Maurice Pinay - 2000 ans de complots contre l'Eglise


Maurice Pinay - 2000 ans de complots contre l'Eglise

Maurice Pinay - The secret driving force of communism
Part one of the larger book “Plot Agains the Church” - Library of political secrets
Maurice Pinay - The plot against the Church

This book provides evidence and information on a Jewish-Masonic-Satanic conspiracy to destroy the Catholic Church and Christianity.
The 4 parts of the book are :
Part 1: The Secret Driving Force of Communism, Part 2: The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry, Part 3: The Synagogue of Satan, and Part 4: The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy.

Part 1: The Secret Driving Force of Communism
1. Communism as Destroyer
2. The Creators of the System
3. The Head of Communism
4. The Financiers of Communism
5. Jewish Testimony

Part 2: The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry
1. Freemasonry, enemy of the Church and Christianity
2. The Jews as founders of Freemasonry
3. The Jews as the leaders of the Freemasons
4. Crimes of Freemasonry
5. Freemasonry as spreader of the Jacobin revolutions
6. Freemasonry favours and spreads Communism

Part 3: The Synagogue of Satan
1. Jewish striving for power
2. More concerning the Jewish religion
3. Curses of God against the Jews
4. Massacres of Jews ordered by God (Bible)
5. Antisemitism and Christianity
6. Christ, the symbol of Anti-semitism, so the Jews assert
7. The Deicide People
8. The Apostles condemn the Jews for murdering Christ
9. Morality of struggle and not deadly defeatism
10. The Jews kill Christians and persecute the Apostles
11. The Roman persecutions were caused by the Jews

Part 4: The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy
1. The Octopus strangling Christianity
2. The origin of the Fifth Column
3. The Fifth Column in action
4. Jewry, the Father of the Gnostics
5. The Jew Arius and his heresy
6. The Jews as allies of Julian the Apostate
7. St John Chrysostom & St Ambrose condemn the Jews
8. Saint Cyril conquers Nestor and expels the Jews
9. The barbarian invasion, a triumph of the Arian Jews
10. Catholic victory
11. Toledo Council 3 pulls Jews from public office
12. Toledo Council 4 ex-communicates judaeophiles
13. Negligence in struggle against clandestine Jewry
14. The Church combats secret Jewry
15. It is necessary to destroy the Jewish fifth column
16. Jewish conspiracies punished with slavery
17. Christian-Jewish reconciliation. Prelude to collapse
18. The Jews betray their most loyal friends
19. The Church Councils fight Jewry
20. Attempt to subject Holy Roman Empire to the Jews
21. The Council of Meaux combats the Jews
22. Jewish terror in Castile in the 14th century
23. The Jews betray their best protectors
24. Jewish infiltration in the clergy
25. A Jewish Cardinal becomes Pope
26. Sts. Bernard & Norbert free Church from Jewry
27. A Jewish-Republican revolution in 12th century
28. Jewish revolutions attack Church Tradition
29. Secret Jewry and the Albigensian heresy
30. The Jews and the Waldenses
31. Hildrebrand destroys Jewish theocracy in N. Italy
32. The Jewish fifth column in Russian Orthodox Church
33. The Jews spread the cult of Satan
34. Defence against Jewish revolution of Middle Ages
35. Bishops accused of worshipping Lucifer
36. Clerics excommunicated for supporting heresy
37. Innocent III and 4th Lateran Council
38. Monks, nuns and prelates as secret Jews
39. Judaeo-masonic infiltration of Jesuit Order
40. Conspiracies against history and the rites
41. Errors of the Nazis and Imperialists
42. Popes and saints combat the Jews

Pour plus d'informations

The Catholic gazette - The jewish peril and the Catholic Church

Itsvan Bakony - Chinese communism and chinese jews David Duke - The Secret Behind Communism VOSTFR