Malcolm Ross - Christianity vs Judeo-Christianity - 1987
(The battle for truth)
A prepared lecture by Malcolm Ross, executive director of the Maritime Branch of the Christian Defense League of Canada, and author of Web of deceit and the anti-abortion book The real Holocaust.
One battle scarred warrior in his search for the truth declared, "If I defend the whole Christian Faith at every point, but don't defend it at the point where it is presently being attacked, then I am a coward and a traitor."
I believe the greatest enemy Christianity faces today is that which Jesus Christ referred to in His warning, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. "I hope to show that the religion he warned his disciples about is alive and well today, and that in fact it has been joined to Christianity in the most unusual of unions, forming what is known as Judeo-Christianity.
There exists today in many branches of the Christian Church an obsession with the term Judeo-Christian. It is applied to ethics, morals, and in fact, our whole heritage. Not many years ago we declared ourselves to be a Christian nation and part of Western Christian Civilization. Now we have replaced "Christian" with Judeo-Christian and with this new "union" we see an entirely different society coming into being. This is the society of the "New Morality" and the one dominated by the philosophy of Secular Humanism.
Christianity - PDF
United States of America - PDF
Jew - PDF