Flavien Brenier - Marxism and judaism
Salluste - 1928
Marxism and judaism is a translation from the Revue de Paris, of July and August, 1928. The Revue de Paris was then in its thirty-fifth year of reputable service to the French. That it presented spokesmen for both sides is apparent from reading this work. That it is fair, will become obvious as you proceed.
Matters of the utmost importance are discussed and, we might say, revealed. In this fact alone, this is a valuable work. One student, before publication here, said it was the most important thing he had seen in twenty years' research on the question itself. In the superlative wit of the argument, no reader can help but enjoy the repartee, the delicate irony, the quick thrust of sarcasm, for which so many brilliant French writers have been famed.
We believe this scholarly study will help materially in a growing American understanding of an important influence disturbing the peace of the world.
Flavien Brenier - L'Allemagne occulte Le vieux Dieu allemand
Flavien Brenier - Les origines secrètes du bolchevisme