Austin J. App - The Sudeten German Tragedy

Austin J. App - The Sudeten German Tragedy

A book which examines the plight and tragedy of ethnic Germans which were forcibly expelled from their homelands in the aftermath of WW2.

Austin App, a German-American scholar, was a major revisionist author and publicist. (...) In the aftermath of World War II, he began a second career as a prolific publicist, bringing to public attention suppressed facts about the brutal oppression, dispossession and expulsion of millions of ethnic Germans from their ancient homelands in central and eastern Europe. His first writing in this spirit, a ten-page pamphlet entitled Ravishing the Woman of Conquered Europe, which was quickly followed by The Big Three Deportation Crime, and Slave-Laboring German Prisoners of War. These tracts proved immediately popular. Before long, tens of tens of thousands of copies were in print in English, with editions in four other languages.

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A Bas les Tyrans ! - Louis Dasté & Copin William Lewis