Saturday 16 March 2024

Charles Morris - The Aryan Race

Charles Morris - The Aryan Race
Its origins and its achievements

A beautifully-written cultural history of the Aryan peoples.
It includes an overview of the development of ancient aryan households, farming arrangements, legal systems, culture, religion, language and political development. Read of the tales from the Rig-Vedas, their similarity to the Greek and Roman myths, and the parallels with the Norse Edda and even Cúchulainn in Ireland. It is a treasure-trove of facts, myths and storytelling which reflects the collective genius of the Aryan people across the centuries.

Races - PDF
Civilizations - PDF

Saturday 10 February 2024

Frederick Julius Pohl - Atlantic crossings before Columbus

Frederick Julius Pohl - Atlantic crossings before Columbus

Frederick Julius Pohl (August 18, 1889 – February 21, 1991) was a prolific playwright, literary critic, editor and book author. He is best known for his historical books about pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact by Europeans, including the Vikings and others.
Pohl was the husband of playwright/author Josephine McIlvain Pollitt (October 15, 1890 - August 1978; married Frederick in May 1926) and later Loretta M. Baker (née Champagne, 1906 - April 27, 2002; married Frederick in 1980). He graduated from Amherst College in 1911 and from Columbia University in 1914 with a Master of Arts.

Forbidden History - PDF
America - PDF
Scandinavia - PDF

Thursday 8 February 2024

Jean Haudry - L'indo-européen

Jean Haudry - L'indo-européen

Jean Haudry, né le 28 mai 1934 au Perreux-sur-Marne et mort le 23 mai 2023 à Pont-de-Veyle, est un linguiste français.
Professeur de linguistique et de sanskrit à l'université Lyon-III (1966-1998), il est aussi spécialiste des langues et de la civilisation indo-européennes.
En 1982, il crée l'Institut d'études indo-européennes au sein de l'université Lyon-III.

Jean Haudry - PDF

René Binet - Contribution à une éthique raciste
Alfred Rosenberg - Le mythe du XXe siècle
Gaston-Armand Amaudruz - Nous autres racistes
Claude Nancy - Les races humaines Tome 1
Claude Nancy - Les races humaines Tome 2
Claude Nancy - Les études du bon Docteur

Races - PDF

Monday 15 January 2024

Philippe Gautier - La germanophobie

Philippe Gautier - La germanophobie

Ceux qui seraient tentés de croire que la germanophobie n'appartient plus qu'à un passé révolu se trompent. Aujourd'hui, la responsabilité des crimes de guerre ou contre l'humanité ne reposerait plus sur le seul national-socialisme et son chef suprême Adolf Hitler, presque absous puisque conséquence directe de la volonté populaire, mais sur celle, collective, du peuple allemand.
Oui, la germanophobie continue à bien se porter. Aussi, l'auteur pose-t-il en conclusion une question capitale : comment une Allemagne qui crache sur son passé et une France qui renie son identité pourront-elles offrir aux jeunes générations autre chose qu'une Europe honteuse d'elle-même ?
Enfant de l'exode de 1940, Philippe Gautier est le fils d'un prisonnier de guerre qui a terminé sa captivité au camp de concentration de Sandbostel. Il a vécu son enfance sous les raids aériens anglo-saxons de Caen et du Havre et a toujours été profondément choqué par le manichéisme ancestral anti-allemand.
Cet essai, qui remet les pendules à l'heure, se veut un appel à la paix franco-allemande et européenne. Il irritera les professionnels de l'anti-germanisme, mais enthousiasmera les descendants des Francs.

Philippe Gautier, déjà auteur de plusieurs romans, dont La toussaint blanche (Prix des intellectuels indépendants 1982), propose avec La Germanophobie un essai libéré de tous les tabous et préjugés imposés aux Français depuis 1870 et renforcés depuis 1945 par le totalitarisme gaullo-communiste.

Allemagne - PDF

Thursday 11 January 2024

Laurence Austine Waddell - The british Edda

Laurence Austine Waddell - The british Edda

The British Edda is a 1930 English book written by Laurence Waddell about the adventures of El, Wodan and Loki forming an "Eden Triad" in the Garden of Eden. It also references Thor and King Arthur having adventures in Eden.

The title of the book, The British Edda, was chosen because of Waddell's belief that the work upon which his translation was based, the Elder Edda, was mistakenly believed by many to be written in Scandinavian. Waddell, meanwhile, objected to this, explaining that the language had been found to be from an Icelandic family that had originally come from Scotland. Due to this, Waddell used the word British in the title to emphasize where the Elder Edda had come from. Waddell also went on to state that many other Eddic poems had been written in the British Isles before and up to the 6th century, but that most of them had been eradicated in the 11th century by Christian missionaries, contributing to the confusion.

One of the subjects discussed in The British Edda is the "genesis of civilization", which, as stated by Waddell, was commonly believed in the "pagan days" in Britain to be in "Cappadocia and Eden", but was very broad due to the lack of knowledge about the region beyond mere stories and also no knowledge of specific place names. This oral tradition of stories was written down on "parchment by 'the Learned'", composed into what is known as the Elder Edda. Waddell also explained that other works that copied down the stories were made, but all of these had been destroyed by Christian missionaries in Britain, leaving only the one work. These stories returned to the common populace in the 12th century by being melded into the "Arthurian legends", while the original sources of Cappadocia, the Trojans, and Sumeria were lost.

Waddell's writings on the origins of civilization would soon after influence the poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid from 1937 on, impressing on him the belief that the "original impetus to civilization was an Ur-Gaelic initiative". This belief was later incorporated into his poems, such as in The Fingers of Baal Contract in the Communist Salute.

In two letters Charles Olson wrote to Frances Boldereff in July 1950, Olson discussed Waddell's works and specifically commented on The British Edda, stating that, in it, Waddell "dances all over this thing, like some damned witch doctor, trying to squeeze out the old and lost history", referring to the discussion in the book on how the Sumerians were the origination of civilization. The British Edda and one of Waddell's other works, The Makers of Civilization in Race and History, would go on to inspire Olson's essay titled "The Gate and the Center".

Edda - PDF
Graal - PDF
England - PDF
Mythology - PDF