The Savoisien

Exegi monumentum aere perennius


Wednesday 1 January 2025

Jean Markale - Le Graal

Jean Markale - Le Graal

Aucun thème comme celui du Graal n'a autant hanté l'imaginaire humain. Jamais objet sacré n'a été aussi recherché et redouté à la fois. Le Graal est en fait l'archétype de l'objet merveilleux dans lequel chacun peut enfermer le but de sa propre quête : pour certains, il représente la grâce divine, la pierre philosophale ; pour d'autres, il est un trésor ou, plus prosaïquement, un épisode de la légende du roi Arthur.

C'est à la poursuite de ce Graal, proche et inaccessible, que nous convie Jean Markale, grand spécialiste du monde celtique. Explorant les différentes versions du mythe apparues au cours du Moyen Âge occidental, il déchiffre les signes dont ces textes sont porteurs pour nous permettre d'en pénétrer le sens réel.

Un grand livre, animé par le souffle de l'âme celte, où l'auteur nous fait découvrir un des moments privilégiés de la pensée mythique.

Jean Markale - PDF

Graal - PDF
Celtes - PDF

Excalibur O Fortuna Carmina Burana

Saturday 28 December 2024

Alfred M. Lilienthal - The Zionist Connection II

Alfred M. Lilienthal - The Zionist Connection II
What price peace ?

A well documented book that is full with much information that is significant and usually not heard of in America. Particularly valuable in the author's himself an American-Jew that vociferously opposes the Zionist idealogy of occupation and annexation of Palestinian land.
It is a prodigious performance by such an eminent scholar. It covers the story of Zionism in Palestine from every angle. The amount of research included is meticulous and massive, and authority is quoted for every statement. No viewpoint is overlooked.
It should be read by every responsible citizen in the Western democracies.

Alfred M. Lilienthal - The Zionist Connection
Alfred M. Lilienthal - PDF

Israel - PDF

Friday 27 December 2024

Paraguay mafia and Erwin Annau - El Paraiso Verde

Paraguay mafia and Erwin Annau - El Paraiso Verde

The rigging of the 2023 Paraguayan presidential election.

El Paraíso Verde (Spanish for The Green Paradise) is a gated community in the Caazapá Department of Paraguay. It was founded by Erwin Annau and his wife Sylvia, who are both from Austria. As of March 2022, its population is about 250, mostly German language-speaking immigrants from Germany and Austria, with some Americans and Canadians present. The community is planned as a settlement for 6,000 people and may expand to more than 20,000 people, according to its marketing materials. The community bills itself as a refuge from socialism, 5G, chemtrails, fluoridated water, and mandatory vaccinations.

El Paraíso Verde - Paraguay : Escaping a cult and living free - Tyro Nolan

Wednesday 25 December 2024

Ulfric's circle - The spiritual racialism of Rudolf Steiner

Ulfric's circle - The spiritual racialism of Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian occultist who sought to explore the spiritual nature of Man by attempting to understand the origin of human races through the study of cosmic laws that influence the hereditary constitution of individuals and the origin of racial differences. Rudolf Steiner's racial doctrines are structurally inherent in a worldview based on the belief in reincarnation, karma and spiritual entities.

Rudolf Steiner, Dornach lectures 1922-1923
Rudolf Steiner, the races of evil

Rudolf Steiner - PDF
Anthroposophy - PDF
Racialism - PDF

Ulfric's circle : Ancient civilizations, anthropology, metaphysics and occult sciences