The-Savoisien is on



The-Savoisien is on GAB - The Savoisien - @savoisien

Gab is a California-based social networking service described as a combination of Twitter and Reddit. In May 2017 registration was opened to the public after previously being invite only during the beta.

Gab describes its mission as "to put people and free speech first" by limiting censorship to filtering options made available to users.
Gab was created in August 2016 as an alternative to social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Founder and CEO Andrew Torba cited dissatisfaction with "the entirely left-leaning Big Social monopoly" as part of the inspiration for Gab, which he created "after reading reports that Facebook employees suppress conservative articles". Torba said in November that the site's user base had expanded significantly following censorship controversies involving major social media companies, including the permanent suspensions from Twitter of several prominent conservative and alt-right accounts.

A frog named "Gabby" is the current logo of Gab and has been in use since the website's launch.

GAB Savoisien.jpg

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