Philip Jones - Racial hybridity


Philip Jones - Racial hybridity

The challenge to destroy the white race

Whites must not be so naive as to think that the world will let the White Race retain its racial purity and allow them to find their own destiny apart from the mixed and colored races of the earth. Our right to be racially separate is more important than all the other rights which we have, but the colored world, like Pharaoh in Egypt, refuses to allow us to live independently from the rest of the world.

The jewish challenge

The Jews live by a code which very few people know about. That code, of course, is not the Bible, but the Talmud. The greatest Jewish thinker, Spinoza, summarized this code in his treatise On True Freedom: " 'To obtain that which we demand for our own salvation and our peace, we need no other principle than this, to lay to heart what is for our own interests' " (23:153). Spinoza believed in the saying , "I can, and therefore I may," an attitude which every Jew seems to hold. Since the Jews are racially different from Whites, what is in the best interests of Jews is not what is best for the White Race, therefore the two can never arrive at an agreement leading to peace. We intend to show very clearly, from the mouths of Jews themselves, why Whites must treat race as the most important consideration and why no Jew can ever be considered a teacher or advisor to us.
Dr. Kurth Munzer, in his book "The Way To Zion", said: "We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have tarnished and broken their power. We have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed and decayed." The Jewish author, Maurice Samuel, adds: "We Jews, we, the destroyers , will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a Godworld, which is not in your nature to build" (141:155) . Goldsmith says that the Jew "is intent on subverting, on changing, on getting everything in his own hands... He is bent on destroying truth, honour patriotism-everything that stands in the way of a purely materialistic conception of life"(51:388).

The intense hatred which the Jews have for those who embody Christian ideals of law and order is revealed by Hoskins. He says that when the Jewish or Bolshevik, armies took over Russia in 1917 "The Reds gleefully herded together entire families of the Nordic aristocracy and butchered them with scythes, feeding their bodies to the swine... When terms were offered by the Reds granting amnesty to the White armies, they surrendered. After the surrender, in violation of all laws of decency and humanity, the Nordic warriors were lined up before firing squads and shot. Their wives and daughters were herded into large camps to be used as prostitutes by the Communist soldiers" (73:21-23). The Thunderbolt in one of its articles tells more (202:6-8). We might also mention Louis Fitzgibbon's book, "Katyn Massacre", in which he tells about the 14,500 Polish officers killed mercilessly in world War II after surrendering to the Reds of Russia.
Despite these violations, one of the most basic assumptions of the Jews is "human rights" (68:788-789), as if the Jews have somehow earned the right to live freely and the wrongs of the past all been put right. The apparent contradiction is understood when we realize that the Jews communicate through the use of what Hegel termed "dialectics". By using opposite terms, such as "peace" when really they mean "war", the Jews are able to converse in public without the "gentiles" understanding. The call for "human rights" today is thus a call for White slavery and for continued violation of White racial purity. Says Rabbi Siegel: "It means that the Christian, if the Jewish experience is any guide, can expect to be persecuted if he acts on the basis of his beliefs, since what he believes is often likely to be regarded as a threat to the underpinnings of the national society" (168:197).

The following excerpt is from a speech made by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary on January 12, 1952: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave... We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory" (125:60-61).

Although the Jews have not actually forced Whites to intermarry yet, this does not mean that they will not try to. We believe that if the infamous Genocide Treaty (bill) becomes law in the United States, Whites will be pressured to intermarry in the interest of peace between the races and for peace in America (to withstand the "Communist" threat). If such a law comes to pass , Whites will have no choice but to resist or die. To the Jews our racial purity represents genocide to themselves and the colored world, while to us race-mixing means genocide to our race. At any rate, this shows us the ultimate issue - and it is not RELIGION, but RACE ! Any compromise on our part on this issue will mean our defeat and demise.
According to Rogers, "A Spanish law of 1348 condemned to death any Jew going with a Christian woman, even though she were a prostitute" (140:5). However, this law was changed , and Whites were finally forced to intermarry with Spanish Jews. The offspring from those marriages may partly account for the existence of the Sephardim. Whites who reacted against the Spanish decree were called Puritans, while Whites named the Jews Chueta, which means "dog or swine" (42 : 157).

That the Jews intend to gain public opinion on their side and force miscegenation upon us is clear. As Arnold Toynbee once said: "America must either be prepared for a state of permanent race war or accept the kind of integration that will work toward complete fusing of the races through interracial marriage. "Toynbee believed that we must all give up our nationalistic ideas, transferring our loyalties to "the whole human race."
Rabbi Abraham Feinberg remarked in Maclean's Review (Sept. 5 , 1967) : "Until we learn to fight our ingrown fears of sexual relations between the races, the end of the race problem will not be in sight... Such a change will involve an insideout remodelling of the White psyche, for our fear of mixed marriages is deeply rooted. But the change must begin sometime. Why not now ?" (203:6).

Perhaps the most important statements made by Feinberg are the following: "If anything, the law should encourage , not forbid, the intermingling of 'bloods.' ... But legislation cannot change the human heart. The only way we can accomplish that, the only way we can achieve a Final Solution to racial prejudice, is to create a melange of races so universal that no one can preen himself on his racial 'purity' or practise the barbarism to safeguard it.

"The deliberate encouragement of interracial marriages is the only way to hasten this process. And it may be that time is growing short. The dominance of our world has begun to shift, like cargo in a listing vessel, from the white races to the colored. The sooner we adjust to this fact, the better it wil l be for our children. For we might well acknowledge, even the most enlightened of us, that we will never completely eliminate racial prejudice until we eliminate separate races" (203:6 - emphasis added). There in a nutshell we have the Jewish challenge to Whites still struggling to maintain their racial purity. Only a conqueror would try to dictate terms such as given above, therefore Whites should wake up to the fact that the Jews are in a state of war against Whites, even when they pretend to be our friends.


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