Byram Campbell - The new mythology of racial equality


The new mythology of racial equality.jpg

PDF - Byram Campbell - The new mythology of racial equality
Audiobook - Byram Campbell - The new mythology of racial equality

Dedicated to Charles Smith for his heroic fight to save the White Race.

Byram C. Campbell is an American race theorist and author of several books on race and the social order. He was a contributor to RIGHT, The Truthseeker and Northern World.

Byram Campbell's 1963 travel book The New Mythology of Racial Equality, read into audio book by Alex Linder for the VNN Forum Learning College (2016). Permission granted and encouraged by Alex Linder to anyone who wishes to freely publish and share this recorded item everywhere.

This traveler gleaned insights from his journey abroad generations ago, which extrapolated decades forward are relevant to our understanding of human demographic changes, which are always dynamic.
A high-quality taping of 'The New Mythology of Racial Equality (1963)' made some half a century later was produced by Alex Linder for the VNN learning college in 2016 and published on The Internet Archive in 2018.

Byram Campbell - Impressions of a white tourist in the Caribbean
Byram Campbell - American race theorists

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