Eric Dubay - Zetetic vs Scientific


Eric Dubay - Zetetic vs Scientific
Experience vs. Explanations

There is a quiet epidemic in science causing an unbridgeable rift between the truly inquisitive and the unknowingly indoctrinated. A branch of pseudo-science has been pedestalized and promoted to an untouchable position causing all skepticism and critical thought surrounding the subject to be swiftly silenced without consideration. The crux of the issue is a matter of philosophy of science, and what it means for a proposition to qualify as actually being “scientific.” This question was the main point of contention expressed by the late-19th century group of activists known as “Zetetics,” who caused quite a stir in the scientific community of the time. Their philosophy of Zetecism distinguished itself from mainstream Science with its emphasis on observation and experiments rather than on hypotheses and theories...

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