John Seymour - The complete book of self-sufficiency


John Seymour - The complete book of self-sufficiency

The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency is a book for all seasons. Whether you live in town or country, on a farm or in a cottage, in a house with a garden or a flat with a window-box, this book has something for you.

John Seymour was educated in England and Switzerland. After studying at an agricultural college, he worked on farms in England for two years and then spent some ten years in Africa where, among other things, he managed a sheep and cattle farm and acted as a livestock officer for a government veterinary department. After service in the King's African Rifles in the war, he travelled widely, lived on a fishing boat, wrote, broadcast, and studied the way of lite of rural people. Then, with his wife Sally, he settled down to running a selfsufficient smallholding in Suffolk, where he developed many, of the skills described in this book. Alter eight years in Suffolk they moved to Pembrokeshire, and a 62-acre farm. John Seymour has now remarried, and the farm is being developed as a school in the arts of self-sufficiency. The aim of the people on the farm is to endeavour to bring selfreliance, self-respect, people, culture and fun back to the countryside.

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