Léon Degrelle - Hitler Democrat


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Léon Degrelle - Hitler Democrat

What some people think they 'know' about Hitler and his era is nothing close to the truth. In "Hitler Democrat" the other side of the story is told, as only the great General Léon Degrelle of the Waffen-SS could tell it. This tremendous work is unlike any other book about World War II - and Adolf Hitler - available anywhere on the face of the planet today.
When this vibrant Warrior for the West - a much-decorated survivor of the brutal Eastern Front - died in Spain in 1994, he was the last surviving major figure of World War II, a statesman and soldier (at one point the youngest political leader in Europe) acquainted with all of the big names of the European arena, including Churchill, Mussolini, Franco, Laval, Petain and many others, including, of course, needless to say, Adolf Hitler himself.
In fact, Hitler once said that, if he were to have a son, he would want him to be like Leon Degrelle. So it's more than fitting that in his final years, the retired Belgian general was working relentlessly on the manuscripts that today make up the pages of "Hitler Democrat".
The original typescript of this book, written in the early 1990s, had been temporarily lost, but both Degrelle's wife, Jeanne, and publisher Willis Carto still held earlier drafts of some of Degrelle's writings. Through a laborious process of careful reconstruction, the staff of "The Barnes Review" were able to literally resurrect Degrelle's lost work. And today, that material appears here in "Hitler Democrat" for the first time.
In the end, this volume is not only a monumental work of history, a genuine epic, but it is also, in its own fashion, a tribute to the man behind it : General Léon Degrelle.

Introduction by Michael Collins Piper - Leon Degrelle : warrior for the West

Léon Degrelle - The rest of us we have dreamed of something marvellous
Léon Degrelle - The Epic Story of the Waffen SS
Léon Degrelle - How Hitler consolidated power in Germany and launched a social revolution
Léon Degrelle - Hitler, Born at Versailles

Léon Degrelle à propos de Jean-Marie le Pen
Léon Degrelle - Entrevues avec Jean-Michel Charlier
Léon Degrelle - Histoire de l'extrême droite et du nazisme
Léon Degrelle - Audios Choisis
Léon Degrelle nous raconte, et nous explique, la fin du XXe siècle
Léon Degrelle - Un homme face à l'Histoire
Léon Degrelle - Le Pardo
Léon Degrelle - Qu'est-ce que Rex ?
Léon Degrelle - Persiste et signe - Jean-Michel Charlier
Léon Degrelle - Le fascinant Hitler
Léon Degrelle - Face et revers - Hitlérien toujours
Léon Degrelle - La cohue de 1940

Habla Léon Degrelle - Barcelona 1981
Léon Degrelle - La cara oculta
Habla Léon Degrelle
Léon Degrelle - ¿ Y si Hitler hubiera ganado ?

Duchesse de Valence - Degrelle m'a dit...
Edwige Thibaut - La Orden SS
Edwige Thibaut - L'Ordre SS

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Dietrich Eckart - Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin - Ludwig Müller von Hausen - Die Geheimnisse der