April 2022

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Eric Dubay - Ships disappear beyond earth's curvature ?

Eric Dubay - Ships disappear beyond earth's curvature ?

One of the most commonly cited alleged proofs of the globe Earth is the disappearance of ships sailing beyond the horizon as seen from an observer on shore. Globe Earthers since Aristotle have claimed the reason that ship hulls disappear before their mast-heads when sailing away is due to the physical curvature of the Earth obfuscating their view. This simple supposed proof is still cited today by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michelle Thaller and other NASA spokespeople, but is easily shown invalid with the use of modern zoom technology. By fixing a good telescope or super-zoom camera aimed at the horizon on a clear day it is possible to bring ships that have completely disappeared beyond the supposed curvature of the Earth fully back into view.

Eric Dubay on Odysee
Atlantean Conspiracy​

Eric Dubay - Mars Perseverance Rover landing debunked
LEVEL - Flat Earth Film narrated by Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay - Why can't everyone see Mount Everest on a Flat Earth ?

Globe Earthers often ask, "if the Earth is flat, then why can't people from anywhere in the world zoom with a telescope and see Mount Everest?" To begin with, this question pre-supposes the errant assumption that we can see indefinitely far with the use of a telescope. This idea has been indoctrinated into people due to modern astronomers claiming that the stars and planets shown through their telescopes are millions and billions and trillions of miles away, making many people assume that a telescope pointed horizontally should also be able to see equally far, or at least as far as Mount Everest. In reality, however, as you can test for yourself using a telescope or camera with just 100x - 200x zoom capability, the stars and planets are not nearly that far away and can be zoomed into incredible detail beyond what would be possible of something so absurdly distant.
Furthermore, when looking horizontally across the Earth there are a number of visibility and atmospheric limitations present that don't factor when looking upwards towards the stars, namely perspective and convergence, angular resolution and the vanishing point, as well as pollution, haze, humidity, fog, mist and more. Most people asking about seeing Mount Everest through a telescope have never actually experimented with one themselves or else would already know that visibility gets progressively more distorted the further you zoom until nothing can be discernibly resolved. There are also of course hills, mountains, buildings, trees and innumerable other objects in the way obstructing any possible view to Mount Everest.
If you stand on the beach, a plain or prairie, you will find the horizon extends about three to six miles around you depending on the weather and your eyesight. The range of the human eye, our field of vision is from 110 to 1 degree, and the smallest angle under which an object can still be seen is 1/60 of 1 degree, so that when an object is 3000 times its own diameter away from an observer, it will cease to be visible. So for example, the farthest distance at which one can see a 1 inch diameter penny, is 3000 inches, or 250 feet. With the aid of the best telescopes on the clearest days, we can resolve objects a few hundred times smaller and/or further away, but anything on the scale of seeing Everest from anywhere on Earth is simply not possible.

Eric Dubay - Histoire de la Terre plate VOSTFR
LEVEL - Le Film
Ebenezer Breach - Twenty reasons against newtonianism

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Les Aryens en Asie, de l'origine à la disparition - Ulfric d'Alsace

Les Aryens en Asie, de l'origine à la disparition - Ulfric d'Alsace

Les blancs à travers la planète croient que le seul continent ayant appartenu plusieurs millénaires à leurs lointains ancêtres est l’Europe. Or, en des temps reculés, l’Asie était également un foyer pour le groupe biologique des blancs dont descendent les Européens actuels. Ainsi, nous retracerons les grandes lignes historiques de ces populations anciennes qui s’installèrent en Asie, de l'origine à la disparition.

Ce documentaire est donc une véritable alerte quant au processus de remplacement de populations opéré en Europe au 21e siècle.

Ulfric d'Alsace - Les Vikings en Amérique du sud
Ulfric d'Alsace - Odysee

Claude Nancy - Les races humaines
Alfred Rosenberg - Le mythe du XXe siècle

Sunday 3 April 2022

L'effondrement de notre civilisation - Prophétie de Rudolf Steiner

Bible Essénienne - L'effondrement de notre civilisation
Prophétie de Rudolf Steiner

Notre civilisation arrive à la fin d'un cycle. Cela a été annoncé par de nombreuses prophéties et de nombreuses traditions. Mais pour une personne sensée, il suffit juste d'observer le monde d'une façon lucide pour comprendre que la civilisation occidentale est au bord de l'effondrement.
Dans les années 1920, Rudolf Steiner a fait une prophétie vraiment étonnante et mystérieuse qui décrit précisément les causes spirituelles de cet effondrement et le futur lumineux s'ouvre après cette grande crise.
À travers cette vidéo, vous comprendrez beaucoup plus clairement ce que nous vivons aujourd'hui et quel est le chemin des fils et des filles de la Lumière.

Bernard Lievegoed - Comment sauver l'âme
Résumé Pratique
Bernard Lievegoed - The battle for the soul
The working together of three great leaders of humanity
B. C. J. Lievegoed - Mystery streams in Europe and the new mysteries

Rudolf Steiner - PDF

Bible Essénienne - Youtube