Leo Heirman - Pictures of initiation in Greek mythology


Leo Heirman - Pictures of initiation in Greek mythology


Leo Heirman was born in Hillegom in the Netherlands. He was a student in classics at Leiden University when World War II began. It was while he was in the Dutch army that he discovered anthroposophy. During the German occupation he worked with severely handicapped children at the Sonnehuis in Zeist, and later spent two years in Poland as ‘a prisoner of war. After the war, he completed his studies at Leiden.

He began his career as a Waldorf class teacher at Vrye Waldorf School in The Hague. He moved to the United States in 1962 and taught in California at Waldorf Schools in North Hollywood and Sacramento. He eventually relocated in the Midwest, where he taught classics at Northern Illinois University at DeKalb. It is from his very popular lectures at Northern Illinois, given over a period of ten years, that the material for this book derives. Leo Heirman was also active in helping to establish the Chicago and Milwaukee Waldorf Schools and was cofounder of the Rudolf Steiner Institute on the East Coast. He continued teaching at the Institute in the summer, even after his retirement in Holland. He was widely known to anthroposophists for his lectures on education and on Greek and Norse mythology.

This book is a voyage to the roots of Western man, time travel backward several thousand years to the childhood of Western civilization. Leo Heirman masterfully unfolds the stories thereby enabling us to see the parallels between tie development of Western man and ourindividual selves towards the ideals of individual freedom and the overcoming of materialism.

Mythology - PDF

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