November 2024

Saturday 23 November 2024

Paul Warburg - What everyone is getting wrong about Russia's economy

Paul Warburg - What everyone is getting wrong about Russia's economy

Let's talk about the Russian economy, and how it's holding up as Russia wages its war against Ukraine.
I discuss Russia's "war chest", the collapse of the ruble, inflation, and how Vladimir Putin is running out of cash.

Joe Blogs - Russian ruble collapsing

Joe Blogs - Russia Desperate for Cash

Russie - PDF
Economie - PDF

Monday 18 November 2024

Jérôme & Jean Tharaud - L'ombre de la croix

Jérôme & Jean Tharaud - L'ombre de la croix

Paraît-il que c’est un des livres les plus anti-juifs de l’Histoire. Allons bon !
Les frères Tharaud réalisent une immersion dans la vie de juifs orthodoxes : les Belz, qui seraient l’équivalent des Loubavitch d’aujourd’hui. Mêmes scènes rocambolesques, même mentalité, mêmes superstitions.
C’est un peu comme si les frères Tharaud décidèrent de mettre le juif à nu.

Jérôme & Jean Tharaud - L'an prochain à Jérusalem
Jérôme & Jean Tharaud - PDF

Tous, ils vociféraient ensemble dans une langue composite, faite d’allemand, de russe, de hongrois, d’espagnol et d’hébreu ancestral. Des dents éclatantes de blancheur brillaient dans les bouches volubiles ; les regards volaient comme des flèches, puis soudain ramenés et comme retournés en dedans, semblaient aller chercher de nouvelles raisons plus subtiles dans les profondeurs de l’âme.
Les mains, les longues mains nerveuses, s’agitaient avec une rapidité folle, en mille gestes qui exprimaient à merveille toutes les nuances des pensée qui traversaient les esprits. Chacun de ces longs doigts minces, terminés par des ongles noirs, se démenait devant les visages comme autant de marionnettes, autant de petits personnages doués d’une vie particulière ; et si par hasard les mains s’arrêtaient un instant d’expliquer et de convaincre, elles se plongeaient fiévreusement dans les barbes, pour aller y chercher un pou ou une idée.

Hébraïsme - PDF

Friday 15 November 2024

Eric Dubay - NASA fraud and fakery exposed

Eric Dubay - NASA fraud and fakery exposed

We have become too complacent, settling for the absolute minimum : a fleeting headline, the sight of a rocket climbing the sky, and a handful of dubious images alleged as "evidence". This is an affront to the public's intelligence and their entitlement as tax payers to an acceptable level of proof of such alleged monumental space endeavors...

Eric Dubay - The theory of evolution debunked
Eric Dubay - Zetetic vs Scientific
Eric Dubay - The Flat Earth conspiracy - Audiobook
Eric Dubay - Flatlantis - Audiobook
Eric Dubay - 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball - 2024 remastered edition
Eric Dubay - Flat Earth FAQ - Audiobook

Thursday 14 November 2024

Schuré Edouard - Les légendes de la Bretagne et le génie celtique

Schuré Edouard - Les légendes de la Bretagne et le génie celtique

De Merlin l'enchanteur au Roi Arthur, du Morbihan à la Pointe du Raz, la Bretagne est marquée par de nombreuses légendes qui ont façonné le Génie Celtique et participé à construire l'identité Bretonne, une identité forte et singulière comparable à nulle autre.

J’étais enfin dans l’antique forêt de Brocéliande, vieux sanctuaire celtique, dont le nom, Koat-brec’-hel-léan, signifie Forêt de la puissance druidique, contrée immortalisée par la poésie chevaleresque du moyen âge. Et devant moi, cette fontaine, près de laquelle on voit deux pierres couvertes de mousse, que domine une vieille croix de bois vermoulue, c’était la fontaine de Baranton et le tombeau de Merlin. C’est là que, selon la tradition bretonne, le barde-devin fut endormi par la fée Viviane et qu’un magique sommeil ferma pour toujours les paupières du grand enchanteur. Que de pèlerins sont venus ici, attirés par le mystère troublant de cette légende, par ce personnage fuyant, énigmatique !

Schuré Edouard - PDF

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Liv Heide talk with Gentile Gentleman - - Liv Heide talk with Gentile Gentleman

A married man with a growing family using WhiteDate for pro-white local networking gives us insight into his code of values.
Telegram channel

WhiteDate.Net - Dating Site for Awakened White, Europid People Only. The groups / forum section is free to use to speak openly, make friends with other Whites in your region & build offline communities. Sign up if you want to preserve your folk & cult.

Tuesday 12 November 2024

Geoffrey Ashe - Land to the West

Geoffrey Ashe - Land to the West
St Brendan’s voyage to America

Long before Columbus brought his three little ships to the Bahamas, men had speculated about the existence of land over the Western Ocean. Probably indeed the Vikings actually crossed, by a different route, some centuries ahead of him. But even before the Vikings, there was a tradition set forth in writing which affirmed that the Irish sailor-saint Brendan had found his way in the sixth century to a mysterious coast far beyond the Atlantic. It is this tradition, and the basis underlying it, that Geoffrey Ashe examines in Land to the West. Was Brendan’s land real - the same in fact that later was to be called America.

No final conclusion is, perhaps ever can be, possible; but the case for an objective background of some kind is arresting and in itself fascinating. In the earliest full account of the voyage, the Navigatio Sancti Brendani, there are striking affinities between phenomena encountered by the saint and the real topography of the North Atlantic. Islands of sheep and birds, an isolated rock, an island of hellish fire and a crystal arch correspond closely with the Faeroes, Rockall, the volcano Hekla in Iceland, and a typical iceberg formation. How much of all this did St. Brendan see with his own eyes ? How much of the Brendan narrative is derived from the conceptions of the Greeks - Homer, Plato, Plutarch - and Arab geographers like Idrisi? And if it is derived from them, where did they in turn acquire their own information, some of it curiously correct ?
Having traversed the literary evidence, the author himself crossed the Atlantic in search of what there might be in the way of archeological proofs, investigating suspected megaliths in New Hampshire, Mexican ringed crosses oddly reminiscent of Ireland, and the famous bearded white men of South American sculpture and legend. Lastly he tried to establish whether the story of St. Brendan’s Voyage was a significant influence on the plans of Columbus.
Land to the West is not only a piece of exciting historical detection - in the manner of the author’s Arthurian studies - but a book to set the imagination speculating on man’s earliest exploration of the planet.

Jacket design by Kenneth Farnhill after a medieval German M.S.

Geoffrey Ashe - King Arthur's Avalon
Geoffrey Ashe - PDF

Sunday 10 November 2024

Robert Masson - Le guide des vrais compléments alimentaires

Robert Masson - Le guide des vrais compléments alimentaires
Naturels et efficaces
Toutes les maladies de A à Z et leurs remèdes

Comment reconnaître les vrais compléments alimentaires ? Que l'on ne s'y trompe pas, il ne s'agit pas des compléments nutritionnels de synthèse dosés en milligrammes ou microgrammes de façon précise, mais produits en usine avec moult réactions chimiques et élaborés en quelques secondes. Les vrais compléments alimentaires sont réalisés à partir du travail de la nature, utilisant la vie des sols arables et le travail vivant de la plante.
Ces produits naturels ont le mérite d'être marqués par le sceau de la vie, en symbiose avec les enzymes et catalyseurs de l'organisme. Au contraire de leurs cousins de synthèse, leur action n'induit jamais de "fractures métaboliques", de surmenage émotionnel ou d'euphorie factice. Leur efficacité est avérée aussi bien dans l'ostéoporose que la fatigue chronique, l'insomnie, les infections à répétition, l'asthme, l'eczéma, le psoriasis...
Cet ouvrage se veut le Guide de référence des vrais compléments alimentaires, parfaitement assimilables et physiologiquement adaptés. Les maladies courantes sont classées de A à Z pour faciliter le repérage et découvrir les aliments ou compléments appropriés à la guérison ou à l'amélioration rapide.
Un livre salutaire, que l'on attendait.

Robert Masson - Un pistolet dans l’assiette
Robert Masson - Mythes et mensonges des régimes classiques et des diététiques naturelles
Robert Masson - Augmenter sa fertilité et ses chances d'avoir un enfant

Robert Masson - PDF
Nutrition - PDF

Saturday 9 November 2024

Christopher Warnock - The Picatrix

Christopher Warnock - The Picatrix
Selected translations

Ancient Magic is a fascinating look at the most important grimoire of astrological magic, the Picatrix. It includes selected translations from the Arabic, Latin and French versions of the Picatrix plus detailed commentary by Christopher Warnock, translator of the Complete Picatrix and the leading contemporary astrological magician.
Translations include the Mansions of the Moon, house based talismans, planetary images, daily planetary invocations and intriguing glimpses into the Hermetic philosophy of astrology and magic. Warnock’s commentary provides a window into the complex and powerful world of traditional astrological magic.

John Michael Greer - Christopher Warnock - The Picatrix
The Picatrix is the most famous grimoire of astrological magic and one of the most important works of medieval and Renaissance magic. With all four books of the Latin Picatrix complete in one volume, translated & annotated by the noted scholars, magicians and astrologers John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopedic work with over 300 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic.
Greer & Warnock’s complete translation is lucid and well annotated and was created by astrologers and magicians for astrologers and magicians. Greer & Warnock's translation was intended to make this incredible grimoire accessible to practitioners and has made an important contribution to the revival of traditional astrological magic.

Picatrix - PDF
Christopher Warnock - PDF
John Michael Greer - PDF

Friday 8 November 2024

Charles Austin Beard - The idea of national interest

Charles Austin Beard - The idea of national interest
An analytical study in american foreign policy

As a scholar and historian, Charles A. Beard transformed the teaching and study of American history by stressing the "whole man," including the relationship of economic interests to politics. This approach first appeared in his study of the men who attended the 1787 Constitutional Convention, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (1913). The book was attacked by critics, including University president Nicholas Murray Butler and former U.S. president William Howard Taft, for positing that the U.S. Constitution was the product of the founders' economic commitments and conflicts. Columbia's trustees considered it to be an assault on the Founding Fathers. Despite the controversy, it became required reading in high schools and colleges and a classic in the field. Beard pursued his argument further in Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy (1915, reprinted 1965) and The Economic Basis of Politics (1922). His other well-known work, The Rise of American Civilization (1927), was cowritten with his wife, the former Mary Ritter. Beard also pursued his interest in city government through his involvement with the New York Bureau of Municipal Research and its Training School for Public Service, both of which he later directed. After World War I, he helped to found the New School for Social Research, which became a haven for refugee scholars fleeing Nazi Germany. Upon leaving academe, he engaged in scholarly research as a means to advance social action. In the 1930s, increasingly worried that the New Deal would be shunted aside to prepare for war, the liberal Beard attacked Roosevelt and was labeled an isolationist. Beard wrote 47 books in all-seven with Mary, a suffragette and historian-and 24 with other collaborators, in addition to more than 150 articles and 60 book reviews.

After completing his PhD in 1904, Beard lectured at Columbia for three years before securing a professorial appointment in the Department of Public Law. Once on the faculty, he inaugurated undergraduate instruction in politics and espoused the "new history," with its consideration of the influence of economic and social factors. He was also a popular teacher: "There was an Olympian quality to his presence on the lecture platform," wrote one biographer. "He was always the orator, never merely a speaker." In October 1917, Beard resigned from Columbia to protest the Board of Trustees' dismissal of two professors opposed to World War I, even though he himself favored American involvement in the war. He returned to Columbia as a visiting professor of government for one semester, in 1939.

Charles Austin Beard - President Roosevelt and the coming of the war, 1941

Friday 1 November 2024

Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. Matthew

Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. Matthew
Twelve lectures given in Berne, 1st to 12th september, 1910

The Gospel of St. Matthew is a book written by Rudolf Steiner that delves into the spiritual and mystical aspects of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible. In this book, Steiner offers insightful interpretations of the teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the Gospel of Matthew, with a focus on the deeper spiritual meanings and symbolism behind the text. Steiner's approach is grounded in his belief in anthroposophy, a spiritual philosophy that emphasizes the development of human consciousness and the understanding of spiritual realities.
The book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and the spiritual significance of the Gospel of Matthew.
This volume contains a course of twelve lectures given by Rudolf Steiner at Berne, September 1-12, 1910, all of which concern the gospel in one way or another.

Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. Mark
Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. Luke
Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. John
Rudolf Steiner - The gospel of St. John and its relation to the other gospels

Rudolf Steiner - PDF

Anthroposophy - PDF
Christianity - PDF