[large]THE APPEARANCE OF MAN[/large]
by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin[/center]
[center][large]Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - The Appearance of Man.pdf (7.19 MB)
A major Teilhard de Chardin work on the nature and spiritual significance of man's evolution[/center]
[justify]The unique vision of Teilhard's earlier books is enriched and enlarged in this work, which complements and confirms THE PHENOMENON OF MAN.
Here is a collection of reports and essays on the origin of man, considering the problem as it presents itself in the light of recent paleontological discoveries including those in which Teilhard himself participated. The writings are grouped in logical sequence, making for easy reading of the subject as a whole.
THE APPEARANCE OF MAN is broadly divided into five sections:
* the state of the problem at the turn of the century
* the paleontological discoveries
* the question of the "missing link"
* the phenomenon of "imbrication"
* the peculiarities of the human species
THE APPEARANCE OF MAN focuses on recent human fossils discovered in China, North America, and South Africa. It gives a meticulous, detached account, with many diagrams, of scientific discoveries and their implications. The last essay on the subject of The Singularities of the Human Species is of special significance. Teilhard wrote it after reading the much discussed little book by the well-known agnostic biologist, Jean Rostand, What I Believe.
Teilhard writes: "Since Galileo (as Freud remarked ), in the eyes of science, man has continually lost, one after another, the privileges that had previously made him consider himself unique in the world. Astronomically... biologically ... psychologically ... Now paradoxically, this same man is in the process of re-emerging from his return to the crucible, more than ever at the head of nature; since by his very melting back into the general current of convergent cosmogenesis, he is acquiring in our eyes the possibility and power of forming in the heart of space and time, a single point of universalization for the very stuff of the world."[/justify]
THE AUTHOR[/center]
[justify]Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a member of the Society of Jesus, held positions as professor of geology at the Catholic Institute in Paris, director of the National Geologic Survey of China, and director of the National Research Center of France. He lived in China for many years and played a major role in the discovery of Pekin man. Under the auspices of the Wen-ner-Gren Foundation he continued his work in New York until his death in 1955.[/justify]
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