the Apollo Lunar Program, in 1961. Hoagland's copiously illustrated presentation of "ancient solar system artifacts" will include "leaked," formerly Top Secret spy satellite photography (NOT from NASA!) -- taken as part of this Nation's early military reconnaissance satellite program. These newly-leaked images will prove that even first-generation CIA/Air Force recon satellites were, in fact, looking UP at the Moon from Earth orbit ... NOT (as "advertised" ...) looking DOWN at the Soviet Union's war-making potential and capabilities -- "ballistic missile bases," "massed bomber fleets" and "industrial manufacturing centers!"
Hoagland will argue from this new evidence that it is THESE "primitive reconnaissance satellite images" -- secretly confirming "ancient ET ruins on the Moon" -- which impelled President Kennedy to suddenly announce, in 1961, a crash, all-out NASA effort to send American astronauts to the lunar surface, and return them home ... to bring physical samples of this "ancient, extraordinarily advanced ET technology" back to Earth.[/justify]
[center]Richard C. Hoagland - 2010 The Year We Make (265.4 MB)
[large]!DIZGkZAZ!D9IsPlkwx ... PI6396fySk[/large][/center]
[justify]Further, it was for this overriding reason that Kennedy tried -- from the beginning of his presidency -- to convince Premier Nikita Khrushchev, then head of the Soviet Union, to go to the Moon TOGETHER with the United States. Twelve days after Khrushchev and Kennedy finally reached agreement on a joint US/USSR joint Mission to the Moon, Kennedy was brutally murdered -- for, Hoagland will argue, attempting to bring about "Disclosure"?50 years too soon.
As an added bonus at the Expo, Hoagland will provide just revealed, official testimony -- from a former member of the pre-Kennedy, Eisenhower National Security Team, Colonel Phillip Corso -- attesting, in the 1950's, to the official government assessment re the ARTIFICIAL "spaceship nature" of the inner Martian moon, Phobos. And Corso's official recommendation to the President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower -- to destroy this "alien forward Martian base" ... by use of a thermonuclear weapon. Hoagland will conclude with a review of the ground-breaking NBC television show, "The Ev3nt" -- and a unique Enterprise Mission "decoding" of its not-so-subtle message of 2010--
"Disclosure" HAS begun ....
Richard C. Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant, participant in NASA's historic Apollo Program to land the First Men on the Moon, former Science Advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite's coverage of those now "almost mythical" Apollo Lunar Landings, and Principle Investigator of the public policy and research "think tank," The Enterprise Mission.[/justify]
Richard C. Hoagland[/center]
[justify]Recorded Oct 2010.Upon completion please seed and enjoy. Richard C. Hoagland will present startling NEW evidence that President John F. Kennedy KNEW of the existence of "ancient ruins on the Moon" ... when he dramatically announced the Apollo Lunar Program, in 1961. Hoagland's copiously illustrated presentation of "ancient solar system artifacts" will include "leaked," formerly Top Secret spy satellite photography (NOT from NASA!) -- taken as part of this Nation's early military reconnaissance satellite program. These newly-leaked images will prove that even first-generation CIA/Air Force recon satellites were, in fact, looking UP at the Moon from Earth orbit ... NOT (as "advertised" ...) looking DOWN at the Soviet Union's war-making potential and capabilities -- "ballistic missile bases," "massed bomber fleets" and "industrial manufacturing centers!"
Hoagland will argue from this new evidence that it is THESE "primitive reconnaissance satellite images" -- secretly confirming "ancient ET ruins on the Moon" -- which impelled President Kennedy to suddenly announce, in 1961, a crash, all-out NASA effort to send American astronauts to the lunar surface, and return them home ... to bring physical samples of this "ancient, extraordinarily advanced ET technology" back to Earth.[/justify]
[center]Richard C. Hoagland - 2010 The Year We Make (265.4 MB)
[large]!DIZGkZAZ!D9IsPlkwx ... PI6396fySk[/large][/center]
[justify]Further, it was for this overriding reason that Kennedy tried -- from the beginning of his presidency -- to convince Premier Nikita Khrushchev, then head of the Soviet Union, to go to the Moon TOGETHER with the United States. Twelve days after Khrushchev and Kennedy finally reached agreement on a joint US/USSR joint Mission to the Moon, Kennedy was brutally murdered -- for, Hoagland will argue, attempting to bring about "Disclosure"?50 years too soon.
As an added bonus at the Expo, Hoagland will provide just revealed, official testimony -- from a former member of the pre-Kennedy, Eisenhower National Security Team, Colonel Phillip Corso -- attesting, in the 1950's, to the official government assessment re the ARTIFICIAL "spaceship nature" of the inner Martian moon, Phobos. And Corso's official recommendation to the President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower -- to destroy this "alien forward Martian base" ... by use of a thermonuclear weapon. Hoagland will conclude with a review of the ground-breaking NBC television show, "The Ev3nt" -- and a unique Enterprise Mission "decoding" of its not-so-subtle message of 2010--
"Disclosure" HAS begun ....
Richard C. Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant, participant in NASA's historic Apollo Program to land the First Men on the Moon, former Science Advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite's coverage of those now "almost mythical" Apollo Lunar Landings, and Principle Investigator of the public policy and research "think tank," The Enterprise Mission.[/justify]
- Homme Libre
- Posts: 366
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm
[center][large]Gods of Cydonia[/large]
The Case for Ancient Structures In the Solar System[/center]
[justify]The conclusions presented here will shock and amaze you! Boldly going where no scientists have gone before... The Debate! The Conclusions! The Wonder! Scholars, theologians and scientists came together at the University of Wisconsin for an all-day, mind-blowing discussion on the questions of "God, Man, and E.T." Captured in spectacular cinematic style, packed with stunning imagery, computer animation and a Symphonic music soundtrack, this program is the result of this historic event and compelling, wide-ranging discussion. Hosted by former CNN Anchor, Cheryll Jones.[/justify]
[center][large]Richard C. Hoagland - Former CBS Science Advisor for Walter Cronkite, and a former NASA consultant to the Goddard Space Flight Center, is Founder and Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission. Author of the international best seller, "The Monuments of Mars" - now in it's Fifth Edition.
GOD, Man & ET: The Question of Other Worlds in Science, Theology, and Mythology[/large][/center]
The Case for Ancient Structures In the Solar System[/center]
[justify]The conclusions presented here will shock and amaze you! Boldly going where no scientists have gone before... The Debate! The Conclusions! The Wonder! Scholars, theologians and scientists came together at the University of Wisconsin for an all-day, mind-blowing discussion on the questions of "God, Man, and E.T." Captured in spectacular cinematic style, packed with stunning imagery, computer animation and a Symphonic music soundtrack, this program is the result of this historic event and compelling, wide-ranging discussion. Hosted by former CNN Anchor, Cheryll Jones.[/justify]
[center][large]Richard C. Hoagland - Former CBS Science Advisor for Walter Cronkite, and a former NASA consultant to the Goddard Space Flight Center, is Founder and Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission. Author of the international best seller, "The Monuments of Mars" - now in it's Fifth Edition.
GOD, Man & ET: The Question of Other Worlds in Science, Theology, and Mythology[/large][/center]
- Homme Libre
- Posts: 366
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:08 pm
[center][large]National Press Club[/large][/center]
[justify]In this 14 part series for Sacred Mysteries, former NASA consultant Richard Hoagland lays out the evidence for artificial structures on the Moon and on Mars in front of the national and international press at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on October 30th 2007. Hoagland proves that there is a cover-up, at the highest levels of NASA.[/justify]
[center]Richard C. Hoagland - National Press Club.avi (771.37 MB)
[large]!eUoWTRRI!Nhu7GT71I ... j88tbWiNek[/large][/center]
[justify]In this 14 part series for Sacred Mysteries, former NASA consultant Richard Hoagland lays out the evidence for artificial structures on the Moon and on Mars in front of the national and international press at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on October 30th 2007. Hoagland proves that there is a cover-up, at the highest levels of NASA.[/justify]
[center]Richard C. Hoagland - National Press Club.avi (771.37 MB)
[large]!eUoWTRRI!Nhu7GT71I ... j88tbWiNek[/large][/center]